Interface JxltEngine.Template

Enclosing class:

public static interface JxltEngine.Template
A template is a JEXL script that evaluates by writing its content through a Writer.

The source text is parsed considering each line beginning with '$$' (as default pattern) as JEXL script code and all others as Unified JEXL expressions; those expressions will be invoked from the script during evaluation and their output gathered through a writer. It is thus possible to use looping or conditional construct "around" expressions generating output.

For instance:
 $$ for(var x : [1, 3, 5, 42, 169]) {
 $$   if (x == 42) {
 Life, the universe, and everything
 $$   } else if (x > 42) {
 The value $(x} is over forty-two
 $$   } else {
 The value ${x} is under forty-two
 $$   }
 $$ }

Will evaluate as:

 The value 1 is under forty-two
 The value 3 is under forty-two
 The value 5 is under forty-two
 Life, the universe, and everything
 The value 169 is over forty-two

During evaluation, the template context exposes its writer as '$jexl' which is safe to use in this case. This allows writing directly through the writer without adding new-lines as in:

 $$ for(var cell : cells) { $jexl.print(cell); $jexl.print(';') }

A template is expanded as one JEXL script and a list of template expressions; each template expression is being replaced in the script by a call to jexl:print(expr) (the expr is in fact the expr number in the template). This integration uses a specialized JexlContext (TemplateContext) that serves as a namespace (for jexl:) and stores the template expression array and the writer ( that the 'jexl:print(...)' delegates the output generation to.

  • Method Details

    • asString

      Recreate the template source from its inner components.
      the template source rewritten
    • evaluate

      void evaluate(JexlContext context, Writer writer)
      Evaluates this template.
      context - the context to use during evaluation
      writer - the writer to use for output
    • evaluate

      void evaluate(JexlContext context, Writer writer, Object... args)
      Evaluates this template.
      context - the context to use during evaluation
      writer - the writer to use for output
      args - the arguments
    • getParameters

      Gets the list of parameters expected by this template.
      the parameter names array
    • getPragmas

      Gets this script pragmas.
      the (non null, may be empty) pragmas map
    • getVariables

      Gets the list of variables accessed by this template.

      This method will visit all nodes of the sub-expressions and extract all variables whether they are written in 'dot' or 'bracketed' notation. (a.b is equivalent to a['b']).

      the set of variables, each as a list of strings (ant-ish variables use more than 1 string) or the empty set if no variables are used
    • prepare

      Prepares this template by expanding any contained deferred TemplateExpression.
      context - the context to prepare against
      the prepared version of the template