Class X0017_StrongEncryptionHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:

Strong Encryption Header (0x0017).

Certificate-based encryption:

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 0x0017    2 bytes  Tag for this "extra" block type
 TSize     2 bytes  Size of data that follows
 Format    2 bytes  Format definition for this record
 AlgID     2 bytes  Encryption algorithm identifier
 Bitlen    2 bytes  Bit length of encryption key (32-448 bits)
 Flags     2 bytes  Processing flags
 RCount    4 bytes  Number of recipients.
 HashAlg   2 bytes  Hash algorithm identifier
 HSize     2 bytes  Hash size
 SRList    (var)    Simple list of recipients hashed public keys

 Flags -   This defines the processing flags.
  • 0x0007 - reserved for future use
  • 0x000F - reserved for future use
  • 0x0100 - Indicates non-OAEP key wrapping was used. If this this field is set, the version needed to extract must be at least 61. This means OAEP key wrapping is not used when generating a Master Session Key using ErdData.
  • 0x4000 - ErdData must be decrypted using 3DES-168, otherwise use the same algorithm used for encrypting the file contents.
  • 0x8000 - reserved for future use
 RCount - This defines the number intended recipients whose
          public keys were used for encryption.  This identifies
          the number of elements in the SRList.

          see also: reserved1

 HashAlg - This defines the hash algorithm used to calculate
           the public key hash of each public key used
           for encryption. This field currently supports
           only the following value for SHA-1

           0x8004 - SHA1

 HSize -   This defines the size of a hashed public key.

 SRList -  This is a variable length list of the hashed
           public keys for each intended recipient.  Each
           element in this list is HSize.  The total size of
           SRList is determined using RCount * HSize.

Password-based Extra Field 0x0017 in central header only.

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 0x0017    2 bytes  Tag for this "extra" block type
 TSize     2 bytes  Size of data that follows
 Format    2 bytes  Format definition for this record
 AlgID     2 bytes  Encryption algorithm identifier
 Bitlen    2 bytes  Bit length of encryption key (32-448 bits)
 Flags     2 bytes  Processing flags

Format - the data format identifier for this record. The only value allowed at this time is the integer value 2.

Password-based Extra Field 0x0017 preceding compressed file data.

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 0x0017    2 bytes  Tag for this "extra" block type
 IVSize    2 bytes  Size of initialization vector (IV)
 IVData    IVSize   Initialization vector for this file
 Size      4 bytes  Size of remaining decryption header data
 Format    2 bytes  Format definition for this record
 AlgID     2 bytes  Encryption algorithm identifier
 Bitlen    2 bytes  Bit length of encryption key (32-448 bits)
 Flags     2 bytes  Processing flags
 ErdSize   2 bytes  Size of Encrypted Random Data
 ErdData   ErdSize  Encrypted Random Data
 Reserved1 4 bytes  Reserved certificate processing data
 Reserved2 (var)    Reserved for certificate processing data
 VSize     2 bytes  Size of password validation data
 VData     VSize-4  Password validation data
 VCRC32    4 bytes  Standard ZIP CRC32 of password validation data

 IVData - The size of the IV should match the algorithm block size.
          The IVData can be completely random data.  If the size of
          the randomly generated data does not match the block size
          it should be complemented with zero's or truncated as
          necessary.  If IVSize is 0, then IV = CRC32 + Uncompressed
          File Size (as a 64 bit little-endian, unsigned integer value).

 Format -  the data format identifier for this record.  The only
           value allowed at this time is the integer value 2.

 ErdData - Encrypted random data is used to store random data that
           is used to generate a file session key for encrypting
           each file.  SHA1 is used to calculate hash data used to
           derive keys.  File session keys are derived from a master
           session key generated from the user-supplied password.
           If the Flags field in the decryption header contains
           the value 0x4000, then the ErdData field must be
           decrypted using 3DES. If the value 0x4000 is not set,
           then the ErdData field must be decrypted using AlgId.

 Reserved1 - Reserved for certificate processing, if value is
           zero, then Reserved2 data is absent.  See the explanation
           under the Certificate Processing Method for details on
           this data structure.

 Reserved2 - If present, the size of the Reserved2 data structure
           is located by skipping the first 4 bytes of this field
           and using the next 2 bytes as the remaining size.  See
           the explanation under the Certificate Processing Method
           for details on this data structure.

 VSize - This size value will always include the 4 bytes of the
         VCRC32 data and will be greater than 4 bytes.

 VData - Random data for password validation.  This data is VSize
         in length and VSize must be a multiple of the encryption
         block size.  VCRC32 is a checksum value of VData.
         VData and VCRC32 are stored encrypted and start the
         stream of encrypted data for a file.

Reserved1 - Certificate Decryption Header Reserved1 Data:

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 RCount    4 bytes  Number of recipients.

RCount - This defines the number intended recipients whose public keys were used for encryption. This defines the number of elements in the REList field defined below.

Reserved2 - Certificate Decryption Header Reserved2 Data Structures:

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 HashAlg   2 bytes  Hash algorithm identifier
 HSize     2 bytes  Hash size
 REList    (var)    List of recipient data elements

 HashAlg - This defines the hash algorithm used to calculate
           the public key hash of each public key used
           for encryption. This field currently supports
           only the following value for SHA-1

               0x8004 - SHA1

 HSize -   This defines the size of a hashed public key
           defined in REHData.

 REList -  This is a variable length of list of recipient data.
           Each element in this list consists of a Recipient
           Element data structure as follows:

Recipient Element (REList) Data Structure:

 Value     Size     Description
 -----     ----     -----------
 RESize    2 bytes  Size of REHData + REKData
 REHData   HSize    Hash of recipients public key
 REKData   (var)    Simple key blob

 RESize -  This defines the size of an individual REList
           element.  This value is the combined size of the
           REHData field + REKData field.  REHData is defined by
           HSize.  REKData is variable and can be calculated
           for each REList element using RESize and HSize.

 REHData - Hashed public key for this recipient.

 REKData - Simple Key Blob.  The format of this data structure
           is identical to that defined in the Microsoft
           CryptoAPI and generated using the CryptExportKey()
           function.  The version of the Simple Key Blob
           supported at this time is 0x02 as defined by

           For more details see

Flags - Processing flags needed for decryption

  • 0x0001 - Password is required to decrypt
  • 0x0002 - Certificates only
  • 0x0003 - Password or certificate required to decrypt
  • 0x0007 - reserved for future use
  • 0x000F - reserved for future use
  • 0x0100 - indicates non-OAEP key wrapping was used. If this field is set the version needed to extract must be at least 61. This means OAEP key wrapping is not used when generating a Master Session Key using ErdData.
  • 0x4000 - ErdData must be decrypted using 3DES-168, otherwise use the same algorithm used for encrypting the file contents.
  • 0x8000 - reserved for future use.

See the section describing the Strong Encryption Specification for details. Refer to the section in this document entitled "Incorporating PKWARE Proprietary Technology into Your Product" for more information.

This class is not thread-safe