Class FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>, BuilderParameters, FileBasedBuilderProperties<FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl>
Direct Known Subclasses:
HierarchicalBuilderParametersImpl, PropertiesBuilderParametersImpl

An implementation of BuilderParameters which contains parameters related to Configuration implementations that are loaded from files.

The parameters defined here are interpreted by builder implementations that can deal with file-based configurations. Note that these parameters are typically no initialization properties of configuration objects (i.e. they are not passed to set methods after the creation of the result configuration). Rather, the parameters object is stored as a whole in the builder's map with initialization parameters and can be accessed from there.

This class is not thread-safe. It is intended that an instance is constructed and initialized by a single thread during configuration of a ConfigurationBuilder.
