Class DiscardTCPClient

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DiscardTCPClient extends SocketClient
The DiscardTCPClient class is a TCP implementation of a client for the Discard protocol described in RFC 863. To use the class, merely establish a connection with connect and call getOutputStream() to retrieve the discard output stream. Don't close the output stream when you're done writing to it. Rather, call disconnect to clean up properly.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DiscardTCPClient

      The default DiscardTCPClient constructor. It merely sets the default port to DEFAULT_PORT.
  • Method Details

    • getOutputStream

      Gets an OutputStream through which you may write data to the server. You should NOT close the OutputStream when you're finished reading from it. Rather, you should call disconnect to clean up properly.
      An OutputStream through which you can write data to the server.