NNTP - network news transfer protocol
Retrieves an article from the currently selected newsgroup.
Retrieves an article from the NNTP server.
Retrieves an article body from the currently selected newsgroup.
Retrieves an article body from the NNTP server.
Retrieves an article header from the currently selected newsgroup.
Retrieves an article header from the NNTP server.
Select an article in the currently selected newsgroup by its number.
Select an article by its unique identifier (including enclosing < and >) and return its article number and id through the pointer parameter.
Same as selectArticle((String) null, articleId)
Select the article following the currently selected article in the currently selected newsgroup and return its number and unique id through the pointer
Select the article preceding the currently selected article in the currently selected newsgroup and return its number and unique id through the pointer