Class Blake3


public final class Blake3 extends Object
Implements the Blake3 algorithm providing a hash function with extensible output (XOF), a keyed hash function (MAC, PRF), and a key derivation function (KDF). Blake3 has a 128-bit security level and a default output length of 256 bits (32 bytes) which can extended up to 264 bytes.


Hash mode calculates the same output hash given the same input bytes and can be used as both a message digest and and extensible output function.

      Blake3 hasher = Blake3.initHash();
      hasher.update("Hello, world!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
      byte[] hash = new byte[32];

Keyed Hashing

Keyed hashes take a 32-byte secret key and calculates a message authentication code on some input bytes. These also work as pseudo-random functions (PRFs) with extensible output similar to the extensible hash output. Note that Blake3 keyed hashes have the same performance as plain hashes; the key is used in initialization in place of a standard initialization vector used for plain hashing.

      SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
      byte[] key = new byte[32];
      Blake3 hasher = Blake3.initKeyedHash(key);
      hasher.update("Hello, Alice!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
      byte[] mac = new byte[32];

Key Derivation

A specific hash mode for deriving session keys and other derived keys in a unique key derivation context identified by some sequence of bytes. These context strings should be unique but do not need to be kept secret. Additional input data is hashed for key material which can be finalized to derive subkeys.

      String context = "org.apache.commons.codec.digest.Blake3Example";
      byte[] sharedSecret = ...;
      byte[] senderId = ...;
      byte[] recipientId = ...;
      Blake3 kdf = Blake3.initKeyDerivationFunction(context.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
      byte[] txKey = new byte[32];
      byte[] rxKey = new byte[32];

Adapted from the ISC-licensed O(1) Cryptography library by Matt Sicker and ported from the reference public domain implementation by Jack O'Connor.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    doFinalize(byte[] out)
    Finalizes hash output data that depends on the sequence of updated bytes preceding this invocation and any previously finalized bytes.
    doFinalize(byte[] out, int offset, int length)
    Finalizes an arbitrary number of bytes into the provided output array that depends on the sequence of previously updated and finalized bytes.
    doFinalize(int nrBytes)
    Squeezes and returns an arbitrary number of bytes dependent on the sequence of previously absorbed and squeezed bytes.
    static byte[]
    hash(byte[] data)
    Calculates the Blake3 hash of the provided data.
    static Blake3
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 hash function.
    static Blake3
    initKeyDerivationFunction(byte[] kdfContext)
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 key derivation function using the provided key derivation context byte string.
    static Blake3
    initKeyedHash(byte[] key)
    Constructs a fresh Blake3 keyed hash function.
    static byte[]
    keyedHash(byte[] key, byte[] data)
    Calculates the Blake3 keyed hash (MAC) of the provided data.
    Resets this instance back to its initial state when it was first constructed.
    update(byte[] in)
    Updates this hash state using the provided bytes.
    update(byte[] in, int offset, int length)
    Updates this hash state using the provided bytes at an offset.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • hash

      public static byte[] hash(byte[] data)
      Calculates the Blake3 hash of the provided data.
      data - source array to absorb data from
      32-byte hash squeezed from the provided data
      NullPointerException - if data is null
    • initHash

      public static Blake3 initHash()
      Constructs a fresh Blake3 hash function. The instance returned functions as an arbitrary length message digest.
      fresh Blake3 instance in hashed mode
    • initKeyDerivationFunction

      public static Blake3 initKeyDerivationFunction(byte[] kdfContext)
      Constructs a fresh Blake3 key derivation function using the provided key derivation context byte string. The instance returned functions as a key-derivation function which can further absorb additional context data before squeezing derived key data.
      kdfContext - a globally unique key-derivation context byte string to separate key derivation contexts from each other
      fresh Blake3 instance in key derivation mode
      NullPointerException - if kdfContext is null
    • initKeyedHash

      public static Blake3 initKeyedHash(byte[] key)
      Constructs a fresh Blake3 keyed hash function. The instance returned functions as a pseudorandom function (PRF) or as a message authentication code (MAC).
      key - 32-byte secret key
      fresh Blake3 instance in keyed mode using the provided key
      NullPointerException - if key is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if key is not 32 bytes
    • keyedHash

      public static byte[] keyedHash(byte[] key, byte[] data)
      Calculates the Blake3 keyed hash (MAC) of the provided data.
      key - 32-byte secret key
      data - source array to absorb data from
      32-byte mac squeezed from the provided data
      NullPointerException - if key or data are null
    • doFinalize

      public Blake3 doFinalize(byte[] out)
      Finalizes hash output data that depends on the sequence of updated bytes preceding this invocation and any previously finalized bytes. Note that this can finalize up to 264 bytes per instance.
      out - destination array to finalize bytes into
      this instance.
      NullPointerException - if out is null
    • doFinalize

      public Blake3 doFinalize(byte[] out, int offset, int length)
      Finalizes an arbitrary number of bytes into the provided output array that depends on the sequence of previously updated and finalized bytes. Note that this can finalize up to 264 bytes per instance.
      out - destination array to finalize bytes into
      offset - where in the array to begin writing bytes to
      length - number of bytes to finalize
      this instance.
      NullPointerException - if out is null
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are negative or if offset + length is greater than the length of the provided array
    • doFinalize

      public byte[] doFinalize(int nrBytes)
      Squeezes and returns an arbitrary number of bytes dependent on the sequence of previously absorbed and squeezed bytes.
      nrBytes - number of bytes to finalize
      requested number of finalized bytes
      IllegalArgumentException - if nrBytes is negative
    • reset

      public Blake3 reset()
      Resets this instance back to its initial state when it was first constructed.
      this instance.
    • update

      public Blake3 update(byte[] in)
      Updates this hash state using the provided bytes.
      in - source array to update data from
      this instance.
      NullPointerException - if in is null
    • update

      public Blake3 update(byte[] in, int offset, int length)
      Updates this hash state using the provided bytes at an offset.
      in - source array to update data from
      offset - where in the array to begin reading bytes
      length - number of bytes to update
      this instance.
      NullPointerException - if in is null
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset or length are negative or if offset + length is greater than the length of the provided array