DoubleStatistic |
Represents a state object for computing a statistic over double valued input(s).
DoubleStatistics |
Statistics for double values.
DoubleStatistics.Builder |
GeometricMean |
Computes the geometric mean of the available values.
IntMax |
Returns the maximum of the available values.
IntMean |
Computes the arithmetic mean of the available values.
IntMin |
Returns the minimum of the available values.
IntStandardDeviation |
Computes the standard deviation of the available values.
IntStatistic |
Represents a state object for computing a statistic over int valued input(s).
IntStatistics |
Statistics for int values.
IntStatistics.Builder |
IntSum |
Returns the sum of the available values.
IntSumOfSquares |
Returns the sum of the squares of the available values.
IntVariance |
Computes the variance of the available values.
Kurtosis |
Computes the kurtosis of the available values.
LongMax |
Returns the maximum of the available values.
LongMean |
Computes the arithmetic mean of the available values.
LongMin |
Returns the minimum of the available values.
LongStandardDeviation |
Computes the standard deviation of the available values.
LongStatistic |
Represents a state object for computing a statistic over long valued input(s).
LongStatistics |
Statistics for long values.
LongStatistics.Builder |
LongSum |
Returns the sum of the available values.
LongSumOfSquares |
Returns the sum of the squares of the available values.
LongVariance |
Computes the variance of the available values.
Max |
Returns the maximum of the available values.
Mean |
Computes the arithmetic mean of the available values.
Median |
Returns the median of the available values.
Min |
Returns the minimum of the available values.
NaNPolicy |
Defines the policy for NaN values found in data.
Product |
Returns the product of the available values.
Quantile |
Provides quantile computation.
Quantile.EstimationMethod |
Estimation methods for a quantile.
Skewness |
Computes the skewness of the available values.
StandardDeviation |
Computes the standard deviation of the available values.
Statistic |
A statistic that can be computed on univariate data, for example a stream of
double values.
StatisticAccumulator |
StatisticResult |
Represents the result of a statistic computed over a set of values.
StatisticsConfiguration |
Configuration for computation of statistics.
Sum |
Returns the sum of the available values.
SumOfLogs |
SumOfSquares |
Returns the sum of the squares of the available values.
Variance |
Computes the variance of the available values.