Class JexlPermissions.Delegate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing interface:

public static class JexlPermissions.Delegate extends Object implements JexlPermissions
A base for permission delegation allowing functional refinement. Overloads should call the appropriate validate() method early in their body.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Delegate

      protected Delegate(JexlPermissions delegate)
      Constructs a new instance.
      delegate - the delegate.
  • Method Details

    • allow

      public boolean allow(Class<?> clazz)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Checks whether a class allows JEXL introspection.

      If the class disallows JEXL introspection, none of its constructors, methods or fields as well as derived classes are visible to JEXL and can not be used in scripts or expressions. If one of its super-classes is not allowed, tbe class is not allowed either.

      For interfaces, only methods and fields are disallowed in derived interfaces or implementing classes.

      Specified by:
      allow in interface JexlPermissions
      clazz - the class to check
      true if JEXL is allowed to introspect, false otherwise
    • allow

      public boolean allow(Constructor<?> ctor)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Checks whether a constructor allows JEXL introspection.

      If a constructor is not allowed, the new operator can not be used to instantiate its declared class in scripts or expressions.

      Specified by:
      allow in interface JexlPermissions
      ctor - the constructor to check
      true if JEXL is allowed to introspect, false otherwise
    • allow

      public boolean allow(Field field)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Checks whether a field explicitly disallows JEXL introspection.

      If a field is not allowed, it can not resolved and accessed in scripts or expressions.

      Specified by:
      allow in interface JexlPermissions
      field - the field to check
      true if JEXL is allowed to introspect, false otherwise
    • allow

      public boolean allow(Method method)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Checks whether a method allows JEXL introspection.

      If a method is not allowed, it can not resolved and called in scripts or expressions.

      Since methods can be overridden and overloaded, this also checks that no superclass or interface explicitly disallows this methods.

      Specified by:
      allow in interface JexlPermissions
      method - the method to check
      true if JEXL is allowed to introspect, false otherwise
    • allow

      public boolean allow(Package pack)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Checks whether a package allows JEXL introspection.

      If the package disallows JEXL introspection, none of its classes or interfaces are visible to JEXL and can not be used in scripts or expression.

      Specified by:
      allow in interface JexlPermissions
      pack - the package
      true if JEXL is allowed to introspect, false otherwise
    • compose

      public JexlPermissions compose(String... src)
      Description copied from interface: JexlPermissions
      Compose these permissions with a new set.

      This is a convenience method meant to easily give access to the packages JEXL is used to integrate with. For instance, using JexlPermissions.RESTRICTED.compose("*") would extend the restricted set of permissions by allowing the package.

      Specified by:
      compose in interface JexlPermissions
      src - the new constraints
      the new permissions