002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.lang3;
019import java.security.SecureRandom;
020import java.security.Security;
021import java.util.Random;
022import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
023import java.util.function.Supplier;
026 * Generates random {@link String}s.
027 * <p>
028 * Use {@link #secure()} to get the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#SecureRandom()} which uses a secure random number generator implementing the
029 * default random number algorithm.
030 * </p>
031 * <p>
032 * Use {@link #secureStrong()} to get the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()} which uses an instance that was selected by using
033 * the algorithms/providers specified in the {@code securerandom.strongAlgorithms} {@link Security} property.
034 * </p>
035 * <p>
036 * Use {@link #insecure()} to get the singleton instance based on {@link ThreadLocalRandom#current()} <b>which is not cryptographically secure</b>. In addition,
037 * instances do not use a cryptographically random seed unless the {@linkplain System#getProperty system property} {@code java.util.secureRandomSeed} is set to
038 * {@code true}.
039 * </p>
040 * <p>
041 * Starting in version 3.17.0, the method {@link #secure()} uses {@link SecureRandom#SecureRandom()} instead of {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()}, and
042 * adds {@link #secureStrong()}.
043 * </p>
044 * <p>
045 * Starting in version 3.16.0, this class uses {@link #secure()} for static methods and adds {@link #insecure()}.
046 * </p>
047 * <p>
048 * Starting in version 3.15.0, this class uses {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()} for static methods.
049 * </p>
050 * <p>
051 * Before version 3.15.0, this class used {@link ThreadLocalRandom#current()} for static methods, which is not cryptographically secure.
052 * </p>
053 * <p>
054 * RandomStringUtils is intended for simple use cases. For more advanced use cases consider using Apache Commons Text's
055 * <a href= "https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-text/javadocs/api-release/org/apache/commons/text/RandomStringGenerator.html"> RandomStringGenerator</a>
056 * instead.
057 * </p>
058 * <p>
059 * The Apache Commons project provides <a href="https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rng/">Commons RNG</a> dedicated to pseudo-random number generation,
060 * that may be a better choice for applications with more stringent requirements (performance and/or correctness).
061 * </p>
062 * <p>
063 * Note that <em>private high surrogate</em> characters are ignored. These are Unicode characters that fall between the values 56192 (db80) and 56319 (dbff) as
064 * we don't know how to handle them. High and low surrogates are correctly dealt with - that is if a high surrogate is randomly chosen, 55296 (d800) to 56191
065 * (db7f) then it is followed by a low surrogate. If a low surrogate is chosen, 56320 (dc00) to 57343 (dfff) then it is placed after a randomly chosen high
066 * surrogate.
067 * </p>
068 * <p>
069 * #ThreadSafe#
070 * </p>
071 *
072 * @see #secure()
073 * @see #secureStrong()
074 * @see #insecure()
075 * @see SecureRandom#SecureRandom()
076 * @see SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()
077 * @see ThreadLocalRandom#current()
078 * @see RandomUtils
079 * @since 1.0
080 */
081public class RandomStringUtils {
083    private static final Supplier<RandomUtils> SECURE_SUPPLIER = RandomUtils::secure;
085    private static RandomStringUtils INSECURE = new RandomStringUtils(RandomUtils::insecure);
087    private static RandomStringUtils SECURE = new RandomStringUtils(SECURE_SUPPLIER);
089    private static RandomStringUtils SECURE_STRONG = new RandomStringUtils(RandomUtils::secureStrong);
091    private static final char[] ALPHANUMERICAL_CHARS = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
092            'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
093            'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '0', '1',
094            '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
096    /**
097     * Gets the singleton instance based on {@link ThreadLocalRandom#current()}; <b>which is not cryptographically
098     * secure</b>; use {@link #secure()} to use an algorithms/providers specified in the
099     * {@code securerandom.strongAlgorithms} {@link Security} property.
100     * <p>
101     * The method {@link ThreadLocalRandom#current()} is called on-demand.
102     * </p>
103     *
104     * @return the singleton instance based on {@link ThreadLocalRandom#current()}.
105     * @see ThreadLocalRandom#current()
106     * @see #secure()
107     * @since 3.16.0
108     */
109    public static RandomStringUtils insecure() {
110        return INSECURE;
111    }
113    /**
114     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
115     *
116     * <p>
117     * Characters will be chosen from the set of all characters.
118     * </p>
119     *
120     * @param count the length of random string to create
121     * @return the random string
122     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
123     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
124     */
125    @Deprecated
126    public static String random(final int count) {
127        return secure().next(count);
128    }
130    /**
131     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
132     *
133     * <p>
134     * Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
135     * </p>
136     *
137     * @param count   the length of random string to create
138     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
139     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
140     * @return the random string
141     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
142     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
143     */
144    @Deprecated
145    public static String random(final int count, final boolean letters, final boolean numbers) {
146        return secure().next(count, letters, numbers);
147    }
149    /**
150     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
151     *
152     * <p>
153     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters specified.
154     * </p>
155     *
156     * @param count the length of random string to create
157     * @param chars the character array containing the set of characters to use, may be null
158     * @return the random string
159     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
160     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
161     */
162    @Deprecated
163    public static String random(final int count, final char... chars) {
164        return secure().next(count, chars);
165    }
167    /**
168     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
169     *
170     * <p>
171     * Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
172     * </p>
173     *
174     * @param count   the length of random string to create
175     * @param start   the position in set of chars to start at
176     * @param end     the position in set of chars to end before
177     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
178     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
179     * @return the random string
180     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
181     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
182     */
183    @Deprecated
184    public static String random(final int count, final int start, final int end, final boolean letters,
185            final boolean numbers) {
186        return secure().next(count, start, end, letters, numbers);
187    }
189    /**
190     * Creates a random string based on a variety of options, using default source of randomness.
191     *
192     * <p>
193     * This method has exactly the same semantics as {@link #random(int,int,int,boolean,boolean,char[],Random)}, but
194     * instead of using an externally supplied source of randomness, it uses the internal static {@link Random}
195     * instance.
196     * </p>
197     *
198     * @param count   the length of random string to create
199     * @param start   the position in set of chars to start at
200     * @param end     the position in set of chars to end before
201     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
202     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
203     * @param chars   the set of chars to choose randoms from. If {@code null}, then it will use the set of all chars.
204     * @return the random string
205     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if there are not {@code (end - start) + 1} characters in the set array.
206     * @throws IllegalArgumentException       if {@code count} &lt; 0.
207     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
208     */
209    @Deprecated
210    public static String random(final int count, final int start, final int end, final boolean letters,
211            final boolean numbers, final char... chars) {
212        return secure().next(count, start, end, letters, numbers, chars);
213    }
215    /**
216     * Creates a random string based on a variety of options, using supplied source of randomness.
217     *
218     * <p>
219     * If start and end are both {@code 0}, start and end are set to {@code ' '} and {@code 'z'}, the ASCII printable
220     * characters, will be used, unless letters and numbers are both {@code false}, in which case, start and end are set
221     * to {@code 0} and {@link Character#MAX_CODE_POINT}.
222     *
223     * <p>
224     * If set is not {@code null}, characters between start and end are chosen.
225     * </p>
226     *
227     * <p>
228     * This method accepts a user-supplied {@link Random} instance to use as a source of randomness. By seeding a single
229     * {@link Random} instance with a fixed seed and using it for each call, the same random sequence of strings can be
230     * generated repeatedly and predictably.
231     * </p>
232     *
233     * @param count   the length of random string to create
234     * @param start   the position in set of chars to start at (inclusive)
235     * @param end     the position in set of chars to end before (exclusive)
236     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
237     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
238     * @param chars   the set of chars to choose randoms from, must not be empty. If {@code null}, then it will use the
239     *                set of all chars.
240     * @param random  a source of randomness.
241     * @return the random string
242     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if there are not {@code (end - start) + 1} characters in the set array.
243     * @throws IllegalArgumentException       if {@code count} &lt; 0 or the provided chars array is empty.
244     * @since 2.0
245     */
246    public static String random(int count, int start, int end, final boolean letters, final boolean numbers,
247            final char[] chars, final Random random) {
248        if (count == 0) {
249            return StringUtils.EMPTY;
250        }
251        if (count < 0) {
252            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested random string length " + count + " is less than 0.");
253        }
254        if (chars != null && chars.length == 0) {
255            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The chars array must not be empty");
256        }
258        if (start == 0 && end == 0) {
259            if (chars != null) {
260                end = chars.length;
261            } else if (!letters && !numbers) {
262                end = Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;
263            } else {
264                end = 'z' + 1;
265                start = ' ';
266            }
267        } else if (end <= start) {
268            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
269                    "Parameter end (" + end + ") must be greater than start (" + start + ")");
270        } else if (start < 0 || end < 0) {
271            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Character positions MUST be >= 0");
272        }
274        if (end > Character.MAX_CODE_POINT) {
275            // Technically, it should be `Character.MAX_CODE_POINT+1` as `end` is excluded
276            // But the character `Character.MAX_CODE_POINT` is private use, so it would anyway be excluded
277            end = Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;
278        }
280        // Optimize generation of full alphanumerical characters
281        // Normally, we would need to pick a 7-bit integer, since gap = 'z' - '0' + 1 = 75 > 64
282        // In turn, this would make us reject the sampling with probability 1 - 62 / 2^7 > 1 / 2
283        // Instead we can pick directly from the right set of 62 characters, which requires
284        // picking a 6-bit integer and only rejecting with probability 2 / 64 = 1 / 32
285        if (chars == null && letters && numbers && start <= '0' && end >= 'z' + 1) {
286            return random(count, 0, 0, false, false, ALPHANUMERICAL_CHARS, random);
287        }
289        // Optimize start and end when filtering by letters and/or numbers:
290        // The range provided may be too large since we filter anyway afterward.
291        // Note the use of Math.min/max (as opposed to setting start to '0' for example),
292        // since it is possible the range start/end excludes some of the letters/numbers,
293        // e.g., it is possible that start already is '1' when numbers = true, and start
294        // needs to stay equal to '1' in that case.
295        if (chars == null) {
296            if (letters && numbers) {
297                start = Math.max('0', start);
298                end = Math.min('z' + 1, end);
299            } else if (numbers) {
300                // just numbers, no letters
301                start = Math.max('0', start);
302                end = Math.min('9' + 1, end);
303            } else if (letters) {
304                // just letters, no numbers
305                start = Math.max('A', start);
306                end = Math.min('z' + 1, end);
307            }
308        }
310        final int zeroDigitAscii = 48;
311        final int firstLetterAscii = 65;
313        if (chars == null && (numbers && end <= zeroDigitAscii || letters && end <= firstLetterAscii)) {
314            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
315                    "Parameter end (" + end + ") must be greater then (" + zeroDigitAscii + ") for generating digits "
316                            + "or greater then (" + firstLetterAscii + ") for generating letters.");
317        }
319        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(count);
320        final int gap = end - start;
321        final int gapBits = Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(gap);
322        // The size of the cache we use is an heuristic:
323        // about twice the number of bytes required if no rejection
324        // Ideally the cache size depends on multiple factor, including the cost of generating x bytes
325        // of randomness as well as the probability of rejection. It is however not easy to know
326        // those values programmatically for the general case.
327        final CachedRandomBits arb = new CachedRandomBits((count * gapBits + 3) / 5 + 10, random);
329        while (count-- != 0) {
330            // Generate a random value between start (included) and end (excluded)
331            final int randomValue = arb.nextBits(gapBits) + start;
332            // Rejection sampling if value too large
333            if (randomValue >= end) {
334                count++;
335                continue;
336            }
338            final int codePoint;
339            if (chars == null) {
340                codePoint = randomValue;
342                switch (Character.getType(codePoint)) {
343                case Character.UNASSIGNED:
344                case Character.PRIVATE_USE:
345                case Character.SURROGATE:
346                    count++;
347                    continue;
348                }
350            } else {
351                codePoint = chars[randomValue];
352            }
354            final int numberOfChars = Character.charCount(codePoint);
355            if (count == 0 && numberOfChars > 1) {
356                count++;
357                continue;
358            }
360            if (letters && Character.isLetter(codePoint) || numbers && Character.isDigit(codePoint)
361                    || !letters && !numbers) {
362                builder.appendCodePoint(codePoint);
364                if (numberOfChars == 2) {
365                    count--;
366                }
368            } else {
369                count++;
370            }
371        }
372        return builder.toString();
373    }
375    /**
376     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
377     *
378     * <p>
379     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters specified by the string, must not be empty. If null, the set
380     * of all characters is used.
381     * </p>
382     *
383     * @param count the length of random string to create
384     * @param chars the String containing the set of characters to use, may be null, but must not be empty
385     * @return the random string
386     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0 or the string is empty.
387     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
388     */
389    @Deprecated
390    public static String random(final int count, final String chars) {
391        return secure().next(count, chars);
392    }
394    /**
395     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
396     *
397     * <p>
398     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
399     * </p>
400     *
401     * @param count the length of random string to create
402     * @return the random string
403     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
404     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
405     */
406    @Deprecated
407    public static String randomAlphabetic(final int count) {
408        return secure().nextAlphabetic(count);
409    }
411    /**
412     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
413     *
414     * <p>
415     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
416     * </p>
417     *
418     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
419     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
420     * @return the random string
421     * @since 3.5
422     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
423     */
424    @Deprecated
425    public static String randomAlphabetic(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
426        return secure().nextAlphabetic(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
427    }
429    /**
430     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
431     *
432     * <p>
433     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) and the digits 0-9.
434     * </p>
435     *
436     * @param count the length of random string to create
437     * @return the random string
438     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
439     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
440     */
441    @Deprecated
442    public static String randomAlphanumeric(final int count) {
443        return secure().nextAlphanumeric(count);
444    }
446    /**
447     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
448     *
449     * <p>
450     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) and the digits 0-9.
451     * </p>
452     *
453     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
454     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
455     * @return the random string
456     * @since 3.5
457     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
458     */
459    @Deprecated
460    public static String randomAlphanumeric(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
461        return secure().nextAlphanumeric(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
462    }
464    /**
465     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
466     *
467     * <p>
468     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters whose ASCII value is between {@code 32} and {@code 126}
469     * (inclusive).
470     * </p>
471     *
472     * @param count the length of random string to create
473     * @return the random string
474     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
475     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
476     */
477    @Deprecated
478    public static String randomAscii(final int count) {
479        return secure().nextAscii(count);
480    }
482    /**
483     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
484     *
485     * <p>
486     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters whose ASCII value is between {@code 32} and {@code 126}
487     * (inclusive).
488     * </p>
489     *
490     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
491     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
492     * @return the random string
493     * @since 3.5
494     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
495     */
496    @Deprecated
497    public static String randomAscii(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
498        return secure().nextAscii(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
499    }
501    /**
502     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
503     *
504     * <p>
505     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters which match the POSIX [:graph:] regular expression character
506     * class. This class contains all visible ASCII characters (i.e. anything except spaces and control characters).
507     * </p>
508     *
509     * @param count the length of random string to create
510     * @return the random string
511     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
512     * @since 3.5
513     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
514     */
515    @Deprecated
516    public static String randomGraph(final int count) {
517        return secure().nextGraph(count);
518    }
520    /**
521     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
522     *
523     * <p>
524     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Graph} characters.
525     * </p>
526     *
527     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
528     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
529     * @return the random string
530     * @since 3.5
531     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
532     */
533    @Deprecated
534    public static String randomGraph(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
535        return secure().nextGraph(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
536    }
538    /**
539     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
540     *
541     * <p>
542     * Characters will be chosen from the set of numeric characters.
543     * </p>
544     *
545     * @param count the length of random string to create
546     * @return the random string
547     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
548     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
549     */
550    @Deprecated
551    public static String randomNumeric(final int count) {
552        return secure().nextNumeric(count);
553    }
555    /**
556     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
557     *
558     * <p>
559     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Digit} characters.
560     * </p>
561     *
562     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
563     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
564     * @return the random string
565     * @since 3.5
566     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
567     */
568    @Deprecated
569    public static String randomNumeric(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
570        return secure().nextNumeric(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
571    }
573    /**
574     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
575     *
576     * <p>
577     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters which match the POSIX [:print:] regular expression character
578     * class. This class includes all visible ASCII characters and spaces (i.e. anything except control characters).
579     * </p>
580     *
581     * @param count the length of random string to create
582     * @return the random string
583     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
584     * @since 3.5
585     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
586     */
587    @Deprecated
588    public static String randomPrint(final int count) {
589        return secure().nextPrint(count);
590    }
592    /**
593     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
594     *
595     * <p>
596     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Print} characters.
597     * </p>
598     *
599     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
600     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
601     * @return the random string
602     * @since 3.5
603     * @deprecated Use {@link #secure()}, {@link #secureStrong()},or {@link #insecure()}.
604     */
605    @Deprecated
606    public static String randomPrint(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
607        return secure().nextPrint(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive);
608    }
610    /**
611     * Gets the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#SecureRandom()} which uses a secure random number generator (RNG) implementing the default
612     * random number algorithm.
613     * <p>
614     * The method {@link SecureRandom#SecureRandom()} is called on-demand.
615     * </p>
616     *
617     * @return the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#SecureRandom()}.
618     * @see SecureRandom#SecureRandom()
619     * @since 3.16.0
620     */
621    public static RandomStringUtils secure() {
622        return SECURE;
623    }
625    /**
626     * Gets the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()} which uses an algorithms/providers
627     * specified in the {@code securerandom.strongAlgorithms} {@link Security} property.
628     * <p>
629     * The method {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()} is called on-demand.
630     * </p>
631     *
632     * @return the singleton instance based on {@link SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()}.
633     * @see SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong()
634     * @since 3.17.0
635     */
636    public static RandomStringUtils secureStrong() {
637        return SECURE_STRONG;
638    }
640    private final Supplier<RandomUtils> random;
642    /**
643     * {@link RandomStringUtils} instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. Instead, the class should
644     * be used as {@code RandomStringUtils.random(5);}.
645     *
646     * <p>
647     * This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.
648     * </p>
649     *
650     * @deprecated TODO Make private in 4.0.
651     */
652    @Deprecated
653    public RandomStringUtils() {
654        this(SECURE_SUPPLIER);
655    }
657    private RandomStringUtils(final Supplier<RandomUtils> random) {
658        this.random = random;
659    }
661    /**
662     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
663     *
664     * <p>
665     * Characters will be chosen from the set of all characters.
666     * </p>
667     *
668     * @param count the length of random string to create
669     * @return the random string
670     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
671     * @since 3.16.0
672     */
673    public String next(final int count) {
674        return next(count, false, false);
675    }
677    /**
678     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
679     *
680     * <p>
681     * Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
682     * </p>
683     *
684     * @param count   the length of random string to create
685     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
686     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
687     * @return the random string
688     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
689     * @since 3.16.0
690     */
691    public String next(final int count, final boolean letters, final boolean numbers) {
692        return next(count, 0, 0, letters, numbers);
693    }
695    /**
696     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
697     *
698     * <p>
699     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters specified.
700     * </p>
701     *
702     * @param count the length of random string to create
703     * @param chars the character array containing the set of characters to use, may be null
704     * @return the random string
705     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
706     * @since 3.16.0
707     */
708    public String next(final int count, final char... chars) {
709        if (chars == null) {
710            return random(count, 0, 0, false, false, null, random());
711        }
712        return random(count, 0, chars.length, false, false, chars, random());
713    }
715    /**
716     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
717     *
718     * <p>
719     * Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
720     * </p>
721     *
722     * @param count   the length of random string to create
723     * @param start   the position in set of chars to start at
724     * @param end     the position in set of chars to end before
725     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
726     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
727     * @return the random string
728     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
729     * @since 3.16.0
730     */
731    public String next(final int count, final int start, final int end, final boolean letters, final boolean numbers) {
732        return random(count, start, end, letters, numbers, null, random());
733    }
735    /**
736     * Creates a random string based on a variety of options, using default source of randomness.
737     *
738     * <p>
739     * This method has exactly the same semantics as {@link #random(int,int,int,boolean,boolean,char[],Random)}, but
740     * instead of using an externally supplied source of randomness, it uses the internal static {@link Random}
741     * instance.
742     * </p>
743     *
744     * @param count   the length of random string to create
745     * @param start   the position in set of chars to start at
746     * @param end     the position in set of chars to end before
747     * @param letters if {@code true}, generated string may include alphabetic characters
748     * @param numbers if {@code true}, generated string may include numeric characters
749     * @param chars   the set of chars to choose randoms from. If {@code null}, then it will use the set of all chars.
750     * @return the random string
751     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if there are not {@code (end - start) + 1} characters in the set array.
752     * @throws IllegalArgumentException       if {@code count} &lt; 0.
753     */
754    public String next(final int count, final int start, final int end, final boolean letters, final boolean numbers,
755            final char... chars) {
756        return random(count, start, end, letters, numbers, chars, random());
757    }
759    /**
760     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
761     *
762     * <p>
763     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters specified by the string, must not be empty. If null, the set
764     * of all characters is used.
765     * </p>
766     *
767     * @param count the length of random string to create
768     * @param chars the String containing the set of characters to use, may be null, but must not be empty
769     * @return the random string
770     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0 or the string is empty.
771     * @since 3.16.0
772     */
773    public String next(final int count, final String chars) {
774        if (chars == null) {
775            return random(count, 0, 0, false, false, null, random());
776        }
777        return next(count, chars.toCharArray());
778    }
780    /**
781     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
782     *
783     * <p>
784     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
785     * </p>
786     *
787     * @param count the length of random string to create
788     * @return the random string
789     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
790     */
791    public String nextAlphabetic(final int count) {
792        return next(count, true, false);
793    }
795    /**
796     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
797     *
798     * <p>
799     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
800     * </p>
801     *
802     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
803     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
804     * @return the random string
805     * @since 3.5
806     */
807    public String nextAlphabetic(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
808        return nextAlphabetic(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
809    }
811    /**
812     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
813     *
814     * <p>
815     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) and the digits 0-9.
816     * </p>
817     *
818     * @param count the length of random string to create
819     * @return the random string
820     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
821     */
822    public String nextAlphanumeric(final int count) {
823        return next(count, true, true);
824    }
826    /**
827     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
828     *
829     * <p>
830     * Characters will be chosen from the set of Latin alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) and the digits 0-9.
831     * </p>
832     *
833     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
834     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
835     * @return the random string
836     * @since 3.5
837     */
838    public String nextAlphanumeric(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
839        return nextAlphanumeric(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
840    }
842    /**
843     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
844     *
845     * <p>
846     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters whose ASCII value is between {@code 32} and {@code 126}
847     * (inclusive).
848     * </p>
849     *
850     * @param count the length of random string to create
851     * @return the random string
852     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
853     */
854    public String nextAscii(final int count) {
855        return next(count, 32, 127, false, false);
856    }
858    /**
859     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
860     *
861     * <p>
862     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters whose ASCII value is between {@code 32} and {@code 126}
863     * (inclusive).
864     * </p>
865     *
866     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
867     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
868     * @return the random string
869     * @since 3.5
870     */
871    public String nextAscii(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
872        return nextAscii(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
873    }
875    /**
876     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
877     *
878     * <p>
879     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters which match the POSIX [:graph:] regular expression character
880     * class. This class contains all visible ASCII characters (i.e. anything except spaces and control characters).
881     * </p>
882     *
883     * @param count the length of random string to create
884     * @return the random string
885     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
886     * @since 3.5
887     */
888    public String nextGraph(final int count) {
889        return next(count, 33, 126, false, false);
890    }
892    /**
893     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
894     *
895     * <p>
896     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Graph} characters.
897     * </p>
898     *
899     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
900     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
901     * @return the random string
902     * @since 3.5
903     */
904    public String nextGraph(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
905        return nextGraph(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
906    }
908    /**
909     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
910     *
911     * <p>
912     * Characters will be chosen from the set of numeric characters.
913     * </p>
914     *
915     * @param count the length of random string to create
916     * @return the random string
917     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
918     */
919    public String nextNumeric(final int count) {
920        return next(count, false, true);
921    }
923    /**
924     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
925     *
926     * <p>
927     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Digit} characters.
928     * </p>
929     *
930     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
931     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
932     * @return the random string
933     * @since 3.5
934     */
935    public String nextNumeric(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
936        return nextNumeric(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
937    }
939    /**
940     * Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
941     *
942     * <p>
943     * Characters will be chosen from the set of characters which match the POSIX [:print:] regular expression character
944     * class. This class includes all visible ASCII characters and spaces (i.e. anything except control characters).
945     * </p>
946     *
947     * @param count the length of random string to create
948     * @return the random string
949     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code count} &lt; 0.
950     * @since 3.5
951     * @since 3.16.0
952     */
953    public String nextPrint(final int count) {
954        return next(count, 32, 126, false, false);
955    }
957    /**
958     * Creates a random string whose length is between the inclusive minimum and the exclusive maximum.
959     *
960     * <p>
961     * Characters will be chosen from the set of \p{Print} characters.
962     * </p>
963     *
964     * @param minLengthInclusive the inclusive minimum length of the string to generate
965     * @param maxLengthExclusive the exclusive maximum length of the string to generate
966     * @return the random string
967     * @since 3.16.0
968     */
969    public String nextPrint(final int minLengthInclusive, final int maxLengthExclusive) {
970        return nextPrint(randomUtils().randomInt(minLengthInclusive, maxLengthExclusive));
971    }
973    /**
974     * Gets the Random.
975     *
976     * @return the Random.
977     */
978    private Random random() {
979        return randomUtils().random();
980    }
982    /**
983     * Gets the RandomUtils.
984     *
985     * @return the RandomUtils.
986     */
987    private RandomUtils randomUtils() {
988        return random.get();
989    }
991    @Override
992    public String toString() {
993        return "RandomStringUtils [random=" + random() + "]";
994    }