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JIRA Report

Fix Version Key Component Summary Type Resolution Status
CSV-297 Parser setHeader() does not consider the separator while parse header row Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-244 Test case failures following CSVFormat#equals() update Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-243 CSVFormat withTrim() and withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces() need better docs Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-242 CSVFormat equals() and hashCode() don't use all fields Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-235 Parser WRONG Implementation for RFC4180 Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-221 Documentation Links to Javadoc for 1.5 give a 404 Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-213 Parser CSVParser#iterator()#hasNext() fails Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-186 SIte archives archive links don't work Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-144 Documentation Broken link on project's nav panel, for item "Javadoc 1.1" Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-98 Line number counting is confusing Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-90 CSVFormat isEscaping/isEncapsulating are not public Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-87 CSVParser.getRecords() returns null rather than empty List at EOF Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-82 CSVRecord inconsistent behaviour when header mapping is not found Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-80 CSVLexer.nextToken does not need wsBuf Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-79 CSVFormat.isCommentingDisabled() is confusing/confused Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-77 RFC 4180 (DEFAULT) format is wrong; should not ignore spaces or blank lines Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-75 ExtendedBufferReader does not handle EOL consistently Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-72 CSVFormat.DEFAULT should be renamed as RFC4180 Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-67 UnicodeUnescapeReader should not be applied before parsing Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-60 CSVParser.iterator().remove() should throw throw new UnsupportedOperationException() Bug Fixed Resolved
CSV-24 Remove stdout from tests Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-19 Nightly Maven repository deployment Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-18 CharBuffer is too slow. Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-17 [PATCH] CSV can't handle missing entries in the Map - or non-String map values Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-14 backslash before quote character gives an error Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-10 CSVParser allow strategy in constructor Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-9 CSVStrategy.clone() Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-8 Excel strategy separator error Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-7 Parser CSVParser.getLine() blocks until char after eol is recieved. Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-6 Build ant javadoc fails Bug Fixed Closed
CSV-285 Replace BufferedReader with PushbackReader Improvement Fixed Closed
CSV-260 Parser Replace Assertions.notNull with Objects.requireNonNull Improvement Fixed Closed
CSV-188 Parser Returns headers as list Improvement Fixed Closed
CSV-117 Parser Validate format parameters in constructor Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-115 Simplify boolean expressions in CSVRecord Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-85 Allow comments to be returned in CSVRecord Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-81 Token.Type.isReady could perhaps be removed Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-74 CSVFormat definitions are difficult to read and maintain Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-57 Parser CSVParser.getRecords() contract is confusing Improvement Fixed Resolved
CSV-175 Parser Support for ignoring trailing delimiter New Feature Fixed Resolved
CSV-139 Printer CSVPrinter.printRecord(ResultSet) with metadata New Feature Fixed Resolved
CSV-252 Build Upgrade test framework to JUnit 5 Jupiter Task Fixed Resolved
CSV-69 Eliminate CSVPrinterTest.equals(String[][], String[][]) by using Assert.assertArrayEquals Test Fixed Resolved
CSV-95 Create a git mirror for CSV Wish Fixed Resolved
1.12.0 CSV-294 CSVFormat does not support explicit " as escape char Bug Fixed Resolved
1.12.0 CSV-150 Parser Escaping is not disableable Bug Fixed Resolved
1.12.0 CSV-270 Parser Throw a different Expeciton type on malformed CSV input Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.11.0 CSV-311 Printer OutOfMemory for very long rows despite using column value of type Reader Bug Fixed Resolved
1.11.0 CSV-306 Documentation The User Guide examples use deprecated methods Bug Fixed Resolved
1.11.0 CSV-310 Parser Misleading error message when QuoteMode set to None Improvement Fixed Closed
1.11.0 CSV-309 Parser Remove duplicate exception class name from message Improvement Fixed Closed
1.11.0 CSV-308 Documentation, Printer Javadoc example for method 'setHeaderComments' Improvement Fixed Closed
1.11.0 CSV-147 Parser Better error message during faulty CSV record read Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-300 CSVRecord.toList() does not give write access to the new List Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-299 Parser get unexpected results when setting the delimiter to ‘||’ Bug Fixed Closed
1.10.0 CSV-292 Build No Automatic-Module-Name prevents usage in JPMS projects without repacking the JAR Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-291 CSVRecord.values() accessor is package-private instead of public Bug Fixed Closed
1.10.0 CSV-290 Parser Produced CSV using PostgreSQL format cannot be read Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-288 String delimiter (||) is not working as expected. Bug Fixed Closed
1.10.0 CSV-274 Parser CSVParser.iterator() does not iterate over result set as expected. Bug Fixed Closed
1.10.0 CSV-269 Parser CSVRecord.get(Enum) should use Enum.name() instead of Enum.toString() Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-264 Parser Duplicate empty header names are allowed even with `.withAllowDuplicateHeaderNames(false)` Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-164 Support duplicate header names Bug Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-304 Parser Provide access methods for header and trailer comments Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-295 Printer Support for parallelism in CSVPrinter Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.10.0 CSV-236 Parser Allow duplicate headers in CSV File Improvement Fixed Closed
1.10.0 CSV-143 CSVPrinter ill-suited in multithreaded environment Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-296 Parser Delimiter followed by Whitespace then by Quotes Failing with setTrim(true) Bug Fixed Closed
1.9.0 CSV-271 Printer Missing separator with "print(object)" followed by "printRecord(Object[])" Bug Fixed Closed
1.9.0 CSV-265 Parser CSV comments break CSVRecord#getCharacterPosition Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-263 Printer Print from Reader with embedded quotes generates incorrect output Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-259 Printer CSVFormat.printWithEscapes throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when value is Reader Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-211 CSVFormat.format trims last delimiter if the delimiter is a white space Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-195 Parser Parser iterates over the last CSV Record twice. Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-158 Parser Fix EOL checking for read array in ExtendedBufferedReader Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-149 Parser Line number is not proper at EOF Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-148 Printer Add test cases for withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces() and withTrim() #70 Bug Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-284 Formalize PerformanceTest Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-283 Remove Whitespace Check Determines Delimiter Twice Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-282 Document and Automate CSV Benchmark Harness Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-275 Parser Make CSVRecord.toList() public Improvement Fixed Closed
1.9.0 CSV-267 Minor improvements Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-253 Parser Handle absent values in input (null) Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-206 Add support for String delimiters #76 Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-184 Parser Make the method CSVRecord#putIn(Map) public Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-93 Documentation, Parser, Printer Allow the handling of NULL values Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.9.0 CSV-123 Printer Add possibility to use ResultSet header meta data as CSV header New Feature Fixed Resolved
1.8 CSV-248 CSVRecord is not Serializable Bug Fixed Closed
1.8 CSV-247 A single empty header is allowed when not allowing empty column headers. Bug Fixed Closed
1.8 CSV-245 Post 1.7 release fixes. Bug Fixed Closed
1.8 CSV-241 CSVFormat#valiadte() does not account for allowDuplicateHeaderNames #43 Bug Fixed Closed
1.8 CSV-255 Add CSVRecord.isSet(int) method #52 New Feature Fixed Resolved
1.x CSV-64 Printer CSVPrinter does not distinguish null and the empty string Bug Fixed Resolved
1.7 CSV-240 Documentation Links for JavaDoc broken on web site Bug Fixed Resolved
1.7 CSV-238 Escape quotes in CLOBs Bug Fixed Closed
1.7 CSV-232 Documentation Site link "Source Repository" does not work Bug Fixed Closed
1.7 CSV-208 Parser Fix escape character for POSTGRESQL_TEXT and POSTGRESQL_CSV formats. Bug Fixed Resolved
1.7 CSV-239 Parser Cannot get headers in column order from CSVRecord Improvement Fixed Resolved
1.7 CSV-237 Update to Java 8 Improvement Fixed Closed
1.7 CSV-234 Printer Add support for java.sql.Clob Improvement Fixed Resolved