Uses of Class
Packages that use CPInstruction
Generic part of the Apache Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL), classes to dynamically modify class objects
and byte code instructions.
A PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as a nice side effect.
Uses of CPInstruction in org.apache.bcel.generic
Subclasses of CPInstruction in org.apache.bcel.genericModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
ANEWARRAY - Create new array of referencesclass
CHECKCAST - Check whether object is of given typeclass
Super class for the GET/PUTxxx family of instructions.class
Super class for InvokeInstruction and FieldInstruction, since they have some methods in common!class
GETFIELD - Fetch field from objectclass
GETSTATIC - Fetch static field from classclass
INSTANCEOF - Determine if object is of given typeclass
Class for INVOKEDYNAMIC.class
Super class for the INVOKExxx family of class
INVOKEINTERFACE - Invoke interface methodclass
INVOKESPECIAL - Invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private and instance initialization method invocationsclass
INVOKESTATIC - Invoke a class (static) methodclass
INVOKEVIRTUAL - Invoke instance method; dispatch based on classclass
LDC - Push item from constant pool.class
LDC_W - Push item from constant pool (wide index)class
LDC2_W - Push long or double from constant poolclass
MULTIANEWARRAY - Create new mutidimensional array of referencesclass
Super class for FieldOrMethod and INVOKEDYNAMIC, since they both have names and signaturesclass
NEW - Create new objectclass
PUTFIELD - Put field in objectclass
PUTSTATIC - Put static field in classMethods in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type CPInstructionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CPInstruction obj) void
(CPInstruction obj) -
Uses of CPInstruction in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals
Methods in org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals with parameters of type CPInstructionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CPInstruction o) Ensures the general preconditions of a CPInstruction instance.