 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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package org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;

 * Encapsulates the Burrows-Wheeler sorting algorithm needed by {@link BZip2CompressorOutputStream}.
 * <p>
 * This class is based on a Java port of Julian Seward's blocksort.c in his libbzip2
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The Burrows-Wheeler transform is a reversible transform of the original data that is supposed to group similar bytes close to each other. The idea is to sort
 * all permutations of the input and only keep the last byte of each permutation. E.g. for "Commons Compress" you'd get:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 *  CompressCommons
 * Commons Compress
 * CompressCommons
 * essCommons Compr
 * mmons CompressCo
 * mons CompressCom
 * mpressCommons Co
 * ns CompressCommo
 * ommons CompressC
 * ompressCommons C
 * ons CompressComm
 * pressCommons Com
 * ressCommons Comp
 * s CompressCommon
 * sCommons Compres
 * ssCommons Compre
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Which results in a new text "ss romooCCmmpnse", in adition the index of the first line that contained the original text is kept - in this case it is 1. The
 * idea is that in a long English text all permutations that start with "he" are likely suffixes of a "the" and thus they end in "t" leading to a larger block
 * of "t"s that can better be compressed by the subsequent Move-to-Front, run-length und Huffman encoding steps.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * For more information see for example:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li><a href="">Burrows, M. and Wheeler, D.: A Block-sorting Lossless Data Compression
 * Algorithm</a></li>
 * <li><a href="">Manber, U. and Myers, G.: Suffix arrays: A new method for on-line string searches</a></li>
 * <li><a href="">Bentley, J.L. and Sedgewick, R.: Fast Algorithms for Sorting and
 * Searching Strings</a></li>
 * </ul>
 * @NotThreadSafe
final class BlockSort {

     * Some of the constructs used in the C code cannot be ported literally to Java - for example macros, unsigned types. Some code has been hand-tuned to
     * improve performance. In order to avoid memory pressure some structures are reused for several blocks and some memory is even shared between sorting and
     * the MTF stage even though either algorithm uses it for its own purpose.
     * Comments preserved from the actual C code are prefixed with "LBZ2:".

     * 2012-05-20 Stefan Bodewig:
     * This class seems to mix several revisions of libbzip2's code. The mainSort function and those used by it look closer to the 0.9.5 version but show some
     * variations introduced later. At the same time the logic of Compress 1.4 to randomize the block on bad input has been dropped after libbzip2 0.9.0 and
     * replaced by a fallback sorting algorithm.
     * I've added the fallbackSort function of 1.0.6 and tried to integrate it with the existing code without touching too much. I've also removed the now
     * unused randomization code.

    private static final int FTAB_LENGTH = 65537; // 262148 byte

     * LBZ2: If you are ever unlucky/improbable enough to get a stack overflow whilst sorting, increase the following constant and try again. In practice I have
     * never seen the stack go above 27 elems, so the following limit seems very generous.
    private static final int QSORT_STACK_SIZE = 1000;

    private static final int FALLBACK_QSORT_STACK_SIZE = 100;

    private static final int STACK_SIZE = Math.max(QSORT_STACK_SIZE, FALLBACK_QSORT_STACK_SIZE);

    private static final int FALLBACK_QSORT_SMALL_THRESH = 10;
     * LBZ2: Knuth's increments seem to work better than Incerpi-Sedgewick here. Possibly because the number of elems to sort is usually small, typically &lt;=
     * 20.
    private static final int[] INCS = { 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364, 1093, 3280, 9841, 29524, 88573, 265720, 797161, 2391484 };
    private static final int SMALL_THRESH = 20;

    private static final int DEPTH_THRESH = 10;
    private static final int WORK_FACTOR = 30;
    private static final int SETMASK = 1 << 21;

    private static final int CLEARMASK = ~SETMASK;

    private static int med3(final int a, final int b, final int c) {
        return a < b ? b < c ? b : a < c ? c : a : b > c ? b : a > c ? c : a;

    private static void vswap(final int[] fmap, int p1, int p2, int n) {
        n += p1;
        while (p1 < n) {
            final int t = fmap[p1];
            fmap[p1++] = fmap[p2];
            fmap[p2++] = t;

     * Used when sorting. If too many long comparisons happen, we stop sorting, and use fallbackSort instead.
    private int workDone;

    private int workLimit;

    private boolean firstAttempt;

    private final int[] stack_ll = new int[STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte

    private final int[] stack_hh = new int[STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte


    /*--- LBZ2: Fallback O(N log(N)^2) sorting        ---*/
    /*--- algorithm, for repetitive blocks      ---*/

     * This is the fallback sorting algorithm libbzip2 1.0.6 uses for repetitive or very short inputs.
     * The idea is inspired by Manber-Myers string suffix sorting algorithm. First a bucket sort places each permutation of the block into a bucket based on its
     * first byte. Permutations are represented by pointers to their first character kept in (partially) sorted order inside the array ftab.
     * The next step visits all buckets in order and performs a quicksort on all permutations of the bucket based on the index of the bucket the second byte of
     * the permutation belongs to, thereby forming new buckets. When arrived here the permutations are sorted up to the second character and we have buckets of
     * permutations that are identical up to two characters.
     * Repeat the step of quicksorting each bucket, now based on the bucket holding the sequence of the third and forth character leading to four byte buckets.
     * Repeat this doubling of bucket sizes until all buckets only contain single permutations or the bucket size exceeds the block size.
     * I.e.
     * "abraba" form three buckets for the chars "a", "b", and "r" in the first step with
     * fmap = { 'a:' 5, 3, 0, 'b:' 4, 1, 'r', 2 }
     * when looking at the bucket of "a"s the second characters are in the buckets that start with fmap-index 0 (rolled over), 3 and 3 respectively, forming two
     * new buckets "aa" and "ab", so we get
     * fmap = { 'aa:' 5, 'ab:' 3, 0, 'ba:' 4, 'br': 1, 'ra:' 2 }
     * since the last bucket only contained a single item it didn't have to be sorted at all.
     * There now is just one bucket with more than one permutation that remains to be sorted. For the permutation that starts with index 3 the third and forth
     * char are in bucket 'aa' at index 0 and for the one starting at block index 0 they are in bucket 'ra' with sort index 5. The fully sorted order then
     * becomes.
     * fmap = { 5, 3, 0, 4, 1, 2 }

    private final int[] stack_dd = new int[QSORT_STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte

    private final int[] mainSort_runningOrder = new int[256]; // 1024 byte

    private final int[] mainSort_copy = new int[256]; // 1024 byte

    private final boolean[] mainSort_bigDone = new boolean[256]; // 256 byte

    private final int[] ftab = new int[FTAB_LENGTH]; // 262148 byte

     * Array instance identical to Data's sfmap, both are used only temporarily and indepently, so we do not need to allocate additional memory.
    private final char[] quadrant;

    private int[] eclass;


    BlockSort(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data data) {
        this.quadrant = data.sfmap;

    void blockSort(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data data, final int last) {
        this.workLimit = WORK_FACTOR * last;
        this.workDone = 0;
        this.firstAttempt = true;

        if (last + 1 < 10000) {
            fallbackSort(data, last);
        } else {
            mainSort(data, last);

            if (this.firstAttempt && this.workDone > this.workLimit) {
                fallbackSort(data, last);

        final int[] fmap = data.fmap;
        data.origPtr = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            if (fmap[i] == 0) {
                data.origPtr = i;

        // assert (data.origPtr != -1) : data.origPtr;

     * The C code uses an array of ints (each int holding 32 flags) to represents the bucket-start flags (bhtab). It also contains optimizations to skip over 32
     * consecutively set or consecutively unset bits on word boundaries at once. For now I've chosen to use the simpler but potentially slower code using BitSet
     * - also in the hope that using the BitSet#nextXXX methods may be fast enough.

     * @param fmap   points to the index of the starting point of a permutation inside the block of data in the current partially sorted order
     * @param eclass points from the index of a character inside the block to the first index in fmap that contains the bucket of its suffix that is sorted in
     *               this step.
     * @param loSt   lower boundary of the fmap-interval to be sorted
     * @param hiSt   upper boundary of the fmap-interval to be sorted
    private void fallbackQSort3(final int[] fmap, final int[] eclass, final int loSt, final int hiSt) {
        int lo, unLo, ltLo, hi, unHi, gtHi, n;

        long r = 0;
        int sp = 0;
        fpush(sp++, loSt, hiSt);

        while (sp > 0) {
            final int[] s = fpop(--sp);
            lo = s[0];
            hi = s[1];

            if (hi - lo < FALLBACK_QSORT_SMALL_THRESH) {
                fallbackSimpleSort(fmap, eclass, lo, hi);

             * LBZ2: Random partitioning. Median of 3 sometimes fails to avoid bad cases. Median of 9 seems to help but looks rather expensive. This too seems
             * to work but is cheaper. Guidance for the magic constants 7621 and 32768 is taken from Sedgewick's algorithms book, chapter 35.
            r = (r * 7621 + 1) % 32768;
            final long r3 = r % 3;
            final long med;
            if (r3 == 0) {
                med = eclass[fmap[lo]];
            } else if (r3 == 1) {
                med = eclass[fmap[lo + hi >>> 1]];
            } else {
                med = eclass[fmap[hi]];

            unLo = ltLo = lo;
            unHi = gtHi = hi;

            // looks like the ternary partition attributed to Wegner
            // in the cited Sedgewick paper
            while (true) {
                while (true) {
                    if (unLo > unHi) {
                    n = eclass[fmap[unLo]] - (int) med;
                    if (n == 0) {
                        fswap(fmap, unLo, ltLo);
                    if (n > 0) {
                while (true) {
                    if (unLo > unHi) {
                    n = eclass[fmap[unHi]] - (int) med;
                    if (n == 0) {
                        fswap(fmap, unHi, gtHi);
                    if (n < 0) {
                if (unLo > unHi) {
                fswap(fmap, unLo, unHi);

            if (gtHi < ltLo) {

            n = Math.min(ltLo - lo, unLo - ltLo);
            fvswap(fmap, lo, unLo - n, n);
            int m = Math.min(hi - gtHi, gtHi - unHi);
            fvswap(fmap, unHi + 1, hi - m + 1, m);

            n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
            m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;

            if (n - lo > hi - m) {
                fpush(sp++, lo, n);
                fpush(sp++, m, hi);
            } else {
                fpush(sp++, m, hi);
                fpush(sp++, lo, n);


     * @param fmap   points to the index of the starting point of a permutation inside the block of data in the current partially sorted order
     * @param eclass points from the index of a character inside the block to the first index in fmap that contains the bucket of its suffix that is sorted in
     *               this step.
     * @param lo     lower boundary of the fmap-interval to be sorted
     * @param hi     upper boundary of the fmap-interval to be sorted
    private void fallbackSimpleSort(final int[] fmap, final int[] eclass, final int lo, final int hi) {
        if (lo == hi) {

        int j;
        if (hi - lo > 3) {
            for (int i = hi - 4; i >= lo; i--) {
                final int tmp = fmap[i];
                final int ec_tmp = eclass[tmp];
                for (j = i + 4; j <= hi && ec_tmp > eclass[fmap[j]]; j += 4) {
                    fmap[j - 4] = fmap[j];
                fmap[j - 4] = tmp;

        for (int i = hi - 1; i >= lo; i--) {
            final int tmp = fmap[i];
            final int ec_tmp = eclass[tmp];
            for (j = i + 1; j <= hi && ec_tmp > eclass[fmap[j]]; j++) {
                fmap[j - 1] = fmap[j];
            fmap[j - 1] = tmp;

     * Adapt fallbackSort to the expected interface of the rest of the code, in particular deal with the fact that block starts at offset 1 (in libbzip2 1.0.6
     * it starts at 0).
    void fallbackSort(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data data, final int last) {
        data.block[0] = data.block[last + 1];
        fallbackSort(data.fmap, data.block, last + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < last + 1; i++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < last + 1; i++) {
            if (data.fmap[i] == -1) {
                data.fmap[i] = last;

       LBZ2: The following is an implementation of
       an elegant 3-way quicksort for strings,
       described in a paper "Fast Algorithms for
       Sorting and Searching Strings", by Robert
       Sedgewick and Jon L. Bentley.

     * @param fmap   points to the index of the starting point of a permutation inside the block of data in the current partially sorted order
     * @param block  the original data
     * @param nblock size of the block
    void fallbackSort(final int[] fmap, final byte[] block, final int nblock) {
        final int[] ftab = new int[257];
        int H, i, j, k, l, r, cc, cc1;
        int nNotDone;
        final int nBhtab;
        final int[] eclass = getEclass();

        for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
            eclass[i] = 0;
          LBZ2: Initial 1-char radix sort to generate
          initial fmap and initial BH bits.
        for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
            ftab[block[i] & 0xff]++;
        for (i = 1; i < 257; i++) {
            ftab[i] += ftab[i - 1];

        for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
            j = block[i] & 0xff;
            k = ftab[j] - 1;
            ftab[j] = k;
            fmap[k] = i;

        nBhtab = 64 + nblock;
        final BitSet bhtab = new BitSet(nBhtab);
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

          LBZ2: Inductively refine the buckets.  Kind-of an
          "exponential radix sort" (!), inspired by the
          Manber-Myers suffix array construction algorithm.

        /*-- LBZ2: set sentinel bits for block-end detection --*/
        for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            bhtab.set(nblock + 2 * i);
            bhtab.clear(nblock + 2 * i + 1);

        /*-- LBZ2: the log(N) loop --*/
        H = 1;
        while (true) {

            j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
                if (bhtab.get(i)) {
                    j = i;
                k = fmap[i] - H;
                if (k < 0) {
                    k += nblock;
                eclass[k] = j;

            nNotDone = 0;
            r = -1;
            while (true) {

                /*-- LBZ2: find the next non-singleton bucket --*/
                k = r + 1;
                k = bhtab.nextClearBit(k);
                l = k - 1;
                if (l >= nblock) {
                k = bhtab.nextSetBit(k + 1);
                r = k - 1;
                if (r >= nblock) {

                /*-- LBZ2: now [l, r] bracket current bucket --*/
                if (r > l) {
                    nNotDone += r - l + 1;
                    fallbackQSort3(fmap, eclass, l, r);

                    /*-- LBZ2: scan bucket and generate header bits-- */
                    cc = -1;
                    for (i = l; i <= r; i++) {
                        cc1 = eclass[fmap[i]];
                        if (cc != cc1) {
                            cc = cc1;

            H *= 2;
            if (H > nblock || nNotDone == 0) {

    private int[] fpop(final int sp) {
        return new int[] { stack_ll[sp], stack_hh[sp] };

    private void fpush(final int sp, final int lz, final int hz) {
        stack_ll[sp] = lz;
        stack_hh[sp] = hz;

     * swaps two values in fmap
    private void fswap(final int[] fmap, final int zz1, final int zz2) {
        final int zztmp = fmap[zz1];
        fmap[zz1] = fmap[zz2];
        fmap[zz2] = zztmp;

     * swaps two intervals starting at yyp1 and yyp2 of length yyn inside fmap.
    private void fvswap(final int[] fmap, int yyp1, int yyp2, int yyn) {
        while (yyn > 0) {
            fswap(fmap, yyp1, yyp2);

    private int[] getEclass() {
        if (eclass == null) {
            eclass = new int[quadrant.length / 2];
        return eclass;

     * Method "mainQSort3", file "blocksort.c", BZip2 1.0.2
    private void mainQSort3(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data dataShadow, final int loSt, final int hiSt, final int dSt, final int last) {
        final int[] stack_ll = this.stack_ll;
        final int[] stack_hh = this.stack_hh;
        final int[] stack_dd = this.stack_dd;
        final int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
        final byte[] block = dataShadow.block;

        stack_ll[0] = loSt;
        stack_hh[0] = hiSt;
        stack_dd[0] = dSt;

        for (int sp = 1; --sp >= 0;) {
            final int lo = stack_ll[sp];
            final int hi = stack_hh[sp];
            final int d = stack_dd[sp];

            if (hi - lo < SMALL_THRESH || d > DEPTH_THRESH) {
                if (mainSimpleSort(dataShadow, lo, hi, d, last)) {
            } else {
                final int d1 = d + 1;
                final int med = med3(block[fmap[lo] + d1] & 0xff, block[fmap[hi] + d1] & 0xff, block[fmap[lo + hi >>> 1] + d1] & 0xff);

                int unLo = lo;
                int unHi = hi;
                int ltLo = lo;
                int gtHi = hi;

                while (true) {
                    while (unLo <= unHi) {
                        final int n = (block[fmap[unLo] + d1] & 0xff) - med;
                        if (n == 0) {
                            final int temp = fmap[unLo];
                            fmap[unLo++] = fmap[ltLo];
                            fmap[ltLo++] = temp;
                        } else if (n < 0) {
                        } else {

                    while (unLo <= unHi) {
                        final int n = (block[fmap[unHi] + d1] & 0xff) - med;
                        if (n == 0) {
                            final int temp = fmap[unHi];
                            fmap[unHi--] = fmap[gtHi];
                            fmap[gtHi--] = temp;
                        } else if (n > 0) {
                        } else {

                    if (unLo > unHi) {
                    final int temp = fmap[unLo];
                    fmap[unLo++] = fmap[unHi];
                    fmap[unHi--] = temp;

                if (gtHi < ltLo) {
                    stack_ll[sp] = lo;
                    stack_hh[sp] = hi;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d1;
                } else {
                    int n = Math.min(ltLo - lo, unLo - ltLo);
                    vswap(fmap, lo, unLo - n, n);
                    int m = Math.min(hi - gtHi, gtHi - unHi);
                    vswap(fmap, unLo, hi - m + 1, m);

                    n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
                    m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;

                    stack_ll[sp] = lo;
                    stack_hh[sp] = n;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d;

                    stack_ll[sp] = n + 1;
                    stack_hh[sp] = m - 1;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d1;

                    stack_ll[sp] = m;
                    stack_hh[sp] = hi;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d;

     * This is the most hammered method of this class.
     * <p>
     * This is the version using unrolled loops. Normally I never use such ones in Java code. The unrolling has shown a noticeable performance improvement on
     * JRE 1.4.2 (Linux i586 / HotSpot Client). Of course it depends on the JIT compiler of the vm.
     * </p>
    private boolean mainSimpleSort(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data dataShadow, final int lo, final int hi, final int d, final int lastShadow) {
        final int bigN = hi - lo + 1;
        if (bigN < 2) {
            return this.firstAttempt && this.workDone > this.workLimit;

        int hp = 0;
        while (INCS[hp] < bigN) {

        final int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
        final char[] quadrant = this.quadrant;
        final byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
        final int lastPlus1 = lastShadow + 1;
        final boolean firstAttemptShadow = this.firstAttempt;
        final int workLimitShadow = this.workLimit;
        int workDoneShadow = this.workDone;

        // Following block contains unrolled code which could be shortened by
        // coding it in additional loops.

        HP: while (--hp >= 0) {
            final int h = INCS[hp];
            final int mj = lo + h - 1;

            for (int i = lo + h; i <= hi;) {
                // copy
                for (int k = 3; i <= hi && --k >= 0; i++) {
                    final int v = fmap[i];
                    final int vd = v + d;
                    int j = i;

                    // for (int a;
                    // (j > mj) && mainGtU((a = fmap[j - h]) + d, vd,
                    // block, quadrant, lastShadow);
                    // j -= h) {
                    // fmap[j] = a;
                    // }
                    // unrolled version:

                    // start inline mainGTU
                    boolean onceRunned = false;
                    int a = 0;

                    HAMMER: while (true) {
                        if (onceRunned) {
                            fmap[j] = a;
                            if ((j -= h) <= mj) { // NOSONAR
                                break HAMMER;
                        } else {
                            onceRunned = true;

                        a = fmap[j - h];
                        int i1 = a + d;
                        int i2 = vd;

                        // following could be done in a loop, but
                        // unrolled it for performance:
                        if (block[i1 + 1] == block[i2 + 1]) {
                            if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2]) {
                                if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3]) {
                                    if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4]) {
                                        if (block[i1 + 5] == block[i2 + 5]) {
                                            if (block[i1 += 6] == block[i2 += 6]) { // NOSONAR
                                                int x = lastShadow;
                                                X: while (x > 0) {
                                                    x -= 4;
                                                    if (block[i1 + 1] == block[i2 + 1]) {
                                                        if (quadrant[i1] == quadrant[i2]) {
                                                            if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2]) {
                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 1] == quadrant[i2 + 1]) {
                                                                    if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3]) {
                                                                        if (quadrant[i1 + 2] == quadrant[i2 + 2]) {
                                                                            if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4]) {
                                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 3] == quadrant[i2 + 3]) {
                                                                                    if ((i1 += 4) >= lastPlus1) { // NOSONAR
                                                                                        i1 -= lastPlus1;
                                                                                    if ((i2 += 4) >= lastPlus1) { // NOSONAR
                                                                                        i2 -= lastPlus1;
                                                                                    continue X;
                                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 3] > quadrant[i2 + 3]) {
                                                                                    continue HAMMER;
                                                                                break HAMMER;
                                                                            if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff)) {
                                                                                continue HAMMER;
                                                                            break HAMMER;
                                                                        if (quadrant[i1 + 2] > quadrant[i2 + 2]) {
                                                                            continue HAMMER;
                                                                        break HAMMER;
                                                                    if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff)) {
                                                                        continue HAMMER;
                                                                    break HAMMER;
                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 1] > quadrant[i2 + 1]) {
                                                                    continue HAMMER;
                                                                break HAMMER;
                                                            if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff)) {
                                                                continue HAMMER;
                                                            break HAMMER;
                                                        if (quadrant[i1] > quadrant[i2]) {
                                                            continue HAMMER;
                                                        break HAMMER;
                                                    if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff)) {
                                                        continue HAMMER;
                                                    break HAMMER;

                                                break HAMMER;
                                            } // while x > 0
                                            if ((block[i1] & 0xff) > (block[i2] & 0xff)) {
                                                continue HAMMER;
                                            break HAMMER;
                                        if ((block[i1 + 5] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 5] & 0xff)) {
                                            continue HAMMER;
                                        break HAMMER;
                                    if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff)) {
                                        continue HAMMER;
                                    break HAMMER;
                                if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff)) {
                                    continue HAMMER;
                                break HAMMER;
                            if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff)) {
                                continue HAMMER;
                            break HAMMER;
                        if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff)) {
                            continue HAMMER;
                        break HAMMER;

                    } // HAMMER
                      // end inline mainGTU

                    fmap[j] = v;

                if (firstAttemptShadow && i <= hi && workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow) {
                    break HP;

        this.workDone = workDoneShadow;
        return firstAttemptShadow && workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow;

    void mainSort(final BZip2CompressorOutputStream.Data dataShadow, final int lastShadow) {
        final int[] runningOrder = this.mainSort_runningOrder;
        final int[] copy = this.mainSort_copy;
        final boolean[] bigDone = this.mainSort_bigDone;
        final int[] ftab = this.ftab;
        final byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
        final int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
        final char[] quadrant = this.quadrant;
        final int workLimitShadow = this.workLimit;
        final boolean firstAttemptShadow = this.firstAttempt;

        // LBZ2: Set up the 2-byte frequency table
        Arrays.fill(ftab, 0);

         * In the various block-sized structures, live data runs from 0 to last+NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES inclusive. First, set up the overshoot area for block.
        for (int i = 0; i < BZip2Constants.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES; i++) {
            block[lastShadow + i + 2] = block[i % (lastShadow + 1) + 1];
        for (int i = lastShadow + BZip2Constants.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES + 1; --i >= 0;) {
            quadrant[i] = 0;
        block[0] = block[lastShadow + 1];

        // LBZ2: Complete the initial radix sort:

        int c1 = block[0] & 0xff;
        for (int i = 0; i <= lastShadow; i++) {
            final int c2 = block[i + 1] & 0xff;
            ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]++;
            c1 = c2;

        for (int i = 1; i <= 65536; i++) {
            ftab[i] += ftab[i - 1];

        c1 = block[1] & 0xff;
        for (int i = 0; i < lastShadow; i++) {
            final int c2 = block[i + 2] & 0xff;
            fmap[--ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]] = i;
            c1 = c2;

        fmap[--ftab[((block[lastShadow + 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (block[1] & 0xff)]] = lastShadow;

         * LBZ2: Now ftab contains the first loc of every small bucket. Calculate the running order, from smallest to largest big bucket.
        for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;) {
            bigDone[i] = false;
            runningOrder[i] = i;

        // h = 364, 121, 40, 13, 4, 1
        for (int h = 364; h != 1;) { // NOSONAR
            h /= 3;
            for (int i = h; i <= 255; i++) {
                final int vv = runningOrder[i];
                final int a = ftab[vv + 1 << 8] - ftab[vv << 8];
                final int b = h - 1;
                int j = i;
                for (int ro = runningOrder[j - h]; ftab[ro + 1 << 8] - ftab[ro << 8] > a; ro = runningOrder[j - h]) {
                    runningOrder[j] = ro;
                    j -= h;
                    if (j <= b) {
                runningOrder[j] = vv;

         * LBZ2: The main sorting loop.
        for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
             * LBZ2: Process big buckets, starting with the least full.
            final int ss = runningOrder[i];

            // Step 1:
             * LBZ2: Complete the big bucket [ss] by quicksorting any unsorted small buckets [ss, j]. Hopefully previous pointer-scanning phases have already
             * completed many of the small buckets [ss, j], so we don't have to sort them at all.
            for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++) {
                final int sb = (ss << 8) + j;
                final int ftab_sb = ftab[sb];
                if ((ftab_sb & SETMASK) != SETMASK) {
                    final int lo = ftab_sb & CLEARMASK;
                    final int hi = (ftab[sb + 1] & CLEARMASK) - 1;
                    if (hi > lo) {
                        mainQSort3(dataShadow, lo, hi, 2, lastShadow);
                        if (firstAttemptShadow && this.workDone > workLimitShadow) {
                    ftab[sb] = ftab_sb | SETMASK;

            // Step 2:
            // LBZ2: Now scan this big bucket so as to synthesise the
            // sorted order for small buckets [t, ss] for all t != ss.

            for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++) {
                copy[j] = ftab[(j << 8) + ss] & CLEARMASK;

            for (int j = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK, hj = ftab[ss + 1 << 8] & CLEARMASK; j < hj; j++) {
                final int fmap_j = fmap[j];
                c1 = block[fmap_j] & 0xff;
                if (!bigDone[c1]) {
                    fmap[copy[c1]] = fmap_j == 0 ? lastShadow : fmap_j - 1;

            for (int j = 256; --j >= 0;) {
                ftab[(j << 8) + ss] |= SETMASK;

            // Step 3:
             * LBZ2: The ss big bucket is now done. Record this fact, and update the quadrant descriptors. Remember to update quadrants in the overshoot area
             * too, if necessary. The "if (i < 255)" test merely skips this updating for the last bucket processed, since updating for the last bucket is
             * pointless.
            bigDone[ss] = true;

            if (i < 255) {
                final int bbStart = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK;
                final int bbSize = (ftab[ss + 1 << 8] & CLEARMASK) - bbStart;
                int shifts = 0;

                while (bbSize >> shifts > 65534) {

                for (int j = 0; j < bbSize; j++) {
                    final int a2update = fmap[bbStart + j];
                    final char qVal = (char) (j >> shifts);
                    quadrant[a2update] = qVal;
                    if (a2update < BZip2Constants.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES) {
                        quadrant[a2update + lastShadow + 1] = qVal;

