 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlArithmetic;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlContext;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlContext.NamespaceFunctor;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlEngine;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlException;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlException.VariableIssue;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlOperator;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlOptions;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection.JexlMethod;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection.JexlPropertyGet;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection.JexlPropertySet;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection.JexlUberspect;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTArrayAccess;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTAssignment;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTFunctionNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTIdentifier;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTIdentifierAccess;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTMethodNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTNullpNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTReference;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTTernaryNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ASTVar;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.JexlNode;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser.ParserVisitor;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 * The helper base of an interpreter of JEXL syntax.
 * @since 3.0
public abstract class InterpreterBase extends ParserVisitor {
     * Cached arithmetic function call.
    protected static class ArithmeticFuncall extends Funcall {
         * Constructs a new instance.
         * @param jme  the method
         * @param flag the narrow flag
        protected ArithmeticFuncall(final JexlMethod jme, final boolean flag) {
            super(jme, flag);

        protected Object tryInvoke(final InterpreterBase ii, final String name, final Object target, final Object[] args) {
            return me.tryInvoke(name, ii.arithmetic, ii.functionArguments(target, narrow, args));
     * Helping dispatch function calls.
    protected class CallDispatcher {
        /** The syntactic node. */
        final JexlNode node;
        /** Whether solution is cacheable. */
        final boolean cacheable;
        /** Whether arguments have been narrowed.  */
        boolean narrow;
        /** The method to call. */
        JexlMethod vm;
        /** The method invocation target. */
        Object target;
        /** The actual arguments. */
        Object[] argv;
        /** The cacheable funcall if any. */
        Funcall funcall;

         * Dispatcher ctor.
         * @param anode the syntactic node.
         * @param acacheable whether resolution can be cached
        CallDispatcher(final JexlNode anode, final boolean acacheable) {
            this.node = anode;
            this.cacheable = acacheable;

         * Evaluates the method previously dispatched.
         * @param methodName the method name
         * @return the method invocation result
         * @throws Exception when invocation fails
        protected Object eval(final String methodName) throws Exception {
            // we have either evaluated and returned or might have found a method
            if (vm != null) {
                // vm cannot be null if xjexl is null
                final Object eval = vm.invoke(target, argv);
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                if (funcall != null) {
                return eval;
            return unsolvableMethod(node, methodName, argv);

         * Whether the method is an arithmetic method.
         * @param methodName the method name
         * @param arguments the method arguments
         * @return true if arithmetic, false otherwise
        protected boolean isArithmeticMethod(final String methodName, final Object[] arguments) {
            vm = uberspect.getMethod(arithmetic, methodName, arguments);
            if (vm != null) {
                argv = arguments;
                target = arithmetic;
                if (cacheable && vm.isCacheable()) {
                    funcall = new ArithmeticFuncall(vm, narrow);
                return true;
            return false;

         * Whether the method is a context method.
         * @param methodName the method name
         * @param arguments the method arguments
         * @return true if arithmetic, false otherwise
        protected boolean isContextMethod(final String methodName, final Object[] arguments) {
            vm = uberspect.getMethod(context, methodName, arguments);
            if (vm != null) {
                argv = arguments;
                target = context;
                if (cacheable && vm.isCacheable()) {
                    funcall = new ContextFuncall(vm, narrow);
                return true;
            return false;

         * Whether the method is a target method.
         * @param ntarget the target instance
         * @param methodName the method name
         * @param arguments the method arguments
         * @return true if arithmetic, false otherwise
        protected boolean isTargetMethod(final Object ntarget, final String methodName, final Object[] arguments) {
            // try a method
            vm = uberspect.getMethod(ntarget, methodName, arguments);
            if (vm != null) {
                argv = arguments;
                target = ntarget;
                if (cacheable && vm.isCacheable()) {
                    funcall = new Funcall(vm, narrow);
                return true;
            return false;

         * Attempt to reuse last funcall cached in volatile JexlNode.value (if
         * it was cacheable).
         * @param ntarget the target instance
         * @param methodName the method name
         * @param arguments the method arguments
         * @return TRY_FAILED if invocation was not possible or failed, the
         * result otherwise
        protected Object tryEval(final Object ntarget, final String methodName, final Object[] arguments) {
            // do we have  a method/function name ?
            // attempt to reuse last funcall cached in volatile JexlNode.value (if it was not a variable)
            if (methodName != null && cacheable && ntarget != null) {
                final Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
                if (cached instanceof Funcall) {
                    return ((Funcall) cached).tryInvoke(InterpreterBase.this, methodName, ntarget, arguments);
            return JexlEngine.TRY_FAILED;
     * Cached context function call.
    protected static class ContextFuncall extends Funcall {
         * Constructs a new instance.
         * @param jme  the method
         * @param flag the narrow flag
        protected ContextFuncall(final JexlMethod jme, final boolean flag) {
            super(jme, flag);

        protected Object tryInvoke(final InterpreterBase ii, final String name, final Object target, final Object[] args) {
            return me.tryInvoke(name, ii.context, ii.functionArguments(target, narrow, args));
     * A ctor that needs a context as 1st argument.
    protected static class ContextualCtor extends Funcall {
         * Constructs a new instance.
         * @param jme the method
         * @param flag the narrow flag
        protected ContextualCtor(final JexlMethod jme, final boolean flag) {
            super(jme, flag);

        protected Object tryInvoke(final InterpreterBase ii, final String name, final Object target, final Object[] args) {
            return me.tryInvoke(name, target, ii.callArguments(ii.context, narrow, args));
     * Cached function call.
    protected static class Funcall implements JexlNode.Funcall {
        /** Whether narrow should be applied to arguments. */
        protected final boolean narrow;
        /** The JexlMethod to delegate the call to. */
        protected final JexlMethod me;
         * Constructs a new instance.
         * @param jme  the method
         * @param flag the narrow flag
        protected Funcall(final JexlMethod jme, final boolean flag) {
   = jme;
            this.narrow = flag;

         * Try invocation.
         * @param ii     the interpreter
         * @param name   the method name
         * @param target the method target
         * @param args   the method arguments
         * @return the method invocation result (or JexlEngine.TRY_FAILED)
        protected Object tryInvoke(final InterpreterBase ii, final String name, final Object target, final Object[] args) {
            return me.tryInvoke(name, target, ii.functionArguments(null, narrow, args));
    /** Empty parameters for method matching. */
    protected static final Object[] EMPTY_PARAMS = {};
     * Pretty-prints a failing property value (de)reference.
     * <p>Used by calls to unsolvableProperty(...).</p>
     * @param node the property node
     * @return the (pretty) string value
    protected static String stringifyPropertyValue(final JexlNode node) {
        return node != null ? new Debugger().depth(1).data(node) : "???";
    /** The JEXL engine. */
    protected final Engine jexl;
    /** The logger. */
    protected final Log logger;
    /** The uberspect. */
    protected final JexlUberspect uberspect;
    /** The arithmetic handler. */
    protected final JexlArithmetic arithmetic;
    /** The context to store/retrieve variables. */
    protected final JexlContext context;
    /** The options. */
    protected final JexlOptions options;
    /** Cache executors. */
    protected final boolean cache;

    /** Cancellation support. */
    protected final AtomicBoolean cancelled;

    /** The namespace resolver. */
    protected final JexlContext.NamespaceResolver ns;

    /** The class name resolver. */
    protected final JexlContext.ClassNameResolver fqcnSolver;

    /** The operators evaluation delegate. */
    protected final Operators operators;

    /** The map of 'prefix:function' to object resolving as namespaces. */
    protected final Map<String, Object> functions;

    /** The map of dynamically created namespaces, NamespaceFunctor or duck-types of those. */
    protected Map<String, Object> functors;

     * Creates an interpreter base.
     * @param engine   the engine creating this interpreter
     * @param opts     the evaluation options
     * @param aContext the evaluation context
    protected InterpreterBase(final Engine engine, final JexlOptions opts, final JexlContext aContext) {
        this.jexl = engine;
        this.logger = jexl.logger;
        this.uberspect = jexl.uberspect;
        this.context = aContext != null ? aContext : JexlEngine.EMPTY_CONTEXT;
        this.cache = engine.cache != null;
        final JexlArithmetic jexla = jexl.arithmetic;
        this.options = opts == null ? engine.evalOptions(aContext) : opts;
        this.arithmetic = jexla.options(options);
        if (arithmetic != jexla && !arithmetic.getClass().equals(jexla.getClass()) && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
            logger.warn("expected arithmetic to be " + jexla.getClass().getSimpleName()
                    + ", got " + arithmetic.getClass().getSimpleName()
        if (this.context instanceof JexlContext.NamespaceResolver) {
            ns = (JexlContext.NamespaceResolver) context;
        } else {
            ns = JexlEngine.EMPTY_NS;
        AtomicBoolean acancel = null;
        if (this.context instanceof JexlContext.CancellationHandle) {
            acancel = ((JexlContext.CancellationHandle) context).getCancellation();
        this.cancelled = acancel != null ? acancel : new AtomicBoolean();
        this.functions = options.getNamespaces();
        this.functors = null;
        this.operators = new Operators(this);
        // the import package facility
        final Collection<String> imports = options.getImports();
        this.fqcnSolver = imports.isEmpty()
                ? engine.classNameSolver
                : new FqcnResolver(engine.classNameSolver).importPackages(imports);

     * Copy constructor.
     * @param ii the base to copy
     * @param jexla the arithmetic instance to use (or null)
    protected InterpreterBase(final InterpreterBase ii, final JexlArithmetic jexla) {
        jexl = ii.jexl;
        logger = ii.logger;
        uberspect = ii.uberspect;
        arithmetic = jexla;
        context = ii.context;
        options = ii.options.copy();
        cache = ii.cache;
        ns = ii.ns;
        operators = ii.operators;
        cancelled = ii.cancelled;
        functions = ii.functions;
        functors = ii.functors;
        fqcnSolver = ii.fqcnSolver;

     * Triggered when an annotation processing fails.
     * @param node     the node where the error originated from
     * @param annotation the annotation name
     * @param cause    the cause of error (if any)
     * @return throws a JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object annotationError(final JexlNode node, final String annotation, final Throwable cause) {
        if (isStrictEngine()) {
            throw new JexlException.Annotation(node, annotation, cause);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(JexlException.annotationError(node, annotation), cause);
        return null;

     * Concatenate arguments in call(...).
     * @param target the pseudo-method owner, first to-be argument
     * @param narrow whether we should attempt to narrow number arguments
     * @param args   the other (non-null) arguments
     * @return the arguments array
    protected Object[] callArguments(final Object target, final boolean narrow, final Object[] args) {
        // makes target 1st args, copy others - optionally narrow numbers
        final Object[] nargv = new Object[args.length + 1];
        if (narrow) {
            nargv[0] = functionArgument(true, target);
            for (int a = 1; a <= args.length; ++a) {
                nargv[a] = functionArgument(true, args[a - 1]);
        } else {
            nargv[0] = target;
            System.arraycopy(args, 0, nargv, 1, args.length);
        return nargv;

     * Cancels this evaluation, setting the cancel flag that will result in a JexlException.Cancel to be thrown.
     * @return false if already cancelled, true otherwise
    protected  boolean cancel() {
        return cancelled.compareAndSet(false, true);

     * Throws a JexlException.Cancel if script execution was cancelled.
     * @param node the node being evaluated
    protected void cancelCheck(final JexlNode node) {
        if (isCancelled()) {
            throw new JexlException.Cancel(node);

     * Attempt to call close() if supported.
     * <p>This is used when dealing with auto-closeable (duck-like) objects
     * @param closeable the object we'd like to close
    protected void closeIfSupported(final Object closeable) {
        if (closeable != null) {
            final JexlMethod mclose = uberspect.getMethod(closeable, "close", EMPTY_PARAMS);
            if (mclose != null) {
                try {
                    mclose.invoke(closeable, EMPTY_PARAMS);
                } catch (final Exception xignore) {

     * Attempt to call close() if supported.
     * <p>This is used when dealing with auto-closeable (duck-like) objects
     * @param closeables the object queue we'd like to close
    protected void closeIfSupported(final Queue<Object> closeables) {
        for(final Object closeable : closeables) {

     * Triggered when a captured variable is const and assignment is attempted.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param var   the variable name
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object constVariable(final JexlNode node, final String var) {
        return variableError(node, var, VariableIssue.CONST);

     * Defines a variable.
     * @param var the variable to define
     * @param frame the frame in which it will be defined
     * @return true if definition succeeded, false otherwise
    protected boolean defineVariable(final ASTVar var, final LexicalFrame frame) {
        final int symbol = var.getSymbol();
        if (symbol < 0) {
            return false;
        if (var.isRedefined()) {
            return false;
        return frame.defineSymbol(symbol, var.isCaptured());

     * Finds the node causing a NPE for diadic operators.
     * @param node  the parent node
     * @param left  the left argument
     * @param right the right argument
     * @return the left, right or parent node
    protected JexlNode findNullOperand(final JexlNode node, final Object left, final Object right) {
        if (left == null) {
            return node.jjtGetChild(0);
        if (right == null) {
            return node.jjtGetChild(1);
        return node;

    protected JexlNode findNullOperand(final RuntimeException xrt, final JexlNode node, final Object left, final Object right) {
        return findNullOperand(node, left, right);

     * Optionally narrows an argument for a function call.
     * @param narrow whether narrowing should occur
     * @param arg    the argument
     * @return the narrowed argument
    protected Object functionArgument(final boolean narrow, final Object arg) {
        return narrow && arg instanceof Number ? arithmetic.narrow((Number) arg) : arg;

     * Concatenate arguments in call(...).
     * <p>When target == context, we are dealing with a global namespace function call
     * @param target the pseudo-method owner, first to-be argument
     * @param narrow whether we should attempt to narrow number arguments
     * @param args   the other (non-null) arguments
     * @return the arguments array
    protected Object[] functionArguments(final Object target, final boolean narrow, final Object[] args) {
        // when target == context, we are dealing with the null namespace
        if (target == null || target == context) {
            if (narrow) {
            return args;
        // makes target 1st args, copy others - optionally narrow numbers
        final Object[] nargv = new Object[args.length + 1];
        if (narrow) {
            nargv[0] = functionArgument(true, target);
            for (int a = 1; a <= args.length; ++a) {
                nargv[a] = functionArgument(true, args[a - 1]);
        } else {
            nargv[0] = target;
            System.arraycopy(args, 0, nargv, 1, args.length);
        return nargv;

     * Gets an attribute of an object.
     * @param object    to retrieve value from
     * @param attribute the attribute of the object, e.g. an index (1, 0, 2) or key for a map
     * @param node      the node that evaluated as the object
     * @return the attribute value
    protected Object getAttribute(final Object object, final Object attribute, final JexlNode node) {
        if (object == null) {
            throw new JexlException(node, "object is null");
        final JexlOperator operator = node != null && node.jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTArrayAccess
                ? JexlOperator.ARRAY_GET : JexlOperator.PROPERTY_GET;
        final Object result = operators.tryOverload(node, operator, object, attribute);
        if (result != JexlEngine.TRY_FAILED) {
            return result;
        Exception xcause = null;
        try {
            // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
            if (node != null && cache) {
                final Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
                if (cached instanceof JexlPropertyGet) {
                    final JexlPropertyGet vg = (JexlPropertyGet) cached;
                    final Object value = vg.tryInvoke(object, attribute);
                    if (!vg.tryFailed(value)) {
                        return value;
            // resolve that property
            final List<JexlUberspect.PropertyResolver> resolvers = uberspect.getResolvers(operator, object);
            final JexlPropertyGet vg = uberspect.getPropertyGet(resolvers, object, attribute);
            if (vg != null) {
                final Object value = vg.invoke(object);
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                if (node != null && cache && vg.isCacheable()) {
                return value;
        } catch (final Exception xany) {
            xcause = xany;
        // lets fail
        if (node == null) {
            // direct call
            final String error = "unable to get object property"
                    + ", class: " + object.getClass().getName()
                    + ", property: " + attribute;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error, xcause);
        final boolean safe = node instanceof ASTIdentifierAccess && ((ASTIdentifierAccess) node).isSafe();
        if (safe) {
            return null;
        final String attrStr = Objects.toString(attribute, null);
        return unsolvableProperty(node, attrStr, true, xcause);

     * Gets a value of a defined local variable or from the context.
     * @param frame the local frame
     * @param block the lexical block if any
     * @param identifier the variable node
     * @return the value
    protected Object getVariable(final Frame frame, final LexicalScope block, final ASTIdentifier identifier) {
        final int symbol = identifier.getSymbol();
        final String name = identifier.getName();
        // if we have a symbol, we have a scope thus a frame
        if ((options.isLexicalShade() || identifier.isLexical()) && identifier.isShaded()) {
            return undefinedVariable(identifier, name);
        // a local var ?
        if (symbol >= 0 && frame.has(symbol)) {
            final Object value = frame.get(symbol);
            // not out of scope with no lexical shade ?
            if (value != Scope.UNDEFINED) {
                // null operand of an arithmetic operator ?
                if (value == null && isStrictOperand(identifier)) {
                    return unsolvableVariable(identifier, name, false); // defined but null
                return value;
        // consider global
        final Object value = context.get(name);
        // is it null ?
        if (value == null) {
            // is it defined ?
            if (!context.has(name)) {
                // not defined, ignore in some cases...
                final boolean ignore = identifier.jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTReference
                        || isSafe() && (symbol >= 0 || identifier.jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTAssignment);
                if (!ignore) {
                    return undefinedVariable(identifier, name); // undefined
            } else if (isStrictOperand(identifier)) {
                return unsolvableVariable(identifier, name, false); // defined but null
        return value;
     * Triggered when method, function or constructor invocation fails with an exception.
     * @param node       the node triggering the exception
     * @param methodName the method/function name
     * @param xany       the cause
     * @return a JexlException that will be thrown
    protected JexlException invocationException(final JexlNode node, final String methodName, final Throwable xany) {
        final Throwable cause = xany.getCause();
        if (cause instanceof JexlException) {
            return (JexlException) cause;
        if (cause instanceof InterruptedException) {
            return new JexlException.Cancel(node);
        return new JexlException(node, methodName, xany);

     * @return true if interrupt throws a JexlException.Cancel.
    protected boolean isCancellable() {
        return options.isCancellable();

     * Checks whether this interpreter execution was cancelled due to thread interruption.
     * @return true if cancelled, false otherwise
    protected boolean isCancelled() {
        return cancelled.get() | Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted();

     * Whether this interpreter ignores null in navigation expression as errors.
     * @return true if safe, false otherwise
    protected boolean isSafe() {
        return options.isSafe();

     * Whether this interpreter is currently evaluating with a silent mode.
     * @return true if silent, false otherwise
    protected boolean isSilent() {
        return options.isSilent();

     * Whether this interpreter is currently evaluating with a strict engine flag.
     * @return true if strict engine, false otherwise
    protected boolean isStrictEngine() {
        return options.isStrict();

     * @param node the operand node
     * @return true if this node is an operand of a strict operator, false otherwise
    protected boolean isStrictOperand(final JexlNode node) {
       return node.jjtGetParent().isStrictOperator(arithmetic);

     * Check if a null evaluated expression is protected by a ternary expression.
     * <p>
     * The rationale is that the ternary / elvis expressions are meant for the user to explicitly take control
     * over the error generation; ie, ternaries can return null even if the engine in strict mode
     * would normally throw an exception.
     * </p>
     * @return true if nullable variable, false otherwise
    protected boolean isTernaryProtected(final JexlNode startNode) {
        JexlNode node = startNode;
        for (JexlNode walk = node.jjtGetParent(); walk != null; walk = walk.jjtGetParent()) {
            // protect only the condition part of the ternary
            if (walk instanceof ASTTernaryNode
                    || walk instanceof ASTNullpNode) {
                return node == walk.jjtGetChild(0);
            if (!(walk instanceof ASTReference || walk instanceof ASTArrayAccess)) {
            node = walk;
        return false;

     * Checks whether a variable is defined.
     * <p>The var may be either a local variable declared in the frame and
     * visible from the block or defined in the context.
     * @param frame the frame
     * @param block the block
     * @param name the variable name
     * @return true if variable is defined, false otherwise
    protected boolean isVariableDefined(final Frame frame, final LexicalScope block, final String name) {
        if (frame != null && block != null) {
            final Integer ref = frame.getScope().getSymbol(name);
            final int symbol = ref != null ? ref : -1;
            if (symbol >= 0  && block.hasSymbol(symbol)) {
                final Object value = frame.get(symbol);
                return value != Scope.UNDEFINED && value != Scope.UNDECLARED;
        return context.has(name);

     * Triggered when an operator fails.
     * @param node     the node where the error originated from
     * @param operator the method name
     * @param cause    the cause of error (if any)
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object operatorError(final JexlNode node, final JexlOperator operator, final Throwable cause) {
        if (isStrictEngine()) {
            throw new JexlException.Operator(node, operator.getOperatorSymbol(), cause);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(JexlException.operatorError(node, operator.getOperatorSymbol()), cause);
        return null;

     * Triggered when a variable is lexically known as being redefined.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param var   the variable name
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object redefinedVariable(final JexlNode node, final String var) {
        return variableError(node, var, VariableIssue.REDEFINED);

     * Resolves a namespace, eventually allocating an instance using context as constructor argument.
     * <p>
     * The lifetime of such instances span the current expression or script evaluation.</p>
     * @param prefix the prefix name (can be null for global namespace)
     * @param node   the AST node
     * @return the namespace instance
    protected Object resolveNamespace(final String prefix, final JexlNode node) {
        Object namespace;
        // check whether this namespace is a functor
        synchronized (this) {
            if (functors != null) {
                namespace = functors.get(prefix);
                if (namespace != null) {
                    return namespace;
        // check if namespace is a resolver
        namespace = ns.resolveNamespace(prefix);
        if (namespace == null) {
            namespace = functions.get(prefix);
            if (namespace == null) {
                namespace = jexl.getNamespace(prefix);
            if (prefix != null && namespace == null) {
                throw new JexlException(node, "no such function namespace " + prefix, null);
        Object functor = null;
        // class or string (*1)
        if (namespace instanceof Class<?> || namespace instanceof String) {
            // the namespace(d) identifier
            final ASTIdentifier nsNode = (ASTIdentifier) node.jjtGetChild(0);
            final boolean cacheable = cache && prefix != null;
            final Object cached = cacheable ? nsNode.jjtGetValue() : null;
            // we know the class is used as namespace of static methods, no functor
            if (cached instanceof Class<?>) {
                return cached;
            // attempt to reuse last cached constructor
            if (cached instanceof JexlContext.NamespaceFunctor) {
                final Object eval = ((JexlContext.NamespaceFunctor) cached).createFunctor(context);
                if (JexlEngine.TRY_FAILED != eval) {
                    functor = eval;
                    namespace = cached;
            if (functor == null) {
                // find a constructor with that context as argument or without
                for (int tried = 0; tried < 2; ++tried) {
                    final boolean withContext = tried == 0;
                    final JexlMethod ctor = withContext
                            ? uberspect.getConstructor(namespace, context)
                            : uberspect.getConstructor(namespace);
                    if (ctor != null) {
                        try {
                            functor = withContext
                                    ? ctor.invoke(namespace, context)
                                    : ctor.invoke(namespace);
                            // defensive
                            if (functor != null) {
                                // wrap the namespace in a NamespaceFunctor to shield us from the actual
                                // number of arguments to call it with.
                                final Object ns = namespace;
                                // make it a class (not a lambda!) so instanceof (see *2) will catch it
                                namespace = (NamespaceFunctor) context -> withContext
                                        ? ctor.tryInvoke(null, ns, context)
                                        : ctor.tryInvoke(null, ns);
                                if (cacheable && ctor.isCacheable()) {
                                break; // we found a constructor that did create a functor
                        } catch (final Exception xinst) {
                            throw new JexlException(node, "unable to instantiate namespace " + prefix, xinst);
                // did not, will not create a functor instance; use a class, namespace of static methods
                if (functor == null) {
                    try {
                        // try to find a class with that name
                        if (namespace instanceof String) {
                            namespace = uberspect.getClassLoader().loadClass((String) namespace);
                        // we know it's a class in all cases (see *1)
                        if (cacheable) {
                    } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        // not a class
                        throw new JexlException(node, "no such class namespace " + prefix, e);
        // if a namespace functor, instantiate the functor (if not done already) and store it (*2)
        if (functor == null && namespace instanceof JexlContext.NamespaceFunctor) {
            functor = ((JexlContext.NamespaceFunctor) namespace).createFunctor(context);
        // got a functor, store it and return it
        if (functor != null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (functors == null) {
                    functors = new HashMap<>();
                functors.put(prefix, functor);
            return functor;
        return namespace;

     * Sets an attribute of an object.
     * @param object    to set the value to
     * @param attribute the attribute of the object, e.g. an index (1, 0, 2) or key for a map
     * @param value     the value to assign to the object's attribute
     * @param node      the node that evaluated as the object
    protected void setAttribute(final Object object, final Object attribute, final Object value, final JexlNode node) {
        final JexlOperator operator = node != null && node.jjtGetParent() instanceof ASTArrayAccess
                                      ? JexlOperator.ARRAY_SET : JexlOperator.PROPERTY_SET;
        final Object result = operators.tryOverload(node, operator, object, attribute, value);
        if (result != JexlEngine.TRY_FAILED) {
        Exception xcause = null;
        try {
            // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
            if (node != null && cache) {
                final Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
                if (cached instanceof JexlPropertySet) {
                    final JexlPropertySet setter = (JexlPropertySet) cached;
                    final Object eval = setter.tryInvoke(object, attribute, value);
                    if (!setter.tryFailed(eval)) {
            final List<JexlUberspect.PropertyResolver> resolvers = uberspect.getResolvers(operator, object);
            JexlPropertySet vs = uberspect.getPropertySet(resolvers, object, attribute, value);
            // if we can't find an exact match, narrow the value argument and try again
            if (vs == null) {
                // replace all numbers with the smallest type that will fit
                final Object[] narrow = {value};
                if (arithmetic.narrowArguments(narrow)) {
                    vs = uberspect.getPropertySet(resolvers, object, attribute, narrow[0]);
            if (vs != null) {
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                vs.invoke(object, value);
                if (node != null && cache && vs.isCacheable()) {
        } catch (final Exception xany) {
            xcause = xany;
        // lets fail
        if (node == null) {
            // direct call
            final String error = "unable to set object property"
                    + ", class: " + object.getClass().getName()
                    + ", property: " + attribute
                    + ", argument: " + value.getClass().getSimpleName();
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(error, xcause);
        final String attrStr = Objects.toString(attribute, null);
        unsolvableProperty(node, attrStr, true, xcause);

     * Sets a variable in the global context.
     * <p>If interpretation applies lexical shade, the variable must exist (ie
     * the context has(...) method returns true) otherwise an error occurs.
     * @param node the node
     * @param name the variable name
     * @param value the variable value
    protected void setContextVariable(final JexlNode node, final String name, final Object value) {
        boolean lexical = options.isLexicalShade();
        if (!lexical && node instanceof ASTIdentifier) {
            lexical = ((ASTIdentifier) node).isLexical();
        if (lexical && !context.has(name)) {
            throw new JexlException.Variable(node, name, true);
        try {
            context.set(name, value);
        } catch (final UnsupportedOperationException xsupport) {
            throw new JexlException(node, "context is readonly", xsupport);

     * Pretty-prints a failing property (de)reference.
     * <p>Used by calls to unsolvableProperty(...).</p>
     * @param node the property node
     * @return the (pretty) string
    protected String stringifyProperty(final JexlNode node) {
        if (node instanceof ASTArrayAccess) {
            return "[" + stringifyPropertyValue(node.jjtGetChild(0)) + "]";
        if (node instanceof ASTMethodNode) {
            return stringifyPropertyValue(node.jjtGetChild(0));
        if (node instanceof ASTFunctionNode) {
            return stringifyPropertyValue(node.jjtGetChild(0));
        if (node instanceof ASTIdentifier) {
            return ((ASTIdentifier) node).getName();
        if (node instanceof ASTReference) {
            return stringifyProperty(node.jjtGetChild(0));
        return stringifyPropertyValue(node);

     * Triggered when a variable is lexically known as undefined.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param var   the variable name
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object undefinedVariable(final JexlNode node, final String var) {
        return variableError(node, var, VariableIssue.UNDEFINED);

     * Triggered when a method can not be resolved.
     * @param node   the node where the error originated from
     * @param method the method name
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object unsolvableMethod(final JexlNode node, final String method) {
        return unsolvableMethod(node, method, null);

     * Triggered when a method can not be resolved.
     * @param node   the node where the error originated from
     * @param method the method name
     * @param args the method arguments
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object unsolvableMethod(final JexlNode node, final String method, final Object[] args) {
        if (isStrictEngine()) {
            throw new JexlException.Method(node, method, args);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(JexlException.methodError(node, method, args));
        return null;

     * Triggered when a property can not be resolved.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param property   the property node
     * @param cause the cause if any
     * @param undef whether the property is undefined or null
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object unsolvableProperty(final JexlNode node, final String property, final boolean undef, final Throwable cause) {
        if (isStrictEngine() && !isTernaryProtected(node)) {
            throw new JexlException.Property(node, property, undef, cause);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(JexlException.propertyError(node, property, undef));
        return null;

     * Triggered when a variable can not be resolved.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param var   the variable name
     * @param undef whether the variable is undefined or null
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object unsolvableVariable(final JexlNode node, final String var, final boolean undef) {
        return variableError(node, var, undef? VariableIssue.UNDEFINED : VariableIssue.NULLVALUE);

     * Triggered when a variable generates an issue.
     * @param node  the node where the error originated from
     * @param var   the variable name
     * @param issue the issue type
     * @return throws JexlException if strict and not silent, null otherwise
    protected Object variableError(final JexlNode node, final String var, final VariableIssue issue) {
        if (isStrictEngine() && !isTernaryProtected(node)) {
            throw new JexlException.Variable(node, var, issue);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(JexlException.variableError(node, var, issue));
        return null;