002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.codec.language;
019import java.util.Locale;
021import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException;
022import org.apache.commons.codec.StringEncoder;
025 * Match Rating Approach Phonetic Algorithm Developed by <CITE>Western Airlines</CITE> in 1977.
026 * <p>
027 * This class is immutable and thread-safe.
028 * </p>
029 *
030 * @see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Match_rating_approach">Wikipedia - Match Rating Approach</a>
031 * @since 1.8
032 */
033public class MatchRatingApproachEncoder implements StringEncoder {
035    private static final String SPACE = " ";
037    private static final String EMPTY = "";
039    /**
040     * The plain letter equivalent of the accented letters.
041     */
042    private static final String PLAIN_ASCII = "AaEeIiOoUu" + // grave
043            "AaEeIiOoUuYy" + // acute
044            "AaEeIiOoUuYy" + // circumflex
045            "AaOoNn" + // tilde
046            "AaEeIiOoUuYy" + // umlaut
047            "Aa" + // ring
048            "Cc" + // cedilla
049            "OoUu"; // double acute
051    /**
052     * Unicode characters corresponding to various accented letters. For example: \u00DA is U acute etc...
053     */
054    private static final String UNICODE = "\u00C0\u00E0\u00C8\u00E8\u00CC\u00EC\u00D2\u00F2\u00D9\u00F9" +
055            "\u00C1\u00E1\u00C9\u00E9\u00CD\u00ED\u00D3\u00F3\u00DA\u00FA\u00DD\u00FD" +
056            "\u00C2\u00E2\u00CA\u00EA\u00CE\u00EE\u00D4\u00F4\u00DB\u00FB\u0176\u0177" +
057            "\u00C3\u00E3\u00D5\u00F5\u00D1\u00F1" +
058            "\u00C4\u00E4\u00CB\u00EB\u00CF\u00EF\u00D6\u00F6\u00DC\u00FC\u0178\u00FF" +
059            "\u00C5\u00E5" + "\u00C7\u00E7" + "\u0150\u0151\u0170\u0171";
061    private static final String[] DOUBLE_CONSONANT =
062            { "BB", "CC", "DD", "FF", "GG", "HH", "JJ", "KK", "LL", "MM", "NN", "PP", "QQ", "RR", "SS",
063                   "TT", "VV", "WW", "XX", "YY", "ZZ" };
065    /**
066     * Constructs a new instance.
067     */
068    public MatchRatingApproachEncoder() {
069        // empty
070    }
072    /**
073     * Cleans up a name: 1. Upper-cases everything 2. Removes some common punctuation 3. Removes accents 4. Removes any
074     * spaces.
075     *
076     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
077     * <p>
078     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
079     * </p>
080     *
081     * @param name
082     *            The name to be cleaned
083     * @return The cleaned name
084     */
085    String cleanName(final String name) {
086        String upperName = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
088        final String[] charsToTrim = { "\\-", "[&]", "\\'", "\\.", "[\\,]" };
089        for (final String str : charsToTrim) {
090            upperName = upperName.replaceAll(str, EMPTY);
091        }
093        upperName = removeAccents(upperName);
094        return upperName.replaceAll("\\s+", EMPTY);
095    }
097    /**
098     * Encodes an Object using the Match Rating Approach algorithm. Method is here to satisfy the requirements of the
099     * Encoder interface Throws an EncoderException if input object is not of type {@link String}.
100     *
101     * @param pObject
102     *            Object to encode
103     * @return An object (or type {@link String}) containing the Match Rating Approach code which corresponds to the
104     *         String supplied.
105     * @throws EncoderException
106     *             if the parameter supplied is not of type {@link String}
107     */
108    @Override
109    public final Object encode(final Object pObject) throws EncoderException {
110        if (!(pObject instanceof String)) {
111            throw new EncoderException(
112                    "Parameter supplied to Match Rating Approach encoder is not of type java.lang.String");
113        }
114        return encode((String) pObject);
115    }
117    /**
118     * Encodes a String using the Match Rating Approach (MRA) algorithm.
119     *
120     * @param name
121     *            String object to encode
122     * @return The MRA code corresponding to the String supplied
123     */
124    @Override
125    public final String encode(String name) {
126        // Bulletproof for trivial input - NINO
127        if (name == null || EMPTY.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || SPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || name.length() == 1) {
128            return EMPTY;
129        }
131        // Preprocessing
132        name = cleanName(name);
134        // Bulletproof if name becomes empty after cleanName(name)
135        if (SPACE.equals(name) || name.isEmpty()) {
136            return EMPTY;
137        }
139        // BEGIN: Actual encoding part of the algorithm...
140        // 1. Delete all vowels unless the vowel begins the word
141        name = removeVowels(name);
143        // Bulletproof if name becomes empty after removeVowels(name)
144        if (SPACE.equals(name) || name.isEmpty()) {
145            return EMPTY;
146        }
148        // 2. Remove second consonant from any double consonant
149        name = removeDoubleConsonants(name);
151        return getFirst3Last3(name);
152    }
154    /**
155     * Gets the first and last 3 letters of a name (if &gt; 6 characters) Else just returns the name.
156     *
157     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
158     * <p>
159     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
160     * </p>
161     *
162     * @param name
163     *            The string to get the substrings from
164     * @return Annexed first and last 3 letters of input word.
165     */
166    String getFirst3Last3(final String name) {
167        final int nameLength = name.length();
169        if (nameLength > 6) {
170            final String firstThree = name.substring(0, 3);
171            final String lastThree = name.substring(nameLength - 3, nameLength);
172            return firstThree + lastThree;
173        }
174        return name;
175    }
177    /**
178     * Obtains the min rating of the length sum of the 2 names. In essence the larger the sum length the smaller the
179     * min rating. Values strictly from documentation.
180     *
181     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
182     * <p>
183     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
184     * </p>
185     *
186     * @param sumLength
187     *            The length of 2 strings sent down
188     * @return The min rating value
189     */
190    int getMinRating(final int sumLength) {
191        int minRating = 0;
193        if (sumLength <= 4) {
194            minRating = 5;
195        } else if (sumLength <= 7) { // already know it is at least 5
196            minRating = 4;
197        } else if (sumLength <= 11) { // already know it is at least 8
198            minRating = 3;
199        } else if (sumLength == 12) {
200            minRating = 2;
201        } else {
202            minRating = 1; // docs said little here.
203        }
205        return minRating;
206    }
208    /**
209     * Determines if two names are homophonous via Match Rating Approach (MRA) algorithm. It should be noted that the
210     * strings are cleaned in the same way as {@link #encode(String)}.
211     *
212     * @param name1
213     *            First of the 2 strings (names) to compare
214     * @param name2
215     *            Second of the 2 names to compare
216     * @return {@code true} if the encodings are identical {@code false} otherwise.
217     */
218    public boolean isEncodeEquals(String name1, String name2) {
219        // Bulletproof for trivial input - NINO
220        if (name1 == null || EMPTY.equalsIgnoreCase(name1) || SPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(name1)) {
221            return false;
222        }
223        if (name2 == null || EMPTY.equalsIgnoreCase(name2) || SPACE.equalsIgnoreCase(name2)) {
224            return false;
225        }
226        if (name1.length() == 1 || name2.length() == 1) {
227            return false;
228        }
229        if (name1.equalsIgnoreCase(name2)) {
230            return true;
231        }
233        // Preprocessing
234        name1 = cleanName(name1);
235        name2 = cleanName(name2);
237        // Actual MRA Algorithm
239        // 1. Remove vowels
240        name1 = removeVowels(name1);
241        name2 = removeVowels(name2);
243        // 2. Remove double consonants
244        name1 = removeDoubleConsonants(name1);
245        name2 = removeDoubleConsonants(name2);
247        // 3. Reduce down to 3 letters
248        name1 = getFirst3Last3(name1);
249        name2 = getFirst3Last3(name2);
251        // 4. Check for length difference - if 3 or greater, then no similarity
252        // comparison is done
253        if (Math.abs(name1.length() - name2.length()) >= 3) {
254            return false;
255        }
257        // 5. Obtain the minimum rating value by calculating the length sum of the
258        // encoded Strings and sending it down.
259        final int sumLength = Math.abs(name1.length() + name2.length());
260        final int minRating = getMinRating(sumLength);
262        // 6. Process the encoded Strings from left to right and remove any
263        // identical characters found from both Strings respectively.
264        final int count = leftToRightThenRightToLeftProcessing(name1, name2);
266        // 7. Each PNI item that has a similarity rating equal to or greater than
267        // the min is considered to be a good candidate match
268        return count >= minRating;
270    }
272    /**
273     * Determines if a letter is a vowel.
274     *
275     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
276     * <p>
277     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
278     * </p>
279     *
280     * @param letter
281     *            The letter under investigation
282     * @return True if a vowel, else false
283     */
284    boolean isVowel(final String letter) {
285        return letter.equalsIgnoreCase("E") || letter.equalsIgnoreCase("A") || letter.equalsIgnoreCase("O") ||
286               letter.equalsIgnoreCase("I") || letter.equalsIgnoreCase("U");
287    }
289    /**
290     * Processes the names from left to right (first) then right to left removing identical letters in same positions.
291     * Then subtracts the longer string that remains from 6 and returns this.
292     *
293     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
294     * <p>
295     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
296     * </p>
297     *
298     * @param name1
299     *            name2
300     * @return the length as above
301     */
302    int leftToRightThenRightToLeftProcessing(final String name1, final String name2) {
303        final char[] name1Char = name1.toCharArray();
304        final char[] name2Char = name2.toCharArray();
306        final int name1Size = name1.length() - 1;
307        final int name2Size = name2.length() - 1;
309        String name1LtRStart = EMPTY;
310        String name1LtREnd = EMPTY;
312        String name2RtLStart = EMPTY;
313        String name2RtLEnd = EMPTY;
315        for (int i = 0; i < name1Char.length; i++) {
316            if (i > name2Size) {
317                break;
318            }
320            name1LtRStart = name1.substring(i, i + 1);
321            name1LtREnd = name1.substring(name1Size - i, name1Size - i + 1);
323            name2RtLStart = name2.substring(i, i + 1);
324            name2RtLEnd = name2.substring(name2Size - i, name2Size - i + 1);
326            // Left to right...
327            if (name1LtRStart.equals(name2RtLStart)) {
328                name1Char[i] = ' ';
329                name2Char[i] = ' ';
330            }
332            // Right to left...
333            if (name1LtREnd.equals(name2RtLEnd)) {
334                name1Char[name1Size - i] = ' ';
335                name2Char[name2Size - i] = ' ';
336            }
337        }
339        // Char arrays -> string & remove extraneous space
340        final String strA = new String(name1Char).replaceAll("\\s+", EMPTY);
341        final String strB = new String(name2Char).replaceAll("\\s+", EMPTY);
343        // Final bit - subtract the longest string from 6 and return this int value
344        if (strA.length() > strB.length()) {
345            return Math.abs(6 - strA.length());
346        }
347        return Math.abs(6 - strB.length());
348    }
350    /**
351     * Removes accented letters and replaces with non-accented ASCII equivalent Case is preserved.
352     * http://www.codecodex.com/wiki/Remove_accent_from_letters_%28ex_.%C3%A9_to_e%29
353     *
354     * @param accentedWord
355     *            The word that may have accents in it.
356     * @return De-accented word
357     */
358    String removeAccents(final String accentedWord) {
359        if (accentedWord == null) {
360            return null;
361        }
363        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
364        final int n = accentedWord.length();
366        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
367            final char c = accentedWord.charAt(i);
368            final int pos = UNICODE.indexOf(c);
369            if (pos > -1) {
370                sb.append(PLAIN_ASCII.charAt(pos));
371            } else {
372                sb.append(c);
373            }
374        }
376        return sb.toString();
377    }
379    /**
380     * Replaces any double consonant pair with the single letter equivalent.
381     *
382     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
383     * <p>
384     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
385     * </p>
386     *
387     * @param name
388     *            String to have double consonants removed
389     * @return Single consonant word
390     */
391    String removeDoubleConsonants(final String name) {
392        String replacedName = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
393        for (final String dc : DOUBLE_CONSONANT) {
394            if (replacedName.contains(dc)) {
395                final String singleLetter = dc.substring(0, 1);
396                replacedName = replacedName.replace(dc, singleLetter);
397            }
398        }
399        return replacedName;
400    }
402    /**
403     * Deletes all vowels unless the vowel begins the word.
404     *
405     * <h2>API Usage</h2>
406     * <p>
407     * Consider this method private, it is package protected for unit testing only.
408     * </p>
409     *
410     * @param name
411     *            The name to have vowels removed
412     * @return De-voweled word
413     */
414    String removeVowels(String name) {
415        // Extract first letter
416        final String firstLetter = name.substring(0, 1);
418        name = name.replace("A", EMPTY);
419        name = name.replace("E", EMPTY);
420        name = name.replace("I", EMPTY);
421        name = name.replace("O", EMPTY);
422        name = name.replace("U", EMPTY);
424        name = name.replaceAll("\\s{2,}\\b", SPACE);
426        // return isVowel(firstLetter) ? (firstLetter + name) : name;
427        if (isVowel(firstLetter)) {
428            return firstLetter + name;
429        }
430        return name;
431    }