* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
* The SegmentConstantPool spends a lot of time searching through large arrays of Strings looking for matches. This can be sped up by caching the arrays in
* HashMaps so the String keys are looked up and resolve to positions in the array rather than iterating through the arrays each time.
* Because the arrays only grow (never shrink or change) we can use the last known size as a way to determine if the array has changed.
* Note that this cache must be synchronized externally if it is shared.
public class SegmentConstantPoolArrayCache {
* Keeps track of the last known size of an array as well as a HashMap that knows the mapping from element values to the indices of the array
* which contain that value.
protected class CachedArray {
String[] primaryArray;
int lastKnownSize;
HashMap<String, List<Integer>> primaryTable;
public CachedArray(final String[] array) {
this.primaryArray = array;
this.lastKnownSize = array.length;
this.primaryTable = new HashMap<>(lastKnownSize);
* Given a primaryArray, cache its values in a HashMap to provide a backwards mapping from element values to element indexes. For instance, a
* primaryArray of: {"Zero", "Foo", "Two", "Foo"} would yield a HashMap of: "Zero" -> 0 "Foo" -> 1, 3 "Two" -> 2 which is then cached.
protected void cacheIndexes() {
for (int index = 0; index < primaryArray.length; index++) {
final String key = primaryArray[index];
primaryTable.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(Integer.valueOf(index));
* Given a particular key, answer a List of index locations in the array which contain that key.
* If no elements are found, answer an empty list.
* @param key String element of the array
* @return List of indexes containing that key in the array.
public List<Integer> indexesForKey(final String key) {
final List<Integer> list = primaryTable.get(key);
return list != null ? list : Collections.emptyList();
* Answer the last known size of the array cached. If the last known size is not the same as the current size, the array must have changed.
* @return int last known size of the cached array
public int lastKnownSize() {
return lastKnownSize;
protected IdentityHashMap<String[], CachedArray> knownArrays = new IdentityHashMap<>(1000);
protected List<Integer> lastIndexes;
protected String[] lastArray;
protected String lastKey;
* Tests whether a String array is correctly cached. Return false if the array is not cached, or if the array cache is outdated.
* @param array of String
* @return boolean true if up-to-date cache, otherwise false.
protected boolean arrayIsCached(final String[] array) {
final CachedArray cachedArray = knownArrays.get(array);
return !(cachedArray == null || cachedArray.lastKnownSize() != array.length);
* Caches the array passed in as the argument
* @param array String[] to cache
protected void cacheArray(final String[] array) {
if (arrayIsCached(array)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to cache an array that already exists");
knownArrays.put(array, new CachedArray(array));
// Invalidate the cache-within-a-cache
lastArray = null;
* Gets the indices for the given key in the given array. If no such key exists in the cached array, answer -1.
* @param array String[] array to search for the value
* @param key String value for which to search
* @return List collection of index positions in the array
public List<Integer> indexesForArrayKey(final String[] array, final String key) {
if (!arrayIsCached(array)) {
// If the search is one we've just done, don't even
// bother looking and return the last indices. This
// is a second cache within the cache. This is
// efficient because we are usually looking for
// several secondary elements with the same primary
// key.
if (lastArray == array && lastKey == key) {
return lastIndexes;
// Remember the last thing we found.
lastArray = array;
lastKey = key;
lastIndexes = knownArrays.get(array).indexesForKey(key);
return lastIndexes;