Interface IntrospectionContext

public interface IntrospectionContext

A context interface used during introspection for querying and setting property descriptors.

An implementation of this interface is passed to BeanIntrospector objects during processing of a bean class. It allows the BeanIntrospector to deliver descriptors for properties it has detected. It is also possible to find out which properties have already been found by another BeanIntrospector; this allows multiple BeanIntrospector instances to collaborate.

  • Method Details

    • addPropertyDescriptor

      Adds the given property descriptor to this context. This method is called by a BeanIntrospector during introspection for each detected property. If this context already contains a descriptor for the affected property, it is overridden.
      desc - the property descriptor
    • addPropertyDescriptors

      Adds an array of property descriptors to this context. Using this method multiple descriptors can be added at once.
      descriptors - the array of descriptors to be added
    • getPropertyDescriptor

      Returns the descriptor for the property with the given name or null if this property is unknown.
      name - the name of the property in question
      the descriptor for this property or null if this property is unknown
    • getTargetClass

      Returns the class that is subject of introspection.
      the current class
    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty(String name)
      Tests whether a descriptor for the property with the given name is already contained in this context. This method can be used for instance to prevent that an already existing property descriptor is overridden.
      name - the name of the property in question
      true if a descriptor for this property has already been added, false otherwise
    • propertyNames

      Returns a set with the names of all properties known to this context.
      a set with the known property names
    • removePropertyDescriptor

      Removes the descriptor for the property with the given name.
      name - the name of the affected property