ConstructionPerformance.IntSizes |
The number of int values that are required to seed a generator.
ConstructionPerformance.LongSizes |
The number of long values that are required to seed a generator.
ConstructionPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.SeedRandomSources |
The RandomSource to test.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.SeedSizes |
The number of values that are required to seed a generator.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.TestSizes |
Define the number of seed values to create and the number to compute per synchronisation on
the generator.
ThreadLocalPerformance.LocalSources |
The benchmark state (to retrieve the various "RandomSource"s thread locally).
ThreadLocalPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (to retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).