Class StringUtils


public class StringUtils extends Object
Supplement of commons-lang, the stringSubstitution() was in a simpler implementation available in an older commons-lang implementation. This class is not part of the public API and could change without warning.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fixFileSeparatorChar

      public static String fixFileSeparatorChar(String arg)
      Fixes the file separator char for the target platform using the following replacement.
      • '/' → File.separatorChar
      • '\\' → File.separatorChar
      arg - the argument to fix.
      the transformed argument.
    • isQuoted

      public static boolean isQuoted(String argument)
      Determines if this is a quoted argument - either single or double quoted.
      argument - the argument to check.
      true when the argument is quoted.
    • quoteArgument

      public static String quoteArgument(String argument)
      Put quotes around the given String if necessary.

      If the argument doesn't include spaces or quotes, return it as is. If it contains double quotes, use single quotes - else surround the argument by double quotes.

      argument - the argument to be quoted.
      the quoted argument.
      IllegalArgumentException - If argument contains both types of quotes.
    • split

      public static String[] split(String input, String splitChar)
      Split a string into an array of strings based on a separator.
      input - what to split.
      splitChar - what to split on.
      the array of strings.
    • stringSubstitution

      public static StringBuffer stringSubstitution(String argStr, Map<? super String,?> vars, boolean isLenient)
      Perform a series of substitutions.

      The substitutions are performed by replacing ${variable} in the target string with the value of provided by the key "variable" in the provided hash table.

      A key consists of the following characters:

      • letter
      • digit
      • dot character
      • hyphen character
      • plus character
      • underscore character
      argStr - the argument string to be processed.
      vars - name/value pairs used for substitution.
      isLenient - ignore a key not found in vars or throw a RuntimeException?
      String target string with replacements.
    • toString

      @Deprecated public static String toString(String[] strings, String separator)
      Concatenates an array of string using a separator.
      strings - the strings to concatenate.
      separator - the separator between two strings.
      the concatenated strings.