002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators;
019import java.util.Collection;
020import java.util.Iterator;
021import java.util.LinkedList;
022import java.util.Objects;
023import java.util.Queue;
026 * An IteratorChain is an Iterator that wraps a number of Iterators.
027 * <p>
028 * This class makes multiple iterators look like one to the caller. When any
029 * method from the Iterator interface is called, the IteratorChain will delegate
030 * to a single underlying Iterator. The IteratorChain will invoke the Iterators
031 * in sequence until all Iterators are exhausted.
032 * </p>
033 * <p>
034 * Under many circumstances, linking Iterators together in this manner is more
035 * efficient (and convenient) than reading out the contents of each Iterator
036 * into a List and creating a new Iterator.
037 * </p>
038 * <p>
039 * Calling a method that adds new Iterator <i>after a method in the Iterator
040 * interface has been called</i> will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
041 * </p>
042 * <p>
043 * NOTE: As from version 3.0, the IteratorChain may contain no iterators. In
044 * this case the class will function as an empty iterator.
045 * </p>
046 * <p>
047 * NOTE: As from version 4.0, the IteratorChain stores the iterators in a queue
048 * and removes any reference to them as soon as they are not used anymore. Thus,
049 * the methods {@code setIterator(Iterator)} and {@code getIterators()} have been
050 * removed and {@link #size()} will return the number of remaining iterators in
051 * the queue.
052 * </p>
053 *
054 * @param <E> the type of elements in this iterator.
055 * @since 2.1
056 */
057public class IteratorChain<E> implements Iterator<E> {
059    /** The chain of iterators */
060    private final Queue<Iterator<? extends E>> iteratorQueue = new LinkedList<>();
062    /** The current iterator */
063    private Iterator<? extends E> currentIterator;
065    /**
066     * The "last used" Iterator is the Iterator upon which next() or hasNext()
067     * was most recently called used for the remove() operation only
068     */
069    private Iterator<? extends E> lastUsedIterator;
071    /**
072     * ComparatorChain is "locked" after the first time compare(Object,Object)
073     * is called
074     */
075    private boolean isLocked;
077    /**
078     * Constructs an IteratorChain with no Iterators.
079     * <p>
080     * You will normally use {@link #addIterator(Iterator)} to add some
081     * iterators after using this constructor.
082     * </p>
083     */
084    public IteratorChain() {
085    }
087    /**
088     * Constructs a new {@code IteratorChain} over the collection of
089     * iterators.
090     * <p>
091     * This method takes a collection of iterators. The newly constructed
092     * iterator will iterate through each one of the input iterators in turn.
093     * </p>
094     *
095     * @param iteratorQueue the collection of iterators, not null
096     * @throws NullPointerException if iterators collection is or contains null
097     * @throws ClassCastException if iterators collection doesn't contain an
098     * iterator
099     */
100    public IteratorChain(final Collection<? extends Iterator<? extends E>> iteratorQueue) {
101        for (final Iterator<? extends E> iterator : iteratorQueue) {
102            addIterator(iterator);
103        }
104    }
106    /**
107     * Constructs an IteratorChain with a single Iterator.
108     * <p>
109     * This method takes one iterator. The newly constructed iterator will
110     * iterate through that iterator. Thus calling this constructor on its own
111     * will have no effect other than decorating the input iterator.
112     * </p>
113     * <p>
114     * You will normally use {@link #addIterator(Iterator)} to add some more
115     * iterators after using this constructor.
116     * </p>
117     *
118     * @param iterator the first child iterator in the IteratorChain, not null
119     * @throws NullPointerException if the iterator is null
120     */
121    public IteratorChain(final Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
122        addIterator(iterator);
123    }
125    /**
126     * Constructs a new {@code IteratorChain} over the array of iterators.
127     * <p>
128     * This method takes an array of iterators. The newly constructed iterator
129     * will iterate through each one of the input iterators in turn.
130     * </p>
131     *
132     * @param iteratorQueue the array of iterators, not null
133     * @throws NullPointerException if iterators array is or contains null
134     */
135    public IteratorChain(final Iterator<? extends E>... iteratorQueue) {
136        for (final Iterator<? extends E> element : iteratorQueue) {
137            addIterator(element);
138        }
139    }
141    /**
142     * Constructs a new {@code IteratorChain} over the two given iterators.
143     * <p>
144     * This method takes two iterators. The newly constructed iterator will
145     * iterate through each one of the input iterators in turn.
146     * </p>
147     *
148     * @param first the first child iterator in the IteratorChain, not null
149     * @param second the second child iterator in the IteratorChain, not null
150     * @throws NullPointerException if either iterator is null
151     */
152    public IteratorChain(final Iterator<? extends E> first, final Iterator<? extends E> second) {
153        addIterator(first);
154        addIterator(second);
155    }
157    /**
158     * Add an Iterator to the end of the chain
159     *
160     * @param iterator Iterator to add
161     * @throws IllegalStateException if I've already started iterating
162     * @throws NullPointerException if the iterator is null
163     */
164    public void addIterator(final Iterator<? extends E> iterator) {
165        checkLocked();
166        iteratorQueue.add(Objects.requireNonNull(iterator, "iterator"));
167    }
169    /**
170     * Checks whether the iterator chain is now locked and in use.
171     */
172    private void checkLocked() {
173        if (isLocked) {
174            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("IteratorChain cannot be changed after the first use of a method from the Iterator interface");
175        }
176    }
178    /**
179     * Return true if any Iterator in the IteratorChain has a remaining element.
180     *
181     * @return true if elements remain
182     */
183    @Override
184    public boolean hasNext() {
185        lockChain();
186        updateCurrentIterator();
187        lastUsedIterator = currentIterator;
188        return currentIterator.hasNext();
189    }
191    /**
192     * Determine if modifications can still be made to the IteratorChain.
193     * IteratorChains cannot be modified once they have executed a method from
194     * the Iterator interface.
195     *
196     * @return true if IteratorChain cannot be modified, false if it can
197     */
198    public boolean isLocked() {
199        return isLocked;
200    }
202    /**
203     * Lock the chain so no more iterators can be added. This must be called
204     * from all Iterator interface methods.
205     */
206    private void lockChain() {
207        if (!isLocked) {
208            isLocked = true;
209        }
210    }
212    /**
213     * Returns the next Object of the current Iterator
214     *
215     * @return Object from the current Iterator
216     * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if all the Iterators are
217     * exhausted
218     */
219    @Override
220    public E next() {
221        lockChain();
222        updateCurrentIterator();
223        lastUsedIterator = currentIterator;
225        return currentIterator.next();
226    }
228    /**
229     * Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the
230     * Iterator. As with next() and hasNext(), this method calls remove() on the
231     * underlying Iterator. Therefore, this method may throw an
232     * UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying Iterator does not support
233     * this method.
234     *
235     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the remove operator is not
236     * supported by the underlying Iterator
237     * @throws IllegalStateException if the next method has not yet been called,
238     * or the remove method has already been called after the last call to the
239     * next method.
240     */
241    @Override
242    public void remove() {
243        lockChain();
244        if (currentIterator == null) {
245            updateCurrentIterator();
246        }
247        lastUsedIterator.remove();
248    }
250    /**
251     * Returns the remaining number of Iterators in the current IteratorChain.
252     *
253     * @return Iterator count
254     */
255    public int size() {
256        return iteratorQueue.size();
257    }
259    /**
260     * Updates the current iterator field to ensure that the current Iterator is
261     * not exhausted
262     */
263    protected void updateCurrentIterator() {
264        if (currentIterator == null) {
265            if (iteratorQueue.isEmpty()) {
266                currentIterator = EmptyIterator.<E>emptyIterator();
267            } else {
268                currentIterator = iteratorQueue.remove();
269            }
270            // set last used iterator here, in case the user calls remove
271            // before calling hasNext() or next() (although they shouldn't)
272            lastUsedIterator = currentIterator;
273        }
274        while (!currentIterator.hasNext() && !iteratorQueue.isEmpty()) {
275            currentIterator = iteratorQueue.remove();
276        }
277    }