Class BasicBuilderParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>, BuilderParameters
Direct Known Subclasses:
CombinedBuilderParametersImpl, DatabaseBuilderParametersImpl, FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl, JndiBuilderParametersImpl, MultiFileBuilderParametersImpl

An implementation of BuilderParameters which handles the parameters of a ConfigurationBuilder common to all concrete Configuration implementations.

This class provides methods for setting standard properties supported by the AbstractConfiguration base class. A fluent interface can be used to set property values.

This class is not thread-safe. It is intended that an instance is constructed and initialized by a single thread during configuration of a ConfigurationBuilder.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fetchBeanHelper

      public static BeanHelper fetchBeanHelper(Map<String,Object> params)
      Obtains the BeanHelper object from the specified map with parameters. This method can be used to obtain an instance from a parameters map that has been set via the setBeanHelper() method. If no such instance is found, result is null.
      params - the map with parameters (must not be null)
      the BeanHelper stored in this map or null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the map is null
    • fetchInterpolatorSpecification

      Obtains a specification for a ConfigurationInterpolator from the specified map with parameters. All properties related to interpolation are evaluated and added to the specification object.
      params - the map with parameters (must not be null)
      an InterpolatorSpecification object constructed with data from the map
      IllegalArgumentException - if the map is null or contains invalid data
    • clone

      Clones this object. This is useful because multiple builder instances may use a similar set of parameters. However, single instances of parameter objects must not assigned to multiple builders. Therefore, cloning a parameters object provides a solution for this use case. This method creates a new parameters object with the same content as this one. The internal map storing the parameter values is cloned, too, also collection structures contained in this map. However, no a full deep clone operation is performed. Objects like a ConfigurationInterpolator or Lookups are shared between this and the newly created instance.
      clone in class Object
      a clone of this object
    • copyPropertiesFrom

      protected void copyPropertiesFrom(Map<String,?> source, String... keys)
      Copies a number of properties from the given map into this object. Properties are only copied if they are defined in the source map.
      source - the source map
      keys - the keys to be copied
    • fetchProperty

      protected Object fetchProperty(String key)
      Obtains the value of the specified property from the internal map. This method can be used by derived classes if a specific property is to be accessed. If the given key is not found, result is null.
      key - the key of the property in question
      the value of the property with this key or null
    • getParameters

      Gets a map with all parameters defined by this objects. The keys of the map correspond to concrete properties supported by the Configuration implementation class the builder produces. The values are the corresponding property values. The return value must not be null. This implementation returns a copy of the internal parameters map with the values set so far. Collection structures (e.g. for lookup objects) are stored as defensive copies, so the original data cannot be modified.
      Specified by:
      getParameters in interface BuilderParameters
      a map with builder parameters
    • inheritFrom

      public void inheritFrom(Map<String,?> source)
      Inherits properties from the specified map. This can be used for instance to reuse parameters from one builder in another builder - also in parent-child relations in which a parent builder creates child builders. The purpose of this method is to let a concrete implementation decide which properties can be inherited. Because parameters are basically organized as a map it would be possible to simply copy over all properties from the source object. However, this is not appropriate in all cases. For instance, some properties - like a ConfigurationInterpolator - are tightly connected to a configuration and cannot be reused in a different context. For other properties, e.g. a file name, it does not make sense to copy it. Therefore, an implementation has to be explicit in the properties it wants to take over.
      source - the source properties to inherit from
      IllegalArgumentException - if the source map is null
    • merge

      public void merge(BuilderParameters p)
      Merges this object with the given parameters object. This method adds all property values defined by the passed in parameters object to the internal storage which are not already in. So properties already defined in this object take precedence. Property names starting with the reserved parameter prefix are ignored.
      p - the object whose properties should be merged (must not be null)
      IllegalArgumentException - if the passed in object is null
    • setBeanHelper

      Sets a BeanHelper object to be used by the configuration builder. The BeanHelper is used to create the managed configuration instance dynamically. It is not a property of the configuration as most other properties defined by this interface. By setting an alternative BeanHelper the process of creating configuration instances via reflection can be adapted. (Some specialized configuration builder implementations also use a BeanHelper to create complex helper objects during construction of their result object. CombinedConfigurationBuilder for instance supports a complex configuration definition format which may contain several specialized bean declarations.) If no specific BeanHelper is set, the builder uses the default instance. This implementation stores the passed in BeanHelper object in the internal parameters map, but uses a reserved key, so that it is not used for the initialization of properties of the managed configuration object. The fetchBeanHelper() method can be used to obtain the BeanHelper instance from a parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setBeanHelper in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      beanHelper - the BeanHelper to be used by the builder
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setConfigurationDecoder

      Sets the ConfigurationDecoder object for this configuration. This object is called when encoded properties are queried using the getEncodedString() method. This implementation stores the passed in ConfigurationDecoder object in the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setConfigurationDecoder in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      decoder - the ConfigurationDecoder to be used
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setConversionHandler

      Sets the ConversionHandler object for this configuration. This object is responsible for all data type conversions required for accessing configuration properties in a specific target type. If this property is not set, a default ConversionHandler is used. This implementation stores the passed in ConversionHandler object in the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setConversionHandler in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      handler - the ConversionHandler to be used
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setDefaultLookups

      Adds additional default Lookup objects (i.e. lookups which are not associated with a specific prefix) to this configuration object. Note: This method only takes effect if no ConfigurationInterpolator is set using the BasicBuilderProperties.setInterpolator(ConfigurationInterpolator) method. A defensive copy of the passed in collection is created. A null argument causes all default lookups to be removed from the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setDefaultLookups in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      lookups - a collection with Lookup objects to be added as default lookups at the configuration's ConfigurationInterpolator
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      See Also:
    • setInterpolator

      Sets the ConfigurationInterpolator to be used for this configuration. Using this method a custom ConfigurationInterpolator can be set which can be freely configured. Alternatively, it is possible to add custom Lookup objects using other methods provided by this interface. The passed in ConfigurationInterpolator is set without modifications.
      Specified by:
      setInterpolator in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      ci - the ConfigurationInterpolator for this configuration
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setListDelimiterHandler

      Sets the value of the listDelimiterHandler property. This property defines the object responsible for dealing with list delimiter and escaping characters. Note: AbstractConfiguration does not allow setting this property to null. If the default ListDelimiterHandler is to be used, do not call this method.
      Specified by:
      setListDelimiterHandler in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      handler - the ListDelimiterHandler
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setLogger

      Sets the logger property. With this property a concrete Log object can be set for the configuration. Thus logging behavior can be controlled.
      Specified by:
      setLogger in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      log - the Log for the configuration produced by this builder
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setParentInterpolator

      Sets the parent ConfigurationInterpolator for this configuration's ConfigurationInterpolator. Setting a parent ConfigurationInterpolator can be used for defining a default behavior for variables which cannot be resolved. This implementation stores the passed in ConfigurationInterpolator object in the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setParentInterpolator in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      parent - the new parent ConfigurationInterpolator
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      See Also:
    • setPrefixLookups

      Sets additional Lookup objects for specific prefixes for this configuration object. All Lookup objects contained in the given map are added to the configuration's ConfigurationInterpolator. Note: This method only takes effect if no ConfigurationInterpolator is set using the BasicBuilderProperties.setInterpolator(ConfigurationInterpolator) method. A defensive copy of the passed in map is created. A null argument causes all prefix lookups to be removed from the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setPrefixLookups in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      lookups - a map with Lookup objects and their associated prefixes
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      See Also:
    • setSynchronizer

      Sets the Synchronizer object for this configuration. This object is used to protect this configuration instance against concurrent access. The concrete Synchronizer implementation used determines whether a configuration instance is thread-safe or not. This implementation stores the passed in Synchronizer object in the internal parameters map.
      Specified by:
      setSynchronizer in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      sync - the Synchronizer to be used (a value of null means that a default Synchronizer is used)
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setThrowExceptionOnMissing

      Sets the value of the throwExceptionOnMissing property. This property controls the configuration's behavior if missing properties are queried: a value of true causes the configuration to throw an exception, for a value of false it will return null values. (Note: Methods returning a primitive data type will always throw an exception if the property is not defined.)
      Specified by:
      setThrowExceptionOnMissing in interface BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>
      b - the value of the property
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • storeProperty

      protected void storeProperty(String key, Object value)
      Sets a property for this parameters object. Properties are stored in an internal map. With this method a new entry can be added to this map. If the value is null, the key is removed from the internal map. This method can be used by sub classes which also store properties in a map.
      key - the key of the property
      value - the value of the property