Class ExamplesStressApplication

  • public final class ExamplesStressApplication
    extends Object
    Executes testing utilities for the random number generators in the Commons RNG library.

    The principle action is testing a generator by piping the values returned by its UniformRandomProvider.nextInt() method to a program that reads int values from its standard input and writes an analysis report to standard output. The "Dieharder" test suite is such a software.

    Example of command line, assuming that "examples-stress.jar" specifies this class as the "main" class (see main method):

    $ java -jar examples-stress.jar stress /usr/bin/dieharder -a -g 200 -Y 1 -k 2

    Other functionality includes:

    • Listing all the available generators
    • Collating results from known stress test applications
    • Outputting data from a random generator
    • Showing the platform native byte order
    • Testing data transfer to an application sub-process via its standard input
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Run the RNG examples stress command line application.
        args - Application's arguments.