Interface SplittableUniformRandomProvider

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    L128X1024Mix, L128X128Mix, L128X256Mix, L32X64Mix, L64X1024Mix, L64X128Mix, L64X128StarStar, L64X256Mix

    public interface SplittableUniformRandomProvider
    extends UniformRandomProvider
    Applies to generators that can be split into two objects (the original and a new instance) each of which implements the same interface (and can be recursively split indefinitely). It is assumed that the two generators resulting from a split can be used concurrently on different threads.

    Ideally all generators produced by recursive splitting from the original object are statistically independent and individually uniform. In this case it would be expected that the set of values collectively generated from a group of split generators would have the same statistical properties as the same number of values produced from a single generator object.

    • Method Detail

      • split

        default SplittableUniformRandomProvider split()
        Creates a new random generator, split off from this one, that implements the SplittableUniformRandomProvider interface.

        The current generator may be used a source of randomness to initialise the new instance. In this case repeat invocations of this method will return objects with a different initial state that are expected to be statistically independent.

        A new instance.
      • splits

        default Stream<SplittableUniformRandomProvidersplits​(long streamSize)
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new random generators, each of which implements the SplittableUniformRandomProvider interface.

        The current generator may be used a source of randomness to initialise the new instances.

        streamSize - Number of objects to generate.
        a stream of random generators; the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
        IllegalArgumentException - if streamSize is negative.
      • ints

        default IntStream ints​(int origin,
                               int bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns an effectively unlimited stream of int values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        ints in interface UniformRandomProvider
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
      • ints

        default IntStream ints​(long streamSize)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of int values.
        Specified by:
        ints in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        a stream of random int values; the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
      • ints

        default IntStream ints​(long streamSize,
                               int origin,
                               int bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of int values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        ints in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive); the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
      • longs

        default LongStream longs​(long origin,
                                 long bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns an effectively unlimited stream of long values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        longs in interface UniformRandomProvider
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
      • longs

        default LongStream longs​(long streamSize)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of long values.
        Specified by:
        longs in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        a stream of random long values; the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
      • longs

        default LongStream longs​(long streamSize,
                                 long origin,
                                 long bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of long values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        longs in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive); the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
      • doubles

        default DoubleStream doubles​(double origin,
                                     double bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns an effectively unlimited stream of double values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        doubles in interface UniformRandomProvider
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
      • doubles

        default DoubleStream doubles​(long streamSize)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of double values between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        doubles in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        a stream of random values between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive); the stream is limited to the given streamSize.
      • doubles

        default DoubleStream doubles​(long streamSize,
                                     double origin,
                                     double bound)
        Description copied from interface: UniformRandomProvider
        Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of double values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive).
        Specified by:
        doubles in interface UniformRandomProvider
        streamSize - Number of values to generate.
        origin - Lower bound on the random number to be returned.
        bound - Upper bound (exclusive) on the random number to be returned.
        a stream of random values between the specified origin (inclusive) and the specified bound (exclusive); the stream is limited to the given streamSize.