Class DateTimeConverter<D>

Type Parameters:
D - The default value type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CalendarConverter, DateConverter, LocalDateConverter, LocalDateTimeConverter, OffsetDateTimeConverter, SqlDateConverter, SqlTimeConverter, SqlTimestampConverter, ZonedDateTimeConverter

public abstract class DateTimeConverter<D> extends AbstractConverter<D>
Converter implementation that handles conversion to and from date/time objects.

This implementation handles conversion for the following date/time types.

String Conversions (to and from)

This class provides a number of ways in which date/time conversions to/from Strings can be achieved:
  • Using the SHORT date format for the default Locale, configure using:
    • setUseLocaleFormat(true)
  • Using the SHORT date format for a specified Locale, configure using:
    • setLocale(Locale)
  • Using the specified date pattern(s) for the default Locale, configure using:
    • Either setPattern(String) or setPatterns(String[])
  • Using the specified date pattern(s) for a specified Locale, configure using:
    • setPattern(String) or setPatterns(String[]) and...
    • setLocale(Locale)
  • If none of the above are configured the toDate(String) method is used to convert from String to Date and the Dates's toString() method used to convert from Date to String.

The Time Zone to use with the date format can be specified using the setTimeZone(TimeZone) method.

  • Constructor Details

    • DateTimeConverter

      Constructs a Date/Time Converter that throws a ConversionException if an error occurs.
    • DateTimeConverter

      public DateTimeConverter(D defaultValue)
      Constructs a Date/Time Converter that returns a default value if an error occurs.
      defaultValue - The default value to be returned if the value to be converted is missing or an error occurs converting the value.
  • Method Details

    • convertToString

      protected String convertToString(Object value)
      Convert an input Date/Calendar object into a String.

      N.B.If the converter has been configured to with one or more patterns (using setPatterns()), then the first pattern will be used to format the date into a String. Otherwise the default DateFormat for the default locale (and style if configured) will be used.

      convertToString in class AbstractConverter<D>
      value - The input value to be converted
      the converted String value.
      IllegalArgumentException - if an error occurs converting to a String
    • convertToType

      protected <T> T convertToType(Class<T> targetType, Object value) throws Exception
      Convert the input object into a Date object of the specified type.

      This method handles conversions between the following types:

      It also handles conversion from a String to any of the above types.

      For String conversion, if the converter has been configured with one or more patterns (using setPatterns()), then the conversion is attempted with each of the specified patterns. Otherwise the default DateFormat for the default locale (and style if configured) will be used.

      Specified by:
      convertToType in class AbstractConverter<D>
      Type Parameters:
      T - The desired target type of the conversion.
      targetType - Data type to which this value should be converted.
      value - The input value to be converted.
      The converted value.
      Exception - if conversion cannot be performed successfully
    • getFormat

      protected DateFormat getFormat(Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone)
      Gets a DateFormat for the Locale.
      locale - The Locale to create the Format with (may be null)
      timeZone - The Time Zone create the Format with (may be null)
      A Date Format.
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Gets the Locale for the Converter (or null if none specified).
      The locale to use for conversion
    • getPatterns

      public String[] getPatterns()
      Gets the date format patterns used to convert dates to/from a String (or null if none specified).
      Array of format patterns.
      See Also:
    • getTimeZone

      Gets the Time Zone to use when converting dates (or null if none specified.
      The Time Zone.
    • setLocale

      public void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Sets the Locale for the Converter.
      locale - The Locale.
    • setPattern

      public void setPattern(String pattern)
      Sets a date format pattern to use to convert dates to/from a String.
      pattern - The format pattern.
      See Also:
    • setPatterns

      public void setPatterns(String[] patterns)
      Sets the date format patterns to use to convert dates to/from a String.
      patterns - Array of format patterns.
      See Also:
    • setTimeZone

      public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)
      Sets the Time Zone to use when converting dates.
      timeZone - The Time Zone.
    • setUseLocaleFormat

      public void setUseLocaleFormat(boolean useLocaleFormat)
      Indicate whether conversion should use a format/pattern or not.
      useLocaleFormat - true if the format for the locale should be used, otherwise false
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Provide a String representation of this date/time converter.
      toString in class AbstractConverter<D>
      A String representation of this date/time converter