002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.statistics.descriptive;
019import java.util.Arrays;
020import java.util.Objects;
021import java.util.function.IntToDoubleFunction;
022import org.apache.commons.numbers.arrays.Selection;
025 * Provides quantile computation.
026 *
027 * <p>For values of length {@code n}:
028 * <ul>
029 * <li>The result is {@code NaN} if {@code n = 0}.
030 * <li>The result is {@code values[0]} if {@code n = 1}.
031 * <li>Otherwise the result is computed using the {@link EstimationMethod}.
032 * </ul>
033 *
034 * <p>Computation of multiple quantiles and will handle duplicate and unordered
035 * probabilities. Passing ordered probabilities is recommended if the order is already
036 * known as this can improve efficiency; for example using uniform spacing through the
037 * array data, or to identify extreme values from the data such as {@code [0.001, 0.999]}.
038 *
039 * <p>This implementation respects the ordering imposed by
040 * {@link Double#compare(double, double)} for {@code NaN} values. If a {@code NaN} occurs
041 * in the selected positions in the fully sorted values then the result is {@code NaN}.
042 *
043 * <p>The {@link NaNPolicy} can be used to change the behaviour on {@code NaN} values.
044 *
045 * <p>Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
046 *
047 * @see #with(NaNPolicy)
048 * @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile">Quantile (Wikipedia)</a>
049 * @since 1.1
050 */
051public final class Quantile {
052    /** Message when the probability is not in the range {@code [0, 1]}. */
053    private static final String INVALID_PROBABILITY = "Invalid probability: ";
054    /** Message when no probabilities are provided for the varargs method. */
055    private static final String NO_PROBABILITIES_SPECIFIED = "No probabilities specified";
056    /** Message when the size is not valid. */
057    private static final String INVALID_SIZE = "Invalid size: ";
058    /** Message when the number of probabilities in a range is not valid. */
059    private static final String INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PROBABILITIES = "Invalid number of probabilities: ";
061    /** Default instance. Method 8 is recommended by Hyndman and Fan. */
062    private static final Quantile DEFAULT = new Quantile(false, NaNPolicy.INCLUDE, EstimationMethod.HF8);
064    /** Flag to indicate if the data should be copied. */
065    private final boolean copy;
066    /** NaN policy for floating point data. */
067    private final NaNPolicy nanPolicy;
068    /** Transformer for NaN data. */
069    private final NaNTransformer nanTransformer;
070    /** Estimation type used to determine the value from the quantile. */
071    private final EstimationMethod estimationType;
073    /**
074     * @param copy Flag to indicate if the data should be copied.
075     * @param nanPolicy NaN policy.
076     * @param estimationType Estimation type used to determine the value from the quantile.
077     */
078    private Quantile(boolean copy, NaNPolicy nanPolicy, EstimationMethod estimationType) {
079        this.copy = copy;
080        this.nanPolicy = nanPolicy;
081        this.estimationType = estimationType;
082        nanTransformer = NaNTransformers.createNaNTransformer(nanPolicy, copy);
083    }
085    /**
086     * Return a new instance with the default options.
087     *
088     * <ul>
089     * <li>{@linkplain #withCopy(boolean) Copy = false}
090     * <li>{@linkplain #with(NaNPolicy) NaN policy = include}
091     * <li>{@linkplain #with(EstimationMethod) Estimation method = HF8}
092     * </ul>
093     *
094     * <p>Note: The default options configure for processing in-place and including
095     * {@code NaN} values in the data. This is the most efficient mode and has the
096     * smallest memory consumption.
097     *
098     * @return the quantile implementation
099     * @see #withCopy(boolean)
100     * @see #with(NaNPolicy)
101     * @see #with(EstimationMethod)
102     */
103    public static Quantile withDefaults() {
104        return DEFAULT;
105    }
107    /**
108     * Return an instance with the configured copy behaviour. If {@code false} then
109     * the input array will be modified by the call to evaluate the quantiles; otherwise
110     * the computation uses a copy of the data.
111     *
112     * @param v Value.
113     * @return an instance
114     */
115    public Quantile withCopy(boolean v) {
116        return new Quantile(v, nanPolicy, estimationType);
117    }
119    /**
120     * Return an instance with the configured {@link NaNPolicy}.
121     *
122     * <p>Note: This implementation respects the ordering imposed by
123     * {@link Double#compare(double, double)} for {@code NaN} values: {@code NaN} is
124     * considered greater than all other values, and all {@code NaN} values are equal. The
125     * {@link NaNPolicy} changes the computation of the statistic in the presence of
126     * {@code NaN} values.
127     *
128     * <ul>
129     * <li>{@link NaNPolicy#INCLUDE}: {@code NaN} values are moved to the end of the data;
130     * the size of the data <em>includes</em> the {@code NaN} values and the quantile will be
131     * {@code NaN} if any value used for quantile interpolation is {@code NaN}.
132     * <li>{@link NaNPolicy#EXCLUDE}: {@code NaN} values are moved to the end of the data;
133     * the size of the data <em>excludes</em> the {@code NaN} values and the quantile will
134     * never be {@code NaN} for non-zero size. If all data are {@code NaN} then the size is zero
135     * and the result is {@code NaN}.
136     * <li>{@link NaNPolicy#ERROR}: An exception is raised if the data contains {@code NaN}
137     * values.
138     * </ul>
139     *
140     * <p>Note that the result is identical for all policies if no {@code NaN} values are present.
141     *
142     * @param v Value.
143     * @return an instance
144     */
145    public Quantile with(NaNPolicy v) {
146        return new Quantile(copy, Objects.requireNonNull(v), estimationType);
147    }
149    /**
150     * Return an instance with the configured {@link EstimationMethod}.
151     *
152     * @param v Value.
153     * @return an instance
154     */
155    public Quantile with(EstimationMethod v) {
156        return new Quantile(copy, nanPolicy, Objects.requireNonNull(v));
157    }
159    /**
160     * Generate {@code n} evenly spaced probabilities in the range {@code [0, 1]}.
161     *
162     * <pre>
163     * 1/(n + 1), 2/(n + 1), ..., n/(n + 1)
164     * </pre>
165     *
166     * @param n Number of probabilities.
167     * @return the probabilities
168     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code n < 1}
169     */
170    public static double[] probabilities(int n) {
171        checkNumberOfProbabilities(n);
172        final double c1 = n + 1.0;
173        final double[] p = new double[n];
174        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
175            p[i] = (i + 1.0) / c1;
176        }
177        return p;
178    }
180    /**
181     * Generate {@code n} evenly spaced probabilities in the range {@code [p1, p2]}.
182     *
183     * <pre>
184     * w = p2 - p1
185     * p1 + w/(n + 1), p1 + 2w/(n + 1), ..., p1 + nw/(n + 1)
186     * </pre>
187     *
188     * @param n Number of probabilities.
189     * @param p1 Lower probability.
190     * @param p2 Upper probability.
191     * @return the probabilities
192     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code n < 1}; if the probabilities are not in the
193     * range {@code [0, 1]}; or {@code p2 <= p1}.
194     */
195    public static double[] probabilities(int n, double p1, double p2) {
196        checkProbability(p1);
197        checkProbability(p2);
198        if (p2 <= p1) {
199            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid range: [" + p1 + ", " + p2 + "]");
200        }
201        final double[] p = probabilities(n);
202        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
203            p[i] = (1 - p[i]) * p1 + p[i] * p2;
204        }
205        return p;
206    }
208    /**
209     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantile of the values.
210     *
211     * <p>Note: This method may partially sort the input values if not configured to
212     * {@link #withCopy(boolean) copy} the input data.
213     *
214     * <p><strong>Performance</strong>
215     *
216     * <p>It is not recommended to use this method for repeat calls for different quantiles
217     * within the same values. The {@link #evaluate(double[], double...)} method should be used
218     * which provides better performance.
219     *
220     * @param values Values.
221     * @param p Probability for the quantile to compute.
222     * @return the quantile
223     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the probability {@code p} is not in the range {@code [0, 1]}
224     * @see #evaluate(double[], double...)
225     */
226    public double evaluate(double[] values, double p) {
227        checkProbability(p);
228        // Floating-point data handling
229        final int[] bounds = new int[1];
230        final double[] x = nanTransformer.apply(values, bounds);
231        final int n = bounds[0];
232        // Special cases
233        if (n <= 1) {
234            return n == 0 ? Double.NaN : x[0];
235        }
236        final double pos = estimationType.index(p, n);
237        final int i = (int) pos;
239        // Partition and compute
240        if (pos > i) {
241            Selection.select(x, 0, n, new int[] {i, i + 1});
242            return Interpolation.interpolate(x[i], x[i + 1], pos - i);
243        }
244        Selection.select(x, 0, n, i);
245        return x[i];
246    }
248    /**
249     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantiles of the values.
250     *
251     * <p>Note: This method may partially sort the input values if not configured to
252     * {@link #withCopy(boolean) copy} the input data.
253     *
254     * @param values Values.
255     * @param p Probabilities for the quantiles to compute.
256     * @return the quantiles
257     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any probability {@code p} is not in the range {@code [0, 1]};
258     * or no probabilities are specified.
259     */
260    public double[] evaluate(double[] values, double... p) {
261        checkProbabilities(p);
262        // Floating-point data handling
263        final int[] bounds = new int[1];
264        final double[] x = nanTransformer.apply(values, bounds);
265        final int n = bounds[0];
266        // Special cases
267        final double[] q = new double[p.length];
268        if (n <= 1) {
269            Arrays.fill(q, n == 0 ? Double.NaN : x[0]);
270            return q;
271        }
273        // Collect interpolation positions. We use the output q as storage.
274        final int[] indices = computeIndices(n, p, q);
276        // Partition
277        Selection.select(x, 0, n, indices);
279        // Compute
280        for (int k = 0; k < p.length; k++) {
281            final int i = (int) q[k];
282            if (q[k] > i) {
283                q[k] = Interpolation.interpolate(x[i], x[i + 1], q[k] - i);
284            } else {
285                q[k] = x[i];
286            }
287        }
288        return q;
289    }
291    /**
292     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantile of the values.
293     *
294     * <p>Note: This method may partially sort the input values if not configured to
295     * {@link #withCopy(boolean) copy} the input data.
296     *
297     * <p><strong>Performance</strong>
298     *
299     * <p>It is not recommended to use this method for repeat calls for different quantiles
300     * within the same values. The {@link #evaluate(int[], double...)} method should be used
301     * which provides better performance.
302     *
303     * @param values Values.
304     * @param p Probability for the quantile to compute.
305     * @return the quantile
306     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the probability {@code p} is not in the range {@code [0, 1]}
307     * @see #evaluate(int[], double...)
308     */
309    public double evaluate(int[] values, double p) {
310        checkProbability(p);
311        final int n = values.length;
312        // Special cases
313        if (n <= 1) {
314            return n == 0 ? Double.NaN : values[0];
315        }
316        final double pos = estimationType.index(p, n);
317        final int i = (int) pos;
319        // Partition and compute
320        final int[] x = copy ? values.clone() : values;
321        if (pos > i) {
322            Selection.select(x, 0, n, new int[] {i, i + 1});
323            return Interpolation.interpolate(x[i], x[i + 1], pos - i);
324        }
325        Selection.select(x, 0, n, i);
326        return x[i];
327    }
329    /**
330     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantiles of the values.
331     *
332     * <p>Note: This method may partially sort the input values if not configured to
333     * {@link #withCopy(boolean) copy} the input data.
334     *
335     * @param values Values.
336     * @param p Probabilities for the quantiles to compute.
337     * @return the quantiles
338     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any probability {@code p} is not in the range {@code [0, 1]};
339     * or no probabilities are specified.
340     */
341    public double[] evaluate(int[] values, double... p) {
342        checkProbabilities(p);
343        final int n = values.length;
344        // Special cases
345        final double[] q = new double[p.length];
346        if (n <= 1) {
347            Arrays.fill(q, n == 0 ? Double.NaN : values[0]);
348            return q;
349        }
351        // Collect interpolation positions. We use the output q as storage.
352        final int[] indices = computeIndices(n, p, q);
354        // Partition
355        final int[] x = copy ? values.clone() : values;
356        Selection.select(x, 0, n, indices);
358        // Compute
359        for (int k = 0; k < p.length; k++) {
360            final int i = (int) q[k];
361            if (q[k] > i) {
362                q[k] = Interpolation.interpolate(x[i], x[i + 1], q[k] - i);
363            } else {
364                q[k] = x[i];
365            }
366        }
367        return q;
368    }
370    /**
371     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantile of the values.
372     *
373     * <p>This method can be used when the values of known size are already sorted.
374     *
375     * <pre>{@code
376     * short[] x = ...
377     * Arrays.sort(x);
378     * double q = Quantile.withDefaults().evaluate(x.length, i -> x[i], 0.05);
379     * }</pre>
380     *
381     * @param n Size of the values.
382     * @param values Values function.
383     * @param p Probability for the quantile to compute.
384     * @return the quantile
385     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size < 0}; or if the probability {@code p} is
386     * not in the range {@code [0, 1]}.
387     */
388    public double evaluate(int n, IntToDoubleFunction values, double p) {
389        checkSize(n);
390        checkProbability(p);
391        // Special case
392        if (n <= 1) {
393            return n == 0 ? Double.NaN : values.applyAsDouble(0);
394        }
395        final double pos = estimationType.index(p, n);
396        final int i = (int) pos;
397        final double v1 = values.applyAsDouble(i);
398        if (pos > i) {
399            final double v2 = values.applyAsDouble(i + 1);
400            return Interpolation.interpolate(v1, v2, pos - i);
401        }
402        return v1;
403    }
405    /**
406     * Evaluate the {@code p}-th quantiles of the values.
407     *
408     * <p>This method can be used when the values of known size are already sorted.
409     *
410     * <pre>{@code
411     * short[] x = ...
412     * Arrays.sort(x);
413     * double[] q = Quantile.withDefaults().evaluate(x.length, i -> x[i], 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);
414     * }</pre>
415     *
416     * @param n Size of the values.
417     * @param values Values function.
418     * @param p Probabilities for the quantiles to compute.
419     * @return the quantiles
420     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size < 0}; if any probability {@code p} is
421     * not in the range {@code [0, 1]}; or no probabilities are specified.
422     */
423    public double[] evaluate(int n, IntToDoubleFunction values, double... p) {
424        checkSize(n);
425        checkProbabilities(p);
426        // Special case
427        final double[] q = new double[p.length];
428        if (n <= 1) {
429            Arrays.fill(q, n == 0 ? Double.NaN : values.applyAsDouble(0));
430            return q;
431        }
432        for (int k = 0; k < p.length; k++) {
433            final double pos = estimationType.index(p[k], n);
434            final int i = (int) pos;
435            final double v1 = values.applyAsDouble(i);
436            if (pos > i) {
437                final double v2 = values.applyAsDouble(i + 1);
438                q[k] = Interpolation.interpolate(v1, v2, pos - i);
439            } else {
440                q[k] = v1;
441            }
442        }
443        return q;
444    }
446    /**
447     * Check the probability {@code p} is in the range {@code [0, 1]}.
448     *
449     * @param p Probability for the quantile to compute.
450     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the probability is not in the range {@code [0, 1]}
451     */
452    private static void checkProbability(double p) {
453        // Logic negation will detect NaN
454        if (!(p >= 0 && p <= 1)) {
455            throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_PROBABILITY + p);
456        }
457    }
459    /**
460     * Check the probabilities {@code p} are in the range {@code [0, 1]}.
461     *
462     * @param p Probabilities for the quantiles to compute.
463     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any probabilities {@code p} is not in the range {@code [0, 1]};
464     * or no probabilities are specified.
465     */
466    private static void checkProbabilities(double... p) {
467        if (p.length == 0) {
468            throw new IllegalArgumentException(NO_PROBABILITIES_SPECIFIED);
469        }
470        for (final double pp : p) {
471            checkProbability(pp);
472        }
473    }
475    /**
476     * Check the {@code size} is positive.
477     *
478     * @param n Size of the values.
479     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code size < 0}
480     */
481    private static void checkSize(int n) {
482        if (n < 0) {
483            throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_SIZE + n);
484        }
485    }
487    /**
488     * Check the number of probabilities {@code n} is strictly positive.
489     *
490     * @param n Number of probabilities.
491     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code c < 1}
492     */
493    private static void checkNumberOfProbabilities(int n) {
494        if (n < 1) {
495            throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PROBABILITIES + n);
496        }
497    }
499    /**
500     * Compute the indices required for quantile interpolation.
501     *
502     * <p>The zero-based interpolation index in {@code [0, n)} is
503     * saved into the working array {@code q} for each {@code p}.
504     *
505     * @param n Size of the data.
506     * @param p Probabilities for the quantiles to compute.
507     * @param q Working array for quantiles.
508     * @return the indices
509     */
510    private int[] computeIndices(int n, double[] p, double[] q) {
511        final int[] indices = new int[p.length << 1];
512        int count = 0;
513        for (int k = 0; k < p.length; k++) {
514            final double pos = estimationType.index(p[k], n);
515            q[k] = pos;
516            final int i = (int) pos;
517            indices[count++] = i;
518            if (pos > i) {
519                // Require the next index for interpolation
520                indices[count++] = i + 1;
521            }
522        }
523        if (count < indices.length) {
524            return Arrays.copyOf(indices, count);
525        }
526        return indices;
527    }
529    /**
530     * Estimation methods for a quantile. Provides the nine quantile algorithms
531     * defined in Hyndman and Fan (1996)[1] as {@code HF1 - HF9}.
532     *
533     * <p>Samples quantiles are defined by:
534     *
535     * <p>\[ Q(p) = (1 - \gamma) x_j + \gamma x_{j+1} \]
536     *
537     * <p>where \( \frac{j-m}{n} \leq p \le \frac{j-m+1}{n} \), \( x_j \) is the \( j \)th
538     * order statistic, \( n \) is the sample size, the value of \( \gamma \) is a function
539     * of \( j = \lfloor np+m \rfloor \) and \( g = np + m - j \), and \( m \) is a constant
540     * determined by the sample quantile type.
541     *
542     * <p>Note that the real-valued position \( np + m \) is a 1-based index and
543     * \( j \in [1, n] \). If the real valued position is computed as beyond the lowest or
544     * highest values in the sample, this implementation will return the minimum or maximum
545     * observation respectively.
546     *
547     * <p>Types 1, 2, and 3 are discontinuous functions of \( p \); types 4 to 9 are continuous
548     * functions of \( p \).
549     *
550     * <p>For the continuous functions, the probability \( p_k \) is provided for the \( k \)-th order
551     * statistic in size \( n \). Samples quantiles are equivalently obtained to \( Q(p) \) by
552     * linear interpolation between points \( (p_k, x_k) \) and \( (p_{k+1}, x_{k+1}) \) for
553     * any \( p_k \leq p \leq p_{k+1} \).
554     *
555     * <ol>
556     * <li>Hyndman and Fan (1996)
557     *     <i>Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages.</i>
558     *     The American Statistician, 50, 361-365.
559     *     <a href="https://www.jstor.org/stable/2684934">doi.org/10.2307/2684934</a>
560     * <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile">Quantile (Wikipedia)</a>
561     * </ol>
562     */
563    public enum EstimationMethod {
564        /**
565         * Inverse of the empirical distribution function.
566         *
567         * <p>\( m = 0 \). \( \gamma = 0 \) if \( g = 0 \), and 1 otherwise.
568         */
569        HF1 {
570            @Override
571            double position0(double p, int n) {
572                // position = np + 0. This is 1-based so adjust to 0-based.
573                return Math.ceil(n * p) - 1;
574            }
575        },
576        /**
577         * Similar to {@link #HF1} with averaging at discontinuities.
578         *
579         * <p>\( m = 0 \). \( \gamma = 0.5 \) if \( g = 0 \), and 1 otherwise.
580         */
581        HF2 {
582            @Override
583            double position0(double p, int n) {
584                final double pos = n * p;
585                // Average at discontinuities
586                final int j = (int) pos;
587                final double g = pos - j;
588                if (g == 0) {
589                    return j - 0.5;
590                }
591                // As HF1 : ceil(j + g) - 1
592                return j;
593            }
594        },
595        /**
596         * The observation closest to \( np \). Ties are resolved to the nearest even order statistic.
597         *
598         * <p>\( m = -1/2 \). \( \gamma = 0 \) if \( g = 0 \) and \( j \) is even, and 1 otherwise.
599         */
600        HF3 {
601            @Override
602            double position0(double p, int n) {
603                // Let rint do the work for ties to even
604                return Math.rint(n * p) - 1;
605            }
606        },
607        /**
608         * Linear interpolation of the inverse of the empirical CDF.
609         *
610         * <p>\( m = 0 \). \( p_k = \frac{k}{n} \).
611         */
612        HF4 {
613            @Override
614            double position0(double p, int n) {
615                // np + 0 - 1
616                return n * p - 1;
617            }
618        },
619        /**
620         * A piecewise linear function where the knots are the values midway through the steps of
621         * the empirical CDF. Proposed by Hazen (1914) and popular amongst hydrologists.
622         *
623         * <p>\( m = 1/2 \). \( p_k = \frac{k - 1/2}{n} \).
624         */
625        HF5 {
626            @Override
627            double position0(double p, int n) {
628                // np + 0.5 - 1
629                return n * p - 0.5;
630            }
631        },
632        /**
633         * Linear interpolation of the expectations for the order statistics for the uniform
634         * distribution on [0,1]. Proposed by Weibull (1939).
635         *
636         * <p>\( m = p \). \( p_k = \frac{k}{n + 1} \).
637         *
638         * <p>This method computes the quantile as per the Apache Commons Math Percentile
639         * legacy implementation.
640         */
641        HF6 {
642            @Override
643            double position0(double p, int n) {
644                // np + p - 1
645                return (n + 1) * p - 1;
646            }
647        },
648        /**
649         * Linear interpolation of the modes for the order statistics for the uniform
650         * distribution on [0,1]. Proposed by Gumbull (1939).
651         *
652         * <p>\( m = 1 - p \). \( p_k = \frac{k - 1}{n - 1} \).
653         */
654        HF7 {
655            @Override
656            double position0(double p, int n) {
657                // np + 1-p - 1
658                return (n - 1) * p;
659            }
660        },
661        /**
662         * Linear interpolation of the approximate medians for order statistics.
663         *
664         * <p>\( m = (p + 1)/3 \). \( p_k = \frac{k - 1/3}{n + 1/3} \).
665         *
666         * <p>As per Hyndman and Fan (1996) this approach is most recommended as it provides
667         * an approximate median-unbiased estimate regardless of distribution.
668         */
669        HF8 {
670            @Override
671            double position0(double p, int n) {
672                return n * p + (p + 1) / 3 - 1;
673            }
674        },
675        /**
676         * Quantile estimates are approximately unbiased for the expected order statistics if
677         * \( x \) is normally distributed.
678         *
679         * <p>\( m = p/4 + 3/8 \). \( p_k = \frac{k - 3/8}{n + 1/4} \).
680         */
681        HF9 {
682            @Override
683            double position0(double p, int n) {
684                // np + p/4 + 3/8 - 1
685                return (n + 0.25) * p - 0.625;
686            }
687        };
689        /**
690         * Finds the real-valued position for calculation of the quantile.
691         *
692         * <p>Return {@code i + g} such that the quantile value from sorted data is:
693         *
694         * <p>value = data[i] + g * (data[i+1] - data[i])
695         *
696         * <p>Warning: Interpolation should not use {@code data[i+1]} unless {@code g != 0}.
697         *
698         * <p>Note: In contrast to the definition of Hyndman and Fan in the class header
699         * which uses a 1-based position, this is a zero based index. This change is for
700         * convenience when addressing array positions.
701         *
702         * @param p p<sup>th</sup> quantile.
703         * @param n Size.
704         * @return a real-valued position (0-based) into the range {@code [0, n)}
705         */
706        abstract double position0(double p, int n);
708        /**
709         * Finds the index {@code i} and fractional part {@code g} of a real-valued position
710         * to interpolate the quantile.
711         *
712         * <p>Return {@code i + g} such that the quantile value from sorted data is:
713         *
714         * <p>value = data[i] + g * (data[i+1] - data[i])
715         *
716         * <p>Note: Interpolation should not use {@code data[i+1]} unless {@code g != 0}.
717         *
718         * @param p p<sup>th</sup> quantile.
719         * @param n Size.
720         * @return index (in [0, n-1])
721         */
722        final double index(double p, int n) {
723            final double pos = position0(p, n);
724            // Bounds check in [0, n-1]
725            if (pos < 0) {
726                return 0;
727            }
728            if (pos > n - 1.0) {
729                return n - 1.0;
730            }
731            return pos;
732        }
733    }