Apache Commons logo Commons BCEL

Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.14.0 jar Apache-2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
commons-io commons-io 2.16.1 jar Apache-2.0
commons-lang commons-lang 2.0 jar -
javax javaee-api 6.0 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
net.java.dev.jna jna 5.14.0 jar LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0
net.java.dev.jna jna-platform 5.14.0 jar LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0
org.apache.commons commons-exec 1.4.0 jar Apache-2.0
org.assertj assertj-core 3.26.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jdt ecj 3.26.0 jar Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
org.jetbrains.kotlin kotlin-stdlib 2.0.0 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter 5.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.mockito mockito-core 4.11.0 jar The MIT License
wsdl4j wsdl4j 1.5.3 jar CPL

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy 1.12.19 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy-agent 1.12.19 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apiguardian apiguardian-api 1.1.2 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.jetbrains annotations 13.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-api 5.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-engine 5.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-params 5.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.platform junit-platform-commons 1.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.platform junit-platform-engine 1.11.0-M2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.objenesis objenesis 3.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.opentest4j opentest4j 1.3.0 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


Unknown: Lang

The Apache License, Version 2.0: Kotlin Stdlib, org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api, org.opentest4j:opentest4j

LGPL-2.1-or-later: Java Native Access, Java Native Access Platform

The MIT License: mockito-core

Apache-2.0: Apache Commons BCEL, Apache Commons Exec, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Java Native Access, Java Native Access Platform

Eclipse Public License v2.0: JUnit Jupiter (Aggregator), JUnit Jupiter API, JUnit Jupiter Engine, JUnit Jupiter Params, JUnit Platform Commons, JUnit Platform Engine API

Apache License, Version 2.0: AssertJ Core, Byte Buddy (without dependencies), Byte Buddy agent, Objenesis

CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception: Java(TM) EE 6 Specification APIs

Eclipse Public License - v 2.0: Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM)


The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: IntelliJ IDEA Annotations

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
commons-io-2.16.1.jar 508.8 kB 374 347 16 9 Yes
commons-lang-2.0.jar 169.8 kB 105 93 6 1.1 Yes
javaee-api-6.0.jar 979.6 kB 1983 1830 118 1.6 No
byte-buddy-1.12.19.jar 4 MB 2742 2688 39 9 Yes
byte-buddy-agent-1.12.19.jar 256.4 kB 90 70 3 9 Yes
jna-5.14.0.jar 1.9 MB 188 125 4 1.8 Yes
jna-platform-5.14.0.jar 1.4 MB 1332 1284 15 1.8 Yes
commons-exec-1.4.0.jar 65.9 kB 68 50 5 9 Yes
commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar 658 kB 436 404 19 9 Yes
apiguardian-api-1.1.2.jar 6.8 kB 9 3 2 9 Yes
assertj-core-3.26.3.jar 1.4 MB 882 840 28 9 Yes
ecj-3.26.0.jar 3.1 MB 905 767 21 1.8 Yes
annotations-13.0.jar 17.5 kB 45 32 2 1.5 Yes
kotlin-stdlib-2.0.0.jar 1.7 MB 1042 983 44 9 Yes
junit-jupiter-5.11.0-M2.jar 6.4 kB 5 1 1 9 No
junit-jupiter-api-5.11.0-M2.jar 215 kB 196 181 8 9 Yes
junit-jupiter-engine-5.11.0-M2.jar 252.7 kB 148 131 9 9 Yes
junit-jupiter-params-5.11.0-M2.jar 581.4 kB 379 345 22 9 Yes
junit-platform-commons-1.11.0-M2.jar 133.1 kB 82 61 8 9 Yes
junit-platform-engine-1.11.0-M2.jar 238.3 kB 174 155 10 9 Yes
mockito-core-4.11.0.jar 684.9 kB 651 579 64 1.8 Yes
objenesis-3.3.jar 49.4 kB 59 43 10 1.8 Yes
opentest4j-1.3.0.jar 14.3 kB 15 9 2 9 Yes
wsdl4j-1.5.3.jar 127.7 kB 142 119 18 1.2 No
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
24 18.4 MB 12052 11140 474 9 21
compile: 1 compile: 658 kB compile: 436 compile: 404 compile: 19 9 compile: 1
test: 23 test: 17.8 MB test: 11616 test: 10736 test: 455 9 test: 20