Apache Commons logo Apache Commons Numbers

JIRA Report

Fix Version Key Component Summary Type Resolution Status
1.2 NUMBERS-204 core Sum class may incorrectly sum products if their round-off is sub-normal Bug Fixed Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-201 field FP64 equals is not consistent with hashCode Bug Fixed Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-200 core Wrong output when adding two Sum instances containing special values Bug Fixed Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-192 core Add subtract method to Sum Improvement Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-206 arrays Selection API New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-205 core Add isZero() to interface Addition and isOne() to Multiplications New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-203 field Add a field for the DD number New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-194 primes JavaDoc change - coprimes check in ArithmeticUtils::gcd New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-193 core Add support for extended precision floating-point numbers New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-191 combinatorics Stirling number of the first kind New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.2 NUMBERS-29 combinatorics Move combinatorics utilities from "Commons Math" Task Implemented Resolved
1.1 NUMBERS-185 core Precision.compareTo with ulps cannot be used for sorting Bug Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-182 gamma LogBeta overflows for tiny arguments Bug Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-173 fraction ContinuedFraction will infinite loop with zero epsilon Bug Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-170 gamma RegularizedBeta function to detect edge cases Bug Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-168 rootfinder BrentSolver cannot identify brackets with small objective values Bug Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-184 core Reduce number of operations in Precision.equals using a maxUlps Improvement Fixed Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-183 combinatorics Improve binomial coefficient classes Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-181 gamma Update the RegularizedBeta function using the Boost implementation Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-179 gamma Optimise the choice of function for the gamma P derivative Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-178 combinatorics FactorialDouble can tabulate the representable factorials Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-176 fraction ContinuedFraction to delegate to GeneralizedContinuedFraction Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-175 fraction Add continued fraction implementations using a generator of terms Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-174 gamma Update Gamma functions using the Boost implementation Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-172 gamma Update the Erf function to use the Boost rational function approximtion Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-171 gamma Update the InverseErfc function to support the full range of x in [0, 2] Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-190 bom Bill of Materials (BOM) New Feature Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-180 gamma Gamma ratio and delta ratio New Feature Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-177 gamma Scaled complementary error function New Feature Implemented Closed
1.1 NUMBERS-70 Userguide and reports Wish Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-165 core Norm of empty array Bug Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-154 core Consistent sorting using "Precision" class Bug Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-153 gamma Gamma.digamma() and Gamma.trigamma() throw stack overflow exception Bug Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-150 fraction Fraction.pow to correctly handle Integer.MIN_VALUE as the argument Bug Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-161 angle PlaneAngle Numerical Accuracy Improvement Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-156 core SafeNorm 3D overload Improvement Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-151 core Performance refinement for ArithmeticUtils.pow Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-149 fraction port tests in commons-lang for Fraction. Improvement Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-141 complex Complex javadoc to use MathJax Improvement Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-109 combinatorics, complex, core, fraction, gamma, primes, quaternion Cleanup pom files Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-108 combinatorics, core, gamma Cleaning up Checkstyle reported issues Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-105 Build Configuration for Travis executes build twice Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-163 core Summation and LinearCombination Accumulators New Feature Implemented Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-102 Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.1 Task Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-101 Cleanup build configuration for maven-surefire-plugin Task Fixed Closed
1.0 NUMBERS-77 core Move utilities from "Commons Geometry" Task Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-147 fraction Fraction/BigFraction from(double, int) should support Integer.MIN_VALUE as max denominator Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-137 complex Suspicious special case in "log" Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-136 complex "log10" inconsistent with "log" Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-129 fraction Waste of functionality in Fraction.addSub(Fraction, boolean) Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-127 fraction Fraction(int, int) rejects possibly reducible numerator or denominator 2^-31 Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-122 fraction Helper assertion methods in BigFractionTest not strict enough Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-121 fraction Deprecated HTML tag in BigFraction Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-120 fraction Major loss of precision in BigFraction.doubleValue() and BigFraction.floatValue() Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-119 fraction BigFraction(double) constructor does not treat subnormal numbers correctly Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-114 arrays Class LinearCombinationTest in arrays module does not compile Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-113 Broken/deprecated/old JUnit dependencies in pom.xml Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-103 Travis build fails every time based on usage of oraclejdk8 Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-99 fraction Fraction.add(int) and Fraction.subtract(int) ignore risk of integer overflow Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-94 angle PlaneAngle normalize fails for very small numbers. Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-93 angle PlaneAngle normalize() Upper Bound is Exclusive Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-59 complex Complex: Remove unnecessary null checks Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-56 complex Wrong dimension check? Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-55 complex Method "hashCode" Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-53 complex Factory methods are not "static" Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-50 complex Clean checkstyle for Complex Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-49 complex Some double variables in Complex() are not final and should be Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-48 complex Unreachable statements in Complex.abs() Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-46 fraction ContinuedFraction: "maxIterations" argument Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-44 complex-streams IndexOutOfRangeException(int) not thrown in ComplexUtils Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-36 mathjax CDN shutting down - will soon break javadoc Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-23 mvn site won't compile due to javascript error Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-15 fraction Copy of MATH-1402 Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-4 complex Complex.ZERO.pow(2.0) is NaN Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-1 complex Testing fails due to poor null handling in newly created local equals() and equals-type methods Bug Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-142 arrays Improve LinearCombination accuracy during summation of the round-off errors Improvement Implemented Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-132 core ArithmeticUtils.gcd(int, int) can be simplified by performing the gcd algorithm on negative numbers Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-125 fraction BigFraction.reduce() and Fraction.getReducedFraction(int, int) are unnecessary Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-118 fraction Reduce code duplication between BigFractionTest and FractionTest Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-117 complex, complex-streams, core Redundant methods in several TestUtils classes Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-116 core Remove redundant methods in ArithmeticUtils Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-104 primes Speed up trial division Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-100 fraction Code in file FractionTest.java is unsatisfactory Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-87 angle, complex, field, gamma Avoid unnecessary allocations in production code Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-84 quaternion Quaternion Normalization Should Check for NaN and Infinite Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-79 fraction Convert fraction addition from BigInteger-based to long-based Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-71 complex Conform complex multiplication and division to C++11 standards Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-45 complex Removal of isNaN() and isInfinite() methods from Complex class Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-27 complex In Complex, replace hand-coded hypot with Java.lang.Math.hypot Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-24 Create logo for Apache Commons Numbers Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-22 complex Method reciprocal() in Complex for complex numbers with parts very close to 0.0 Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-16 complex Set tolerances in ComplexTest to zero? Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-14 complex call to hashCode() in Complex Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-13 complex Testing to ensures Complex behavior conforms to ISO C Standards Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-11 complex, core Resolve two competing Precision methods Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-3 complex Make "RootsOfUnity" immutable Improvement Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-67 fraction Add "pow" to "Fraction" New Feature Implemented Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-37 angle Angle class New Feature Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-145 Github title is incorrect Task Fixed Closed
1.0-beta1 NUMBERS-144 examples Rat check fails on examples module files Task Fixed Closed