Class CircularByteBuffer


public class CircularByteBuffer extends Object
A buffer, which doesn't need reallocation of byte arrays, because it reuses a single byte array. This works particularly well, if reading from the buffer takes place at the same time than writing to. Such is the case, for example, when using the buffer within a filtering input stream, like the CircularBufferInputStream.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructs a new instance with a reasonable default buffer size (IOUtils.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE).
    Constructs a new instance with the given buffer size.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(byte value)
    Adds a new byte to the buffer, which will eventually be returned by following invocations of read().
    add(byte[] targetBuffer, int offset, int length)
    Adds the given bytes to the buffer.
    Removes all bytes from the buffer.
    Gets the number of bytes, that are currently present in the buffer.
    Gets the number of bytes, that can currently be added to the buffer.
    Tests whether the buffer is currently holding at least a single byte.
    Tests whether there is currently room for a single byte in the buffer.
    hasSpace(int count)
    Tests whether there is currently room for the given number of bytes in the buffer.
    peek(byte[] sourceBuffer, int offset, int length)
    Returns, whether the next bytes in the buffer are exactly those, given by sourceBuffer, offset, and length.
    Returns the next byte from the buffer, removing it at the same time, so that following invocations won't return it again.
    read(byte[] targetBuffer, int targetOffset, int length)
    Returns the given number of bytes from the buffer by storing them in the given byte array at the given offset.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(byte value)
      Adds a new byte to the buffer, which will eventually be returned by following invocations of read().
      value - The byte, which is being added to the buffer.
      IllegalStateException - The buffer is full. Use hasSpace(), or getSpace(), to prevent this exception.
    • add

      public void add(byte[] targetBuffer, int offset, int length)
      Adds the given bytes to the buffer. This is the same as invoking add(byte) for the bytes at offsets offset+0, offset+1, ..., offset+length-1 of byte array targetBuffer.
      targetBuffer - the buffer to copy
      offset - start offset
      length - length to copy
      IllegalStateException - The buffer doesn't have sufficient space. Use getSpace() to prevent this exception.
      IllegalArgumentException - Either of offset, or length is negative.
      NullPointerException - The byte array pBuffer is null.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all bytes from the buffer.
    • getCurrentNumberOfBytes

      Gets the number of bytes, that are currently present in the buffer.
      the number of bytes
    • getSpace

      public int getSpace()
      Gets the number of bytes, that can currently be added to the buffer.
      the number of bytes that can be added
    • hasBytes

      public boolean hasBytes()
      Tests whether the buffer is currently holding at least a single byte.
      true whether the buffer is currently holding at least a single byte.
    • hasSpace

      public boolean hasSpace()
      Tests whether there is currently room for a single byte in the buffer. Same as hasSpace(1).
      true whether there is currently room for a single byte in the buffer.
      See Also:
    • hasSpace

      public boolean hasSpace(int count)
      Tests whether there is currently room for the given number of bytes in the buffer.
      count - the byte count
      true whether there is currently room for the given number of bytes in the buffer.
      See Also:
    • peek

      public boolean peek(byte[] sourceBuffer, int offset, int length)
      Returns, whether the next bytes in the buffer are exactly those, given by sourceBuffer, offset, and length. No bytes are being removed from the buffer. If the result is true, then the following invocations of read() are guaranteed to return exactly those bytes.
      sourceBuffer - the buffer to compare against
      offset - start offset
      length - length to compare
      True, if the next invocations of read() will return the bytes at offsets pOffset+0, pOffset+1, ..., pOffset+length-1 of byte array pBuffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - Either of pOffset, or length is negative.
      NullPointerException - The byte array pBuffer is null.
    • read

      public byte read()
      Returns the next byte from the buffer, removing it at the same time, so that following invocations won't return it again.
      The byte, which is being returned.
      IllegalStateException - The buffer is empty. Use hasBytes(), or getCurrentNumberOfBytes(), to prevent this exception.
    • read

      public void read(byte[] targetBuffer, int targetOffset, int length)
      Returns the given number of bytes from the buffer by storing them in the given byte array at the given offset.
      targetBuffer - The byte array, where to add bytes.
      targetOffset - The offset, where to store bytes in the byte array.
      length - The number of bytes to return.
      NullPointerException - The byte array pBuffer is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - Either of pOffset, or length is negative, or the length of the byte array targetBuffer is too small.
      IllegalStateException - The buffer doesn't hold the given number of bytes. Use getCurrentNumberOfBytes() to prevent this exception.