Class X5455_ExtendedTimestamp

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ZipExtraField

An extra field that stores additional file and directory timestamp data for ZIP entries. Each ZIP entry can include up to three timestamps (modify, access, create*). The timestamps are stored as 32 bit signed integers representing seconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1st, 1970, UTC). This field improves on ZIP's default timestamp granularity, since it allows one to store additional timestamps, and, in addition, the timestamps are stored using per-second granularity (zip's default behavior can only store timestamps to the nearest even second).

Unfortunately, 32 (signed) bits can only store dates up to the year 2037, and so this extra field will eventually be obsolete. Enjoy it while it lasts!

  • modifyTime: most recent time of file/directory modification (or file/dir creation if the entry has not been modified since it was created).
  • accessTime: most recent time file/directory was opened (e.g., read from disk). Many people disable their operating systems from updating this value using the NOATIME mount option to optimize disk behavior, and thus it's not always reliable. In those cases it's always equal to modifyTime.
  • *createTime: modern Linux file systems (e.g., ext2 and newer) do not appear to store a value like this, and so it's usually omitted altogether in the ZIP extra field. Perhaps other UNIX systems track this.

We're using the field definition given in Info-Zip's source archive: zip-3.0.tar.gz/proginfo/extrafld.txt

 Value         Size        Description
 -----         ----        -----------
 0x5455        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UT")
 TSize         Short       total data size for this block
 Flags         Byte        info bits
 (ModTime)     Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)
 (AcTime)      Long        time of last access (UTC/GMT)
 (CrTime)      Long        time of original creation (UTC/GMT)

 Central-header version:

 Value         Size        Description
 -----         ----        -----------
 0x5455        Short       tag for this extra block type ("UT")
 TSize         Short       total data size for this block
 Flags         Byte        info bits (refers to local header!)
 (ModTime)     Long        time of last modification (UTC/GMT)
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final byte
    The bit set inside the flags by when the lasr access time is present in this extra field.
    static final byte
    The bit set inside the flags by when the original creation time is present in this extra field.
    static final ZipShort
    The header ID for this extra field.
    static final byte
    The bit set inside the flags by when the last modification time is present in this extra field.

    Fields inherited from interface

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor for X5455_ExtendedTimestamp.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the access time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the access time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the access time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the actual data to put into central directory data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
    Gets the length of the extra field in the local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
    Gets the create time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the create time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the create time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets flags byte.
    Gets the Header-ID.
    Gets the actual data to put into local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
    Gets the length of the extra field in the local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
    Gets the modify time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the modify time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Gets the modify time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
    Tests whether bit0 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a modify timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
    Tests whether bit1 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a "last access" timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
    Tests whether bit2 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a create timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
    parseFromCentralDirectoryData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
    Doesn't do anything special since this class always uses the same parsing logic for both central directory and local file data.
    parseFromLocalFileData(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
    Populate data from this array as if it was in local file data.
    Sets the acccess time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the access time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the access time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object
    Sets the create time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the create time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the create time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object
    setFlags(byte flags)
    Sets flags byte.
    Sets the modify time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the modify time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry.
    Sets the modify time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object.
    Returns a String representation of this class useful for debugging purposes.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final ZipShort HEADER_ID
      The header ID for this extra field.

      public static final byte MODIFY_TIME_BIT
      The bit set inside the flags by when the last modification time is present in this extra field.
      See Also:

      public static final byte ACCESS_TIME_BIT
      The bit set inside the flags by when the lasr access time is present in this extra field.
      See Also:

      public static final byte CREATE_TIME_BIT
      The bit set inside the flags by when the original creation time is present in this extra field.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • clone

      clone in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • getAccessFileTime

      Gets the access time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.
      modify time as FileTime or null.
    • getAccessJavaTime

      Gets the access time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.
      access time as java.util.Date or null.
    • getAccessTime

      Gets the access time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
      access time (seconds since epoch) or null.
    • getCentralDirectoryData

      public byte[] getCentralDirectoryData()
      Gets the actual data to put into central directory data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
      Specified by:
      getCentralDirectoryData in interface ZipExtraField
      the central directory data
    • getCentralDirectoryLength

      Gets the length of the extra field in the local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.

      For X5455 the central length is often smaller than the local length, because central cannot contain access or create timestamps.

      Specified by:
      getCentralDirectoryLength in interface ZipExtraField
      a ZipShort for the length of the data of this extra field
    • getCreateFileTime

      Gets the create time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.
      modify time as FileTime or null.
    • getCreateJavaTime

      Gets the create time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.

      Note: modern Linux file systems (e.g., ext2) do not appear to store a "create time" value, and so it's usually omitted altogether in the ZIP extra field. Perhaps other UNIX systems track this.

      create time as java.util.Date or null.
    • getCreateTime

      Gets the create time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.

      Note: modern Linux file systems (e.g., ext2) do not appear to store a "create time" value, and so it's usually omitted altogether in the ZIP extra field. Perhaps other UNIX systems track this.

      create time (seconds since epoch) or null.
    • getFlags

      public byte getFlags()
      Gets flags byte. The flags byte tells us which of the three datestamp fields are present in the data:
       bit0 - modify time
       bit1 - access time
       bit2 - create time
      Only first 3 bits of flags are used according to the latest version of the spec (December 2012).
      flags byte indicating which of the three datestamp fields are present.
    • getHeaderId

      Gets the Header-ID.
      Specified by:
      getHeaderId in interface ZipExtraField
      the value for the header id for this extrafield
    • getLocalFileDataData

      public byte[] getLocalFileDataData()
      Gets the actual data to put into local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
      Specified by:
      getLocalFileDataData in interface ZipExtraField
      get the data
    • getLocalFileDataLength

      Gets the length of the extra field in the local file data - without Header-ID or length specifier.
      Specified by:
      getLocalFileDataLength in interface ZipExtraField
      a ZipShort for the length of the data of this extra field
    • getModifyFileTime

      Gets the modify time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.
      modify time as FileTime or null.
    • getModifyJavaTime

      Gets the modify time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry. The milliseconds are always zeroed out, since the underlying data offers only per-second precision.
      modify time as java.util.Date or null.
    • getModifyTime

      Gets the modify time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry as a ZipLong object, or null if no such timestamp exists in the ZIP entry.
      modify time (seconds since epoch) or null.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isBit0_modifyTimePresent

      public boolean isBit0_modifyTimePresent()
      Tests whether bit0 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a modify timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
      true if bit0 of the flags byte is set.
    • isBit1_accessTimePresent

      public boolean isBit1_accessTimePresent()
      Tests whether bit1 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a "last access" timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
      true if bit1 of the flags byte is set.
    • isBit2_createTimePresent

      public boolean isBit2_createTimePresent()
      Tests whether bit2 of the flags byte is set or not, which should correspond to the presence or absence of a create timestamp in this particular ZIP entry.
      true if bit2 of the flags byte is set.
    • parseFromCentralDirectoryData

      public void parseFromCentralDirectoryData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws ZipException
      Doesn't do anything special since this class always uses the same parsing logic for both central directory and local file data.
      Specified by:
      parseFromCentralDirectoryData in interface ZipExtraField
      buffer - the buffer to read data from
      offset - offset into buffer to read data
      length - the length of data
      ZipException - on error
    • parseFromLocalFileData

      public void parseFromLocalFileData(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws ZipException
      Populate data from this array as if it was in local file data.
      Specified by:
      parseFromLocalFileData in interface ZipExtraField
      data - an array of bytes
      offset - the start offset
      length - the number of bytes in the array from offset
      ZipException - on error
    • setAccessFileTime

      public void setAccessFileTime(FileTime time)

      Sets the acccess time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      time - access time as FileTime
    • setAccessJavaTime

      public void setAccessJavaTime(Date d)

      Sets the access time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      d - access time as java.util.Date
    • setAccessTime

      public void setAccessTime(ZipLong l)

      Sets the access time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      l - ZipLong of the access time (seconds per epoch)
    • setCreateFileTime

      public void setCreateFileTime(FileTime time)

      Sets the create time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      time - create time as FileTime
    • setCreateJavaTime

      public void setCreateJavaTime(Date d)

      Sets the create time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      d - create time as java.util.Date
    • setCreateTime

      public void setCreateTime(ZipLong l)

      Sets the create time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      l - ZipLong of the create time (seconds per epoch)
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(byte flags)
      Sets flags byte. The flags byte tells us which of the three datestamp fields are present in the data:
       bit0 - modify time
       bit1 - access time
       bit2 - create time
      Only first 3 bits of flags are used according to the latest version of the spec (December 2012).
      flags - flags byte indicating which of the three datestamp fields are present.
    • setModifyFileTime

      public void setModifyFileTime(FileTime time)

      Sets the modify time as a FileTime of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      time - modify time as FileTime
    • setModifyJavaTime

      public void setModifyJavaTime(Date d)

      Sets the modify time as a java.util.Date of this ZIP entry. Supplied value is truncated to per-second precision (milliseconds zeroed-out).

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      d - modify time as java.util.Date
    • setModifyTime

      public void setModifyTime(ZipLong l)

      Sets the modify time (seconds since epoch) of this ZIP entry using a ZipLong object.

      Note: the setters for flags and timestamps are decoupled. Even if the timestamp is not-null, it will only be written out if the corresponding bit in the flags is also set.

      l - ZipLong of the modify time (seconds per epoch)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a String representation of this class useful for debugging purposes.
      toString in class Object
      A String representation of this class useful for debugging purposes.