* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Copyright John Maddock 2006-7, 2013-20.
// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007, 2013-14.
// Copyright Nikhar Agrawal 2013-14
// Copyright Christopher Kormanyos 2013-14, 2020
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
package org.apache.commons.numbers.gamma;
import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Sum;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.fraction.GeneralizedContinuedFraction;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.fraction.GeneralizedContinuedFraction.Coefficient;
* Implementation of the
* <a href="">Regularized Gamma functions</a> and
* <a href="">Incomplete Gamma functions</a>.
* <p>This code has been adapted from the <a href="">Boost</a>
* {@code c++} implementation {@code <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>}.
* All work is copyright to the original authors and subject to the Boost Software License.
* @see
* <a href="">
* Boost C++ Gamma functions</a>
final class BoostGamma {
// Code ported from Boost 1.77.0
// boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp
// boost/math/special_functions/detail/igamma_large.hpp
// boost/math/special_functions/lanczos.hpp
// Original code comments are preserved.
// Changes to the Boost implementation:
// - Update method names to replace underscores with camel case
// - Explicitly inline the polynomial function evaluation
// using Horner's method (
// - Remove checks for under/overflow. In this implementation no error is raised
// for overflow (infinity is returned) or underflow (sub-normal or zero is returned).
// This follows the conventions in java.lang.Math for the same conditions.
// - Removed the pointer p_derivative in the gammaIncompleteImp. This is used
// in the Boost code for the gamma_(p|q)_inv functions for a derivative
// based inverse function. This is currently not supported.
// - Added extended precision arithmetic for some series summations or other computations.
// The Boost default policy is to evaluate in long double for a double result. Extended
// precision is not possible for the entire computation but has been used where
// possible for some terms to reduce errors. Error reduction verified on the test data.
// - Altered the tgamma(x) function to use the double-precision NSWC Library of Mathematics
// Subroutines when the error is lower. This is for the non Lanczos code.
// - Altered the condition used for the asymptotic approximation method to avoid
// loss of precision in the series summation when a ~ z.
// - Altered series generators to use integer counters added to the double term
// replacing directly incrementing a double term. When the term is large it cannot
// be incremented: 1e16 + 1 == 1e16.
// - Removed unreachable code branch in tgammaDeltaRatioImpLanczos when z + delta == z.
// Note:
// The major source of error is in the function regularisedGammaPrefix when computing
// (z^a)(e^-z)/tgamma(a) with extreme input to the power and exponential terms.
// An extended precision pow and exp function returning a quad length result would
// be required to reduce error for these arguments. Tests using the Dfp class
// from o.a.c.math4.legacy.core have been demonstrated to effectively eliminate the
// errors from the power terms and improve accuracy on the current test data.
// In the interest of performance the Dfp class is not used in this version.
/** Default epsilon value for relative error.
* This is equal to the Boost constant {@code boost::math::tools::epsilon<double>()}. */
private static final double EPSILON = 0x1.0p-52;
/** Value for the sqrt of the epsilon for relative error.
* This is equal to the Boost constant {@code boost::math::tools::root_epsilon<double>()}. */
private static final double ROOT_EPSILON = 1.4901161193847656E-8;
/** Approximate value for ln(Double.MAX_VALUE).
* This is equal to the Boost constant {@code boost::math::tools::log_max_value<double>()}.
* No term {@code x} should be used in {@code exp(x)} if {@code x > LOG_MAX_VALUE} to avoid
* overflow. */
private static final int LOG_MAX_VALUE = 709;
/** Approximate value for ln(Double.MIN_VALUE).
* This is equal to the Boost constant {@code boost::math::tools::log_min_value<double>()}.
* No term {@code x} should be used in {@code exp(x)} if {@code x < LOG_MIN_VALUE} to avoid
* underflow to sub-normal or zero. */
private static final int LOG_MIN_VALUE = -708;
/** The largest factorial that can be represented as a double.
* This is equal to the Boost constant {@code boost::math::max_factorial<double>::value}. */
private static final int MAX_FACTORIAL = 170;
/** The largest integer value for gamma(z) that can be represented as a double. */
private static final int MAX_GAMMA_Z = MAX_FACTORIAL + 1;
/** ln(sqrt(2 pi)). Computed to 25-digits precision. */
private static final double LOG_ROOT_TWO_PI = 0.9189385332046727417803297;
/** ln(pi). Computed to 25-digits precision. */
private static final double LOG_PI = 1.144729885849400174143427;
/** Euler's constant. */
private static final double EULER = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310;
/** The threshold value for choosing the Lanczos approximation. */
private static final int LANCZOS_THRESHOLD = 20;
/** 2^53. */
private static final double TWO_POW_53 = 0x1.0p53;
/** All factorials that can be represented as a double. Size = 171. */
private static final double[] FACTORIAL = {
* 53-bit precision implementation of the Lanczos approximation.
* <p>This implementation is in partial fraction form with the leading constant
* of \( \sqrt{2\pi} \) absorbed into the sum.
* <p>It is related to the Gamma function by the following equation
* \[
* \Gamma(z) = \frac{(z + g - 0.5)^{z - 0.5}}{e^{z + g - 0.5}} \mathrm{lanczos}(z)
* \]
* where \( g \) is the Lanczos constant.
* <h2>Warning</h2>
* <p>This is not a substitute for {@link LanczosApproximation}. The approximation is
* written in partial fraction form with the leading constants absorbed by the
* coefficients in the sum.
* @see <a href="">
* Boost Lanczos Approximation</a>
static final class Lanczos {
// Optimal values for G for each N are taken from
// as are the theoretical error bounds.
// Constants calculated using the method described by Godfrey
// and elaborated by Toth at
// using NTL::RR at 1000 bit precision.
// Lanczos Coefficients for N=13 G=6.024680040776729583740234375
// Max experimental error (with arbitrary precision arithmetic) 1.196214e-17
// Generated with compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.0 on Win32 at Mar 23 2006
* Lanczos constant G.
static final double G = 6.024680040776729583740234375;
* Lanczos constant G - half.
* <p>Note: The form {@code (g - 0.5)} is used when computing the gamma function.
static final double GMH = 5.524680040776729583740234375;
/** Common denominator used for the rational evaluation. */
private static final int[] DENOM = {
/** Private constructor. */
private Lanczos() {
// intentionally empty.
* Computes the Lanczos approximation.
* @param z Argument.
* @return the Lanczos approximation.
static double lanczosSum(double z) {
final double[] num = {
return evaluateRational(num, DENOM, z);
* Computes the Lanczos approximation scaled by {@code exp(g)}.
* @param z Argument.
* @return the scaled Lanczos approximation.
static double lanczosSumExpGScaled(double z) {
// As above with numerator divided by exp(g) = 413.509...
final double[] num = {
return evaluateRational(num, DENOM, z);
* Evaluate the rational number as two polynomials.
* <p>Adapted from {@code boost/math/tools/detail/rational_horner3_13.hpp}.
* Note: There are 3 variations of the unrolled rational evaluation.
* These methods change the order based on the sign of x. This
* should be used for the Lanczos code as this comment in
* {@code boost/math/tools/rational.hpp} notes:
* <blockquote>
* However, there
* are some tricks we can use to prevent overflow that might otherwise
* occur in polynomial evaluation, if z is large. This is important
* in our Lanczos code for example.
* </blockquote>
* @param a Coefficients of the numerator polynomial
* @param b Coefficients of the denominator polynomial
* @param x Value
* @return the rational number
private static double evaluateRational(double[] a, int[] b, double x) {
// The choice of algorithm in Boost is based on the compiler
// to suite the available optimisations.
// Tests against rational_horner1_13.hpp which uses a first order
// Horner method (no x*x term) show only minor variations in
// error. rational_horner2_13.hpp has the same second order Horner
// method with different code layout of the same sum.
// rational_horner3_13.hpp
if (x <= 1) {
final double x2 = x * x;
double t0 = a[12] * x2 + a[10];
double t1 = a[11] * x2 + a[9];
double t2 = b[12] * x2 + b[10];
double t3 = b[11] * x2 + b[9];
t0 *= x2;
t1 *= x2;
t2 *= x2;
t3 *= x2;
t0 += a[8];
t1 += a[7];
t2 += b[8];
t3 += b[7];
t0 *= x2;
t1 *= x2;
t2 *= x2;
t3 *= x2;
t0 += a[6];
t1 += a[5];
t2 += b[6];
t3 += b[5];
t0 *= x2;
t1 *= x2;
t2 *= x2;
t3 *= x2;
t0 += a[4];
t1 += a[3];
t2 += b[4];
t3 += b[3];
t0 *= x2;
t1 *= x2;
t2 *= x2;
t3 *= x2;
t0 += a[2];
t1 += a[1];
t2 += b[2];
t3 += b[1];
t0 *= x2;
t2 *= x2;
t0 += a[0];
t2 += b[0];
t1 *= x;
t3 *= x;
return (t0 + t1) / (t2 + t3);
final double z = 1 / x;
final double z2 = 1 / (x * x);
double t0 = a[0] * z2 + a[2];
double t1 = a[1] * z2 + a[3];
double t2 = b[0] * z2 + b[2];
double t3 = b[1] * z2 + b[3];
t0 *= z2;
t1 *= z2;
t2 *= z2;
t3 *= z2;
t0 += a[4];
t1 += a[5];
t2 += b[4];
t3 += b[5];
t0 *= z2;
t1 *= z2;
t2 *= z2;
t3 *= z2;
t0 += a[6];
t1 += a[7];
t2 += b[6];
t3 += b[7];
t0 *= z2;
t1 *= z2;
t2 *= z2;
t3 *= z2;
t0 += a[8];
t1 += a[9];
t2 += b[8];
t3 += b[9];
t0 *= z2;
t1 *= z2;
t2 *= z2;
t3 *= z2;
t0 += a[10];
t1 += a[11];
t2 += b[10];
t3 += b[11];
t0 *= z2;
t2 *= z2;
t0 += a[12];
t2 += b[12];
t1 *= z;
t3 *= z;
return (t0 + t1) / (t2 + t3);
// Not implemented:
// lanczos_sum_near_1
// lanczos_sum_near_2
/** Private constructor. */
private BoostGamma() {
// intentionally empty.
* All factorials that are representable as a double.
* This data is exposed for testing.
* @return factorials
static double[] getFactorials() {
return FACTORIAL.clone();
* Returns the factorial of n.
* This is unchecked as an index out of bound exception will occur
* if the value n is not within the range [0, 170].
* This function is exposed for use in {@link BoostBeta}.
* @param n Argument n (must be in [0, 170])
* @return n!
static double uncheckedFactorial(int n) {
return FACTORIAL[n];
* Gamma function.
* <p>For small {@code z} this is based on the <em>NSWC Library of Mathematics
* Subroutines</em> double precision implementation, {@code DGAMMA}.
* <p>For large {@code z} this is an implementation of the Boost C++ tgamma
* function with Lanczos support.
* <p>Integers are handled using a look-up table of factorials.
* <p>Note: The Boost C++ implementation uses the Lanczos sum for all {@code z}.
* When promotion of double to long double is not available this has larger
* errors than the double precision specific NSWC implementation. For larger
* {@code z} the Boost C++ Lanczos implementation incorporates the sqrt(2 pi)
* factor and has lower error than the implementation using the
* {@link LanczosApproximation} class.
* @param z Argument z
* @return gamma value
static double tgamma(double z) {
// Handle integers
if (Math.rint(z) == z) {
if (z <= 0) {
// Pole error
return Double.NaN;
if (z <= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
// Gamma(n) = (n-1)!
return FACTORIAL[(int) z - 1];
// Overflow
if (Math.abs(z) <= LANCZOS_THRESHOLD) {
// Small z
// NSWC Library of Mathematics Subroutines
// Note:
// This does not benefit from using extended precision to track the sum (t).
// Extended precision on the product reduces the error but the majority
// of error remains in InvGamma1pm1.
if (z >= 1) {
* From the recurrence relation
* Gamma(x) = (x - 1) * ... * (x - n) * Gamma(x - n),
* then
* Gamma(t) = 1 / [1 + InvGamma1pm1.value(t - 1)],
* where t = x - n. This means that t must satisfy
* -0.5 <= t - 1 <= 1.5.
double prod = 1;
double t = z;
while (t > 2.5) {
t -= 1;
prod *= t;
return prod / (1 + InvGamma1pm1.value(t - 1));
* From the recurrence relation
* Gamma(x) = Gamma(x + n + 1) / [x * (x + 1) * ... * (x + n)]
* then
* Gamma(x + n + 1) = 1 / [1 + InvGamma1pm1.value(x + n)],
* which requires -0.5 <= x + n <= 1.5.
double prod = z;
double t = z;
while (t < -0.5) {
t += 1;
prod *= t;
return 1 / (prod * (1 + InvGamma1pm1.value(t)));
// Large non-integer z
// Boost C++ tgamma implementation
if (z < 0) {
* From the reflection formula
* Gamma(x) * Gamma(1 - x) * sin(pi * x) = pi,
* and the recurrence relation
* Gamma(1 - x) = -x * Gamma(-x),
* it is found
* Gamma(x) = -pi / [x * sin(pi * x) * Gamma(-x)].
return -Math.PI / (sinpx(z) * tgamma(-z));
} else if (z > MAX_GAMMA_Z + 1) {
// Addition to the Boost code: Simple overflow detection
double result = Lanczos.lanczosSum(z);
final double zgh = z + Lanczos.GMH;
final double lzgh = Math.log(zgh);
if (z * lzgh > LOG_MAX_VALUE) {
// we're going to overflow unless this is done with care:
// Updated
// Check for overflow removed:
// if (lzgh * z / 2 > LOG_MAX_VALUE) ... overflow
// This is replaced by checking z > MAX_FACTORIAL + 2
final double hp = Math.pow(zgh, (z / 2) - 0.25);
result *= hp / Math.exp(zgh);
// Check for overflow has been removed:
// if (Double.MAX_VALUE / hp < result) ... overflow
result *= hp;
} else {
result *= Math.pow(zgh, z - 0.5) / Math.exp(zgh);
return result;
* Ad hoc function calculates x * sin(pi * x), taking extra care near when x is
* near a whole number.
* @param x Value (assumed to be negative)
* @return x * sin(pi * x)
static double sinpx(double x) {
int sign = 1;
// This is always called with a negative
// if (x < 0)
x = -x;
double fl = Math.floor(x);
double dist;
if (isOdd(fl)) {
fl += 1;
dist = fl - x;
sign = -sign;
} else {
dist = x - fl;
if (dist > 0.5f) {
dist = 1 - dist;
final double result = Math.sin(dist * Math.PI);
return sign * x * result;
* Checks if the value is odd.
* @param v Value (assumed to be positive and an integer)
* @return true if odd
private static boolean isOdd(double v) {
// Note:
// Any value larger than 2^53 should be even.
// If the input is positive then truncation of extreme doubles (>2^63)
// to the primitive long creates an odd value: 2^63-1.
// This is corrected by inverting the sign of v and the extreme is even: -2^63.
// This function is never called when the argument is this large
// as this is a pole error in tgamma so the effect is never observed.
// However the isOdd function is correct for all positive finite v.
return (((long) -v) & 0x1) == 1;
* Log Gamma function.
* Defined as the natural logarithm of the absolute value of tgamma(z).
* @param z Argument z
* @return log gamma value
static double lgamma(double z) {
return lgamma(z, null);
* Log Gamma function.
* Defined as the natural logarithm of the absolute value of tgamma(z).
* @param z Argument z
* @param sign If a non-zero length array the first index is set on output to the sign of tgamma(z)
* @return log gamma value
static double lgamma(double z, int[] sign) {
double result;
int sresult = 1;
if (z <= -ROOT_EPSILON) {
// reflection formula:
if (Math.rint(z) == z) {
// Pole error
return Double.NaN;
double t = sinpx(z);
z = -z;
if (t < 0) {
t = -t;
} else {
sresult = -sresult;
// This summation can have large magnitudes with opposite signs.
// Use an extended precision sum to reduce cancellation.
result = Sum.of(-lgamma(z)).add(-Math.log(t)).add(LOG_PI).getAsDouble();
} else if (z < ROOT_EPSILON) {
if (z == 0) {
// Pole error
return Double.NaN;
if (4 * Math.abs(z) < EPSILON) {
result = -Math.log(Math.abs(z));
} else {
result = Math.log(Math.abs(1 / z - EULER));
if (z < 0) {
sresult = -1;
} else if (z < 15) {
result = lgammaSmall(z, z - 1, z - 2);
// The z > 3 condition is always true
//} else if (z > 3 && z < 100) {
} else if (z < 100) {
// taking the log of tgamma reduces the error, no danger of overflow here:
result = Math.log(tgamma(z));
} else {
// regular evaluation:
final double zgh = z + Lanczos.GMH;
result = Math.log(zgh) - 1;
result *= z - 0.5f;
// Only add on the lanczos sum part if we're going to need it:
if (result * EPSILON < 20) {
result += Math.log(Lanczos.lanczosSumExpGScaled(z));
if (nonZeroLength(sign)) {
sign[0] = sresult;
return result;
* Log Gamma function for small z.
* @param z Argument z
* @param zm1 {@code z - 1}
* @param zm2 {@code z - 2}
* @return log gamma value
private static double lgammaSmall(double z, double zm1, double zm2) {
// This version uses rational approximations for small
// values of z accurate enough for 64-bit mantissas
// (80-bit long doubles), works well for 53-bit doubles as well.
// Updated to use an extended precision sum
final Sum result = Sum.create();
// Note:
// Removed z < EPSILON branch.
// The function is called
// from lgamma:
// ROOT_EPSILON <= z < 15
// from tgamma1pm1:
// 1.5 <= z < 2
// 1 <= z < 3
if ((zm1 == 0) || (zm2 == 0)) {
// nothing to do, result is zero....
return 0;
} else if (z > 2) {
// Begin by performing argument reduction until
// z is in [2,3):
if (z >= 3) {
do {
z -= 1;
} while (z >= 3);
// Update zm2, we need it below:
zm2 = z - 2;
// Use the following form:
// lgamma(z) = (z-2)(z+1)(Y + R(z-2))
// where R(z-2) is a rational approximation optimised for
// low absolute error - as long as its absolute error
// is small compared to the constant Y - then any rounding
// error in its computation will get wiped out.
// R(z-2) has the following properties:
// At double: Max error found: 4.231e-18
// At long double: Max error found: 1.987e-21
// Maximum Deviation Found (approximation error): 5.900e-24
double P;
P = -0.324588649825948492091e-4;
P = -0.541009869215204396339e-3 + P * zm2;
P = -0.259453563205438108893e-3 + P * zm2;
P = 0.172491608709613993966e-1 + P * zm2;
P = 0.494103151567532234274e-1 + P * zm2;
P = 0.25126649619989678683e-1 + P * zm2;
P = -0.180355685678449379109e-1 + P * zm2;
double Q;
Q = -0.223352763208617092964e-6;
Q = 0.224936291922115757597e-3 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.82130967464889339326e-2 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.988504251128010129477e-1 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.541391432071720958364e0 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.148019669424231326694e1 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.196202987197795200688e1 + Q * zm2;
Q = 0.1e1 + Q * zm2;
final float Y = 0.158963680267333984375e0f;
final double r = zm2 * (z + 1);
final double R = P / Q;
result.addProduct(r, Y).addProduct(r, R);
} else {
// If z is less than 1 use recurrence to shift to
// z in the interval [1,2]:
if (z < 1) {
zm2 = zm1;
zm1 = z;
z += 1;
// Two approximations, one for z in [1,1.5] and
// one for z in [1.5,2]:
if (z <= 1.5) {
// Use the following form:
// lgamma(z) = (z-1)(z-2)(Y + R(z-1
// where R(z-1) is a rational approximation optimised for
// low absolute error - as long as its absolute error
// is small compared to the constant Y - then any rounding
// error in its computation will get wiped out.
// R(z-1) has the following properties:
// At double precision: Max error found: 1.230011e-17
// At 80-bit long double precision: Max error found: 5.631355e-21
// Maximum Deviation Found: 3.139e-021
// Expected Error Term: 3.139e-021
final float Y = 0.52815341949462890625f;
double P;
P = -0.100346687696279557415e-2;
P = -0.240149820648571559892e-1 + P * zm1;
P = -0.158413586390692192217e0 + P * zm1;
P = -0.406567124211938417342e0 + P * zm1;
P = -0.414983358359495381969e0 + P * zm1;
P = -0.969117530159521214579e-1 + P * zm1;
P = 0.490622454069039543534e-1 + P * zm1;
double Q;
Q = 0.195768102601107189171e-2;
Q = 0.577039722690451849648e-1 + Q * zm1;
Q = 0.507137738614363510846e0 + Q * zm1;
Q = 0.191415588274426679201e1 + Q * zm1;
Q = 0.348739585360723852576e1 + Q * zm1;
Q = 0.302349829846463038743e1 + Q * zm1;
Q = 0.1e1 + Q * zm1;
final double r = P / Q;
final double prefix = zm1 * zm2;
result.addProduct(prefix, Y).addProduct(prefix, r);
} else {
// Use the following form:
// lgamma(z) = (2-z)(1-z)(Y + R(2-z
// where R(2-z) is a rational approximation optimised for
// low absolute error - as long as its absolute error
// is small compared to the constant Y - then any rounding
// error in its computation will get wiped out.
// R(2-z) has the following properties:
// At double precision, max error found: 1.797565e-17
// At 80-bit long double precision, max error found: 9.306419e-21
// Maximum Deviation Found: 2.151e-021
// Expected Error Term: 2.150e-021
final float Y = 0.452017307281494140625f;
final double mzm2 = -zm2;
double P;
P = 0.431171342679297331241e-3;
P = -0.850535976868336437746e-2 + P * mzm2;
P = 0.542809694055053558157e-1 + P * mzm2;
P = -0.142440390738631274135e0 + P * mzm2;
P = 0.144216267757192309184e0 + P * mzm2;
P = -0.292329721830270012337e-1 + P * mzm2;
double Q;
Q = -0.827193521891290553639e-6;
Q = -0.100666795539143372762e-2 + Q * mzm2;
Q = 0.25582797155975869989e-1 + Q * mzm2;
Q = -0.220095151814995745555e0 + Q * mzm2;
Q = 0.846973248876495016101e0 + Q * mzm2;
Q = -0.150169356054485044494e1 + Q * mzm2;
Q = 0.1e1 + Q * mzm2;
final double r = zm2 * zm1;
final double R = P / Q;
result.addProduct(r, Y).addProduct(r, R);
return result.getAsDouble();
* Calculates tgamma(1+dz)-1.
* @param dz Argument
* @return tgamma(1+dz)-1
static double tgamma1pm1(double dz) {
// This helper calculates tgamma(1+dz)-1 without cancellation errors,
// used by the upper incomplete gamma with z < 1:
final double result;
if (dz < 0) {
if (dz < -0.5) {
// Best method is simply to subtract 1 from tgamma:
result = tgamma(1 + dz) - 1;
} else {
// Use expm1 on lgamma:
result = Math.expm1(-Math.log1p(dz) + lgammaSmall(dz + 2, dz + 1, dz));
} else {
if (dz < 2) {
// Use expm1 on lgamma:
result = Math.expm1(lgammaSmall(dz + 1, dz, dz - 1));
} else {
// Best method is simply to subtract 1 from tgamma:
result = tgamma(1 + dz) - 1;
return result;
* Full upper incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @return upper gamma value
static double tgamma(double a, double x) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, false, true, Policy.getDefault());
* Full upper incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param policy Function evaluation policy
* @return upper gamma value
static double tgamma(double a, double x, Policy policy) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, false, true, policy);
* Full lower incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @return lower gamma value
static double tgammaLower(double a, double x) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, false, false, Policy.getDefault());
* Full lower incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param policy Function evaluation policy
* @return lower gamma value
static double tgammaLower(double a, double x, Policy policy) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, false, false, policy);
* Regularised upper incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @return q
static double gammaQ(double a, double x) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, true, true, Policy.getDefault());
* Regularised upper incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param policy Function evaluation policy
* @return q
static double gammaQ(double a, double x, Policy policy) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, true, true, policy);
* Regularised lower incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @return p
static double gammaP(double a, double x) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, true, false, Policy.getDefault());
* Regularised lower incomplete gamma.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param policy Function evaluation policy
* @return p
static double gammaP(double a, double x, Policy policy) {
return gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, true, false, policy);
* Derivative of the regularised lower incomplete gamma.
* <p>\( \frac{e^{-x} x^{a-1}}{\Gamma(a)} \)
* <p>Adapted from {@code boost::math::detail::gamma_p_derivative_imp}
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @return p derivative
static double gammaPDerivative(double a, double x) {
// Usual error checks first:
if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(x) || a <= 0 || x < 0) {
return Double.NaN;
// Now special cases:
if (x == 0) {
if (a > 1) {
return 0;
return (a == 1) ? 1 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Normal case:
double f1 = regularisedGammaPrefix(a, x);
if (f1 == 0) {
// Underflow in calculation, use logs instead:
f1 = a * Math.log(x) - x - lgamma(a) - Math.log(x);
f1 = Math.exp(f1);
} else {
// Will overflow when (x < 1) && (Double.MAX_VALUE * x < f1).
// There is no exception for this case so just return the result.
f1 /= x;
return f1;
* Main incomplete gamma entry point, handles all four incomplete gammas.
* Adapted from {@code boost::math::detail::gamma_incomplete_imp}.
* <p>The Boost code has a pointer {@code p_derivative} that can be set to the
* value of the derivative. This is used for the inverse incomplete
* gamma functions {@code gamma_(p|q)_inv_imp}. It is not required for the forward
* evaluation functions.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param normalised true to compute the regularised value
* @param invert true to compute the upper value Q (default is lower value P)
* @param pol Function evaluation policy
* @return gamma value
private static double gammaIncompleteImp(double a, double x,
boolean normalised, boolean invert, Policy pol) {
if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(x) || a <= 0 || x < 0) {
return Double.NaN;
double result = 0;
if (a >= MAX_FACTORIAL && !normalised) {
// When we're computing the non-normalized incomplete gamma
// and a is large the result is rather hard to compute unless
// we use logs. There are really two options - if x is a long
// way from a in value then we can reliably use methods 2 and 4
// below in logarithmic form and go straight to the result.
// Otherwise we let the regularized gamma take the strain
// (the result is unlikely to underflow in the central region anyway)
// and combine with lgamma in the hopes that we get a finite result.
if (invert && (a * 4 < x)) {
// This is method 4 below, done in logs:
result = a * Math.log(x) - x;
result += Math.log(upperGammaFraction(a, x, pol));
} else if (!invert && (a > 4 * x)) {
// This is method 2 below, done in logs:
result = a * Math.log(x) - x;
result += Math.log(lowerGammaSeries(a, x, 0, pol) / a);
} else {
result = gammaIncompleteImp(a, x, true, invert, pol);
if (result == 0) {
if (invert) {
// Try
result = 1 + 1 / (12 * a) + 1 / (288 * a * a);
result = Math.log(result) - a + (a - 0.5f) * Math.log(a) + LOG_ROOT_TWO_PI;
} else {
// This is method 2 below, done in logs, we're really outside the
// range of this method, but since the result is almost certainly
// infinite, we should probably be OK:
result = a * Math.log(x) - x;
result += Math.log(lowerGammaSeries(a, x, 0, pol) / a);
} else {
result = Math.log(result) + lgamma(a);
// If result is > log(MAX_VALUE) the result will overflow.
// There is no exception for this case so just return the result.
return Math.exp(result);
final boolean isInt;
final boolean isHalfInt;
// Update. x must be safe for exp(-x). Change to -x > LOG_MIN_VALUE.
final boolean isSmallA = (a < 30) && (a <= x + 1) && (-x > LOG_MIN_VALUE);
if (isSmallA) {
final double fa = Math.floor(a);
isInt = fa == a;
isHalfInt = !isInt && (Math.abs(fa - a) == 0.5f);
} else {
isInt = isHalfInt = false;
final int evalMethod;
if (isInt && (x > 0.6)) {
// calculate Q via finite sum:
invert = !invert;
evalMethod = 0;
} else if (isHalfInt && (x > 0.2)) {
// calculate Q via finite sum for half integer a:
invert = !invert;
evalMethod = 1;
} else if ((x < ROOT_EPSILON) && (a > 1)) {
evalMethod = 6;
} else if ((x > 1000) && (a < x * 0.75f)) {
// Note:
// The branch is used in Boost when:
// ((x > 1000) && ((a < x) || (Math.abs(a - 50) / x < 1)))
// This case was added after Boost 1_68_0.
// See:
// When using only double precision for the evaluation
// it is a source of error when a ~ z as the asymptotic approximation
// sums terms t_n+1 = t_n * (a - n - 1) / z starting from t_0 = 1.
// These terms are close to 1 when a ~ z and the sum has many terms
// with reduced precision.
// This has been updated to allow only cases with fast convergence.
// It will be used when x -> infinity and a << x.
// calculate Q via asymptotic approximation:
invert = !invert;
evalMethod = 7;
} else if (x < 0.5) {
// Changeover criterion chosen to give a changeover at Q ~ 0.33
if (-0.4 / Math.log(x) < a) {
// Compute P
evalMethod = 2;
} else {
evalMethod = 3;
} else if (x < 1.1) {
// Changover here occurs when P ~ 0.75 or Q ~ 0.25:
if (x * 0.75f < a) {
// Compute P
evalMethod = 2;
} else {
evalMethod = 3;
} else {
// Begin by testing whether we're in the "bad" zone
// where the result will be near 0.5 and the usual
// series and continued fractions are slow to converge:
boolean useTemme = false;
if (normalised && (a > 20)) {
final double sigma = Math.abs((x - a) / a);
if (a > 200) {
// This limit is chosen so that we use Temme's expansion
// only if the result would be larger than about 10^-6.
// Below that the regular series and continued fractions
// converge OK, and if we use Temme's method we get increasing
// errors from the dominant erfc term as its (inexact) argument
// increases in magnitude.
if (20 / a > sigma * sigma) {
useTemme = true;
} else {
// Note in this zone we can't use Temme's expansion for
// types longer than an 80-bit real:
// it would require too many terms in the polynomials.
if (sigma < 0.4) {
useTemme = true;
if (useTemme) {
evalMethod = 5;
} else {
// Regular case where the result will not be too close to 0.5.
// Changeover here occurs at P ~ Q ~ 0.5
// Note that series computation of P is about x2 faster than continued fraction
// calculation of Q, so try and use the CF only when really necessary,
// especially for small x.
if (x - (1 / (3 * x)) < a) {
evalMethod = 2;
} else {
evalMethod = 4;
invert = !invert;
switch (evalMethod) {
case 0:
result = finiteGammaQ(a, x);
if (!normalised) {
result *= tgamma(a);
case 1:
result = finiteHalfGammaQ(a, x);
if (!normalised) {
result *= tgamma(a);
case 2:
// Compute P:
result = normalised ? regularisedGammaPrefix(a, x) : fullIgammaPrefix(a, x);
if (result != 0) {
// If we're going to be inverting the result then we can
// reduce the number of series evaluations by quite
// a few iterations if we set an initial value for the
// series sum based on what we'll end up subtracting it from
// at the end.
// Have to be careful though that this optimization doesn't
// lead to spurious numeric overflow. Note that the
// scary/expensive overflow checks below are more often
// than not bypassed in practice for "sensible" input
// values:
double initValue = 0;
boolean optimisedInvert = false;
if (invert) {
initValue = normalised ? 1 : tgamma(a);
if (normalised || (result >= 1) || (Double.MAX_VALUE * result > initValue)) {
initValue /= result;
if (normalised || (a < 1) || (Double.MAX_VALUE / a > initValue)) {
initValue *= -a;
optimisedInvert = true;
} else {
initValue = 0;
} else {
initValue = 0;
result *= lowerGammaSeries(a, x, initValue, pol) / a;
if (optimisedInvert) {
invert = false;
result = -result;
case 3:
// Compute Q:
invert = !invert;
final double[] g = {0};
result = tgammaSmallUpperPart(a, x, pol, g, invert);
invert = false;
if (normalised) {
// Addition to the Boost code:
if (g[0] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// Very small a will overflow gamma(a). Resort to logs.
// This method requires improvement as the error is very large.
// It is better than returning zero for a non-zero result.
result = Math.exp(Math.log(result) - lgamma(a));
} else {
result /= g[0];
case 4:
// Compute Q:
result = normalised ? regularisedGammaPrefix(a, x) : fullIgammaPrefix(a, x);
if (result != 0) {
result *= upperGammaFraction(a, x, pol);
case 5:
// Call 53-bit version
result = igammaTemmeLarge(a, x);
if (x >= a) {
invert = !invert;
case 6:
// x is so small that P is necessarily very small too, use
if (normalised) {
// If tgamma overflows then result = 0
result = Math.pow(x, a) / tgamma(a + 1);
} else {
result = Math.pow(x, a) / a;
result *= 1 - a * x / (a + 1);
case 7:
// x is large,
// Compute Q:
result = normalised ? regularisedGammaPrefix(a, x) : fullIgammaPrefix(a, x);
result /= x;
if (result != 0) {
result *= incompleteTgammaLargeX(a, x, pol);
if (normalised && (result > 1)) {
result = 1;
if (invert) {
final double gam = normalised ? 1 : tgamma(a);
result = gam - result;
return result;
* Upper gamma fraction.
* Multiply result by z^a * e^-z to get the full
* upper incomplete integral. Divide by tgamma(z)
* to normalise.
* @param a Argument a
* @param z Argument z
* @param pol Function evaluation policy
* @return upper gamma fraction
// This is package-private for testing
static double upperGammaFraction(double a, double z, Policy pol) {
final double eps = pol.getEps();
final int maxIterations = pol.getMaxIterations();
// This is computing:
// 1
// ------------------------------
// b0 + a1 / (b1 + a2 )
// -------------
// b2 + a3
// --------
// b3 + ...
// b0 = z - a + 1
// a1 = a - 1
// It can be done several ways with variations in accuracy.
// The current implementation has the best accuracy and matches the Boost code.
final double zma1 = z - a + 1;
final Supplier<Coefficient> gen = new Supplier<Coefficient>() {
/** Iteration. */
private int k;
public Coefficient get() {
return Coefficient.of(k * (a - k), zma1 + 2.0 * k);
return 1 / GeneralizedContinuedFraction.value(zma1, gen, eps, maxIterations);
* Upper gamma fraction for integer a.
* Called when {@code a < 30} and {@code -x > LOG_MIN_VALUE}.
* @param a Argument a (assumed to be small)
* @param x Argument x
* @return upper gamma fraction
private static double finiteGammaQ(double a, double x) {
// Calculates normalised Q when a is an integer:
// Update:
// Assume -x > log min value and no underflow to zero.
double sum = Math.exp(-x);
double term = sum;
for (int n = 1; n < a; ++n) {
term /= n;
term *= x;
sum += term;
return sum;
* Upper gamma fraction for half integer a.
* Called when {@code a < 30} and {@code -x > LOG_MIN_VALUE}.
* @param a Argument a (assumed to be small)
* @param x Argument x
* @return upper gamma fraction
private static double finiteHalfGammaQ(double a, double x) {
// Calculates normalised Q when a is a half-integer:
// Update:
// Assume -x > log min value:
// erfc(sqrt(708)) = erfc(26.6) => erfc has a non-zero value
double e = BoostErf.erfc(Math.sqrt(x));
if (a > 1) {
double term = Math.exp(-x) / Math.sqrt(Math.PI * x);
term *= x;
term /= 0.5;
double sum = term;
for (int n = 2; n < a; ++n) {
term /= n - 0.5;
term *= x;
sum += term;
e += sum;
return e;
* Lower gamma series.
* Multiply result by ((z^a) * (e^-z) / a) to get the full
* lower incomplete integral. Then divide by tgamma(a)
* to get the normalised value.
* @param a Argument a
* @param z Argument z
* @param initValue Initial value
* @param pol Function evaluation policy
* @return lower gamma series
// This is package-private for testing
static double lowerGammaSeries(double a, double z, double initValue, Policy pol) {
final double eps = pol.getEps();
final int maxIterations = pol.getMaxIterations();
// Lower gamma series representation.
final DoubleSupplier gen = new DoubleSupplier() {
/** Next result. */
private double result = 1;
/** Iteration. */
private int n;
public double getAsDouble() {
final double r = result;
result *= z / (a + n);
return r;
return BoostTools.kahanSumSeries(gen, eps, maxIterations, initValue);
* Upper gamma fraction for very small a.
* @param a Argument a (assumed to be small)
* @param x Argument x
* @param pol Function evaluation policy
* @param pgam set to value of gamma(a) on output
* @param invert true to invert the result
* @return upper gamma fraction
private static double tgammaSmallUpperPart(double a, double x, Policy pol, double[] pgam, boolean invert) {
// Compute the full upper fraction (Q) when a is very small:
double result;
result = tgamma1pm1(a);
// Note: Replacing this with tgamma(a) does not reduce error on current test data.
// gamma(1+z) = z gamma(z)
// pgam[0] == gamma(a)
pgam[0] = (result + 1) / a;
double p = BoostMath.powm1(x, a);
result -= p;
result /= a;
// Removed subtraction of 10 from this value
final int maxIter = pol.getMaxIterations();
p += 1;
final double initValue = invert ? pgam[0] : 0;
// Series representation for upper fraction when z is small.
final DoubleSupplier gen = new DoubleSupplier() {
/** Result term. */
private double result = -x;
/** Argument x (this is negated on purpose). */
private final double z = -x;
/** Iteration. */
private int n = 1;
public double getAsDouble() {
final double r = result / (a + n);
result = result * z / n;
return r;
result = -p * BoostTools.kahanSumSeries(gen, pol.getEps(), maxIter, (initValue - result) / p);
if (invert) {
result = -result;
return result;
* Calculate power term prefix (z^a)(e^-z) used in the non-normalised
* incomplete gammas.
* @param a Argument a
* @param z Argument z
* @return incomplete gamma prefix
static double fullIgammaPrefix(double a, double z) {
if (z > Double.MAX_VALUE) {
return 0;
final double alz = a * Math.log(z);
final double prefix;
if (z >= 1) {
if ((alz < LOG_MAX_VALUE) && (-z > LOG_MIN_VALUE)) {
prefix = Math.pow(z, a) * Math.exp(-z);
} else if (a >= 1) {
prefix = Math.pow(z / Math.exp(z / a), a);
} else {
prefix = Math.exp(alz - z);
} else {
if (alz > LOG_MIN_VALUE) {
prefix = Math.pow(z, a) * Math.exp(-z);
} else {
// Updated to remove unreachable final branch using Math.exp(alz - z).
// This branch requires (z / a < LOG_MAX_VALUE) to avoid overflow in exp.
// At this point:
// 1. log(z) is negative;
// 2. a * log(z) <= -708 requires a > -708 / log(z).
// For any z < 1: -708 / log(z) is > z. Thus a is > z and
// z / a < LOG_MAX_VALUE is always true.
prefix = Math.pow(z / Math.exp(z / a), a);
// Removed overflow check. Return infinity if it occurs.
return prefix;
* Compute (z^a)(e^-z)/tgamma(a).
* <p>Most of the error occurs in this function.
* @param a Argument a
* @param z Argument z
* @return regularized gamma prefix
// This is package-private for testing
static double regularisedGammaPrefix(double a, double z) {
if (z >= Double.MAX_VALUE) {
return 0;
// Update this condition from: a < 1
if (a <= 1) {
// We have to treat a < 1 as a special case because our Lanczos
// approximations are optimised against the factorials with a > 1,
// and for high precision types especially (128-bit reals for example)
// very small values of a can give rather erroneous results for gamma
// unless we do this:
// Boost todo: is this still required? Lanczos approx should be better now?
// Update this condition from: z <= LOG_MIN_VALUE
// Require exp(-z) to not underflow:
// -z > log(min_value)
if (-z <= LOG_MIN_VALUE) {
// Oh dear, have to use logs, should be free of cancellation errors though:
return Math.exp(a * Math.log(z) - z - lgamma(a));
// direct calculation, no danger of overflow as gamma(a) < 1/a
// for small a.
return Math.pow(z, a) * Math.exp(-z) / tgamma(a);
// Update to the Boost code.
// Use some of the logic from fullIgammaPrefix(a, z) to use the direct
// computation if it is valid. Assuming pow and exp are accurate to 1 ULP it
// puts most of the error in evaluation of tgamma(a). This is accurate
// enough that this reduces max error on the current test data.
// Overflow cases fall-through to the Lanczos approximation that incorporates
// the pow and exp terms used in the tgamma(a) computation with the terms
// z^a and e^-z into a single evaluation of pow and exp. See equation 15:
if (a <= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
final double alz1 = a * Math.log(z);
if (z >= 1) {
if ((alz1 < LOG_MAX_VALUE) && (-z > LOG_MIN_VALUE)) {
return Math.pow(z, a) * Math.exp(-z) / tgamma(a);
} else if (alz1 > LOG_MIN_VALUE) {
return Math.pow(z, a) * Math.exp(-z) / tgamma(a);
// For smallish a and x combining the power terms with the Lanczos approximation
// gives the greatest accuracy
final double agh = a + Lanczos.GMH;
double prefix;
final double factor = Math.sqrt(agh / Math.E) / Lanczos.lanczosSumExpGScaled(a);
// Update to the Boost code.
// Lower threshold for large a from 150 to 128 and compute d on demand.
// See NUMBERS-179.
if (a > 128) {
final double d = ((z - a) - Lanczos.GMH) / agh;
if (Math.abs(d * d * a) <= 100) {
// special case for large a and a ~ z.
// When a and x are large, we end up with a very large exponent with a base near one:
// this will not be computed accurately via the pow function, and taking logs simply
// leads to cancellation errors.
prefix = a * SpecialMath.log1pmx(d) + z * -Lanczos.GMH / agh;
prefix = Math.exp(prefix);
return prefix * factor;
// general case.
// direct computation is most accurate, but use various fallbacks
// for different parts of the problem domain:
final double alz = a * Math.log(z / agh);
final double amz = a - z;
if ((Math.min(alz, amz) <= LOG_MIN_VALUE) || (Math.max(alz, amz) >= LOG_MAX_VALUE)) {
final double amza = amz / a;
if ((Math.min(alz, amz) / 2 > LOG_MIN_VALUE) && (Math.max(alz, amz) / 2 < LOG_MAX_VALUE)) {
// compute square root of the result and then square it:
final double sq = Math.pow(z / agh, a / 2) * Math.exp(amz / 2);
prefix = sq * sq;
} else if ((Math.min(alz, amz) / 4 > LOG_MIN_VALUE) &&
(Math.max(alz, amz) / 4 < LOG_MAX_VALUE) && (z > a)) {
// compute the 4th root of the result then square it twice:
final double sq = Math.pow(z / agh, a / 4) * Math.exp(amz / 4);
prefix = sq * sq;
prefix *= prefix;
} else if ((amza > LOG_MIN_VALUE) && (amza < LOG_MAX_VALUE)) {
prefix = Math.pow((z * Math.exp(amza)) / agh, a);
} else {
prefix = Math.exp(alz + amz);
} else {
prefix = Math.pow(z / agh, a) * Math.exp(amz);
prefix *= factor;
return prefix;
* Implements the asymptotic expansions of the incomplete
* gamma functions P(a, x) and Q(a, x), used when a is large and
* x ~ a.
* <p>The primary reference is:
* <pre>
* "The Asymptotic Expansion of the Incomplete Gamma Functions"
* N. M. Temme.
* Siam J. Math Anal. Vol 10 No 4, July 1979, p757.
* </pre>
* <p>A different way of evaluating these expansions,
* plus a lot of very useful background information is in:
* <pre>
* "A Set of Algorithms For the Incomplete Gamma Functions."
* N. M. Temme.
* Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences,
* 8, 1994, 291.
* </pre>
* <p>An alternative implementation is in:
* <pre>
* "Computation of the Incomplete Gamma Function Ratios and their Inverse."
* A. R. Didonato and A. H. Morris.
* ACM TOMS, Vol 12, No 4, Dec 1986, p377.
* </pre>
* <p>This is a port of the function accurate for 53-bit mantissas
* (IEEE double precision or 10^-17). To understand the code, refer to Didonato
* and Morris, from Eq 17 and 18 onwards.
* <p>The coefficients used here are not taken from Didonato and Morris:
* the domain over which these expansions are used is slightly different
* to theirs, and their constants are not quite accurate enough for
* 128-bit long doubles. Instead the coefficients were calculated
* using the methods described by Temme p762 from Eq 3.8 onwards.
* The values obtained agree with those obtained by Didonato and Morris
* (at least to the first 30 digits that they provide).
* At double precision the degrees of polynomial required for full
* machine precision are close to those recommended to Didonato and Morris,
* but of course many more terms are needed for larger types.
* <p>Adapted from {@code boost/math/special_functions/detail/igamma_large.hpp}.
* @param a the a
* @param x the x
* @return the double
// This is package-private for testing
static double igammaTemmeLarge(double a, double x) {
final double sigma = (x - a) / a;
final double phi = -SpecialMath.log1pmx(sigma);
final double y = a * phi;
double z = Math.sqrt(2 * phi);
if (x < a) {
z = -z;
// The following polynomials are evaluated with a loop
// with Horner's method. Variations exist using
// a second order Horner's method with an unrolled loop.
// These are chosen in Boost based on the C++ compiler.
// For example:
// boost/math/tools/detail/polynomial_horner1_15.hpp
// boost/math/tools/detail/polynomial_horner2_15.hpp
// boost/math/tools/detail/polynomial_horner3_15.hpp
final double[] workspace = new double[10];
final double[] C0 = {
workspace[0] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C0, z);
final double[] C1 = {
workspace[1] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C1, z);
final double[] C2 = {
workspace[2] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C2, z);
final double[] C3 = {
workspace[3] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C3, z);
final double[] C4 = {
workspace[4] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C4, z);
final double[] C5 = {
workspace[5] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C5, z);
final double[] C6 = {
workspace[6] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C6, z);
final double[] C7 = {
workspace[7] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C7, z);
final double[] C8 = {
workspace[8] = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(C8, z);
workspace[9] = -0.00059676129019274625;
double result = BoostTools.evaluatePolynomial(workspace, 1 / a);
result *= Math.exp(-y) / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * a);
if (x < a) {
result = -result;
result += BoostErf.erfc(Math.sqrt(y)) / 2;
return result;
* Incomplete tgamma for large X.
* <p>This summation is a source of error as the series starts at 1 and descends to zero.
* It can have thousands of iterations when a and z are large and close in value.
* @param a Argument a
* @param x Argument x
* @param pol Function evaluation policy
* @return incomplete tgamma
// This is package-private for testing
static double incompleteTgammaLargeX(double a, double x, Policy pol) {
final double eps = pol.getEps();
final int maxIterations = pol.getMaxIterations();
// Asymptotic approximation for large argument, see:
final DoubleSupplier gen = new DoubleSupplier() {
/** Result term. */
private double term = 1;
/** Iteration. */
private int n;
public double getAsDouble() {
final double result = term;
term *= (a - n) / x;
return result;
return BoostTools.kahanSumSeries(gen, eps, maxIterations);
* Return true if the array is not null and has non-zero length.
* @param array Array
* @return true if a non-zero length array
private static boolean nonZeroLength(int[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
* Ratio of gamma functions.
* <p>\[ tgamma_ratio(z, delta) = \frac{\Gamma(z)}{\Gamma(z + delta)} \]
* <p>Adapted from {@code tgamma_delta_ratio_imp}. The use of
* {@code max_factorial<double>::value == 170} has been replaced with
* {@code MAX_GAMMA_Z == 171}. This threshold is used when it is possible
* to call the gamma function without overflow.
* @param z Argument z
* @param delta The difference
* @return gamma ratio
static double tgammaDeltaRatio(double z, double delta) {
final double zDelta = z + delta;
if (Double.isNaN(zDelta)) {
// One or both arguments are NaN
return Double.NaN;
if (z <= 0 || zDelta <= 0) {
// This isn't very sophisticated, or accurate, but it does work:
return tgamma(z) / tgamma(zDelta);
// Note: Directly calling tgamma(z) / tgamma(z + delta) if possible
// without overflow is not more accurate
if (Math.rint(delta) == delta) {
if (delta == 0) {
return 1;
// If both z and delta are integers, see if we can just use table lookup
// of the factorials to get the result:
if (Math.rint(z) == z &&
z <= MAX_GAMMA_Z && zDelta <= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
return FACTORIAL[(int) z - 1] / FACTORIAL[(int) zDelta - 1];
if (Math.abs(delta) < 20) {
// delta is a small integer, we can use a finite product:
if (delta < 0) {
z -= 1;
double result = z;
for (int d = (int) (delta + 1); d != 0; d++) {
z -= 1;
result *= z;
return result;
double result = 1 / z;
for (int d = (int) (delta - 1); d != 0; d--) {
z += 1;
result /= z;
return result;
return tgammaDeltaRatioImpLanczos(z, delta);
* Ratio of gamma functions using Lanczos support.
* <p>\[ tgamma_delta_ratio(z, delta) = \frac{\Gamma(z)}{\Gamma(z + delta)}
* <p>Adapted from {@code tgamma_delta_ratio_imp_lanczos}. The use of
* {@code max_factorial<double>::value == 170} has been replaced with
* {@code MAX_GAMMA_Z == 171}. This threshold is used when it is possible
* to use the precomputed factorial table.
* @param z Argument z
* @param delta The difference
* @return gamma ratio
private static double tgammaDeltaRatioImpLanczos(double z, double delta) {
if (z < EPSILON) {
// We get spurious numeric overflow unless we're very careful, this
// can occur either inside Lanczos::lanczos_sum(z) or in the
// final combination of terms, to avoid this, split the product up
// into 2 (or 3) parts:
// G(z) / G(L) = 1 / (z * G(L)) ; z < eps, L = z + delta = delta
// z * G(L) = z * G(lim) * (G(L)/G(lim)) ; lim = largest factorial
if (MAX_GAMMA_Z < delta) {
double ratio = tgammaDeltaRatioImpLanczos(delta, MAX_GAMMA_Z - delta);
ratio *= z;
return 1 / ratio;
return 1 / (z * tgamma(z + delta));
final double zgh = z + Lanczos.GMH;
double result;
if (z + delta == z) {
// Here:
// lanczosSum(z) / lanczosSum(z + delta) == 1
// Update to the Boost code to remove unreachable code:
// Given z + delta == z then |delta / z| < EPSILON; and z < zgh
// assume (abs(delta / zgh) < EPSILON) and remove unreachable
// else branch which sets result = 1
// We have:
// result = exp((0.5 - z) * log1p(delta / zgh));
// 0.5 - z == -z
// log1p(delta / zgh) = delta / zgh = delta / z
// multiplying we get -delta.
// Note:
// This can be different from
// exp((0.5 - z) * log1p(delta / zgh)) when z is small.
// In this case the result is exp(small) and the result
// is within 1 ULP of 1.0. This is left as the original
// Boost method using exp(-delta).
result = Math.exp(-delta);
} else {
if (Math.abs(delta) < 10) {
result = Math.exp((0.5 - z) * Math.log1p(delta / zgh));
} else {
result = Math.pow(zgh / (zgh + delta), z - 0.5);
// Split the calculation up to avoid spurious overflow:
result *= Lanczos.lanczosSum(z) / Lanczos.lanczosSum(z + delta);
result *= Math.pow(Math.E / (zgh + delta), delta);
return result;
* Ratio of gamma functions.
* <p>\[ tgamma_ratio(x, y) = \frac{\Gamma(x)}{\Gamma(y)}
* <p>Adapted from {@code tgamma_ratio_imp}. The use of
* {@code max_factorial<double>::value == 170} has been replaced with
* {@code MAX_GAMMA_Z == 171}. This threshold is used when it is possible
* to call the gamma function without overflow.
* @param x Argument x (must be positive finite)
* @param y Argument y (must be positive finite)
* @return gamma ratio (or nan)
static double tgammaRatio(double x, double y) {
if (x <= 0 || !Double.isFinite(x) || y <= 0 || !Double.isFinite(y)) {
return Double.NaN;
if (x <= Double.MIN_NORMAL) {
// Special case for denorms...Ugh.
return TWO_POW_53 * tgammaRatio(x * TWO_POW_53, y);
if (x <= MAX_GAMMA_Z && y <= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
// Rather than subtracting values, lets just call the gamma functions directly:
return tgamma(x) / tgamma(y);
double prefix = 1;
if (x < 1) {
if (y < 2 * MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
// We need to sidestep on x as well, otherwise we'll underflow
// before we get to factor in the prefix term:
prefix /= x;
x += 1;
while (y >= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
y -= 1;
prefix /= y;
return prefix * tgamma(x) / tgamma(y);
// result is almost certainly going to underflow to zero, try logs just in case:
return Math.exp(lgamma(x) - lgamma(y));
if (y < 1) {
if (x < 2 * MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
// We need to sidestep on y as well, otherwise we'll overflow
// before we get to factor in the prefix term:
prefix *= y;
y += 1;
while (x >= MAX_GAMMA_Z) {
x -= 1;
prefix *= x;
return prefix * tgamma(x) / tgamma(y);
// Result will almost certainly overflow, try logs just in case:
return Math.exp(lgamma(x) - lgamma(y));
// Regular case, x and y both large and similar in magnitude:
return tgammaDeltaRatio(x, y - x);