Class ConfigurationErrorEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConfigurationErrorEvent extends Event

An event class that is used for reporting errors that occurred while processing configuration properties.

Some configuration implementations (e.g. DatabaseConfiguration or JNDIConfiguration use an underlying storage that can throw an exception on each property access. In earlier versions of this library such exceptions were logged and then silently ignored. This makes it impossible for a client to find out that something went wrong.

To give clients better control over the handling of errors that might occur while interacting with a configuration object, a specialized error event type is introduced. Clients can register as listeners of this event type at a configuration object and are then notified about all internal errors related to the source configuration object.

This class defines similar properties to the ConfigurationEvent class. This makes it possible to find out which operation was performed on a configuration causing this error event. In addition, a Throwable object is available representing the occurred error. Note that depending on the event type and the occurred exception not all of the other properties (e.g. name of the affected property or its value) may be available.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ANY

      public static final EventType<ConfigurationErrorEvent> ANY
      Constant for the common event type for all error events. Specific types for error events use this type as super type.
    • READ

      public static final EventType<ConfigurationErrorEvent> READ
      Constant for the event type indicating a read error. Errors of this type are generated if the underlying data store throws an exception when reading a property.
    • WRITE

      public static final EventType<ConfigurationErrorEvent> WRITE
      Constant for the event type indicating a write error. Errors of this type are generate if the underlying data store throws an exception when updating data.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigurationErrorEvent

      public ConfigurationErrorEvent(Object source, EventType<? extends ConfigurationErrorEvent> eventType, EventType<?> operationType, String propName, Object propValue, Throwable cause)
      Creates a new instance of ConfigurationErrorEvent and sets all its properties.
      source - the event source
      eventType - the type of this event
      operationType - the event type of the operation causing this error
      propName - the name of the affected property
      propValue - the value of the affected property
      cause - the exception object that caused this event
  • Method Details

    • getCause

      public Throwable getCause()
      Gets the cause of this error event. This is the Throwable object that caused this event to be fired.
      the cause of this error event
    • getErrorOperationType

      Gets the EventType of the operation which caused this error.
      the event type of the operation causing this error
    • getPropertyName

      Gets the name of the property that was accessed when this error occurred.
      the property name related to this error (may be null)
    • getPropertyValue

      Gets the value of the property that was accessed when this error occurred.
      the property value related this error (may be null)