Package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.forms
package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.forms
Internal package.
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class implements the form for bytecodes which have single byte operands.This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have class references (and only class references).Abstract superclass of all classes that have class-specific references to constant pool information.This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have double references (and only double references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have field references (and only field references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have float references (and only float references).This class implements the byte code form for the iinc instruction.This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have IMethod references (and only IMethod references).Abstract superclass of those classes which look up init methods (these are class specific methods).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have int references (and only int references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have label references (and only label references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have float references (and only float references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have long references (and only long references).This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have regular method references (and only regular method references).This class implements the byte code form for the multianewarray instruction.This class is used for representations of cldc and cldc_w.This class is an extension of the ClassRefForm.This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last class which was sent a constructor message.This class implements the byte code form of all bytecodes which either have no operands (such as nop) or have all their operands passed on the stack (not encoded as bytes in the bytecode streams).Abstract class of all ByteCodeForms which add a nested entry from the globalConstantPool.This class implements the form for bytecodes which have short operands only.Some bytecodes (such as (a)ldc, fldc and ildc) have single-byte references to the class pool.This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have string references (and only string references).This class implements references to fields defined in the superclass, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last superclass reference.This class implements references to methods defined in the superclass, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.This class implements references to fields defined in the current class, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last current class reference.This class implements references to methods defined in the current class, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.This abstract class implements the common code for instructions which have variable lengths.This class implements the byte code form for the wide instruction.