All Classes and Interfaces

Encapsulates code common to LZ77 decompressors.
A common base class for Unicode extra information extra fields.
AnnotationDefault class file attribute
Abstract superclass for Annotations attributes
Class to represent the annotation structure for class file attributes
Represents an archive entry in the "ar" format.
Implements the "ar" archive format as an input stream.
Implements the "ar" archive format as an output stream.
Archive is the main entry point to pack200 and represents a packed archive.
Archive is the main entry point to unpack200.
An entry of an archive.
Archiver related Exception.
Archive input streams MUST override the[], int, int) - or - method so that reading from the stream generates EOF for the end of data in each entry as well as at the end of the file proper.
Archive output stream implementations are expected to override the FilterOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int) method to improve performance.
Provides a high level API for creating archives.
Factory to create Archive[In|Out]putStreams from names or the first bytes of the InputStream.
Generic Archive utilities
An entry in an ARJ archive.
The known values for HostOs.
Implements the "arj" archive format as an InputStream.
Adds UNIX file permission and UID/GID fields as well as symbolic link handling.
Attribute definition bands are the set of bands used to define extra attributes transmitted in the archive.
Abstract superclass for class file attributes
Attribute Definition bands define how any unknown attributes should be read by the decompressor.
AttributeLayout defines a layout that describes how an attribute will be transmitted.
Stores a mapping from attribute names to their corresponding layout types.
Abstract superclass for a set of bands
Abstract superclass for a set of bands.
Bytecode bands (corresponds to the bc_bands set of bands in the pack200 specification)
Bytecode bands
Abstract superclass for attributes that have some part encoded with a BCI renumbering
A BHSD codec is a means of encoding integer values as a sequence of bytes or vice versa using a specified "BHSD" encoding mechanism.
Reads bits from an InputStream.
CompressorInputStream for the LZ4 block format.
CompressorOutputStream for the LZ4 block format.
NIO backed bounded input stream for reading a predefined amount of data from.
InputStream that delegates requests to the underlying SeekableByteChannel, making sure that only bytes from a certain range can be read.
CompressorInputStream implementation to decode Brotli encoded stream.
Utility code for the Brotli compression format.
A bytecode class file entry.
This class implements the form for bytecodes which have single byte operands.
Utility methods for reading and writing bytes.
Used to consume bytes.
Used to supply bytes.
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format to be read as any other stream.
An output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format into another stream.
Utility code for the BZip2 compression format.
Sets of codecs that share characteristics.
ChangeSet collects and performs changes to an archive.
Performs ChangeSet operations on a stream.
Stores the results of a performed ChangeSet operation.
An interface added to allow access to the character set associated with an NioZipEncoding, without requiring a new method to be added to ZipEncoding.
Class bands (corresponds to the class_bands set of bands in the pack200 specification)
Class Bands
The Class constant pool
ClassFile is used to represent and write out Java class files.
The abstract superclass for all types of class file entries.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have class references (and only class references).
Abstract superclass of all classes that have class-specific references to constant pool information.
Usage: archive-name [list]
Callback that is informed about a closable resource that has been wrapped around a passed in stream or channel by Expander or Archiver when Expander or Archiver no longer need them.
A Codec allows a sequence of bytes to be decoded into integer values (or vice versa).
CodecEncoding is used to get the right Codec for a given meta-encoding.
Compressor related exception
Abstracts all classes that compress an output stream.
Factory to create Compressor[In|Out]putStreams from names.
Abstract superclass for constant pool entries.
Abstract superclass for constant pool entries
An Attribute representing a constant.
Pack200 Constant Pool Bands
Constant Pool bands
Constant pool entry for a class.
Constant pool entry for a class
Abstract superclass for constant pool constant entries such as numbers or Strings.
Abstract superclass for constant pool constant entries such as numbers or Strings
Abstract superclass for constant pool entries that are numbers.
Constant pool entry for a double.
Double constant pool entry.
Field constant pool entry.
Field reference constant pool entry.
Constant pool entry for a float.
Float constant pool entry.
Constant pool entry for an int.
Integer constant pool entry.
Interface method reference constant pool entry.
A cpio archive consists of a sequence of files.
CpioArchiveInputStream is a stream for reading cpio streams.
CpioArchiveOutputStream is a stream for writing CPIO streams.
All constants needed by CPIO.
Constant pool entry for a long.
Long constant pool entry.
Superclass for member constant pool entries, such as fields or methods.
Method constant pool entry.
Constant pool entry for a method or field.
Method reference constant pool entry.
Constant pool entry for a name and type pair.
Name and Type pair constant pool entry.
Abstract superclass for reference constant pool entries, such as a method or field reference.
Constant pool entry for a signature.
Constant pool entry for a String.
String constant pool entry.
Constant pool entry for a UTF8 entry, used for storing long Strings.
UTF8 constant pool entry, used for storing long Strings.
Implements ScatterGatherBackingStoreSupplier using a temporary folder.
Deflate64 decompressor.
Deflate decompressor.
Deflate compressor.
Parameters for the Deflate compressor.
Deprecated class file attribute.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have double references (and only double references).
Various constants associated with dump archives.
The type of compression.
The type of tape segment.
This class represents an entry in a Dump archive.
Dump Archive Exception
The DumpArchiveInputStream reads a UNIX dump archive as an InputStream.
This class represents identifying information about a Dump archive volume.
Enclosing method class file attribute.
Provides information about ArchiveEntry stream offsets.
Exceptions class file attribute
An entry in an exception table.
Provides a high level API for expanding archives.
Controls details of parsing ZIP extra fields.
ZipExtraField related methods.
"enum" for the possible actions to take if the extra field cannot be parsed.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have field references (and only field references).
Bands containing information about files in the pack200 archive and the file contents for non-class-files.
Parses the file band headers (not including the actual bits themselves).
ScatterGatherBackingStore that is backed by a path.
File name mapping code for the compression formats.
Generic file name utilities.
This class supports writing to an OutputStream or WritableByteChannel in fixed length blocks.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have float references (and only float references).
Re-implements FilterOutputStream.flush() to do nothing.
CompressorInputStream for the LZ4 frame format.
CompressorOutputStream for the LZ4 frame format.
The block sizes supported by the format.
Parameters of the LZ4 frame format.
CompressorInputStream for the framing Snappy format.
CompressorOutputStream for the framing Snappy format.
Dialects of the framing format that FramedSnappyCompressorInputStream can deal with.
Parser/encoder for the "general purpose bit" field in ZIP's local file and central directory headers.
Input stream that decompresses .gz files.
Compressed output stream using the gzip format.
Parameters for the GZIP compressor.
Utility code for the gzip compression format.
Inner class bands (corresponds to the ic_bands set of bands in the pack200 specification)
Inner Class Bands
An IcTuple is the set of information that describes an inner class.
This class implements the byte code form for the iinc instruction.
Interface for a class that can perform matching on flag values.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have IMethod references (and only IMethod references).
Abstract superclass of those classes which look up init methods (these are class specific methods).
Inner classes class file attribute
This interface provides statistics on the current decompression stream.
Supplies input streams.
IntList is based on ArrayList, but is written specifically for ints in order to reduce boxing and unboxing to Integers, reduce the memory required and improve performance of pack200.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have int references (and only int references).
Invalid Format Exception.
Utility functions.
Iterator utilities.
JAR archive entry.
Implements an input stream that can read entries from jar files.
Subclass that adds a special extra field to the very first entry which allows the created archive to be used as an executable jar on Solaris.
If this extra field is added as the very first extra field of the archive, Solaris will consider it an executable jar file.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have label references (and only label references).
Line number table
Simple command line application that lists the contents of an archive.
List utilities
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have float references (and only float references).
Local variable table
Local variable type table.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have long references (and only long references).
Helper class for compression algorithms that use the ideas of LZ77.
Represents a back-reference.
Base class representing blocks the compressor may emit.
Enumeration of the block types the compressor may emit.
Callback invoked while the compressor processes data.
A simple "we are done" marker.
Represents a literal block of data.
LZMA decompressor.
LZMA compressor.
Utility code for the LZMA compression format.
Generic LZW implementation.
If a stream checks for estimated memory allocation, and the estimate goes above the memory limit, this is thrown.
This class retrieves strings from a resource bundle and returns them, formatting them with MessageFormat when required.
A group of metadata (annotation) bands, such as class_RVA_bands, method_AD_bands etc.
A group of metadata bands, such as class_RVA_bands, method_AD_bands etc.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have regular method references (and only regular method references).
This class implements the byte code form for the multianewarray instruction.
Implements a read-only SeekableByteChannel that concatenates a collection of other SeekableByteChannels.
This class is used for representations of cldc and cldc_w.
NewAttribute extends Attribute and manages unknown attributes encountered by ASM that have had a layout definition given to pack200 (e.g. via one of the -C, -M, -F or -D command line options)
A compressor-defined class file attribute.
ErrorAttribute extends NewAttribute and manages attributes encountered by ASM that have had an error action specified to pack200 (e.g. via one of the -C, -M, -F or -D command line options such as -Cattribute-name=error)
PassAttribute extends NewAttribute and manages attributes encountered by ASM that have had a pass action specified to pack200 (e.g. via one of the -C, -M, -F or -D command line options such as -Cattribute-name=pass)
StripAttribute extends NewAttribute and manages attributes encountered by ASM that have had a strip action specified to pack200 (e.g. via one of the -C, -M, -F or -D command line options such as -Cattribute-name=strip)
Sets of bands relating to a non-predefined attribute that has had a layout definition given to pack200 (e.g. via one of the -C, -M, -F or -D command line options)
Sets of bands relating to a non-predefined attribute
An AttributeLayoutElement is a part of an attribute layout and has one or more bands associated with it, which transmit the AttributeElement data for successive Attributes of this type.
This class is an extension of the ClassRefForm.
This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last class which was sent a constructor message.
This class implements the byte code form of all bytecodes which either have no operands (such as nop) or have all their operands passed on the stack (not encoded as bytes in the bytecode streams).
Tracks operands, provides methods to let other classes get next elements, and also knows about which classes have been used recently in super, this and new references.
Utilities for dealing with OSGi environments.
Class factory for Pack200.Packer and Pack200.Unpacker.
The interface defining the API for converting a JAR file to an output stream in the Pack200 format.
The interface defining the API for converting a packed stream in the Pack200 format to a JAR file.
Provides generic JavaBeans support for the Pack/UnpackAdapters
Wrapper for ClassReader that enables pack200 to obtain extra class file information
An input stream that decompresses from the Pack200 format to be read as any other stream.
An output stream that compresses using the Pack200 format.
Signals a problem with a Pack200 coding or decoding issue.
This class provides the binding between the standard Pack200 interface and the internal interface for (un)packing.
The different modes the Pack200 streams can use to wrap input and output.
This class provides the binding between the standard Pack200 interface and the internal interface for (un)packing.
Utility methods for Pack200.
Manages the various options available for pack200.
Creates a ZIP in parallel by using multiple threadlocal ScatterZipOutputStream instances.
Parameters of the compressor.
Builder for Parameters instances.
Utility methods for parsing data and converting it to other formats.
Exception thrown when trying to read an encrypted entry or file without configuring a password.
Base class for all PKWare strong crypto extra headers.
Encryption algorithm.
Hash Algorithm
A PopulationCodec is a Codec that is well suited to encoding data that shows statistical or repetitive patterns, containing for example a few numbers which are repeated a lot throughout the set, but not necessarily sequentially.
Abstract class of all ByteCodeForms which add a nested entry from the globalConstantPool.
An extra field who's sole purpose is to align and pad the local file header so that the entry's data starts at a certain position.
A run codec is a grouping of two nested codecs; K values are decoded from the first codec, and the remaining codes are decoded from the remaining codec.
Annotations class file attribute, either a RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute or a RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute.
Parameter annotations class file attribute, either a RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute or a RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute.
ParameterAnnotation represents the annotations on a single parameter.
Store intermediate payload in a scatter-gather scenario.
Supplies ScatterGatherBackingStore instances.
Provides information about a scatter compression run.
A ZIP output stream that is optimized for multi-threaded scatter/gather construction of ZIP files.
A SeekableByteChannel implementation that wraps a byte[].
A Pack200 archive consists of one or more Segments.
A Pack200 archive consists of one or more segments.
Exception indicating that the class currently being visited contains an unknown attribute, which means that by default the class file needs to be passed through as-is in the file_bands rather than being packed with pack200.
SegmentConstantPool manages the constant pool used for re-creating class files.
The SegmentConstantPool spends a lot of time searching through large arrays of Strings looking for matches.
SegmentHeader is the header band of a Segment.
SegmentHeader is the header band of a Segment
Stores the combinations of bit flags that can be used in the segment header options.
Utility class for unpack200
No longer needed.
Set utilities
An entry in a 7z archive.
Reads a 7z file, using SeekableByteChannel under the covers.
Builds new instances of SevenZFile.
Mutable builder for the immutable SevenZFileOptions.
The (partially) supported compression/encryption methods used in 7z archives.
Combines a SevenZMethod with configuration options for the method.
Writes a 7z file.
Short File Exception.
This class implements the form for bytecodes which have short operands only.
Signature class file attribute
Some bytecodes (such as (a)ldc, fldc and ildc) have single-byte references to the class pool.
No longer used.
CompressorInputStream for the raw Snappy format.
CompressorOutputStream for the raw Snappy format.
Source file class file attribute
Encapsulates a Deflater and crc calculator, handling multiple types of output streams.
Exception thrown by ArchiveStreamFactory if a format is requested/detected that doesn't support streaming.
This class implements the byte code form for those bytecodes which have string references (and only string references).
This class implements references to fields defined in the superclass, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.
This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last superclass reference.
This class implements references to methods defined in the superclass, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.
An entry in a Tar archive.
The TarInputStream reads a UNIX tar archive as an InputStream. methods are provided to position at each successive entry in the archive, and the read each entry as a normal input stream using read().
The TarOutputStream writes a UNIX tar archive as an OutputStream.
A sparse entry in a Tar archive.
A struct sparse in a Tar archive.
This interface contains all the definitions used in the package.
Provides random access to UNIX archives.
This class provides static utility methods to work with byte streams.
This class implements references to fields defined in the current class, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.
This class is used to determine which init method should be called, based on the last current class reference.
This class implements references to methods defined in the current class, which is set by this class in the OperandManager.
Utility class for handling time-related types and conversions.
Info-ZIP Unicode Comment Extra Field (0x6375):
Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field (0x7075):
Constants from stat.h on UNIX systems.
Handles extra field data that doesn't follow the recommended pattern for extra fields with a two-byte key and a two-byte length.
Wrapper for extra field data that doesn't conform to the recommended format of header-tag + size + data.
Simple placeholder for all those extra fields we don't want to deal with.
Unrecognized Format Exception.
Unsupported compression algorithm.
Exception thrown when attempting to read or write data for a ZIP entry that uses ZIP features not supported by this library.
ZIP Features that may or may not be supported.
This abstract class implements the common code for instructions which have variable lengths.
This class implements the byte code form for the wide instruction.
NTFS extra field that was thought to store various attributes but in reality only stores timestamps.
PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates (0x0014).
X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for individual file (0x0015).
X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for central directory (0x0016).
Strong Encryption Header (0x0017).
PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List (0x0019).
An extra field that stores additional file and directory timestamp data for ZIP entries.
An extra field that stores UNIX UID/GID data (owner & group ownership) for a given ZIP entry.
XZ decompressor.
XZ compressor.
Utility code for the XZ compression format.
Input stream that decompresses .Z files.
Holds size and other extended information for entries that use Zip64 features.
The different modes ZipArchiveOutputStream can operate in.
Exception thrown when attempting to write data that requires Zip64 support to an archive and UseZip64 has been set to Never.
Extension that adds better handling of extra fields and provides access to the internal and external file attributes.
Indicates how the comment of this entry has been determined.
How to try to parse the extra fields.
Indicates how the name of this entry has been determined.
A predicate to test if a #ZipArchiveEntry matches a criteria.
A Thread-safe representation of a ZipArchiveEntry that is used to add entries to parallel archives.
Implements an input stream that can read Zip archives.
Reimplementation of to handle the extended functionality of this package, especially internal/external file attributes and extra fields with different layouts for local file data and central directory entries.
enum that represents the possible policies for creating Unicode extra fields.
Utility class that represents an eight byte integer with conversion rules for the little-endian byte order of ZIP files.
An interface for encoders that do a pretty encoding of ZIP file names.
Static helper functions for robustly encoding file names in ZIP files.
General format of extra field data.
Replacement for ZipFile.
Builds new ZipFile instances.
Utility class that represents a four byte integer with conversion rules for the little-endian byte order of ZIP files.
List of known compression methods Many of these methods are currently not supported by commons compress
Utility class that represents a two byte integer with conversion rules for the little-endian byte order of ZIP files.
MultiReadOnlySeekableByteChannel that knows what a split ZIP archive should look like.
Utility class for handling DOS and Java time conversions.
CompressorInputStream implementation to decode Zstandard encoded stream.
CompressorOutputStream implementation to create Zstandard encoded stream.
Utility code for the Zstandard compression format.