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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   *  limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.bcel.verifier.structurals;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.HashMap;
21  import java.util.HashSet;
22  import java.util.List;
23  import java.util.Map;
24  import java.util.Set;
26  import org.apache.bcel.generic.ASTORE;
27  import org.apache.bcel.generic.ATHROW;
28  import org.apache.bcel.generic.BranchInstruction;
29  import org.apache.bcel.generic.CodeExceptionGen;
30  import org.apache.bcel.generic.GotoInstruction;
31  import org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction;
32  import org.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction;
33  import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle;
34  import org.apache.bcel.generic.JsrInstruction;
35  import org.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableInstruction;
36  import org.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen;
37  import org.apache.bcel.generic.RET;
38  import org.apache.bcel.generic.ReturnInstruction;
39  import org.apache.bcel.generic.Select;
40  import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.AssertionViolatedException;
41  import org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.StructuralCodeConstraintException;
43  /**
44   * Instances of this class contain information about the subroutines found in a code array of a method. This
45   * implementation considers the top-level (the instructions reachable without a JSR or JSR_W starting off from the first
46   * instruction in a code array of a method) being a special subroutine; see getTopLevel() for that. Please note that the
47   * definition of subroutines in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition is somewhat incomplete.
48   * Therefore, JustIce uses an own, more rigid notion. Basically, a subroutine is a piece of code that starts at the
49   * target of a JSR of JSR_W instruction and ends at a corresponding RET instruction. Note also that the control flow of
50   * a subroutine may be complex and non-linear; and that subroutines may be nested. JustIce also mandates subroutines not
51   * to be protected by exception handling code (for the sake of control flow predictability). To understand JustIce's
52   * notion of subroutines, please read
53   *
54   * TODO: refer to the paper.
55   *
56   * @see #getTopLevel()
57   */
58  public class Subroutines {
59      // Node coloring constants
60      private enum ColourConstants {
61          WHITE, GRAY, BLACK
62      }
64      /**
65       * This inner class implements the Subroutine interface.
66       */
67      private final class SubroutineImpl implements Subroutine {
68          /**
69           * UNSET, a symbol for an uninitialized localVariable field. This is used for the "top-level" Subroutine; i.e. no
70           * subroutine.
71           */
72          private static final int UNSET = -1;
74          private final SubroutineImpl[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
76          /**
77           * The Local Variable slot where the first instruction of this subroutine (an ASTORE) stores the JsrInstruction's
78           * ReturnAddress in and the RET of this subroutine operates on.
79           */
80          private int localVariable = UNSET;
82          /** The instructions that belong to this subroutine. */
83          private final Set<InstructionHandle> instructions = new HashSet<>(); // Elements: InstructionHandle
85          /**
86           * The JSR or JSR_W instructions that define this subroutine by targeting it.
87           */
88          private final Set<InstructionHandle> theJSRs = new HashSet<>();
90          /**
91           * The RET instruction that leaves this subroutine.
92           */
93          private InstructionHandle theRET;
95          /**
96           * The default constructor.
97           */
98          public SubroutineImpl() {
99          }
101         /**
102          * Adds a new JSR or JSR_W that has this subroutine as its target.
103          */
104         public void addEnteringJsrInstruction(final InstructionHandle jsrInst) {
105             if (jsrInst == null || !(jsrInst.getInstruction() instanceof JsrInstruction)) {
106                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("Expecting JsrInstruction InstructionHandle.");
107             }
108             if (localVariable == UNSET) {
109                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("Set the localVariable first!");
110             }
111             // Something is wrong when an ASTORE is targeted that does not operate on the same local variable than the rest of the
112             // JsrInstruction-targets and the RET.
113             // (We don't know out leader here so we cannot check if we're really targeted!)
114             if (localVariable != ((ASTORE) ((JsrInstruction) jsrInst.getInstruction()).getTarget().getInstruction()).getIndex()) {
115                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("Setting a wrong JsrInstruction.");
116             }
117             theJSRs.add(jsrInst);
118         }
120         /*
121          * Adds an instruction to this subroutine. All instructions must have been added before invoking setLeavingRET().
122          *
123          * @see #setLeavingRET
124          */
125         void addInstruction(final InstructionHandle ih) {
126             if (theRET != null) {
127                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("All instructions must have been added before invoking setLeavingRET().");
128             }
129             instructions.add(ih);
130         }
132         /*
133          * Refer to the Subroutine interface for documentation.
134          */
135         @Override
136         public boolean contains(final InstructionHandle inst) {
137             return instructions.contains(inst);
138         }
140         /*
141          * Satisfies Subroutine.getAccessedLocalIndices().
142          */
143         @Override
144         public int[] getAccessedLocalsIndices() {
145             // TODO: Implement caching.
146             final Set<Integer> acc = new HashSet<>();
147             if (theRET == null && this != getTopLevel()) {
148                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("This subroutine object must be built up completely before calculating accessed locals.");
149             }
150             {
151                 for (final InstructionHandle ih : instructions) {
152                     // RET is not a LocalVariableInstruction in the current version of BCEL.
153                     if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || ih.getInstruction() instanceof RET) {
154                         final int idx = ((IndexedInstruction) ih.getInstruction()).getIndex();
155                         acc.add(Integer.valueOf(idx));
156                         // LONG? DOUBLE?.
157                         try {
158                             // LocalVariableInstruction instances are typed without the need to look into
159                             // the constant pool.
160                             if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
161                                 final int s = ((LocalVariableInstruction) ih.getInstruction()).getType(null).getSize();
162                                 if (s == 2) {
163                                     acc.add(Integer.valueOf(idx + 1));
164                                 }
165                             }
166                         } catch (final RuntimeException re) {
167                             throw new AssertionViolatedException("BCEL did not like NULL as a ConstantPoolGen object.", re);
168                         }
169                     }
170                 }
171             }
173             {
174                 final int[] ret = new int[acc.size()];
175                 int j = -1;
176                 for (final Integer accessedLocal : acc) {
177                     j++;
178                     ret[j] = accessedLocal.intValue();
179                 }
180                 return ret;
181             }
182         }
184         /*
185          * Refer to the Subroutine interface for documentation.
186          */
187         @Override
188         public InstructionHandle[] getEnteringJsrInstructions() {
189             if (this == getTopLevel()) {
190                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("getLeavingRET() called on top level pseudo-subroutine.");
191             }
192             return theJSRs.toArray(InstructionHandle.EMPTY_ARRAY);
193         }
195         /*
196          * Refer to the Subroutine interface for documentation.
197          */
198         @Override
199         public InstructionHandle[] getInstructions() {
200             return instructions.toArray(InstructionHandle.EMPTY_ARRAY);
201         }
203         /*
204          * Refer to the Subroutine interface for documentation.
205          */
206         @Override
207         public InstructionHandle getLeavingRET() {
208             if (this == getTopLevel()) {
209                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("getLeavingRET() called on top level pseudo-subroutine.");
210             }
211             return theRET;
212         }
214         /* Satisfies Subroutine.getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndices(). */
215         @Override
216         public int[] getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndices() {
217             final Set<Integer> s = new HashSet<>();
218             final int[] lvs = getAccessedLocalsIndices();
219             for (final int lv : lvs) {
220                 s.add(Integer.valueOf(lv));
221             }
222             getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndicesHelper(s, subSubs());
223             final int[] ret = new int[s.size()];
224             int j = -1;
225             for (final Integer index : s) {
226                 j++;
227                 ret[j] = index.intValue();
228             }
229             return ret;
230         }
232         /**
233          * A recursive helper method for getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndices().
234          *
235          * @see #getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndices()
236          */
237         private void getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndicesHelper(final Set<Integer> set, final Subroutine[] subs) {
238             for (final Subroutine sub : subs) {
239                 final int[] lvs = sub.getAccessedLocalsIndices();
240                 for (final int lv : lvs) {
241                     set.add(Integer.valueOf(lv));
242                 }
243                 if (sub.subSubs().length != 0) {
244                     getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndicesHelper(set, sub.subSubs());
245                 }
246             }
247         }
249         /**
250          * Sets the leaving RET instruction. Must be invoked after all instructions are added. Must not be invoked for top-level
251          * 'subroutine'.
252          */
253         void setLeavingRET() {
254             if (localVariable == UNSET) {
255                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("setLeavingRET() called for top-level 'subroutine' or forgot to set local variable first.");
256             }
257             InstructionHandle ret = null;
258             for (final InstructionHandle actual : instructions) {
259                 if (actual.getInstruction() instanceof RET) {
260                     if (ret != null) {
261                         throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException("Subroutine with more then one RET detected: '" + ret + "' and '" + actual + "'.");
262                     }
263                     ret = actual;
264                 }
265             }
266             if (ret == null) {
267                 throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException("Subroutine without a RET detected.");
268             }
269             if (((RET) ret.getInstruction()).getIndex() != localVariable) {
270                 throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException(
271                     "Subroutine uses '" + ret + "' which does not match the correct local variable '" + localVariable + "'.");
272             }
273             theRET = ret;
274         }
276         /*
277          * Sets the local variable slot the ASTORE that is targeted by the JsrInstructions of this subroutine operates on. This
278          * subroutine's RET operates on that same local variable slot, of course.
279          */
280         void setLocalVariable(final int i) {
281             if (localVariable != UNSET) {
282                 throw new AssertionViolatedException("localVariable set twice.");
283             }
284             localVariable = i;
285         }
287         /*
288          * Satisfies Subroutine.subSubs().
289          */
290         @Override
291         public Subroutine[] subSubs() {
292             final Set<Subroutine> h = new HashSet<>();
294             for (final InstructionHandle ih : instructions) {
295                 final Instruction inst = ih.getInstruction();
296                 if (inst instanceof JsrInstruction) {
297                     final InstructionHandle targ = ((JsrInstruction) inst).getTarget();
298                     h.add(getSubroutine(targ));
299                 }
300             }
301             return h.toArray(EMPTY_ARRAY);
302         }
304         /**
305          * Returns a String representation of this object, merely for debugging purposes. (Internal) Warning: Verbosity on a
306          * problematic subroutine may cause stack overflow errors due to recursive subSubs() calls. Don't use this, then.
307          */
308         @Override
309         public String toString() {
310             final StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
311             ret.append("Subroutine: Local variable is '").append(localVariable);
312             ret.append("', JSRs are '").append(theJSRs);
313             ret.append("', RET is '").append(theRET);
314             ret.append("', Instructions: '").append(instructions).append("'.");
316             ret.append(" Accessed local variable slots: '");
317             int[] alv = getAccessedLocalsIndices();
318             for (final int element : alv) {
319                 ret.append(element);
320                 ret.append(" ");
321             }
322             ret.append("'.");
324             ret.append(" Recursively (via subsub...routines) accessed local variable slots: '");
325             alv = getRecursivelyAccessedLocalsIndices();
326             for (final int element : alv) {
327                 ret.append(element);
328                 ret.append(" ");
329             }
330             ret.append("'.");
332             return ret.toString();
333         }
335     } // end Inner Class SubrouteImpl
337     /**
338      * A utility method that calculates the successors of a given InstructionHandle <B>in the same subroutine</B>. That
339      * means, a RET does not have any successors as defined here. A JsrInstruction has its physical successor as its
340      * successor (opposed to its target) as defined here.
341      */
342     private static InstructionHandle[] getSuccessors(final InstructionHandle instruction) {
343         final InstructionHandle[] single = new InstructionHandle[1];
345         final Instruction inst = instruction.getInstruction();
347         // Terminates method normally.
348         // Terminates method abnormally, because JustIce mandates
349         // subroutines not to be protected by exception handlers.
350         if (inst instanceof RET || inst instanceof ReturnInstruction || inst instanceof ATHROW) {
351             return InstructionHandle.EMPTY_ARRAY;
352         }
354         // See method comment.
355         if (inst instanceof JsrInstruction) {
356             single[0] = instruction.getNext();
357             return single;
358         }
360         if (inst instanceof GotoInstruction) {
361             single[0] = ((GotoInstruction) inst).getTarget();
362             return single;
363         }
365         if (inst instanceof BranchInstruction) {
366             if (inst instanceof Select) {
367                 // BCEL's getTargets() returns only the non-default targets,
368                 // thanks to Eli Tilevich for reporting.
369                 final InstructionHandle[] matchTargets = ((Select) inst).getTargets();
370                 final InstructionHandle[] ret = new InstructionHandle[matchTargets.length + 1];
371                 ret[0] = ((Select) inst).getTarget();
372                 System.arraycopy(matchTargets, 0, ret, 1, matchTargets.length);
373                 return ret;
374             }
375             final InstructionHandle[] pair = new InstructionHandle[2];
376             pair[0] = instruction.getNext();
377             pair[1] = ((BranchInstruction) inst).getTarget();
378             return pair;
379         }
381         // default case: Fall through.
382         single[0] = instruction.getNext();
383         return single;
384     }
386     /**
387      * The map containing the subroutines found. Key: InstructionHandle of the leader of the subroutine. Elements:
388      * SubroutineImpl objects.
389      */
390     private final Map<InstructionHandle, Subroutine> subroutines = new HashMap<>();
392     /**
393      * This is referring to a special subroutine, namely the top level. This is not really a subroutine but we use it to
394      * distinguish between top level instructions and unreachable instructions.
395      */
397     public final Subroutine TOPLEVEL; // TODO can this be made private?
398     // CHECKSTYLE:ON
400     /**
401      * Constructs a new instance.
402      *
403      * @param mg A MethodGen object representing method to create the Subroutine objects of. Assumes that JustIce strict
404      *        checks are needed.
405      */
406     public Subroutines(final MethodGen mg) {
407         this(mg, true);
408     }
410     /**
411      * Constructs a new instance.
412      *
413      * @param mg A MethodGen object representing method to create the Subroutine objects of.
414      * @param enableJustIceCheck whether to enable additional JustIce checks
415      * @since 6.0
416      */
417     public Subroutines(final MethodGen mg, final boolean enableJustIceCheck) {
418         final InstructionHandle[] all = mg.getInstructionList().getInstructionHandles();
419         final CodeExceptionGen[] handlers = mg.getExceptionHandlers();
421         // Define our "Toplevel" fake subroutine.
422         TOPLEVEL = new SubroutineImpl();
424         // Calculate "real" subroutines.
425         final Set<InstructionHandle> subLeaders = new HashSet<>(); // Elements: InstructionHandle
426         for (final InstructionHandle element : all) {
427             final Instruction inst = element.getInstruction();
428             if (inst instanceof JsrInstruction) {
429                 subLeaders.add(((JsrInstruction) inst).getTarget());
430             }
431         }
433         // Build up the database.
434         for (final InstructionHandle astore : subLeaders) {
435             final SubroutineImpl sr = new SubroutineImpl();
436             sr.setLocalVariable(((ASTORE) astore.getInstruction()).getIndex());
437             subroutines.put(astore, sr);
438         }
440         // Fake it a bit. We want a virtual "TopLevel" subroutine.
441         subroutines.put(all[0], TOPLEVEL);
442         subLeaders.add(all[0]);
444         // Tell the subroutines about their JsrInstructions.
445         // Note that there cannot be a JSR targeting the top-level
446         // since "Jsr 0" is disallowed in Pass 3a.
447         // Instructions shared by a subroutine and the toplevel are
448         // disallowed and checked below, after the BFS.
449         for (final InstructionHandle element : all) {
450             final Instruction inst = element.getInstruction();
451             if (inst instanceof JsrInstruction) {
452                 final InstructionHandle leader = ((JsrInstruction) inst).getTarget();
453                 ((SubroutineImpl) getSubroutine(leader)).addEnteringJsrInstruction(element);
454             }
455         }
457         // Now do a BFS from every subroutine leader to find all the
458         // instructions that belong to a subroutine.
459         // we don't want to assign an instruction to two or more Subroutine objects.
460         final Set<InstructionHandle> instructionsAssigned = new HashSet<>();
462         // Graph coloring. Key: InstructionHandle, Value: ColourConstants enum .
463         final Map<InstructionHandle, ColourConstants> colors = new HashMap<>();
465         final List<InstructionHandle> qList = new ArrayList<>();
466         for (final InstructionHandle actual : subLeaders) {
467             // Do some BFS with "actual" as the root of the graph.
468             // Init colors
469             for (final InstructionHandle element : all) {
470                 colors.put(element, ColourConstants.WHITE);
471             }
472             colors.put(actual, ColourConstants.GRAY);
473             // Init Queue
475             qList.clear();
476             qList.add(actual); // add(Obj) adds to the end, remove(0) removes from the start.
478             /*
479              * BFS ALGORITHM MODIFICATION: Start out with multiple "root" nodes, as exception handlers are starting points of
480              * top-level code, too. [why top-level? TODO: Refer to the special JustIce notion of subroutines.]
481              */
482             if (actual == all[0]) {
483                 for (final CodeExceptionGen handler : handlers) {
484                     colors.put(handler.getHandlerPC(), ColourConstants.GRAY);
485                     qList.add(handler.getHandlerPC());
486                 }
487             }
490             // Loop until Queue is empty
491             while (!qList.isEmpty()) {
492                 final InstructionHandle u = qList.remove(0);
493                 final InstructionHandle[] successors = getSuccessors(u);
494                 for (final InstructionHandle successor : successors) {
495                     if (colors.get(successor) == ColourConstants.WHITE) {
496                         colors.put(successor, ColourConstants.GRAY);
497                         qList.add(successor);
498                     }
499                 }
500                 colors.put(u, ColourConstants.BLACK);
501             }
502             // BFS ended above.
503             for (final InstructionHandle element : all) {
504                 if (colors.get(element) == ColourConstants.BLACK) {
505                     ((SubroutineImpl) (actual == all[0] ? getTopLevel() : getSubroutine(actual))).addInstruction(element);
506                     if (instructionsAssigned.contains(element)) {
507                         throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException(
508                             "Instruction '" + element + "' is part of more than one subroutine (or of the top level and a subroutine).");
509                     }
510                     instructionsAssigned.add(element);
511                 }
512             }
513             if (actual != all[0]) { // If we don't deal with the top-level 'subroutine'
514                 ((SubroutineImpl) getSubroutine(actual)).setLeavingRET();
515             }
516         }
518         if (enableJustIceCheck) {
519             // Now make sure no instruction of a Subroutine is protected by exception handling code
520             // as is mandated by JustIces notion of subroutines.
521             for (final CodeExceptionGen handler : handlers) {
522                 InstructionHandle protectedIh = handler.getStartPC();
523                 while (protectedIh != handler.getEndPC().getNext()) {
524                     // Note the inclusive/inclusive notation of "generic API" exception handlers!
525                     for (final Subroutine sub : subroutines.values()) {
526                         if (sub != subroutines.get(all[0]) && sub.contains(protectedIh)) {
527                             throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException("Subroutine instruction '" + protectedIh + "' is protected by an exception handler, '"
528                                 + handler + "'. This is forbidden by the JustIce verifier due to its clear definition of subroutines.");
529                         }
530                     }
531                     protectedIh = protectedIh.getNext();
532                 }
533             }
534         }
536         // Now make sure no subroutine is calling a subroutine
537         // that uses the same local variable for the RET as themselves
538         // (recursively).
539         // This includes that subroutines may not call themselves
540         // recursively, even not through intermediate calls to other
541         // subroutines.
542         noRecursiveCalls(getTopLevel(), new HashSet<>());
544     }
546     /**
547      * Returns the Subroutine object associated with the given leader (that is, the first instruction of the subroutine).
548      * You must not use this to get the top-level instructions modeled as a Subroutine object.
549      *
550      * @see #getTopLevel()
551      */
552     public Subroutine getSubroutine(final InstructionHandle leader) {
553         final Subroutine ret = subroutines.get(leader);
555         if (ret == null) {
556             throw new AssertionViolatedException("Subroutine requested for an InstructionHandle that is not a leader of a subroutine.");
557         }
559         if (ret == TOPLEVEL) {
560             throw new AssertionViolatedException("TOPLEVEL special subroutine requested; use getTopLevel().");
561         }
563         return ret;
564     }
566     /**
567      * For easy handling, the piece of code that is <B>not</B> a subroutine, the top-level, is also modeled as a Subroutine
568      * object. It is a special Subroutine object where <B>you must not invoke getEnteringJsrInstructions() or
569      * getLeavingRET()</B>.
570      *
571      * @see Subroutine#getEnteringJsrInstructions()
572      * @see Subroutine#getLeavingRET()
573      */
574     public Subroutine getTopLevel() {
575         return TOPLEVEL;
576     }
578     /**
579      * This (recursive) utility method makes sure that no subroutine is calling a subroutine that uses the same local
580      * variable for the RET as themselves (recursively). This includes that subroutines may not call themselves recursively,
581      * even not through intermediate calls to other subroutines.
582      *
583      * @throws StructuralCodeConstraintException if the above constraint is not satisfied.
584      */
585     private void noRecursiveCalls(final Subroutine sub, final Set<Integer> set) {
586         final Subroutine[] subs = sub.subSubs();
588         for (final Subroutine sub2 : subs) {
589             final int index = ((RET) sub2.getLeavingRET().getInstruction()).getIndex();
591             if (!set.add(Integer.valueOf(index))) {
592                 // Don't use toString() here because of possibly infinite recursive subSubs() calls then.
593                 final SubroutineImpl si = (SubroutineImpl) sub2;
594                 throw new StructuralCodeConstraintException("Subroutine with local variable '" + si.localVariable + "', JSRs '" + si.theJSRs + "', RET '"
595                     + si.theRET + "' is called by a subroutine which uses the same local variable index as itself; maybe even a recursive call?"
596                     + " JustIce's clean definition of a subroutine forbids both.");
597             }
599             noRecursiveCalls(sub2, set);
601             set.remove(Integer.valueOf(index));
602         }
603     }
605     /**
606      * Returns the subroutine object associated with the given instruction. This is a costly operation, you should consider
607      * using getSubroutine(InstructionHandle). Returns 'null' if the given InstructionHandle lies in so-called 'dead code',
608      * i.e. code that can never be executed.
609      *
610      * @see #getSubroutine(InstructionHandle)
611      * @see #getTopLevel()
612      */
613     public Subroutine subroutineOf(final InstructionHandle any) {
614         for (final Subroutine s : subroutines.values()) {
615             if (s.contains(any)) {
616                 return s;
617             }
618         }
619         System.err.println("DEBUG: Please verify '" + any.toString(true) + "' lies in dead code.");
620         return null;
621         // throw new AssertionViolatedException("No subroutine for InstructionHandle found (DEAD CODE?).");
622     }
624     /**
625      * Returns a String representation of this object; merely for debugging puposes.
626      */
627     @Override
628     public String toString() {
629         return "---\n" + subroutines + "\n---\n";
630     }
631 }