Class RandomProviderDefaultState

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RandomProviderDefaultState
    extends Object
    implements RandomProviderState
    Wraps the internal state of a generator instance. Its purpose is to store all the data needed to recover the same state in order to restart a sequence where it left off. External code should not try to modify the data contained in instances of this class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RandomProviderDefaultState

        public RandomProviderDefaultState​(byte[] state)
        Initializes an instance. The contents of the state argument is unspecified, and is guaranteed to be valid only if it was generated by implementations provided by this library.
        state - Mapping of all the data which an implementation of UniformRandomProvider needs in order to reset its internal state.
    • Method Detail

      • getState

        public byte[] getState()
        Get the state.
        the internal state.