Class DefaultBeanIntrospector

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultBeanIntrospector extends Object implements BeanIntrospector

The default BeanIntrospector implementation.

This class implements a default bean introspection algorithm based on the JDK classes in the java.beans package. It discovers properties conforming to the Java Beans specification.

This class is a singleton. The single instance can be obtained using the INSTANCE field. It does not define any state and thus can be shared by arbitrary clients. PropertyUtils per default uses this instance as its only BeanIntrospector object.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • introspect

      public void introspect(IntrospectionContext icontext)
      Performs introspection of a specific Java class. This implementation uses the java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo() method to obtain all property descriptors for the current class and adds them to the passed in introspection context.
      Specified by:
      introspect in interface BeanIntrospector
      icontext - the introspection context