View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package org.apache.commons.logging;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import java.util.Enumeration;
31  import java.util.Hashtable;
32  import java.util.Iterator;
33  import java.util.Objects;
34  import java.util.Properties;
35  import java.util.ServiceConfigurationError;
36  import java.util.ServiceLoader;
37  import java.util.function.Supplier;
39  /**
40   * Factory for creating {@link Log} instances, with discovery and
41   * configuration features similar to that employed by standard Java APIs
42   * such as JAXP.
43   * <p>
44   * <strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - This implementation is heavily
45   * based on the SAXParserFactory and DocumentBuilderFactory implementations
46   * (corresponding to the JAXP pluggability APIs) found in Apache Xerces.
47   * </p>
48   */
49  public abstract class LogFactory {
50      // Implementation note re AccessController usage
51      //
52      // It is important to keep code invoked via an AccessController to small
53      // auditable blocks. Such code must carefully evaluate all user input
54      // (parameters, system properties, configuration file contents, etc). As an
55      // example, a Log implementation should not write to its log file
56      // with an AccessController anywhere in the call stack, otherwise an
57      // insecure application could configure the log implementation to write
58      // to a protected file using the privileges granted to JCL rather than
59      // to the calling application.
60      //
61      // Under no circumstance should a non-private method return data that is
62      // retrieved via an AccessController. That would allow an insecure application
63      // to invoke that method and obtain data that it is not permitted to have.
64      //
65      // Invoking user-supplied code with an AccessController set is not a major
66      // issue (for example, invoking the constructor of the class specified by
67      // HASHTABLE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROPERTY). That class will be in a different
68      // trust domain, and therefore must have permissions to do whatever it
69      // is trying to do regardless of the permissions granted to JCL. There is
70      // a slight issue in that untrusted code may point that environment variable
71      // to another trusted library, in which case the code runs if both that
72      // library and JCL have the necessary permissions even when the untrusted
73      // caller does not. That's a pretty hard route to exploit though.
75      /**
76       * The name ({@code priority}) of the key in the configuration file used to
77       * specify the priority of that particular configuration file. The associated value
78       * is a floating-point number; higher values take priority over lower values.
79       */
80      public static final String PRIORITY_KEY = "priority";
82      /**
83       * The name ({@code use_tccl}) of the key in the configuration file used
84       * to specify whether logging classes should be loaded via the thread
85       * context class loader (TCCL), or not. By default, the TCCL is used.
86       */
87      public static final String TCCL_KEY = "use_tccl";
89      /**
90       * The name ({@code org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory}) of the property
91       * used to identify the LogFactory implementation
92       * class name. This can be used as a system property, or as an entry in a
93       * configuration properties file.
94       */
95      public static final String FACTORY_PROPERTY = "org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory";
97      private static final String FACTORY_LOG4J_API = "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jApiLogFactory";
99      private static final String LOG4J_TO_SLF4J_BRIDGE = "org.apache.logging.slf4j.SLF4JProvider";
101     private static final String FACTORY_SLF4J = "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Slf4jLogFactory";
103     /**
104      * The fully qualified class name of the fallback {@code LogFactory}
105      * implementation class to use, if no other can be found.
106      */
107     public static final String FACTORY_DEFAULT = "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl";
109     /**
110      * The name ({@code}) of the properties file to search for.
111      */
112     public static final String FACTORY_PROPERTIES = "";
114     /**
115      * JDK 1.3+ <a href="">
116      * 'Service Provider' specification</a>.
117      */
118     protected static final String SERVICE_ID = "META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory";
120     /**
121      * The name ({@code org.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest})
122      * of the property used to enable internal commons-logging
123      * diagnostic output, in order to get information on what logging
124      * implementations are being discovered, what class loaders they
125      * are loaded through, etc.
126      * <p>
127      * If a system property of this name is set then the value is
128      * assumed to be the name of a file. The special strings
129      * STDOUT or STDERR (case-sensitive) indicate output to
130      * System.out and System.err respectively.
131      * <p>
132      * Diagnostic logging should be used only to debug problematic
133      * configurations and should not be set in normal production use.
134      */
135     public static final String DIAGNOSTICS_DEST_PROPERTY = "org.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest";
137     /**
138      * When null (the usual case), no diagnostic output will be
139      * generated by LogFactory or LogFactoryImpl. When non-null,
140      * interesting events will be written to the specified object.
141      */
142     private static final PrintStream DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM;
144     /**
145      * A string that gets prefixed to every message output by the
146      * logDiagnostic method, so that users can clearly see which
147      * LogFactory class is generating the output.
148      */
149     private static final String DIAGNOSTICS_PREFIX;
151     /**
152      * Setting this system property
153      * ({@code org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.HashtableImpl})
154      * value allows the {@code Hashtable} used to store
155      * class loaders to be substituted by an alternative implementation.
156      * <p>
157      * <strong>Note:</strong> {@code LogFactory} will print:
158      * </p>
159      * <pre>
160      * [ERROR] LogFactory: Load of custom hash table failed
161      * </pre>
162      * <p>
163      * to system error and then continue using a standard Hashtable.
164      * </p>
165      * <p>
166      * <strong>Usage:</strong> Set this property when Java is invoked
167      * and {@code LogFactory} will attempt to load a new instance
168      * of the given implementation class.
169      * For example, running the following ant scriplet:
170      * </p>
171      * <pre>
172      *  &lt;java classname="${test.runner}" fork="yes" failonerror="${test.failonerror}"&gt;
173      *     ...
174      *     &lt;sysproperty
175      *        key="org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.HashtableImpl"
176      *        value="org.apache.commons.logging.AltHashtable"/&gt;
177      *  &lt;/java&gt;
178      * </pre>
179      * <p>
180      * will mean that {@code LogFactory} will load an instance of
181      * {@code org.apache.commons.logging.AltHashtable}.
182      * </p>
183      * <p>
184      * A typical use case is to allow a custom
185      * Hashtable implementation using weak references to be substituted.
186      * This will allow class loaders to be garbage collected without
187      * the need to release them (on 1.3+ JVMs only, of course ;).
188      * </p>
189      */
190     public static final String HASHTABLE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROPERTY = "org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.HashtableImpl";
192     /** Name used to load the weak hash table implementation by names. */
193     private static final String WEAK_HASHTABLE_CLASSNAME = "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.WeakHashtable";
195     /**
196      * A reference to the class loader that loaded this class. This is the
197      * same as LogFactory.class.getClassLoader(). However computing this
198      * value isn't quite as simple as that, as we potentially need to use
199      * AccessControllers etc. It's more efficient to compute it once and
200      * cache it here.
201      */
202     private static final WeakReference<ClassLoader> thisClassLoaderRef;
204     /**
205      * Maximum number of {@link ServiceLoader} errors to ignore, while
206      * looking for an implementation.
207      */
208     private static final int MAX_BROKEN_SERVICES = 3;
210     /**
211      * The previously constructed {@code LogFactory} instances, keyed by
212      * the {@code ClassLoader} with which it was created.
213      */
214     protected static Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory> factories;
216     /**
217      * Previously constructed {@code LogFactory} instance as in the
218      * {@code factories} map, but for the case where
219      * {@code getClassLoader} returns {@code null}.
220      * This can happen when:
221      * <ul>
222      * <li>using JDK1.1 and the calling code is loaded via the system
223      *  class loader (very common)</li>
224      * <li>using JDK1.2+ and the calling code is loaded via the boot
225      *  class loader (only likely for embedded systems work).</li>
226      * </ul>
227      * Note that {@code factories} is a <em>Hashtable</em> (not a HashMap),
228      * and hash tables don't allow null as a key.
229      * @deprecated since 1.1.2
230      */
231     @Deprecated
232     protected static volatile LogFactory nullClassLoaderFactory;
234     static {
235         // note: it's safe to call methods before initDiagnostics (though
236         // diagnostic output gets discarded).
237         final ClassLoader thisClassLoader = getClassLoader(LogFactory.class);
238         thisClassLoaderRef = new WeakReference<>(thisClassLoader);
239         // In order to avoid confusion where multiple instances of JCL are
240         // being used via different class loaders within the same app, we
241         // ensure each logged message has a prefix of form
242         // [LogFactory from class loader OID]
243         //
244         // Note that this prefix should be kept consistent with that
245         // in LogFactoryImpl. However here we don't need to output info
246         // about the actual *instance* of LogFactory, as all methods that
247         // output diagnostics from this class are static.
248         String classLoaderName;
249         try {
250             classLoaderName = thisClassLoader != null ? objectId(thisClassLoader) : "BOOTLOADER"; 
251         } catch (final SecurityException e) {
252             classLoaderName = "UNKNOWN";
253         }
254         DIAGNOSTICS_PREFIX = "[LogFactory from " + classLoaderName + "] ";
255         DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM = initDiagnostics();
256         logClassLoaderEnvironment(LogFactory.class);
257         factories = createFactoryStore();
258         logDiagnostic("BOOTSTRAP COMPLETED");
259     }
261     /**
262      * Remember this factory, so later calls to LogFactory.getCachedFactory
263      * can return the previously created object (together with all its
264      * cached Log objects).
265      *
266      * @param classLoader should be the current context class loader. Note that
267      *  this can be null under some circumstances; this is ok.
268      * @param factory should be the factory to cache. This should never be null.
269      */
270     private static void cacheFactory(final ClassLoader classLoader, final LogFactory factory) {
271         // Ideally we would assert(factory != null) here. However reporting
272         // errors from within a logging implementation is a little tricky!
273         if (factory != null) {
274             if (classLoader == null) {
275                 nullClassLoaderFactory = factory;
276             } else {
277                 factories.put(classLoader, factory);
278             }
279         }
280     }
282     /**
283      * Creates a LogFactory object or a LogConfigurationException object.
284      *
285      * @param factoryClassName Factory class.
286      * @param classLoader      used to load the specified factory class. This is expected to be either the TCCL or the class loader which loaded this class.
287      *                         Note that the class loader which loaded this class might be "null" (for example, the boot loader) for embedded systems.
288      * @return either a LogFactory object or a LogConfigurationException object.
289      * @since 1.1
290      */
291     protected static Object createFactory(final String factoryClassName, final ClassLoader classLoader) {
292         // This will be used to diagnose bad configurations
293         // and allow a useful message to be sent to the user
294         Class<?> logFactoryClass = null;
295         try {
296             if (classLoader != null) {
297                 try {
298                     // First the given class loader param (thread class loader)
300                     // Warning: must typecast here & allow exception
301                     // to be generated/caught & recast properly.
302                     logFactoryClass = classLoader.loadClass(factoryClassName);
303                     if (LogFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(logFactoryClass)) {
304                         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
305                             logDiagnostic("Loaded class " + logFactoryClass.getName() + " from class loader " + objectId(classLoader));
306                         }
307                     } else //
308                     // This indicates a problem with the ClassLoader tree.
309                     // An incompatible ClassLoader was used to load the
310                     // implementation.
311                     // As the same classes
312                     // must be available in multiple class loaders,
313                     // it is very likely that multiple JCL jars are present.
314                     // The most likely fix for this
315                     // problem is to remove the extra JCL jars from the
316                     // ClassLoader hierarchy.
317                     //
318                     if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
319                         logDiagnostic("Factory class " + logFactoryClass.getName() + " loaded from class loader " + objectId(logFactoryClass.getClassLoader())
320                                 + " does not extend '" + LogFactory.class.getName() + "' as loaded by this class loader.");
321                         logHierarchy("[BAD CL TREE] ", classLoader);
322                     }
323                     // Force a ClassCastException
324                     return LogFactory.class.cast(logFactoryClass.getConstructor().newInstance());
326                 } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) {
327                     if (classLoader == thisClassLoaderRef.get()) {
328                         // Nothing more to try, onwards.
329                         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
330                             logDiagnostic("Unable to locate any class called '" + factoryClassName + "' via class loader " + objectId(classLoader));
331                         }
332                         throw ex;
333                     }
334                     // ignore exception, continue
335                 } catch (final NoClassDefFoundError e) {
336                     if (classLoader == thisClassLoaderRef.get()) {
337                         // Nothing more to try, onwards.
338                         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
339                             logDiagnostic("Class '" + factoryClassName + "' cannot be loaded" + " via class loader " + objectId(classLoader)
340                                     + " - it depends on some other class that cannot be found.");
341                         }
342                         throw e;
343                     }
344                     // ignore exception, continue
345                 } catch (final ClassCastException e) {
346                     if (classLoader == thisClassLoaderRef.get()) {
347                         // There's no point in falling through to the code below that
348                         // tries again with thisClassLoaderRef, because we've just tried
349                         // loading with that loader (not the TCCL). Just throw an
350                         // appropriate exception here.
351                         final boolean implementsLogFactory = implementsLogFactory(logFactoryClass);
352                         //
353                         // Construct a good message: users may not actual expect that a custom implementation
354                         // has been specified. Several well known containers use this mechanism to adapt JCL
355                         // to their native logging system.
356                         //
357                         final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
358                         msg.append("The application has specified that a custom LogFactory implementation should be used but Class '");
359                         msg.append(factoryClassName);
360                         msg.append("' cannot be converted to '");
361                         msg.append(LogFactory.class.getName());
362                         msg.append("'. ");
363                         if (implementsLogFactory) {
364                             msg.append("The conflict is caused by the presence of multiple LogFactory classes in incompatible class loaders. Background can");
365                             msg.append(" be found in If you have not explicitly specified a custom LogFactory");
366                             msg.append(" then it is likely that the container has set one without your knowledge. In this case, consider using the ");
367                             msg.append("commons-logging-adapters.jar file or specifying the standard LogFactory from the command line. ");
368                         } else {
369                             msg.append("Please check the custom implementation. ");
370                         }
371                         msg.append("Help can be found at");
372                         logDiagnostic(msg.toString());
373                         throw new ClassCastException(msg.toString());
374                     }
375                     // Ignore exception, continue. Presumably the class loader was the
376                     // TCCL; the code below will try to load the class via thisClassLoaderRef.
377                     // This will handle the case where the original calling class is in
378                     // a shared classpath but the TCCL has a copy of LogFactory and the
379                     // specified LogFactory implementation; we will fall back to using the
380                     // LogFactory implementation from the same class loader as this class.
381                     //
382                     // Issue: this doesn't handle the reverse case, where this LogFactory
383                     // is in the webapp, and the specified LogFactory implementation is
384                     // in a shared classpath. In that case:
385                     // (a) the class really does implement LogFactory (bad log msg above)
386                     // (b) the fallback code will result in exactly the same problem.
387                 }
388             }
390             /*
391              * At this point, either classLoader == null, OR classLoader was unable to load factoryClass.
392              *
393              * In either case, we call Class.forName, which is equivalent to LogFactory.class.getClassLoader().load(name), that is, we ignore the class loader
394              * parameter the caller passed, and fall back to trying the class loader associated with this class. See the Javadoc for the newFactory method for
395              * more info on the consequences of this.
396              *
397              * Notes: * LogFactory.class.getClassLoader() may return 'null' if LogFactory is loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
398              */
399             // Warning: must typecast here & allow exception
400             // to be generated/caught & recast properly.
401             if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
402                 logDiagnostic(
403                         "Unable to load factory class via class loader " + objectId(classLoader) + " - trying the class loader associated with this LogFactory.");
404             }
405             logFactoryClass = Class.forName(factoryClassName);
406             // Force a ClassCastException
407             return LogFactory.class.cast(logFactoryClass.getConstructor().newInstance());
408         } catch (final Exception e) {
409             // Check to see if we've got a bad configuration
410             if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
411                 logDiagnostic("Unable to create LogFactory instance.");
412             }
413             if (logFactoryClass != null && !LogFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(logFactoryClass)) {
414                 return new LogConfigurationException("The chosen LogFactory implementation does not extend LogFactory. Please check your configuration.", e);
415             }
416             return new LogConfigurationException(e);
417         }
418     }
420     /**
421      * Creates the hash table which will be used to store a map of
422      * (context class loader -> logfactory-object). Version 1.2+ of Java
423      * supports "weak references", allowing a custom Hashtable class
424      * to be used which uses only weak references to its keys. Using weak
425      * references can fix memory leaks on webapp unload in some cases (though
426      * not all). Version 1.1 of Java does not support weak references, so we
427      * must dynamically determine which we are using. And just for fun, this
428      * code also supports the ability for a system property to specify an
429      * arbitrary Hashtable implementation name.
430      * <p>
431      * Note that the correct way to ensure no memory leaks occur is to ensure
432      * that LogFactory.release(contextClassLoader) is called whenever a
433      * webapp is undeployed.
434      * </p>
435      */
436     private static Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory> createFactoryStore() {
437         Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory> result = null;
438         String storeImplementationClass;
439         try {
440             storeImplementationClass = getSystemProperty(HASHTABLE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROPERTY, null);
441         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
442             // Permissions don't allow this to be accessed. Default to the "modern"
443             // weak hash table implementation if it is available.
444             storeImplementationClass = null;
445         }
446         if (storeImplementationClass == null) {
447             storeImplementationClass = WEAK_HASHTABLE_CLASSNAME;
448         }
449         try {
450             final Class<Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory>> implementationClass = (Class<Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory>>) Class
451                     .forName(storeImplementationClass);
452             result = implementationClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
453         } catch (final Throwable t) {
454             handleThrowable(t); // may re-throw t
455             // ignore
456             if (!WEAK_HASHTABLE_CLASSNAME.equals(storeImplementationClass)) {
457                 // if the user's trying to set up a custom implementation, give a clue
458                 if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
459                     // use internal logging to issue the warning
460                     logDiagnostic("[ERROR] LogFactory: Load of custom Hashtable failed");
461                 } else {
462                     // we *really* want this output, even if diagnostics weren't
463                     // explicitly enabled by the user.
464                     System.err.println("[ERROR] LogFactory: Load of custom Hashtable failed");
465                 }
466             }
467         }
468         if (result == null) {
469             result = new Hashtable<>();
470         }
471         return result;
472     }
474     /**
475      * Gets the thread context class loader if available; otherwise return null.
476      * <p>
477      * Most/all code should call getContextClassLoaderInternal rather than
478      * calling this method directly.
479      * </p>
480      * <p>
481      * The thread context class loader is available for JDK 1.2
482      * or later, if certain security conditions are met.
483      * </p>
484      * <p>
485      * Note that no internal logging is done within this method because
486      * this method is called every time LogFactory.getLogger() is called,
487      * and we don't want too much output generated here.
488      * </p>
489      *
490      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable class loader
491      *  cannot be identified.
492      * @return the thread's context class loader or {@code null} if the Java security
493      *  policy forbids access to the context class loader from one of the classes
494      *  in the current call stack.
495      * @since 1.1
496      */
497     protected static ClassLoader directGetContextClassLoader() throws LogConfigurationException {
498         ClassLoader classLoader = null;
499         try {
500             classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
501         } catch (final SecurityException ignore) {
502             // getContextClassLoader() throws SecurityException when
503             // the context class loader isn't an ancestor of the
504             // calling class's class loader, or if security
505             // permissions are restricted.
506             //
507             // We ignore this exception to be consistent with the previous
508             // behavior (e.g. 1.1.3 and earlier).
509         }
510         // Return the selected class loader
511         return classLoader;
512     }
514     /**
515      * Gets a cached log factory (keyed by contextClassLoader)
516      *
517      * @param contextClassLoader is the context class loader associated
518      * with the current thread. This allows separate LogFactory objects
519      * per component within a container, provided each component has
520      * a distinct context class loader set. This parameter may be null
521      * in JDK1.1, and in embedded systems where jcl-using code is
522      * placed in the bootclasspath.
523      *
524      * @return the factory associated with the specified class loader if
525      *  one has previously been created, or null if this is the first time
526      *  we have seen this particular class loader.
527      */
528     private static LogFactory getCachedFactory(final ClassLoader contextClassLoader) {
529         if (contextClassLoader == null) {
530             // We have to handle this specially, as factories is a Hashtable
531             // and those don't accept null as a key value.
532             //
533             // nb: nullClassLoaderFactory might be null. That's ok.
534             return nullClassLoaderFactory;
535         }
536         return factories.get(contextClassLoader);
537     }
539     /**
540      * Safely get access to the class loader for the specified class.
541      * <p>
542      * Theoretically, calling getClassLoader can throw a security exception,
543      * and so should be done under an AccessController in order to provide
544      * maximum flexibility. However in practice people don't appear to use
545      * security policies that forbid getClassLoader calls. So for the moment
546      * all code is written to call this method rather than Class.getClassLoader,
547      * so that we could put AccessController stuff in this method without any
548      * disruption later if we need to.
549      * </p>
550      * <p>
551      * Even when using an AccessController, however, this method can still
552      * throw SecurityException. Commons Logging basically relies on the
553      * ability to access class loaders. A policy that forbids all
554      * class loader access will also prevent commons-logging from working:
555      * currently this method will throw an exception preventing the entire app
556      * from starting up. Maybe it would be good to detect this situation and
557      * just disable all commons-logging? Not high priority though - as stated
558      * above, security policies that prevent class loader access aren't common.
559      * </p>
560      * <p>
561      * Note that returning an object fetched via an AccessController would
562      * technically be a security flaw anyway; untrusted code that has access
563      * to a trusted JCL library could use it to fetch the class loader for
564      * a class even when forbidden to do so directly.
565      * </p>
566      *
567      * @param clazz Class.
568      * @return a ClassLoader.
569      *
570      * @since 1.1
571      */
572     protected static ClassLoader getClassLoader(final Class<?> clazz) {
573         try {
574             return clazz.getClassLoader();
575         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
576             logDiagnostic(() -> "Unable to get class loader for class '" + clazz + "' due to security restrictions - " + ex.getMessage());
577             throw ex;
578         }
579     }
581     /**
582      * Gets a user-provided configuration file.
583      * <p>
584      * The classpath of the specified classLoader (usually the context class loader)
585      * is searched for properties files of the specified name. If none is found,
586      * null is returned. If more than one is found, then the file with the greatest
587      * value for its PRIORITY property is returned. If multiple files have the
588      * same PRIORITY value then the first in the classpath is returned.
589      * </p>
590      * <p>
591      * This differs from the 1.0.x releases; those always use the first one found.
592      * However as the priority is a new field, this change is backwards compatible.
593      * </p>
594      * <p>
595      * The purpose of the priority field is to allow a webserver administrator to
596      * override logging settings in all webapps by placing a
597      * file in a shared classpath location with a priority > 0; this overrides any
598      * files without priorities which are in the
599      * webapps. Webapps can also use explicit priorities to override a configuration
600      * file in the shared classpath if needed.
601      * </p>
602      */
603     private static Properties getConfigurationFile(final ClassLoader classLoader, final String fileName) {
604         Properties props = null;
605         double priority = 0.0;
606         URL propsUrl = null;
607         try {
608             final Enumeration<URL> urls = getResources(classLoader, fileName);
609             if (urls == null) {
610                 return null;
611             }
612             while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
613                 final URL url = urls.nextElement();
614                 final Properties newProps = getProperties(url);
615                 if (newProps != null) {
616                     if (props == null) {
617                         propsUrl = url;
618                         props = newProps;
619                         final String priorityStr = props.getProperty(PRIORITY_KEY);
620                         priority = 0.0;
621                         if (priorityStr != null) {
622                             priority = Double.parseDouble(priorityStr);
623                         }
624                         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
625                             logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file found at '" + url + "'" + " with priority " + priority);
626                         }
627                     } else {
628                         final String newPriorityStr = newProps.getProperty(PRIORITY_KEY);
629                         double newPriority = 0.0;
630                         if (newPriorityStr != null) {
631                             newPriority = Double.parseDouble(newPriorityStr);
632                         }
633                         if (newPriority > priority) {
634                             if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
635                                 logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file at '" + url + "'" + " with priority " + newPriority + " overrides file at '" + propsUrl
636                                         + "'" + " with priority " + priority);
637                             }
638                             propsUrl = url;
639                             props = newProps;
640                             priority = newPriority;
641                         } else if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
642                             logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file at '" + url + "'" + " with priority " + newPriority + " does not override file at '"
643                                     + propsUrl + "'" + " with priority " + priority);
644                         }
645                     }
647                 }
648             }
649         } catch (final SecurityException e) {
650             logDiagnostic("SecurityException thrown while trying to find/read config files.");
651         }
652         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
653             if (props == null) {
654                 logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No properties file of name '" + fileName + "' found.");
655             } else {
656                 logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file of name '" + fileName + "' found at '" + propsUrl + '"');
657             }
658         }
659         return props;
660     }
662     /**
663      * Gets the current context class loader.
664      * <p>
665      * In versions prior to 1.1, this method did not use an AccessController.
666      * In version 1.1, an AccessController wrapper was incorrectly added to
667      * this method, causing a minor security flaw.
668      * </p>
669      * <p>
670      * In version 1.1.1 this change was reverted; this method no longer uses
671      * an AccessController. User code wishing to obtain the context class loader
672      * must invoke this method via AccessController.doPrivileged if it needs
673      * support for that.
674      * </p>
675      *
676      * @return the context class loader associated with the current thread,
677      *  or null if security doesn't allow it.
678      * @throws LogConfigurationException if there was some weird error while
679      *  attempting to get the context class loader.
680      */
681     protected static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() throws LogConfigurationException {
682         return directGetContextClassLoader();
683     }
685     /**
686      * Calls {@link LogFactory#directGetContextClassLoader()} under the control of an
687      * AccessController class. This means that Java code running under a
688      * security manager that forbids access to ClassLoaders will still work
689      * if this class is given appropriate privileges, even when the caller
690      * doesn't have such privileges. Without using an AccessController, the
691      * the entire call stack must have the privilege before the call is
692      * allowed.
693      *
694      * @return the context class loader associated with the current thread,
695      *  or null if security doesn't allow it.
696      * @throws LogConfigurationException if there was some weird error while
697      *  attempting to get the context class loader.
698      */
699     private static ClassLoader getContextClassLoaderInternal() throws LogConfigurationException {
700         return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>) LogFactory::directGetContextClassLoader);
701     }
703     /**
704      * Constructs (if necessary) and return a {@code LogFactory} instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the name of the
705      * implementation class to be loaded.
706      * <ul>
707      * <li>The {@code org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory} system property.</li>
708      * <li>The JDK 1.3 Service Discovery mechanism</li>
709      * <li>Use the properties file {@code} file, if found in the class path of this class. The configuration file is in standard
710      * {@link java.util.Properties} format and contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class with the key being the system property defined
711      * above.</li>
712      * <li>Fall back to a default implementation class ({@code org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl}).</li>
713      * </ul>
714      * <p>
715      * <em>NOTE</em> - If the properties file method of identifying the {@code LogFactory} implementation class is utilized, all of the properties defined in
716      * this file will be set as configuration attributes on the corresponding {@code LogFactory} instance.
717      * </p>
718      * <p>
719      * <em>NOTE</em> - In a multi-threaded environment it is possible that two different instances will be returned for the same class loader environment.
720      * </p>
721      *
722      * @return a {@code LogFactory}.
723      * @throws LogConfigurationException if the implementation class is not available or cannot be instantiated.
724      */
725     public static LogFactory getFactory() throws LogConfigurationException {
726         // Identify the class loader we will be using
727         final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = getContextClassLoaderInternal();
729         // This is an odd enough situation to report about. This
730         // output will be a nuisance on JDK1.1, as the system
731         // class loader is null in that environment.
732         if (contextClassLoader == null) {
733             logDiagnostic("Context class loader is null.");
734         }
736         // Return any previously registered factory for this class loader
737         LogFactory factory = getCachedFactory(contextClassLoader);
738         if (factory != null) {
739             return factory;
740         }
742         if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
743             logDiagnostic(
744                     "[LOOKUP] LogFactory implementation requested for the first time for context class loader " +
745                     objectId(contextClassLoader));
746             logHierarchy("[LOOKUP] ", contextClassLoader);
747         }
749         // Load properties file.
750         //
751         // If the properties file exists, then its contents are used as
752         // "attributes" on the LogFactory implementation class. One particular
753         // property may also control which LogFactory concrete subclass is
754         // used, but only if other discovery mechanisms fail..
755         //
756         // As the properties file (if it exists) will be used one way or
757         // another in the end we may as well look for it first.
759         final Properties props = getConfigurationFile(contextClassLoader, FACTORY_PROPERTIES);
761         // Determine whether we will be using the thread context class loader to
762         // load logging classes or not by checking the loaded properties file (if any).
763         boolean useTccl = contextClassLoader != null;
764         if (props != null) {
765             final String useTCCLStr = props.getProperty(TCCL_KEY);
766             useTccl &= useTCCLStr == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(useTCCLStr);
767         }
768         // If TCCL is still enabled at this point, we check if it resolves this class
769         if (useTccl) {
770             try {
771                 if (!LogFactory.class.equals(Class.forName(LogFactory.class.getName(), false, contextClassLoader))) {
772                     logDiagnostic(() -> "The class " + LogFactory.class.getName() + " loaded by the context class loader " + objectId(contextClassLoader)
773                             + " and this class differ. Disabling the usage of the context class loader."
774                             + "Background can be found in ");
775                     logHierarchy("[BAD CL TREE] ", contextClassLoader);
776                     useTccl = false;
777                 }
778             } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
779                 logDiagnostic(() -> "The class " + LogFactory.class.getName() + " is not present in the the context class loader "
780                         + objectId(contextClassLoader) + ". Disabling the usage of the context class loader."
781                         + "Background can be found in ");
782                 logHierarchy("[BAD CL TREE] ", contextClassLoader);
783                 useTccl = false;
784             }
785         }
786         final ClassLoader baseClassLoader = useTccl ? contextClassLoader : thisClassLoaderRef.get();
788         // Determine which concrete LogFactory subclass to use.
789         // First, try a global system property
790         logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] Looking for system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
791                       "] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
793         try {
794             final String factoryClass = getSystemProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY, null);
795             if (factoryClass != null) {
796                 logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] Creating an instance of LogFactory class '" + factoryClass +
797                               "' as specified by system property " + FACTORY_PROPERTY);
798                 factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
799             } else {
800                 logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] No system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY + "] defined.");
801             }
802         } catch (final SecurityException e) {
803             logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an instance of the custom factory class" + ": ["
804                     + trim(e.getMessage()) + "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
805             // ignore
806         } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
807             // This is not consistent with the behavior when a bad LogFactory class is
808             // specified in a services file.
809             //
810             // One possible exception that can occur here is a ClassCastException when
811             // the specified class wasn't castable to this LogFactory type.
812             logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of the custom factory class: [" + trim(e.getMessage())
813                     + "] as specified by a system property.");
814             throw e;
815         }
816         //
817         // Second, try to find a service by using the JDK 1.3 class
818         // discovery mechanism, which involves putting a file with the name
819         // of an interface class in the META-INF/services directory, where the
820         // contents of the file is a single line specifying a concrete class
821         // that implements the desired interface.
822         if (factory == null) {
823             logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Using ServiceLoader  to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
824             try {
825                 final ServiceLoader<LogFactory> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(LogFactory.class, baseClassLoader);
826                 final Iterator<LogFactory> iterator = serviceLoader.iterator();
828                 int i = MAX_BROKEN_SERVICES;
829                 while (factory == null && i-- > 0) {
830                     try {
831                         if (iterator.hasNext()) {
832                             factory =;
833                         }
834                     } catch (final ServiceConfigurationError | LinkageError ex) {
835                         logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] An exception occurred while trying to find an instance of LogFactory: [" + trim(ex.getMessage())
836                                 + "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
837                     }
838                 }
839             } catch (final Exception ex) {
840                 // note: if the specified LogFactory class wasn't compatible with LogFactory
841                 // for some reason, a ClassCastException will be caught here, and attempts will
842                 // continue to find a compatible class.
843                 logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an instance of the custom factory class: ["
844                         + trim(ex.getMessage()) + "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
845                 // ignore
846             }
847         }
848         //
849         // Third try looking into the properties file read earlier (if found)
850         if (factory == null) {
851             if (props != null) {
852                 logDiagnostic(() -> 
853                     "[LOOKUP] Looking in properties file for entry with key '" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
854                     "' to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
855                 final String factoryClass = props.getProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY);
856                 if (factoryClass != null) {
857                     logDiagnostic(() -> 
858                         "[LOOKUP] Properties file specifies LogFactory subclass '" + factoryClass + "'");
859                     factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
860                     // TODO: think about whether we need to handle exceptions from newFactory
861                 } else {
862                     logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file has no entry specifying LogFactory subclass.");
863                 }
864             } else {
865                 logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No properties file available to determine LogFactory subclass from..");
866             }
867         }
868         //
869         // Fourth, try one of the three provided factories first from the specified classloader
870         // and then from the current one.
871         if (factory == null) {
872             factory = newStandardFactory(baseClassLoader);
873         }
874         if (factory == null && baseClassLoader != thisClassLoaderRef.get()) {
875             factory = newStandardFactory(thisClassLoaderRef.get());
876         }
877         if (factory != null) {
878             if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
879                 logDiagnostic("Created object " + objectId(factory) + " to manage class loader " + objectId(contextClassLoader));
880             }
881         } else {
882             logDiagnostic(() -> 
883                 "[LOOKUP] Loading the default LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_DEFAULT +
884                 "' via the same class loader that loaded this LogFactory class (ie not looking in the context class loader).");
885             // Note: unlike the above code which can try to load custom LogFactory
886             // implementations via the TCCL, we don't try to load the default LogFactory
887             // implementation via the context class loader because:
888             // * that can cause problems (see comments in newFactory method)
889             // * no-one should be customising the code of the default class
890             // Yes, we do give up the ability for the child to ship a newer
891             // version of the LogFactoryImpl class and have it used dynamically
892             // by an old LogFactory class in the parent, but that isn't
893             // necessarily a good idea anyway.
894             factory = newFactory(FACTORY_DEFAULT, thisClassLoaderRef.get(), contextClassLoader);
895         }
896         if (factory != null) {
897             /**
898              * Always cache using context class loader.
899              */
900             cacheFactory(contextClassLoader, factory);
901             if (props != null) {
902                 final Enumeration<?> names = props.propertyNames();
903                 while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
904                     final String name = Objects.toString(names.nextElement(), null);
905                     final String value = props.getProperty(name);
906                     factory.setAttribute(name, value);
907                 }
908             }
909         }
910         return factory;
911     }
913     /**
914      * Gets a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.
915      *
916      * @param clazz Class from which a log name will be derived
917      * @return a named logger.
918      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable {@code Log} instance cannot be returned
919      */
920     public static Log getLog(final Class<?> clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
921         return getFactory().getInstance(clazz);
922     }
924     /**
925      * Gets a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.
926      *
927      * @param name Logical name of the {@code Log} instance to be returned (the meaning of this name is only known to the underlying logging implementation that
928      *             is being wrapped)
929      * @return a named logger.
930      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable {@code Log} instance cannot be returned
931      */
932     public static Log getLog(final String name) throws LogConfigurationException {
933         return getFactory().getInstance(name);
934     }
936     /**
937      * Given a URL that refers to a .properties file, load that file.
938      * This is done under an AccessController so that this method will
939      * succeed when this jarfile is privileged but the caller is not.
940      * This method must therefore remain private to avoid security issues.
941      * <p>
942      * {@code Null} is returned if the URL cannot be opened.
943      * </p>
944      */
945     private static Properties getProperties(final URL url) {
946         return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Properties>) () -> {
947             // We must ensure that useCaches is set to false, as the
948             // default behavior of java is to cache file handles, and
949             // this "locks" files, preventing hot-redeploy on windows.
950             try {
951                 final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
952                 connection.setUseCaches(false);
953                 try (InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream()) {
954                     if (stream != null) {
955                         final Properties props = new Properties();
956                         props.load(stream);
957                         return props;
958                     }
959                 } catch (final IOException e) {
960                     logDiagnostic(() -> "Unable to close stream for URL " + url);
961                 }
962             } catch (final IOException e) {
963                 logDiagnostic(() -> "Unable to read URL " + url);
964             }
966             return null;
967         });
968     }
970     /**
971      * Given a file name, return an enumeration of URLs pointing to
972      * all the occurrences of that file name in the classpath.
973      * <p>
974      * This is just like ClassLoader.getResources except that the
975      * operation is done under an AccessController so that this method will
976      * succeed when this jarfile is privileged but the caller is not.
977      * This method must therefore remain private to avoid security issues.
978      * </p>
979      * <p>
980      * If no instances are found, an Enumeration is returned whose
981      * hasMoreElements method returns false (ie an "empty" enumeration).
982      * If resources could not be listed for some reason, null is returned.
983      * </p>
984      */
985     private static Enumeration<URL> getResources(final ClassLoader loader, final String name) {
986         return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Enumeration<URL>>) () -> {
987             try {
988                 if (loader != null) {
989                     return loader.getResources(name);
990                 }
991                 return ClassLoader.getSystemResources(name);
992             } catch (final IOException e) {
993                 logDiagnostic(() -> "Exception while trying to find configuration file " + name + ":" + e.getMessage());
994                 return null;
995             } catch (final NoSuchMethodError e) {
996                 // we must be running on a 1.1 JVM which doesn't support
997                 // ClassLoader.getSystemResources; just return null in
998                 // this case.
999                 return null;
1000             }
1001         });
1002     }
1004     /**
1005      * Read the specified system property, using an AccessController so that
1006      * the property can be read if JCL has been granted the appropriate
1007      * security rights even if the calling code has not.
1008      * <p>
1009      * Take care not to expose the value returned by this method to the
1010      * calling application in any way; otherwise the calling app can use that
1011      * info to access data that should not be available to it.
1012      * </p>
1013      */
1014     private static String getSystemProperty(final String key, final String def)
1015             throws SecurityException {
1016         return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<String>) () -> System.getProperty(key, def));
1017     }
1019     /**
1020      * Checks whether the supplied Throwable is one that needs to be
1021      * re-thrown and ignores all others.
1022      *
1023      * The following errors are re-thrown:
1024      * <ul>
1025      *   <li>ThreadDeath</li>
1026      *   <li>VirtualMachineError</li>
1027      * </ul>
1028      *
1029      * @param t the Throwable to check
1030      */
1031     protected static void handleThrowable(final Throwable t) {
1032         if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) {
1033             throw (ThreadDeath) t;
1034         }
1035         if (t instanceof VirtualMachineError) {
1036             throw (VirtualMachineError) t;
1037         }
1038         // All other instances of Throwable will be silently ignored
1039     }
1041     /**
1042      * Determines whether the given class actually implements {@code LogFactory}.
1043      * Diagnostic information is also logged.
1044      * <p>
1045      * <strong>Usage:</strong> to diagnose whether a class loader conflict is the cause
1046      * of incompatibility. The test used is whether the class is assignable from
1047      * the {@code LogFactory} class loaded by the class's class loader.
1048      * @param logFactoryClass {@code Class} which may implement {@code LogFactory}
1049      * @return true if the {@code logFactoryClass} does extend
1050      * {@code LogFactory} when that class is loaded via the same
1051      * class loader that loaded the {@code logFactoryClass}.
1052      * </p>
1053      */
1054     private static boolean implementsLogFactory(final Class<?> logFactoryClass) {
1055         boolean implementsLogFactory = false;
1056         if (logFactoryClass != null) {
1057             try {
1058                 final ClassLoader logFactoryClassLoader = logFactoryClass.getClassLoader();
1059                 if (logFactoryClassLoader == null) {
1060                     logDiagnostic("[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] was loaded by the boot class loader");
1061                 } else {
1062                     logHierarchy("[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] ", logFactoryClassLoader);
1063                     final Class<?> factoryFromCustomLoader = Class.forName("org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory", false, logFactoryClassLoader);
1064                     implementsLogFactory = factoryFromCustomLoader.isAssignableFrom(logFactoryClass);
1065                     final String logFactoryClassName = logFactoryClass.getName();
1066                     if (implementsLogFactory) {
1067                         logDiagnostic(() -> "[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] " + logFactoryClassName + " implements LogFactory but was loaded by an incompatible class loader.");
1068                     } else {
1069                         logDiagnostic(() -> "[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] " + logFactoryClassName + " does not implement LogFactory.");
1070                     }
1071                 }
1072             } catch (final SecurityException e) {
1073                 //
1074                 // The application is running within a hostile security environment.
1075                 // This will make it very hard to diagnose issues with JCL.
1076                 // Consider running less securely whilst debugging this issue.
1077                 //
1078                 logDiagnostic(
1079                         () -> "[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] SecurityException caught trying to determine whether the compatibility was caused by a class loader conflict: "
1080                                 + e.getMessage());
1081             } catch (final LinkageError e) {
1082                 //
1083                 // This should be an unusual circumstance.
1084                 // LinkageError's usually indicate that a dependent class has incompatibly changed.
1085                 // Another possibility may be an exception thrown by an initializer.
1086                 // Time for a clean rebuild?
1087                 //
1088                 logDiagnostic(
1089                         () -> "[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] LinkageError caught trying to determine whether the compatibility was caused by a class loader conflict: "
1090                                 + e.getMessage());
1091             } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
1092                 //
1093                 // LogFactory cannot be loaded by the class loader which loaded the custom factory implementation.
1094                 // The custom implementation is not viable until this is corrected.
1095                 // Ensure that the JCL jar and the custom class are available from the same class loader.
1096                 // Running with diagnostics on should give information about the class loaders used
1097                 // to load the custom factory.
1098                 //
1099                 logDiagnostic(() -> "[CUSTOM LOG FACTORY] LogFactory class cannot be loaded by the class loader which loaded "
1100                         + "the custom LogFactory implementation. Is the custom factory in the right class loader?");
1101             }
1102         }
1103         return implementsLogFactory;
1104     }
1106     /**
1107      * Tests whether the user wants internal diagnostic output. If so,
1108      * returns an appropriate writer object. Users can enable diagnostic
1109      * output by setting the system property named {@link #DIAGNOSTICS_DEST_PROPERTY} to
1110      * a file name, or the special values STDOUT or STDERR.
1111      */
1112     private static PrintStream initDiagnostics() {
1113         String dest;
1114         try {
1115             dest = getSystemProperty(DIAGNOSTICS_DEST_PROPERTY, null);
1116             if (dest == null) {
1117                 return null;
1118             }
1119         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
1120             // We must be running in some very secure environment.
1121             // We just have to assume output is not wanted..
1122             return null;
1123         }
1125         if (dest.equals("STDOUT")) {
1126             return System.out;
1127         }
1128         if (dest.equals("STDERR")) {
1129             return System.err;
1130         }
1131         try {
1132             // open the file in append mode
1133             final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dest, true);
1134             return new PrintStream(fos, false,;
1135         } catch (final IOException ex) {
1136             // We should report this to the user - but how?
1137             return null;
1138         }
1139     }
1141     private static boolean isClassAvailable(final String className, final ClassLoader classLoader) {
1142         logDiagnostic(() -> "Checking if class '" + className + "' is available in class loader " + objectId(classLoader));
1143         try {
1144             Class.forName(className, true, classLoader);
1145             return true;
1146         } catch (final ClassNotFoundException | LinkageError e) {
1147             logDiagnostic(() -> "Failed to load class '" + className + "' from class loader " + objectId(classLoader) + ": " + e.getMessage());
1148         }
1149         return false;
1150     }
1152     /**
1153      * Tests whether the user enabled internal logging.
1154      * <p>
1155      * By the way, sorry for the incorrect grammar, but calling this method
1156      * areDiagnosticsEnabled just isn't Java beans style.
1157      * </p>
1158      *
1159      * @return true if calls to logDiagnostic will have any effect.
1160      * @since 1.1
1161      */
1162     protected static boolean isDiagnosticsEnabled() {
1163         return DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM != null;
1164     }
1166     /**
1167      * Generates useful diagnostics regarding the class loader tree for
1168      * the specified class.
1169      * <p>
1170      * As an example, if the specified class was loaded via a webapp's
1171      * class loader, then you may get the following output:
1172      * </p>
1173      * <pre>
1174      * Class com.acme.Foo was loaded via class loader 11111
1175      * ClassLoader tree: 11111 -> 22222 (SYSTEM) -> 33333 -> BOOT
1176      * </pre>
1177      * <p>
1178      * This method returns immediately if isDiagnosticsEnabled()
1179      * returns false.
1180      * </p>
1181      *
1182      * @param clazz is the class whose class loader + tree are to be
1183      * output.
1184      */
1185     private static void logClassLoaderEnvironment(final Class<?> clazz) {
1186         if (!isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
1187             return;
1188         }
1189         try {
1190             // Deliberately use System.getProperty here instead of getSystemProperty; if
1191             // the overall security policy for the calling application forbids access to
1192             // these variables then we do not want to output them to the diagnostic stream.
1193             logDiagnostic("[ENV] Extension directories (java.ext.dir): " + System.getProperty("java.ext.dir"));
1194             logDiagnostic("[ENV] Application classpath (java.class.path): " + System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
1195         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
1196             logDiagnostic("[ENV] Security setting prevent interrogation of system classpaths.");
1197         }
1198         final String className = clazz.getName();
1199         ClassLoader classLoader;
1200         try {
1201             classLoader = getClassLoader(clazz);
1202         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
1203             // not much useful diagnostics we can print here!
1204             logDiagnostic("[ENV] Security forbids determining the class loader for " + className);
1205             return;
1206         }
1207         logDiagnostic("[ENV] Class " + className + " was loaded via class loader " + objectId(classLoader));
1208         logHierarchy("[ENV] Ancestry of class loader which loaded " + className + " is ", classLoader);
1209     }
1211     /**
1212      * Writes the specified message to the internal logging destination.
1213      * <p>
1214      * Note that this method is private; concrete subclasses of this class
1215      * should not call it because the diagnosticPrefix string this
1216      * method puts in front of all its messages is LogFactory@....,
1217      * while subclasses should put SomeSubClass@...
1218      * </p>
1219      * <p>
1220      * Subclasses should instead compute their own prefix, then call
1221      * logRawDiagnostic. Note that calling isDiagnosticsEnabled is
1222      * fine for subclasses.
1223      * </p>
1224      * <p>
1225      * Note that it is safe to call this method before initDiagnostics
1226      * is called; any output will just be ignored (as isDiagnosticsEnabled
1227      * will return false).
1228      * </p>
1229      *
1230      * @param msg is the diagnostic message to be output.
1231      */
1232     private static void logDiagnostic(final String msg) {
1233         if (DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM != null) {
1234             logDiagnosticDirect(msg);
1235         }
1236     }
1238     /**
1239      * Writes the specified message to the internal logging destination.
1240      * <p>
1241      * Note that this method is private; concrete subclasses of this class
1242      * should not call it because the diagnosticPrefix string this
1243      * method puts in front of all its messages is LogFactory@....,
1244      * while subclasses should put SomeSubClass@...
1245      * </p>
1246      * <p>
1247      * Subclasses should instead compute their own prefix, then call
1248      * logRawDiagnostic. Note that calling isDiagnosticsEnabled is
1249      * fine for subclasses.
1250      * </p>
1251      * <p>
1252      * Note that it is safe to call this method before initDiagnostics
1253      * is called; any output will just be ignored (as isDiagnosticsEnabled
1254      * will return false).
1255      * </p>
1256      *
1257      * @param msg is the diagnostic message to be output.
1258      */
1259     private static void logDiagnostic(final Supplier<String> msg) {
1260         if (DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM != null) {
1261             logDiagnosticDirect(msg.get());
1262         }
1263     }
1265     private static void logDiagnosticDirect(final String msg) {
1267         DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM.println(msg);
1268         DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM.flush();
1269     }
1271     /**
1272      * Logs diagnostic messages about the given class loader
1273      * and it's hierarchy. The prefix is prepended to the message
1274      * and is intended to make it easier to understand the logs.
1275      * @param prefix
1276      * @param classLoader
1277      */
1278     private static void logHierarchy(final String prefix, ClassLoader classLoader) {
1279         if (!isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
1280             return;
1281         }
1282         ClassLoader systemClassLoader;
1283         if (classLoader != null) {
1284             logDiagnostic(prefix + objectId(classLoader) + " == '" + classLoader.toString() + "'");
1285         }
1286         try {
1287             systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
1288         } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
1289             logDiagnostic(prefix + "Security forbids determining the system class loader.");
1290             return;
1291         }
1292         if (classLoader != null) {
1293             final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(prefix + "ClassLoader tree:");
1294             for(;;) {
1295                 buf.append(objectId(classLoader));
1296                 if (classLoader == systemClassLoader) {
1297                     buf.append(" (SYSTEM) ");
1298                 }
1299                 try {
1300                     classLoader = classLoader.getParent();
1301                 } catch (final SecurityException ex) {
1302                     buf.append(" --> SECRET");
1303                     break;
1304                 }
1305                 buf.append(" --> ");
1306                 if (classLoader == null) {
1307                     buf.append("BOOT");
1308                     break;
1309                 }
1310             }
1311             logDiagnostic(buf.toString());
1312         }
1313     }
1315     /**
1316      * Writes the specified message to the internal logging destination.
1317      *
1318      * @param msg is the diagnostic message to be output.
1319      * @since 1.1
1320      */
1321     protected static final void logRawDiagnostic(final String msg) {
1322         if (DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM != null) {
1323             DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM.println(msg);
1324             DIAGNOSTICS_STREAM.flush();
1325         }
1326     }
1328     /**
1329      * Method provided for backwards compatibility; see newFactory version that
1330      * takes 3 parameters.
1331      * <p>
1332      * This method would only ever be called in some rather odd situation.
1333      * Note that this method is static, so overriding in a subclass doesn't
1334      * have any effect unless this method is called from a method in that
1335      * subclass. However this method only makes sense to use from the
1336      * getFactory method, and as that is almost always invoked via
1337      * LogFactory.getFactory, any custom definition in a subclass would be
1338      * pointless. Only a class with a custom getFactory method, then invoked
1339      * directly via CustomFactoryImpl.getFactory or similar would ever call
1340      * this. Anyway, it's here just in case, though the "managed class loader"
1341      * value output to the diagnostics will not report the correct value.
1342      * </p>
1343      *
1344      * @param factoryClass factory class.
1345      * @param classLoader class loader.
1346      * @return a LogFactory.
1347      */
1348     protected static LogFactory newFactory(final String factoryClass,
1349                                            final ClassLoader classLoader) {
1350         return newFactory(factoryClass, classLoader, null);
1351     }
1353     /**
1354      * Gets a new instance of the specified {@code LogFactory} implementation class, loaded by the specified class loader. If that fails, try the class loader
1355      * used to load this (abstract) LogFactory.
1356      * <p>
1357      * <b>ClassLoader conflicts</b>
1358      * </p>
1359      * <p>
1360      * Note that there can be problems if the specified ClassLoader is not the same as the class loader that loaded this class, that is, when loading a concrete
1361      * LogFactory subclass via a context class loader.
1362      * </p>
1363      * <p>
1364      * The problem is the same one that can occur when loading a concrete Log subclass via a context class loader.
1365      * </p>
1366      * <p>
1367      * The problem occurs when code running in the context class loader calls class X which was loaded via a parent class loader, and class X then calls
1368      * LogFactory.getFactory (either directly or via LogFactory.getLog). Because class X was loaded via the parent, it binds to LogFactory loaded via the
1369      * parent. When the code in this method finds some LogFactoryYYYY class in the child (context) class loader, and there also happens to be a LogFactory class
1370      * defined in the child class loader, then LogFactoryYYYY will be bound to LogFactory@childloader. It cannot be cast to LogFactory@parentloader, that is,
1371      * this method cannot return the object as the desired type. Note that it doesn't matter if the LogFactory class in the child class loader is identical to
1372      * the LogFactory class in the parent class loader, they are not compatible.
1373      * </p>
1374      * <p>
1375      * The solution taken here is to simply print out an error message when this occurs then throw an exception. The deployer of the application must ensure
1376      * they remove all occurrences of the LogFactory class from the child class loader in order to resolve the issue. Note that they do not have to move the
1377      * custom LogFactory subclass; that is ok as long as the only LogFactory class it can find to bind to is in the parent class loader.
1378      * </p>
1379      *
1380      * @param factoryClass       Fully qualified name of the {@code LogFactory} implementation class
1381      * @param classLoader        ClassLoader from which to load this class
1382      * @param contextClassLoader is the context that this new factory will manage logging for.
1383      * @return a new instance of the specified {@code LogFactory}.
1384      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable instance cannot be created
1385      * @since 1.1
1386      */
1387     protected static LogFactory newFactory(final String factoryClass,
1388                                            final ClassLoader classLoader,
1389                                            final ClassLoader contextClassLoader)
1390             throws LogConfigurationException {
1391         // Note that any unchecked exceptions thrown by the createFactory
1392         // method will propagate out of this method; in particular a
1393         // ClassCastException can be thrown.
1394         final Object result = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<?>) () -> createFactory(factoryClass, classLoader));
1395         if (result instanceof LogConfigurationException) {
1396             final LogConfigurationException ex = (LogConfigurationException) result;
1397             logDiagnostic(() -> "An error occurred while loading the factory class:" + ex.getMessage());
1398             throw ex;
1399         }
1400         logDiagnostic(() -> "Created object " + objectId(result) + " to manage class loader " + objectId(contextClassLoader));
1401         return (LogFactory) result;
1402     }
1404     /**
1405      * Tries to load one of the standard three implementations from the given classloader.
1406      * <p>
1407      *     We assume that {@code classLoader} can load this class.
1408      * </p>
1409      * @param classLoader The classloader to use.
1410      * @return An implementation of this class.
1411      */
1412     private static LogFactory newStandardFactory(final ClassLoader classLoader) {
1413         if (isClassAvailable(LOG4J_TO_SLF4J_BRIDGE, classLoader)) {
1414             try {
1415                 return (LogFactory) Class.forName(FACTORY_SLF4J, true, classLoader).getConstructor().newInstance();
1416             } catch (final LinkageError | ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {
1417             } finally {
1418                 logDiagnostic(() ->
1419                         "[LOOKUP] Log4j API to SLF4J redirection detected. Loading the SLF4J LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_SLF4J + "'.");
1420             }
1421         }
1422         try {
1423             return (LogFactory) Class.forName(FACTORY_LOG4J_API, true, classLoader).getConstructor().newInstance();
1424         } catch (final LinkageError | ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {
1425         } finally {
1426             logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] Loading the Log4j API LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_LOG4J_API + "'.");
1427         }
1428         try {
1429             return (LogFactory) Class.forName(FACTORY_SLF4J, true, classLoader).getConstructor().newInstance();
1430         } catch (final LinkageError | ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {
1431         } finally {
1432             logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] Loading the SLF4J LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_SLF4J + "'.");
1433         }
1434         try {
1435             return (LogFactory) Class.forName(FACTORY_DEFAULT, true, classLoader).getConstructor().newInstance();
1436         } catch (final LinkageError | ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {
1437         } finally {
1438             logDiagnostic(() -> "[LOOKUP] Loading the legacy LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_DEFAULT + "'.");
1439         }
1440         return null;
1441     }
1443     /**
1444      * Returns a string that uniquely identifies the specified object, including
1445      * its class.
1446      * <p>
1447      * The returned string is of form {@code "className@hashCode"}, that is, is the same as
1448      * the return value of the {@link Object#toString()} method, but works even when
1449      * the specified object's class has overridden the toString method.
1450      * </p>
1451      *
1452      * @param obj may be null.
1453      * @return a string of form {@code className@hashCode}, or "null" if obj is null.
1454      * @since 1.1
1455      */
1456     public static String objectId(final Object obj) {
1457         if (obj == null) {
1458             return "null";
1459         }
1460         return obj.getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(obj);
1461     }
1463     /**
1464      * Releases any internal references to previously created {@link LogFactory}
1465      * instances that have been associated with the specified class loader
1466      * (if any), after calling the instance method {@code release()} on
1467      * each of them.
1468      *
1469      * @param classLoader ClassLoader for which to release the LogFactory
1470      */
1471     public static void release(final ClassLoader classLoader) {
1472         logDiagnostic(() -> "Releasing factory for class loader " + objectId(classLoader));
1473         // factories is not final and could be replaced in this block.
1474         final Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory> factories = LogFactory.factories;
1475         synchronized (factories) {
1476             if (classLoader == null) {
1477                 if (nullClassLoaderFactory != null) {
1478                     nullClassLoaderFactory.release();
1479                     nullClassLoaderFactory = null;
1480                 }
1481             } else {
1482                 final LogFactory factory = factories.get(classLoader);
1483                 if (factory != null) {
1484                     factory.release();
1485                     factories.remove(classLoader);
1486                 }
1487             }
1488         }
1489     }
1491     /**
1492      * Release any internal references to previously created {@link LogFactory}
1493      * instances, after calling the instance method {@code release()} on
1494      * each of them.  This is useful in environments like servlet containers,
1495      * which implement application reloading by throwing away a ClassLoader.
1496      * Dangling references to objects in that class loader would prevent
1497      * garbage collection.
1498      */
1499     public static void releaseAll() {
1500         logDiagnostic("Releasing factory for all class loaders.");
1501         // factories is not final and could be replaced in this block.
1502         final Hashtable<ClassLoader, LogFactory> factories = LogFactory.factories;
1503         synchronized (factories) {
1504             factories.values().forEach(LogFactory::release);
1505             factories.clear();
1506             if (nullClassLoaderFactory != null) {
1507                 nullClassLoaderFactory.release();
1508                 nullClassLoaderFactory = null;
1509             }
1510         }
1511     }
1513     /** Trims the given string in a null-safe manner. */
1514     private static String trim(final String src) {
1515         return src != null ? src.trim() : null;
1516     }
1518     /**
1519      * Constructs a new instance.
1520      */
1521     protected LogFactory() {
1522     }
1524     /**
1525      * Gets the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any),
1526      * or {@code null} if there is no such attribute.
1527      *
1528      * @param name Name of the attribute to return
1529      * @return the configuration attribute with the specified name.
1530      */
1531     public abstract Object getAttribute(String name);
1533     /**
1534      * Gets an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes. If there are no such attributes, a zero length array is returned.
1535      *
1536      * @return an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes
1537      */
1538     public abstract String[] getAttributeNames();
1540     /**
1541      * Gets a Log for the given class.
1542      *
1543      * @param clazz Class for which a suitable Log name will be derived
1544      * @return a name from the specified class.
1545      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable {@code Log} instance cannot be returned
1546      */
1547     public abstract Log getInstance(Class<?> clazz) throws LogConfigurationException;
1549     /**
1550      * Gets a (possibly new) {@code Log} instance, using the factory's current set of configuration attributes.
1551      * <p>
1552      * <strong>NOTE</strong> - Depending upon the implementation of the {@code LogFactory} you are using, the {@code Log} instance you are returned may or may
1553      * not be local to the current application, and may or may not be returned again on a subsequent call with the same name argument.
1554      * </p>
1555      *
1556      * @param name Logical name of the {@code Log} instance to be returned (the meaning of this name is only known to the underlying logging implementation that
1557      *             is being wrapped)
1558      * @return a {@code Log} instance.
1559      * @throws LogConfigurationException if a suitable {@code Log} instance cannot be returned
1560      */
1561     public abstract Log getInstance(String name)
1562         throws LogConfigurationException;
1564     /**
1565      * Releases any internal references to previously created {@link Log}
1566      * instances returned by this factory.  This is useful in environments
1567      * like servlet containers, which implement application reloading by
1568      * throwing away a ClassLoader.  Dangling references to objects in that
1569      * class loader would prevent garbage collection.
1570      */
1571     public abstract void release();
1573     /**
1574      * Removes any configuration attribute associated with the specified name.
1575      * If there is no such attribute, no action is taken.
1576      *
1577      * @param name Name of the attribute to remove
1578      */
1579     public abstract void removeAttribute(String name);
1581     //
1582     // We can't do this in the class constructor, as there are many
1583     // static methods on this class that can be called before any
1584     // LogFactory instances are created, and they depend upon this
1585     // stuff having been set up.
1586     //
1587     // Note that this block must come after any variable declarations used
1588     // by any methods called from this block, as we want any static initializer
1589     // associated with the variable to run first. If static initializers for
1590     // variables run after this code, then (a) their value might be needed
1591     // by methods called from here, and (b) they might *override* any value
1592     // computed here!
1593     //
1594     // So the wisest thing to do is just to place this code at the very end
1595     // of the class file.
1597     /**
1598      * Sets the configuration attribute with the specified name.  Calling
1599      * this with a {@code null} value is equivalent to calling
1600      * {@code removeAttribute(name)}.
1601      *
1602      * @param name Name of the attribute to set
1603      * @param value Value of the attribute to set, or {@code null}
1604      *  to remove any setting for this attribute
1605      */
1606     public abstract void setAttribute(String name, Object value);
1608 }