BetaDistribution |
Implementation of the beta distribution.
BinomialDistribution |
Implementation of the binomial distribution.
CauchyDistribution |
Implementation of the Cauchy distribution.
ChiSquaredDistribution |
Implementation of the chi-squared distribution.
ContinuousDistribution |
Interface for distributions on the reals.
ContinuousDistribution.Sampler |
Distribution sampling functionality.
DiscreteDistribution |
Interface for distributions on the integers.
DiscreteDistribution.Sampler |
Distribution sampling functionality.
ExponentialDistribution |
Implementation of the exponential distribution.
FDistribution |
Implementation of the F-distribution.
FoldedNormalDistribution |
Implementation of the folded normal distribution.
GammaDistribution |
Implementation of the gamma distribution.
GeometricDistribution |
Implementation of the geometric distribution.
GumbelDistribution |
Implementation of the Gumbel distribution.
HypergeometricDistribution |
Implementation of the hypergeometric distribution.
LaplaceDistribution |
Implementation of the Laplace distribution.
LevyDistribution |
Implementation of the Lévy distribution.
LogisticDistribution |
Implementation of the logistic distribution.
LogNormalDistribution |
Implementation of the log-normal distribution.
LogUniformDistribution |
Implementation of the log-uniform distribution.
NakagamiDistribution |
Implementation of the Nakagami distribution.
NormalDistribution |
Implementation of the normal (Gaussian) distribution.
ParetoDistribution |
Implementation of the Pareto (Type I) distribution.
PascalDistribution |
Implementation of the Pascal distribution.
PoissonDistribution |
Implementation of the Poisson distribution.
TDistribution |
Implementation of Student's t-distribution.
TrapezoidalDistribution |
Implementation of the trapezoidal distribution.
TriangularDistribution |
Implementation of the triangular distribution.
TruncatedNormalDistribution |
Implementation of the truncated normal distribution.
UniformContinuousDistribution |
Implementation of the uniform distribution.
UniformDiscreteDistribution |
Implementation of the uniform discrete distribution.
WeibullDistribution |
Implementation of the Weibull distribution.
ZipfDistribution |
Implementation of the Zipf distribution.