 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.introspection;

import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection.JexlPropertyGet;

 * Abstract an indexed property container.
 * <p>This allows getting properties from expressions like <code></code>.
 * This stores the container name and class as well as the list of available getter and setter methods.
 * It implements JexlPropertyGet since such a container can only be accessed from its owning instance (not set).
public final class IndexedType implements JexlPropertyGet {
     * A generic indexed property container, exposes get(key) and set(key, value)
     * and solves method call dynamically based on arguments.
     * <p>Must remain public for introspection purpose.</p>
    public static final class IndexedContainer {
        /** The container instance. */
        final Object container;
        /** The container type instance. */
        final IndexedType type;

         * Creates a new duck container.
         * @param theType the container type
         * @param theContainer the container instance
        IndexedContainer(final IndexedType theType, final Object theContainer) {
            this.type = theType;
            this.container = theContainer;

         * Gets a property from this indexed container.
         * @param key the property key
         * @return the property value
         * @throws Exception if inner invocation fails
        public Object get(final Object key) throws Exception {
            return type.invokeGet(container, key);

         * Gets the property container class.
         * @return the container class
        public Class<?> getContainerClass() {
            return type.clazz;

         * Gets the property container name.
         * @return the container name
        public String getContainerName() {
            return type.container;

         * Sets a property in this indexed container.
         * @param key the property key
         * @param value the property value
         * @return the invocation result (frequently null)
         * @throws Exception if inner invocation fails
        public Object set(final Object key, final Object value) throws Exception {
            return type.invokeSet(container, key, value);
     * Attempts to find an indexed-property getter in an object.
     * The code attempts to find the list of methods getXXX() and setXXX().
     * Note that this is not equivalent to the strict bean definition of indexed properties; the type of the key
     * is not necessarily an int and the set/get arrays are not resolved.
     * @param is the introspector
     * @param object the object
     * @param name the container name
     * @return a JexlPropertyGet is successful, null otherwise
    public static JexlPropertyGet discover(final Introspector is, final Object object, final String name) {
        if (object != null && name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
            final String base = name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
            final String container = name;
            final Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();
            final Method[] getters = is.getMethods(object.getClass(), "get" + base);
            final Method[] setters = is.getMethods(object.getClass(), "set" + base);
            if (getters != null) {
                return new IndexedType(container, clazz, getters, setters);
        return null;
    /** The container name. */
    final String container;
    /** The container class. */
    final Class<?> clazz;
    /** The array of getter methods. */
    private final Method[] getters;
    /** Last get method used. */
    private volatile Method get;

    /** The array of setter methods. */
    private final Method[] setters;

    /** Last set method used. */
    private volatile Method set;

     * Creates a new indexed property container type.
     * @param name the container name
     * @param c the owning class
     * @param gets the array of getter methods
     * @param sets the array of setter methods
    private IndexedType(final String name, final Class<?> c, final Method[] gets, final Method[] sets) {
        this.container = name;
        this.clazz = c;
        this.getters = gets;
        this.setters = sets;

    public Object invoke(final Object obj) throws Exception {
        if (obj != null && clazz.equals(obj.getClass())) {
            return new IndexedContainer(this, obj);
        throw new IntrospectionException("property resolution error");

     * Gets the value of a property from a container.
     * @param object the container instance (not null)
     * @param key the property key (not null)
     * @return the property value
     * @throws Exception if invocation failed;
     *         IntrospectionException if a property getter could not be found
    Object invokeGet(final Object object, final Object key) throws Exception {
        if (getters != null && getters.length > 0) {
            Method jm = get;
            if (jm != null) {
                final Class<?>[] ptypes = jm.getParameterTypes();
                if (ptypes[0].isAssignableFrom(key.getClass())) {
                    return jm.invoke(object, key);
            final Object[] args = {key};
            final String methodName = getters[0].getName();
            final MethodKey km = new MethodKey(methodName, args);
            jm = km.getMostSpecificMethod(getters);
            if (jm != null) {
                final Object invoked = jm.invoke(object, args);
                get = jm;
                return invoked;
        throw new IntrospectionException("property get error: "
                + object.getClass().toString()
                + "@" + key.toString());

     * Sets the value of a property in a container.
     * @param object the container instance (not null)
     * @param key the property key (not null)
     * @param value the property value (not null)
     * @return the result of the method invocation (frequently null)
     * @throws Exception if invocation failed;
     *         IntrospectionException if a property setter could not be found
    Object invokeSet(final Object object, final Object key, final Object value) throws Exception {
        if (setters != null && setters.length > 0) {
            Method jm = set;
            if (jm != null) {
                final Class<?>[] ptypes = jm.getParameterTypes();
                if (ptypes[0].isAssignableFrom(key.getClass())
                    && (value == null
                        || ptypes[1].isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))) {
                    return jm.invoke(object, key, value);
            final Object[] args = {key, value};
            final String methodName = setters[0].getName();
            final MethodKey km = new MethodKey(methodName, args);
            jm = km.getMostSpecificMethod(setters);
            if (jm != null) {
                final Object invoked = jm.invoke(object, args);
                set = jm;
                return invoked;
        throw new IntrospectionException("property set error: "
                + object.getClass().toString()
                + "@" + key.toString());

    public boolean isCacheable() {
        return true;

    public boolean tryFailed(final Object rval) {
        return rval == Uberspect.TRY_FAILED;

    public Object tryInvoke(final Object obj, final Object key) {
        if (obj != null && key != null
            && clazz.equals(obj.getClass())
            && container.equals(key.toString())) {
            return new IndexedContainer(this, obj);
        return Uberspect.TRY_FAILED;
