All Classes and Interfaces

This is the base class for implementing an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array.
Constructor for an InputStream subclass.
A filter reader that filters out characters where subclasses decide which characters to filter out.
Abstracts the implementation of the FileFilter (IO), FilenameFilter (IO), PathFilter (NIO) interfaces via our own IOFileFilter interface.
Abstracts some InputStream operations for implementations in this package.
Abstracts the origin of data for builders like a File, Path, Reader, Writer, InputStream, OutputStream, and URI.
A byte[] origin.
A CharSequence origin.
A File origin.
An InputStream origin.
An OutputStream origin.
A Path origin.
An Reader origin.
A URI origin.
An Writer origin.
Abstracts building an instance of T.
Abstracts building a typed instance of T.
Abstracts supplying an instance of T.
Accumulates normalized paths during visitation.
Filters files based on a cutoff time, can filter either newer files or files equal to or older.
A FileFilter providing conditional AND logic across a list of file filters.
OutputStream implementation that writes the data to an Appendable Object.
Writer implementation that writes the data to an Appendable Object.
Proxy stream that closes and discards the underlying stream as soon as the end of input has been reached or when the stream is explicitly closed.
Builds a new AutoCloseInputStream instance.
This class is used to wrap a stream that includes an encoded ByteOrderMark as its first bytes.
Builds a new BOMInputStream.
Reads bytes up to a maximum count and stops once reached.
Builds a new BoundedInputStream.
A reader that imposes a limit to the number of characters that can be read from an underlying reader, returning EOF when this limit is reached, regardless of state of underlying reader.
Always throws an exception from all InputStream methods where IOException is declared.
Always throws an exception from all OutputStream methods where IOException is declared.
Always throws an exception from all Reader methods where IOException is declared.
Always throws an exception from all Writer methods where IOException is declared.
InputStream implementation which uses direct buffer to read a file to avoid extra copy of data between Java and native memory which happens when using BufferedInputStream.
Implements a ThreadSafe version of AbstractByteArrayOutputStream using instance synchronization.
Byte Order Mark (BOM) representation.
Converts Strings to ByteOrder instances.
This filter accepts Files that can be executed.
This filter accepts Files that can be read.
This filter accepts Files that can be written to.
A filter reader that filters out a given character represented as an int code point, handy to remove known junk characters from CSV files for example.
A filter reader that removes a given set of characters represented as int code points, handy to remove known junk characters from CSV files for example.
Implements an InputStream to read bytes from String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder or CharBuffer, encoded using the specified Charset.
Reader implementation that can read from String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder or CharBuffer.
Works with CharsetDecoder.
Works with CharsetEncoder.
Charsets required of every implementation of the Java platform.
Automatically verifies a Checksum value once the stream is exhausted or the count threshold is reached.
Builds a new ChecksumInputStream.
OutputStream which breaks larger output blocks into chunks.
Writer which breaks larger output blocks into chunks.
Implements a buffered input stream, which is internally based on a CircularByteBuffer.
A buffer, which doesn't need reallocation of byte arrays, because it reuses a single byte array.
An InputStream that repeats provided bytes for given target byte count.
A special ObjectInputStream that loads a class based on a specified ClassLoader rather than the system default.
An object that matches a Class name to a condition.
Deletes files but not directories as a visit proceeds.
Always returns IOUtils.EOF to all attempts to read something from an input stream.
Throws an IOException on all attempts to write to the stream.
Always returns IOUtils.EOF to all attempts to read something from it.
Throws an IOException on all attempts to write with ClosedWriter.close() implemented as a noop.
Proxy stream that prevents the underlying input stream from being closed.
Proxy stream that prevents the underlying output stream from being closed.
Proxy reader that prevents the underlying reader from being closed.
Proxy writer that prevents the underlying writer from being closed.
Compare two files using a set of delegate file Comparator.
Defines operations for conditional file filters.
Copies a source directory to a target directory.
Use IOUtils.
Provides counters for files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
Counts using a number.
Counts files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
Use BoundedInputStream (unbounded by default).
A decorating output stream that counts the number of bytes that have passed through the stream so far.
Counts files, directories, and sizes, as a visit proceeds.
Compares two files using the default File.compareTo(File) method.
An output stream which will retain data in memory until a specified threshold is reached, and only then commit it to disk.
This class turns a Java FileFilter or FilenameFilter into an IO FileFilter.
An object that configures how to delete a file.
Deletes files and directories as a visit proceeds.
Data written to this stream is forwarded to a stream that has been associated with this thread.
Forwards data to a stream that has been associated with this thread.
Compare two files using the File.isDirectory() method.
This filter accepts Files that are directories.
A DirectoryStream.Filter that delegates to a PathFilter.
Apache Commons IO no longer uses this class.
CancelException is thrown in DirectoryWalker to cancel the current processing.
This filter accepts files or directories that are empty.
Helps with reading and writing primitive numeric types (short, int, long, float, and double) that are encoded in little endian using two's complement or unsigned representations.
Erases IOException for the compiler but still throws that exception at runtime.
Compare the file name extensions for order (see FilenameUtils.getExtension(String)).
A file filter that always returns false.
Receives events of file system modifications.
Convenience FileAlterationListener implementation that does nothing.
A runnable that spawns a monitoring thread triggering any registered FileAlterationObserver at a specified interval.
FileAlterationObserver represents the state of files below a root directory, checking the file system and notifying listeners of create, change or delete events.
Works with FileChannel.
Keeps track of files awaiting deletion, and deletes them when an associated marker object is reclaimed by the garbage collector.
Strategy for deleting files.
The state of a file or directory, capturing the following File attributes at a point in time.
Accepts only an exact File object match.
Indicates that a file already exists.
This filter accepts Files that are files (not directories).
Useful utilities for working with file filters.
General file name and file path manipulation utilities.
Delegates to Files to uncheck calls by throwing UncheckedIOException instead of IOException.
Abstracts an OS' file system details, currently supporting the single use case of converting a file name String to a legal file name with FileSystem.toLegalFileName(String, char).
Helps to work with FileSystemProvider.
As of 2.6 deprecated without replacement.
Helps use FileTime and interoperate Date and NTFS times.
General file manipulation utilities.
Writer of files that allows the encoding to be set.
Abstract class for writing filtered character streams to a Collection of writers.
Dumps data in hexadecimal format.
This filter accepts Files that are hidden.
An InputStream that infinitely repeats the provided bytes.
IOBaseStream<T,S extends IOBaseStream<T,S,B>,B extends BaseStream<T,B>>
Like BaseStream but throws IOException.
Like BiConsumer but throws IOException.
Like BiFunction but throws IOException.
Like BinaryOperator but throws IOException.
Enumeration of IO case sensitivity.
Like Comparator but throws IOException.
Like Consumer but throws IOException.
An IOException based on a list of Throwable causes.
(since 2.5) use IOException instead
An interface which brings the FileFilter, FilenameFilter, PathFilter, and PathMatcher interfaces together.
Like Function but throws IOException.
A IOException associated with a source index.
Like IntSupplier but throws IOException.
Like Iterator but throws IOException.
Like LongSupplier but throws IOException.
Like Predicate but throws IOException.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Like Runnable but throws IOException.
Like Spliterator but throws IOException.
Like Stream but throws IOException.
Like Supplier but throws IOException.
Like BiConsumer but throws IOException.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Like UnaryOperator but throws IOException.
General IO stream manipulation utilities.
Compare the last modified date/time of two files for order (see FileUtils.lastModifiedUnchecked(File)).
An Iterator over the lines in a Reader.
FileWriter that will create and honor lock files to allow simple cross thread file lock handling.
Builds a new LockableFileWriter.
File filter for matching files containing a "magic number".
This is an alternative to ByteArrayInputStream which removes the synchronization overhead for non-concurrent access; as such this class is not thread-safe.
An InputStream that utilizes memory mapped files to improve performance.
Maintains the message digest.
This class is an example for using an ObservableInputStream.
Maintains the message digest.
Compare the names of two files for order (see File.getName()).
Filters file names for a certain name.
A noop path visitor.
This filter produces a logical NOT of the filters specified.
Appends all data to the famous /dev/null.
A light weight InputStream that emulates a stream of a specified size.
Never writes data.
Never prints data.
A functional, light weight Reader that emulates a reader of a specified size.
Never writes data.
The ObservableInputStream allows, that an InputStream may be consumed by other receivers, apart from the thread, which is reading it.
Abstracts observer callback for ObservableInputStreams.
A FileFilter providing conditional OR logic across a list of file filters.
Accepts only an exact Path object match.
Compare the path of two files for order (see File.getPath()).
A filter for Paths.
Delegates matching to a PathMatcher.
NIO Path utilities.
A FileVisitor typed to a Path.
A file filter backed by a path visitor.
Implements a buffered input stream, which allows to peek into the buffers first bytes.
Filters file names for a certain prefix.
A Proxy stream collection which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied streams and doesn't change which methods are being called.
A proxy stream which acts as a FilterInputStream, by passing all method calls on to the proxied stream, not changing which methods are called.
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are being called.
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are being called.
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are being called.
Simple alternative to JDK PipedInputStream; queue input stream provides what's written in queue output stream.
Builds a new QueueInputStream.
Simple alternative to JDK PipedOutputStream; queue input stream provides what's written in queue output stream.
Streams data from a RandomAccessFile starting at its current position.
Access modes and factory methods for RandomAccessFile.
Works with RandomAccessFile.
Implements InputStream to asynchronously read ahead from an underlying input stream when a specified amount of data has been read from the current buffer.
Builds a new ReadAheadInputStream.
InputStream implementation that reads a character stream from a Reader and transforms it to a byte stream using a specified charset encoding.
Builds a new ReaderInputStream.
Filters files using supplied regular expression(s).
Reads lines in a file reversely (similar to a BufferedReader, but starting at the last line).
Provides the contents of multiple Readers in sequence.
A SimpleFileVisitor typed to a Path.
Compare the length/size of two files for order (see File.length() and FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(File)).
Filters files based on size, can filter either smaller files or files equal to or larger than a given threshold.
Defines the standard delete options.
Wraps and presents a Stream as a AutoCloseable Iterator resource that automatically closes itself when reaching the end of stream.
Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder.
Filters files based on the suffix (what the file name ends with).
DataInput for systems relying on little-endian data formats.
This filter accepts Files that are symbolic links.
An input stream decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the stream that caused the exception can easily be identified.
An IOException decorator that adds a serializable tag to the wrapped exception.
An output stream decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the stream that caused the exception can easily be identified.
A reader decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the reader that caused the exception can easily be identified.
A writer decorator that tags potential exceptions so that the reader that caused the exception can easily be identified.
Simple implementation of the UNIX "tail -f" functionality.
Builds a new Tailer.
Bridges access to a resource for random access, normally a file.
A tailable resource like a file.
Listener for events from a Tailer.
InputStream proxy that transparently writes a copy of all bytes read from the proxied stream to a given OutputStream.
Classic splitter of OutputStream.
Reader proxy that transparently writes a copy of all characters read from the proxied reader to a given Reader.
Classic splitter of Writer.
Helps work with threads.
An output stream which triggers an event on the first write that causes the total number of bytes written to the stream to exceed a configured threshold, and every subsequent write.
Provides bandwidth throttling on a specified InputStream.
Builds a new ThrottledInputStream.
An observer with timestamps.
A file filter that always returns true.
Unchecks calls by throwing UncheckedIOException instead of IOException.
An Appendable that throws UncheckedIOException instead of IOException.
Builds a new UncheckedFilterReader.
Builds a new UncheckedFilterWriter.
A filtering input stream that ensures the content will have UNIX-style line endings, LF.
An unsynchronized version of BufferedInputStream, not thread-safe.
Wraps an existing Reader and buffers the input without any synchronization.
This is an alternative to ByteArrayInputStream which removes the synchronization overhead for non-concurrent access; as such this class is not thread-safe.
Implements a version of AbstractByteArrayOutputStream without any concurrent thread safety.
An unsynchronized version of FilterInputStream, not thread-safe.
A Reader without any of the superclass' synchronization.
An ObjectInputStream that's restricted to deserialize a limited set of classes.
Filters files using the supplied wildcards.
Builds a new WildcardFileFilter instance.
Use WildcardFileFilter.
A filtering input stream that ensures the content will have Windows line endings, CRLF.
OutputStream implementation that transforms a byte stream to a character stream using a specified charset encoding and writes the resulting stream to a Writer.
Builds a new WriterOutputStream.
Character stream that handles all the necessary Voodoo to figure out the charset encoding of the XML document within the stream.
Builds a new XmlStreamWriter.
The XmlStreamReaderException is thrown by the XmlStreamReader constructors if the charset encoding can not be determined according to the XML 1.0 specification and RFC 3023.
Character stream that handles all the necessary work to figure out the charset encoding of the XML document written to the stream.
Builds a new XmlStreamWriter.