Uses of Class

Packages that use Blake3
Simplifies common MessageDigest tasks and includes a libc crypt(3) compatible crypt method that supports DES, MD5, SHA-256 and SHA-512 based algorithms as well as the Apache specific "$apr1$" variant.
  • Uses of Blake3 in org.apache.commons.codec.digest

    Modifier and Type
    Blake3.doFinalize(byte[] out)
    Finalizes hash output data that depends on the sequence of updated bytes preceding this invocation and any previously finalized bytes.
    Blake3.doFinalize(byte[] out, int offset, int length)
    Finalizes an arbitrary number of bytes into the provided output array that depends on the sequence of previously updated and finalized bytes.
    static Blake3
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 hash function.
    static Blake3
    Blake3.initKeyDerivationFunction(byte[] kdfContext)
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 key derivation function using the provided key derivation context byte string.
    static Blake3
    Blake3.initKeyedHash(byte[] key)
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 keyed hash function.
    Resets this instance back to its initial state when it was first constructed.
    Blake3.update(byte[] in)
    Updates this hash state using the provided bytes.
    Blake3.update(byte[] in, int offset, int length)
    Updates this hash state using the provided bytes at an offset.