002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.shape;
019import java.text.MessageFormat;
020import java.util.List;
021import java.util.stream.Collectors;
022import java.util.stream.Stream;
024import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp.RegionCutRule;
025import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.AbstractNSphere;
026import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Line;
027import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.LineConvexSubset;
028import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.LinecastPoint2D;
029import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Linecastable2D;
030import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Lines;
031import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.PolarCoordinates;
032import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.RegionBSPTree2D;
033import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D;
034import org.apache.commons.numbers.angle.Angle;
035import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Precision;
037/** Class representing a circle in 2 dimensional Euclidean space.
038 */
039public final class Circle extends AbstractNSphere<Vector2D> implements Linecastable2D {
041    /** Construct a new circle from its component parts.
042     * @param center the center of the circle
043     * @param radius the circle radius
044     * @param precision precision context used to compare floating point numbers
045     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if center is not finite or radius is not finite or is
046     *      less than or equal to zero as evaluated by the given precision context
047     */
048    private Circle(final Vector2D center, final double radius, final Precision.DoubleEquivalence precision) {
049        super(center, radius, precision);
050    }
052    /** {@inheritDoc} */
053    @Override
054    public double getSize() {
055        final double r = getRadius();
056        return Math.PI * r * r;
057    }
059    /** {@inheritDoc} */
060    @Override
061    public double getBoundarySize() {
062        return Angle.TWO_PI * getRadius();
063    }
065    /** {@inheritDoc} */
066    @Override
067    public Vector2D project(final Vector2D pt) {
068        return project(pt, Vector2D.Unit.PLUS_X);
069    }
071    /** Return a {@link RegionBSPTree2D} representing an approximation of the circle.
072     * All points in the approximation are contained in the circle (ie, they lie inside
073     * or on the boundary). No guarantees are made regarding the internal structure of
074     * the returned tree. Non-boundary split nodes may be used in order to balance the tree
075     * and improve performance.
076     *
077     * <p>Choosing an appropriate number of segments for an approximation is a trade-off
078     * between size and accuracy: approximations with large numbers of segments more closely
079     * match the geometric properties of the circle but at the cost of using larger tree
080     * structures. In general, the smallest number of segments that produces an acceptable
081     * result should be used.
082     * @param segments number of line segments to use for the boundary of
083     *      the circle approximation
084     * @return a BSP tree approximation of the circle
085     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code segments} is less than 3
086     */
087    public RegionBSPTree2D toTree(final int segments) {
088        return new CircleApproximationBuilder(this, segments).build();
089    }
091    /** Get the intersections of the given line with this circle. The returned list will
092     * contain either 0, 1, or 2 points.
093     * <ul>
094     *      <li><strong>2 points</strong> - The line is a secant line and intersects the circle at two
095     *      distinct points. The points are ordered such that the first point in the list is the first point
096     *      encountered when traveling in the direction of the line. (In other words, the points are ordered
097     *      by increasing abscissa value.)
098     *      </li>
099     *      <li><strong>1 point</strong> - The line is a tangent line and only intersects the circle at a
100     *      single point (as evaluated by the circle's precision context).
101     *      </li>
102     *      <li><strong>0 points</strong> - The line does not intersect the circle.</li>
103     * </ul>
104     * @param line line to intersect with the circle
105     * @return a list of intersection points between the given line and this circle
106     */
107    public List<Vector2D> intersections(final Line line) {
108        return intersections(line, Line::abscissa, Line::distance);
109    }
111    /** Get the first intersection point between the given line and this circle, or null
112     * if no such point exists. The "first" intersection point is the first such point
113     * encountered when traveling in the direction of the line from infinity.
114     * @param line line to intersect with the circle
115     * @return the first intersection point between the given line and this instance or
116     *      null if no such point exists
117     */
118    public Vector2D firstIntersection(final Line line) {
119        return firstIntersection(line, Line::abscissa, Line::distance);
120    }
122    /** {@inheritDoc} */
123    @Override
124    public List<LinecastPoint2D> linecast(final LineConvexSubset segment) {
125        return getLinecastStream(segment)
126                .collect(Collectors.toList());
127    }
129    /** {@inheritDoc} */
130    @Override
131    public LinecastPoint2D linecastFirst(final LineConvexSubset segment) {
132        return getLinecastStream(segment)
133                .findFirst()
134                .orElse(null);
135    }
137    /** Get a stream containing the linecast intersection points of the given
138     * segment with this instance.
139     * @param segment segment to intersect against this instance
140     * @return a stream containing linecast intersection points
141     */
142    private Stream<LinecastPoint2D> getLinecastStream(final LineConvexSubset segment) {
143        return intersections(segment.getLine()).stream()
144            .filter(segment::contains)
145            .map(pt -> new LinecastPoint2D(pt, getCenter().directionTo(pt), segment.getLine()));
146    }
148    /** Construct a circle from a center point and radius.
149     * @param center the center point of the circle
150     * @param radius the circle radius
151     * @param precision precision precision context used to compare floating point numbers
152     * @return a circle with the given center and radius
153     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if center is not finite or radius is not finite or is
154     *      less than or equal to zero as evaluated by the given precision context
155     */
156    public static Circle from(final Vector2D center, final double radius, final Precision.DoubleEquivalence precision) {
157        return new Circle(center, radius, precision);
158    }
160    /** Class used to build BSP tree circle approximations. Structural BSP tree cuts are
161     * used to help balance the tree and improve performance.
162     */
163    private static class CircleApproximationBuilder {
165        /** The minimum number of segments required to create a circle approximation.
166         */
167        private static final int MIN_SEGMENTS = 3;
169        /** Minimum number of line segments in a portion of the approximation in order
170         * to allow a structural BSP split.
171         */
172        private static final int SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 4;
174        /** Circle being approximated. */
175        private final Circle circle;
177        /** Number of boundary segments in the approximation. */
178        private final int segments;
180        /** Angle delta between vertex points. */
181        private final double angleDelta;
183        /** Create a new instance for approximating the given circle.
184         * @param circle circle to approximate
185         * @param segments number of boundary segments in the approximation
186         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code segments} is less than 3
187         */
188        CircleApproximationBuilder(final Circle circle, final int segments) {
189            if (segments < MIN_SEGMENTS) {
190                throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
191                        "Circle approximation segment number must be greater than or equal to {0}; was {1}",
192                        MIN_SEGMENTS, segments));
193            }
195            this.circle = circle;
197            this.segments = segments;
198            this.angleDelta = Angle.TWO_PI / segments;
199        }
201        /** Build the BSP tree circle approximation.
202         * @return the BSP tree circle approximation
203         */
204        public RegionBSPTree2D build() {
205            final RegionBSPTree2D tree = RegionBSPTree2D.empty();
206            final RegionBSPTree2D.RegionNode2D root = tree.getRoot();
208            if (segments < SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
209                insert(root, 0, segments);
210            } else {
211                // split the circle in half (or mostly in half if an odd number of segments)
212                final int splitIdx = segments / 2;
213                final Vector2D p0 = pointAt(0);
214                final Vector2D p1 = pointAt(splitIdx);
216                root.cut(Lines.fromPoints(p0, p1, circle.getPrecision()), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
218                splitAndInsert(root.getPlus(), 0, splitIdx);
219                splitAndInsert(root.getMinus(), splitIdx, segments);
220            }
222            return tree;
223        }
225        /** Split the given node if possible and recursively add boundary segments.
226         * @param node current tree node
227         * @param startIdx index of the start point for this node's boundary segments
228         * @param stopIdx index of the end point for this node's boundary segments
229         */
230        private void splitAndInsert(final RegionBSPTree2D.RegionNode2D node, final int startIdx, final int stopIdx) {
231            if (stopIdx - startIdx >= SPLIT_THRESHOLD) {
232                final int splitIdx = ((stopIdx - startIdx + 1) / 2) + startIdx;
233                final Vector2D p0 = circle.getCenter();
234                final Vector2D p1 = pointAt(splitIdx);
236                node.cut(Lines.fromPoints(p0, p1, circle.getPrecision()), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
238                splitAndInsert(node.getPlus(), startIdx, splitIdx);
239                splitAndInsert(node.getMinus(), splitIdx, stopIdx);
240            } else {
241                insert(node, startIdx, stopIdx);
242            }
243        }
245        /** Insert boundary segments into the given node. No structural splits are created.
246         * @param node current tree node
247         * @param startIdx index of the start point for this node's boundary segments
248         * @param stopIdx index of the end point for this node's boundary segments
249         */
250        private void insert(final RegionBSPTree2D.RegionNode2D node, final int startIdx, final int stopIdx) {
252            RegionBSPTree2D.RegionNode2D currNode = node;
253            Vector2D currPt;
254            Vector2D prevPt = pointAt(startIdx);
255            for (int i = startIdx + 1; i <= stopIdx; ++i) {
256                currPt = pointAt(i);
258                currNode = currNode.cut(Lines.fromPoints(prevPt, currPt, circle.getPrecision()))
259                        .getMinus();
261                prevPt = currPt;
262            }
263        }
265        /** Get the boundary vertex point at the given index.
266         * @param idx vertex point index
267         * @return the vertex point at the given index
268         */
269        private Vector2D pointAt(final int idx) {
270            return PolarCoordinates.toCartesian(circle.getRadius(), idx * angleDelta)
271                    .add(circle.getCenter());
272        }
273    }