Class DurationFormatUtils


public class DurationFormatUtils extends Object
Duration formatting utilities and constants. The following table describes the tokens used in the pattern language for formatting.
Pattern Tokens
characterduration element
'text'arbitrary text content
Note: It's not currently possible to include a single-quote in a format.
Token values are printed using decimal digits. A token character can be repeated to ensure that the field occupies a certain minimum size. Values will be left-padded with 0 unless padding is disabled in the method invocation.
Tokens can be marked as optional by surrounding them with brackets [ ]. These tokens will only be printed if the token value is non-zero. Literals within optional blocks will only be printed if the preceding non-literal token is non-zero. Leading optional literals will only be printed if the following non-literal is non-zero. Multiple optional blocks can be used to group literals with the desired token.

Notes on Optional Tokens:
Multiple optional tokens without literals can result in impossible to understand output.
Patterns where all tokens are optional can produce empty strings.
(See examples below)

Example Output
Note: Optional blocks cannot be nested.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DurationFormatUtils

      TODO Make private in 4.0.
      DurationFormatUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming.

      This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.

  • Method Details

    • formatDuration

      public static String formatDuration(long durationMillis, String format)
      Formats the time gap as a string, using the specified format, and padding with zeros.

      This method formats durations using the days and lower fields of the format pattern. Months and larger are not used.

      durationMillis - the duration to format
      format - the way in which to format the duration, not null
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if durationMillis is negative
    • formatDuration

      public static String formatDuration(long durationMillis, String format, boolean padWithZeros)
      Formats the time gap as a string, using the specified format. Padding the left-hand side side of numbers with zeroes is optional.

      This method formats durations using the days and lower fields of the format pattern. Months and larger are not used.

      durationMillis - the duration to format
      format - the way in which to format the duration, not null
      padWithZeros - whether to pad the left-hand side side of numbers with 0's
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if durationMillis is negative
    • formatDurationHMS

      public static String formatDurationHMS(long durationMillis)
      Formats the time gap as a string.

      The format used is ISO 8601-like: HH:mm:ss.SSS.

      durationMillis - the duration to format
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if durationMillis is negative
    • formatDurationISO

      public static String formatDurationISO(long durationMillis)
      Formats the time gap as a string.

      The format used is the ISO 8601 period format.

      This method formats durations using the days and lower fields of the ISO format pattern, such as P7D6TH5M4.321S.

      durationMillis - the duration to format
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if durationMillis is negative
    • formatDurationWords

      public static String formatDurationWords(long durationMillis, boolean suppressLeadingZeroElements, boolean suppressTrailingZeroElements)
      Formats an elapsed time into a pluralization correct string.

      This method formats durations using the days and lower fields of the format pattern. Months and larger are not used.

      durationMillis - the elapsed time to report in milliseconds
      suppressLeadingZeroElements - suppresses leading 0 elements
      suppressTrailingZeroElements - suppresses trailing 0 elements
      the formatted text in days/hours/minutes/seconds, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if durationMillis is negative
    • formatPeriod

      public static String formatPeriod(long startMillis, long endMillis, String format)
      Formats the time gap as a string, using the specified format. Padding the left-hand side side of numbers with zeroes is optional.
      startMillis - the start of the duration
      endMillis - the end of the duration
      format - the way in which to format the duration, not null
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if startMillis is greater than endMillis
    • formatPeriod

      public static String formatPeriod(long startMillis, long endMillis, String format, boolean padWithZeros, TimeZone timezone)

      Formats the time gap as a string, using the specified format. Padding the left-hand side side of numbers with zeroes is optional and the time zone may be specified.

      When calculating the difference between months/days, it chooses to calculate months first. So when working out the number of months and days between January 15th and March 10th, it choose 1 month and 23 days gained by choosing January->February = 1 month and then calculating days forwards, and not the 1 month and 26 days gained by choosing March -> February = 1 month and then calculating days backwards.

      For more control, the Joda-Time library is recommended.

      startMillis - the start of the duration
      endMillis - the end of the duration
      format - the way in which to format the duration, not null
      padWithZeros - whether to pad the left-hand side side of numbers with 0's
      timezone - the millis are defined in
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if startMillis is greater than endMillis
    • formatPeriodISO

      public static String formatPeriodISO(long startMillis, long endMillis)
      Formats the time gap as a string.

      The format used is the ISO 8601 period format.

      startMillis - the start of the duration to format
      endMillis - the end of the duration to format
      the formatted duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if startMillis is greater than endMillis