
NNTP - network news transfer protocol
  • Class
    This is a class that contains the basic state needed for message retrieval and threading.
    Class contains details about an article.
    3.0 use ArticleInfo instead
    The NewGroupsOrNewsQuery class.
    NewsgroupInfo stores information pertaining to a newsgroup returned by the NNTP GROUP, LIST, and NEWGROUPS commands, implemented by selectNewsgroup , listNewsgroups , and listNewNewsgroups respectively.
    The NNTP class is not meant to be used by itself and is provided only so that you may easily implement your own NNTP client if you so desire.
    NNTPClient encapsulates all the functionality necessary to post and retrieve articles from an NNTP server.
    NNTPCommand stores a set of constants for NNTP command codes.
    NNTPConnectionClosedException is used to indicate the premature or unexpected closing of an NNTP connection resulting from a NNTPReply.SERVICE_DISCONTINUED response (NNTP reply code 400) to a failed NNTP command.
    NNTPReply stores a set of constants for NNTP reply codes.
    This class is used to construct the bare minimum acceptable header for most newsreaders.
    A placeholder interface for threadable message objects Author: Rory Winston (
    This is an implementation of a message threading algorithm, as originally devised by Zamie Zawinski.