Apache Commons logo Commons Validator

Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
594 0 0 1 99.8% 5.039 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.commons.validator.util 14 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
org.apache.commons.validator.routines 312 0 0 1 99.7% 2.176 s
org.apache.commons.validator 133 0 0 0 100% 2.327 s
org.apache.commons.validator.routines.checkdigit 135 0 0 0 100% 0.516 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ValidatorUtilsTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.001 s
FlagsTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
FloatValidatorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
UrlValidatorTest 33 0 0 0 100% 1.233 s
ISINValidatorTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
DomainValidatorStartupTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.242 s
ISSNValidatorTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
DomainValidatorTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
TimeValidatorTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
DateValidatorTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.081 s
DoubleValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
BigDecimalValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.079 s
IntegerValidatorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
PercentValidatorTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
LongValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
BigIntegerValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.028 s
ShortValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.028 s
ISBNValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.041 s
IBANValidatorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.066 s
ByteValidatorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.013 s
InetAddressValidatorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.013 s
CalendarValidatorTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
EmailValidatorTest 25 0 0 1 96.0% 0.042 s
CreditCardValidatorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.104 s
CodeValidatorTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
CurrencyValidatorTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
RegexValidatorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
EmailTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.132 s
UrlTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.306 s
RequiredIfTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.040 s
ParameterTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
ByteTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.121 s
RetrieveFormTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.162 s
ISBNValidatorTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
ExtensionTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.072 s
ExceptionTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
FloatTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.062 s
EntityImportTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
CustomValidatorResourcesTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
DoubleTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.057 s
DateTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.029 s
ValidatorTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
MultipleTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.090 s
MultipleConfigFilesTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.062 s
ValidatorResultsTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
GenericValidatorTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.001 s
FieldTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
RequiredNameTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.083 s
ShortTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.077 s
ValidatorResourcesTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
VarTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
IntegerTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.574 s
LongTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.120 s
CreditCardValidatorTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
LocaleTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.082 s
GenericTypeValidatorTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.093 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ModulusTenLuhnCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.016 s
LuhnCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
ModulusTenEAN13CheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.027 s
ModulusTenSedolCheckDigitTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.015 s
CASNumberCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.047 s
CUSIPCheckDigitTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
VerhoeffCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.023 s
ECNumberCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
ISBNCheckDigitTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.041 s
ModulusTenCUSIPCheckDigitTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
IBANCheckDigitTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.060 s
SedolCheckDigitTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.028 s
EAN13CheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.018 s
ABANumberCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s
ISBN10CheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
ISSNCheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
ModulusTenABACheckDigitTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
ISINCheckDigitTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testValidateLocale 0.003 s
testValidateMinMax 0.001 s
testRangeMinMax 0.001 s
testSerialization 0.002 s
testValidNotStrict 0.001 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.001 s
testFormatType 0 s
testInvalidStrict 0 s
testFormat 0.001 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testFloatRangeMinMax 0 s
testFloatSmallestValues 0 s
testFloatValidatorMethods 0.001 s


testEmailLocalhost 0.008 s
testEmailWithControlChars 0.007 s
testEmail 0.006 s
testEmailExtension 0.007 s
testEmailWithDash 0.006 s
testEmailWithCommas 0.010 s
testEmailWithDotEnd 0.006 s
testEmailWithSpaces 0.006 s
testEmailWithBogusCharacter 0.053 s
testEmailAtTLD 0.008 s
testEmailWithNumericAddress 0.007 s


testValidateUrl 0.001 s
testValidator339IDN 0.002 s
testIsValidScheme 0 s
testValidator391OK 0 s
testValidator391FAILS 0 s
testValidator473Part1 0.001 s
testValidator473Part2 0 s
testValidator473Part3 0.001 s
testFragments 0 s
testIsValid 1.170 s
testValidator202 0.002 s
testValidator204 0.001 s
testValidator218 0 s
testValidator235 0.002 s
testValidator248 0.002 s
testValidator276 0.001 s
testValidator283 0 s
testValidator288 0.002 s
testValidator290 0.004 s
testValidator309 0.003 s
testValidator339 0.002 s
testValidator342 0.001 s
testValidator353 0.001 s
testValidator361 0.001 s
testValidator363 0.001 s
testValidator375 0.001 s
testValidator380 0.001 s
testValidator382 0.001 s
testValidator411 0 s
testValidator420 0 s
testValidator452 0.001 s
testValidator464 0.001 s
testValidator467 0.001 s


testValidateUrl 0.002 s
testIsValidScheme 0.003 s
testIsValid 0.290 s
testValidator202 0.001 s
testValidator204 0 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.007 s
testZeroSum 0 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0 s


testRequiredLastName 0.006 s
testRequiredLastNameBlank 0.014 s
testRequired 0.006 s
testRequiredFirstNameBlank 0.005 s
testRequiredFirstName 0.005 s


testInvalidTrue 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testInvalidFalse 0.001 s


testUpdateBaseArrayCC 0.034 s
testUpdateCountryCode2 0.008 s
testUpdateBaseArrayGeneric 0.014 s
testCannotUpdate 0.014 s
testUpdateCountryCode1a 0.026 s
testUpdateCountryCode1b 0.007 s
testUpdateCountryCode3a 0.007 s
testUpdateCountryCode3b 0.011 s
testUpdateCountryCode3c 0.010 s
testValidator412a 0.006 s
testValidator412b 0.006 s
testValidator412c 0.006 s
testValidator412d 0.007 s
testUpdateGeneric1 0.006 s
testUpdateGeneric2 0.008 s
testUpdateGeneric3 0.008 s
testUpdateGeneric4 0.006 s
testUpdateGeneric5 0.005 s
testInstanceOverride 0.005 s
testUpdateBaseArrayInfra 0.007 s
testUpdateBaseArrayLocal 0.008 s


testNull 0.001 s
testIsValidISSN 0 s
testIsValidExtract 0 s
testValidCheckDigitEan13 0.001 s
testConversionErrors 0.001 s
testIsValidISSNConvertSuffix 0.002 s
testInvalid 0 s
testIsValidISSNConvertNull 0 s
testIsValidISSNConvert 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.007 s
testIsValidFalse 0.012 s
testZeroSum 0.002 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0 s


testAllowLocal 0.001 s
testRFC2396domainlabel 0 s
testGetArray 0.001 s
testIDN 0 s
tesLocalTldsSortedAndLowerCase 0.001 s
testTopLevelDomains 0 s
testRFC2396toplabel 0.001 s
testIsIDNtoASCIIBroken 0 s
testDomainNoDots 0.001 s
testIDNJava6OrLater 0 s
testEnumIsPublic 0 s
testInfrastructureTldsSortedAndLowerCase 0 s
testInvalidDomains 0.001 s
testUnicodeToASCII 0 s
testCountryCodeTldsSortedAndLowerCase 0 s
testGenericTldsSortedAndLowerCase 0 s
testValidDomains 0.001 s
testValidator297 0 s
testValidator306 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.019 s
testIsValidFalse 0.001 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0 s


testTimeZone 0.003 s
testPatternInvalid 0.003 s
testLocaleInvalid 0.004 s
testCompare 0.001 s
testPatternValid 0.001 s
testLocaleValid 0.002 s
testFormat 0.001 s


testAllValid 0.006 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.003 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0 s
testValidator346 0 s


testSerialization 0.019 s
testIsValidFalse 0.004 s
testZeroSum 0 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0.003 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.013 s
testCalculateValid 0.002 s


testSerialization 0.011 s
testPatternInvalid 0.003 s
testLocaleInvalid 0.009 s
testPatternValid 0.015 s
testLocaleValid 0.005 s
testFormat 0.001 s
testCompare 0.001 s
testDateValidatorMethods 0.009 s
testLocaleProviders 0.013 s


testNumberFailure 0.010 s
testNumber 0.007 s
testByteFailure 0.005 s
testByte 0.014 s
testByteMax 0.013 s
testByteMin 0.006 s
testByteBeyondMax 0.006 s
testByteBeyondMin 0.053 s


testSerialization 0.011 s
testIsValidFalse 0.012 s
testZeroSum 0 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s
testValidator336ValidCheckDigits 0.001 s
testValidator336InvalidCheckDigits 0.001 s


testDefaultForm 0.048 s
testLanguageForm 0.021 s
testLanguageCountryForm 0.009 s
testFormNotFound 0.058 s
testLanguageCountryVariantForm 0.017 s


testIsValid 0.004 s


testValidateLocale 0.001 s
testValidateMinMax 0 s
testRangeMinMax 0 s
testSerialization 0.007 s
testValidNotStrict 0.004 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.002 s
testFormatType 0.001 s
testInvalidStrict 0.002 s
testFormat 0.001 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testDoubleValidatorMethods 0.001 s
testDoubleRangeMinMax 0 s


testOrder 0.007 s
testRequiredLastName 0.006 s
testRequiredName 0.005 s
testRequiredLastNameBlank 0.006 s
testRequired 0.005 s
testRequiredFirstNameBlank 0.015 s
testRequiredFirstName 0.018 s
testOverrideRule 0.006 s


testValidatorException 0.010 s


testNumberFailure 0.006 s
testNumber 0.008 s
testFloatMax 0.011 s
testFloatMin 0.007 s
testFloat 0.005 s
testFloatFailure 0.019 s


testEntityImport 0.012 s
testParseURL 0.005 s


testValidateLocale 0.003 s
testValidateMinMax 0.009 s
testRangeMinMax 0 s
testSerialization 0.001 s
testValidNotStrict 0.003 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.006 s
testFormatType 0.003 s
testInvalidStrict 0.004 s
testFormat 0.018 s
testValidStrict 0.005 s
testBigDecimalRangeMinMax 0.004 s
testBigDecimalValidatorMethods 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.007 s
testIsValidFalse 0.012 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0 s
testCalculateInvalid 0 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s
testZeroSum 0 s


testValidateLocale 0.001 s
testValidateMinMax 0.001 s
testRangeMinMax 0 s
testSerialization 0.001 s
testValidNotStrict 0.001 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0 s
testFormatType 0.001 s
testInvalidStrict 0.001 s
testFormat 0.002 s
testValidStrict 0.002 s
testIntegerValidatorMethods 0.001 s
testMinMaxValues 0.002 s
testIntegerRangeMinMax 0.001 s


testCustomResources 0.001 s


testNumberFailure 0.009 s
testNumber 0.005 s
testDoubleMax 0.005 s
testDoubleMin 0.009 s
testDoubleFailure 0.005 s
testDouble 0.007 s


testValid 0.003 s
testFormatType 0.001 s
testInvalid 0 s


testSerialization 0.002 s
testIsValidFalse 0.001 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0 s
testCalculateValid 0.002 s


testValidateLocale 0.001 s
testValidateMinMax 0.001 s
testRangeMinMax 0 s
testSerialization 0.001 s
testValidNotStrict 0.001 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.001 s
testFormatType 0 s
testInvalidStrict 0.001 s
testFormat 0.001 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testLongRangeMinMax 0.001 s
testLongValidatorMethods 0.001 s


testInvalidDate 0.008 s
testValidDate 0.021 s


testValidateLocale 0.002 s
testValidateMinMax 0.001 s
testRangeMinMax 0.001 s
testSerialization 0.003 s
testValidNotStrict 0.006 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.003 s
testFormatType 0 s
testInvalidStrict 0.002 s
testFormat 0.002 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testBigIntegerRangeMinMax 0 s
testBigIntegerValidatorMethods 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.002 s
testIsValidFalse 0.009 s
testZeroSum 0.005 s
testIsValidTrue 0.003 s
testMissingCode 0.003 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.002 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s
testInvalidLength 0.002 s


testValidateLocale 0.001 s
testValidateMinMax 0.001 s
testRangeMinMax 0.001 s
testSerialization 0.004 s
testValidNotStrict 0.003 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0.001 s
testFormatType 0 s
testInvalidStrict 0.002 s
testFormat 0.003 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testShortValidatorMethods 0.001 s
testShortRangeMinMax 0.001 s


testManualBooleanDeprecated 0.002 s
testManualObject 0.030 s
testManualBoolean 0.001 s
testOnlyValidateField 0.002 s
testOnlyReturnErrors 0.001 s


testBothBlank 0.034 s
testFailingNextDependentValidator 0.006 s
testRequiredLastNameShort 0.009 s
testRequiredFirstNameBlankLastNameShort 0.005 s
testPassingDependentsFailingMain 0.013 s
testFailingFirstDependentValidator 0.007 s
testPassingDependentsPassingMain 0.006 s
testRequiredLastNameLong 0.006 s


testValidateISBN10 0.001 s
testValidateISBN13 0.001 s
testValidateISBN10Convert 0.001 s
testIsValidISBN10 0.002 s
testIsValidISBN13 0.003 s
testInvalidISBN10Format 0.003 s
testNull 0.003 s
testValidISBN10Format 0.002 s
testConversionErrors 0.003 s
testInvalidISBN13Format 0.002 s
testInvalid 0.001 s
testValidISBN13Format 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.001 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0.002 s
testValidator336ValidCheckDigits 0.002 s
testValidator336InvalidCheckDigits 0.001 s


testBothBlank 0.009 s
testMergedConfig 0.006 s
testRequiredLastNameShort 0.007 s
testRequiredFirstNameBlankLastNameShort 0.007 s
testRequiredLastNameLong 0.028 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.028 s
testIsValidTrue 0.003 s
testMissingCode 0.002 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.003 s
testCalculateValid 0.003 s
testOther 0.009 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s


testAllValid 0.008 s
testErrors 0.009 s


testMaxLength 0 s
testMinLength 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.011 s
testIsValidFalse 0.005 s
testZeroSum 0 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0 s
testCalculateValid 0.003 s
testValidator346 0.003 s


testDefaultPositionImplied 0.001 s
testOverrideUsingPositionA 0.001 s
testOverrideUsingPositionB 0 s
testOverrideSomePosition 0.001 s
testOverridePositionImplied 0 s
testDefaultSomePositions 0 s
testEmptyArgs 0 s
testDefaultUsingPositions 0.001 s
testDefaultOnePosition 0 s


testValid 0.022 s
testHasValidator 0 s
testNull 0 s
testSetValidatorLC 0.004 s
testGetRegexValidatortPatterns 0 s
testSetDefaultValidator1 0.003 s
testSetDefaultValidator2 0.003 s
testSetValidatorLen1 0.002 s
testSetValidatorLen7 0.003 s
testGetValidator 0.002 s
testInValid 0.001 s
testSetValidatorLen35 0.001 s
testSorted 0.002 s


testSerialization 0.002 s
testIsValidFalse 0.004 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0.003 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s


testValidateLocale 0.001 s
testValidateMinMax 0 s
testRangeMinMax 0.001 s
testSerialization 0.001 s
testValidNotStrict 0 s
testInvalidNotStrict 0 s
testFormatType 0 s
testInvalidStrict 0.001 s
testFormat 0.001 s
testValidStrict 0.001 s
testByteValidatorMethods 0 s
testByteRangeMinMax 0 s


testRequiredLastName 0.007 s
testRequiredName 0.025 s
testRequiredLastNameBlank 0.007 s
testRequired 0.017 s
testRequiredFirstNameBlank 0.007 s
testRequiredFirstName 0.007 s


testNumberFailure 0.011 s
testNumber 0.006 s
testShortMax 0.010 s
testShortMin 0.007 s
testShortBeyondMax 0.008 s
testShortBeyondMin 0.024 s


testIPv6 0.004 s
testReservedInetAddresses 0 s
testBrokenInetAddresses 0 s
testInetAddressesByClass 0 s
testInetAddressesFromTheWild 0.001 s
testValidator335 0.001 s
testValidator419 0.001 s
testValidator445 0.001 s


testNullInputStream 0.002 s


testSerialization 0.009 s
testIsValidFalse 0.021 s
testZeroSum 0.002 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0.002 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s


testVars 0.007 s


testSerialization 0.002 s
testPatternInvalid 0.002 s
testLocaleInvalid 0.004 s
testPatternValid 0.002 s
testLocaleValid 0.002 s
testCalendarValidatorMethods 0.001 s
testAdjustToTimeZone 0.001 s
testDateTimeStyle 0.001 s
testCompare 0.001 s
testFormat 0.003 s


testEmailLocalhost 0.001 s
testEmailWithControlChars 0.001 s
testEmailFromPerl 0 s
testEmail 0 s
testEmailWithSlashes 0.001 s
testEmailExtension 0.005 s
testEmailWithDash 0.001 s
testEmailWithCommas 0 s
testEmailWithDotEnd 0 s
testEmailWithSpaces 0 s
testEmailUserName 0.002 s
testValidator473Part1 0.002 s
testValidator473Part2 0.001 s
testValidator473Part3 0.001 s
testValidator473Part4 0.004 s
testEmailWithBogusCharacter 0.001 s
testEmailAtTLD 0.004 s
testEmailWithNumericAddress 0.001 s
testValidator235 0.004 s
testValidator278 0.001 s
testValidator293 0 s
testValidator315 0 s
testValidator359 0 s
testValidator365 0 s
testValidator374 0.001 s


testNumberFailure 0.401 s
testNumber 0.018 s
testInt 0.025 s
testIntFailure 0.012 s
testIntBeyondMax 0.011 s
testIntBeyondMin 0.030 s
testIntMin 0.012 s
testIntegerMax 0.014 s


testNumberFailure 0.011 s
testNumber 0.005 s
testLongBeyondMax 0.025 s
testLongBeyondMin 0.047 s
testLong 0.008 s
testLongMax 0.006 s
testLongMin 0.007 s
testLongFailure 0.005 s


testAddAllowedCardType 0.005 s
testIsValid 0.003 s


testCopyFastHashMap 0 s


testSerialization 0.003 s
testIsValidFalse 0.005 s
testZeroSum 0.002 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0 s
testCalculateValid 0 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.010 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0.001 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0 s


testSerialization 0.001 s
testIsValidFalse 0.001 s
testZeroSum 0 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s


testSerialization 0.003 s
testIsValidFalse 0.007 s
testZeroSum 0.001 s
testIsValidTrue 0 s
testMissingCode 0.001 s
testCalculateInvalid 0.001 s
testCalculateValid 0.001 s
testValidator345 0.001 s


testVisaOption 0 s
testAmexValidator 0.001 s
testVPayOption 0 s
testRangeGenerator 0.002 s
testMastercardOption 0 s
testArrayConstructor 0.001 s
testAmexOption 0 s
testGeneric 0 s
testDiscoverValidator 0.001 s
testDiscoverOption 0 s
testVisaValidator 0.001 s
testDisjointRange 0.001 s
testMastercardValidator 0.069 s
testAddAllowedCardType 0 s
testMastercardUsingSeparators 0.001 s
testDinersOption 0.001 s
testRangeGeneratorNoLuhn 0.001 s
testValidLength 0.001 s
testIsValid 0.001 s
testDinersValidator 0.001 s


testValidator294Part1 0 s
testValidator294Part2 0.004 s
testCheckDigit 0 s
testRegex 0 s
testConstructors 0.001 s
testLength 0.001 s
testNoInput 0.001 s


testValid 0.010 s
testPattern 0.001 s
testFormatType 0.001 s
testIntegerInvalid 0 s
testIntegerValid 0 s
testInvalid 0.001 s


testGetFlags 0.001 s
testTurnOff 0.006 s
testClear 0.001 s
testClone 0 s
testToString 0 s
testTurnOffAll 0.001 s
testIsOnIsFalseWhenNotAllFlagsInArgumentAreOn 0.001 s
testEqualsObject 0 s
testTurnOnAll 0 s
testTurnOnOff 0.001 s
testHashCode 0 s
testIsOnOff 0.001 s
testIsOnIsTrueWhenHighOrderBitIsSetAndQueried 0 s


testLocale1 0.009 s
testLocale2 0.008 s
testLocale3 0.038 s
testLocale4 0.010 s
testLocale5 0.010 s


testExceptions 0.001 s
testGetPatterns 0.001 s
testToString 0.001 s
testMissingRegex 0 s
testMultipleInsensitive 0.001 s
testMultipleSensitive 0 s
testNullValue 0 s
testSingle 0 s


testType 0.065 s
testFRLocale 0.015 s
testUSLocale 0.007 s

Failure Details

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

- skipped: VALIDATOR-267