
NTP - network time protocol
  • Class
    The NTPUDPClient class is a UDP implementation of a client for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) described in RFC 1305 as well as the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) in RFC-2030.
    Common NtpUtils Helper class.
    Implements NtpV3Packet to convert Java objects to and from the Network Time Protocol (NTP) data message header format described in RFC-1305.
    Interface for a NtpV3Packet with get/set methods corresponding to the fields in the NTP Data Message Header described in RFC 1305.
    Wrapper class to network time packet messages (NTP, etc.) that computes related timing info and stats.
    TimeStamp class represents the Network Time Protocol (NTP) timestamp as defined in RFC-1305 and SNTP (RFC-2030).