Class CombinedBuilderParametersImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, BasicBuilderProperties<BasicBuilderParameters>, BuilderParameters, CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>

A specialized parameters object for a CombinedConfigurationBuilder.

This class defines methods for setting properties for customizing a builder for combined configurations. Note that some of these properties can also be set in the configuration definition file. If this is the case, the settings in the definition file override the content of this object.

This class is not thread-safe. It is intended that an instance is constructed and initialized by a single thread during configuration of a ConfigurationBuilder.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fromParameters

      Looks up an instance of this class in the specified parameters map. This is equivalent to fromParameters(params, false);
      params - the map with parameters (must not be null
      the instance obtained from the map or null
      NullPointerException - if the map is null
    • fromParameters

      public static CombinedBuilderParametersImpl fromParameters(Map<String,?> params, boolean createIfMissing)
      Looks up an instance of this class in the specified parameters map and optionally creates a new one if none is found. This method can be used to obtain an instance of this class which has been stored in a parameters map. It is compatible with the getParameters() method.
      params - the map with parameters (must not be null
      createIfMissing - determines the behavior if no instance is found in the map; if true, a new instance with default settings is created; if false, null is returned
      the instance obtained from the map or null
      NullPointerException - if the map is null
    • clone

      Clones this object. This is useful because multiple builder instances may use a similar set of parameters. However, single instances of parameter objects must not assigned to multiple builders. Therefore, cloning a parameters object provides a solution for this use case. This method creates a new parameters object with the same content as this one. The internal map storing the parameter values is cloned, too, also collection structures contained in this map. However, no a full deep clone operation is performed. Objects like a ConfigurationInterpolator or Lookups are shared between this and the newly created instance. This implementation also clones the parameters object for the definition builder if possible.
      clone in class BasicBuilderParameters
      a clone of this object
    • getBasePath

      public String getBasePath()
      Gets the base path for relative names of configuration sources. Result may be null if no base path has been set.
      the base path for resolving relative file names
    • getChildDefaultParametersManager

      Gets the DefaultParametersManager object for initializing parameter objects for child configuration sources. This method never returns null. If no manager was set, a new instance is created right now.
      the DefaultParametersManager for child configuration sources
    • getDefaultChildParameters

      Gets a collection with default parameter objects for child configuration sources. This collection contains the same objects (in the same order) that were passed to addChildParameters(). The returned collection is a defensive copy; it can be modified, but this has no effect on the parameters stored in this object.
      a map with default parameters for child sources
    • getDefinitionBuilder

      Gets the ConfigurationBuilder object for obtaining the definition configuration.
      the definition ConfigurationBuilder
    • getDefinitionBuilderParameters

      Gets the parameters object for the definition configuration builder if present.
      the parameters object for the definition configuration builder or null
    • getParameters

      Gets a map with all parameters defined by this objects. The keys of the map correspond to concrete properties supported by the Configuration implementation class the builder produces. The values are the corresponding property values. The return value must not be null. This implementation returns a copy of the internal parameters map with the values set so far. Collection structures (e.g. for lookup objects) are stored as defensive copies, so the original data cannot be modified. This implementation returns a map which contains this object itself under a specific key. The static fromParameters() method can be used to extract an instance from a parameters map.
      Specified by:
      getParameters in interface BuilderParameters
      getParameters in class BasicBuilderParameters
      a map with builder parameters
    • getProviders

      Gets an (unmodifiable) map with the currently registered ConfigurationBuilderProvider objects.
      the map with ConfigurationBuilderProvider objects (the keys are the tag names)
    • inheritFrom

      public void inheritFrom(Map<String,?> source)
      Inherits properties from the specified map. This can be used for instance to reuse parameters from one builder in another builder - also in parent-child relations in which a parent builder creates child builders. The purpose of this method is to let a concrete implementation decide which properties can be inherited. Because parameters are basically organized as a map it would be possible to simply copy over all properties from the source object. However, this is not appropriate in all cases. For instance, some properties - like a ConfigurationInterpolator - are tightly connected to a configuration and cannot be reused in a different context. For other properties, e.g. a file name, it does not make sense to copy it. Therefore, an implementation has to be explicit in the properties it wants to take over. This implementation additionally copies some properties defined by this class.
      inheritFrom in class BasicBuilderParameters
      source - the source properties to inherit from
    • isInheritSettings

      public boolean isInheritSettings()
      Returns the current value of the flag that controls whether the settings of the parent combined configuration builder should be inherited by its child configurations.
      the flag whether settings should be inherited by child configurations
    • providerForTag

      Returns the ConfigurationBuilderProvider which is registered for the specified tag name or null if there is no registration for this tag.
      tagName - the tag name
      the provider registered for this tag or null
    • registerChildDefaultsHandler

      Registers a DefaultParametersHandler for child configuration sources. With this method an arbitrary number of handler objects can be set. When creating builders for child configuration sources their parameters are initialized by invoking all matching DefaultParametersHandlers on them. So, basically the same mechanism is used for the initialization of parameters for child configuration sources as for normal parameter objects. This implementation registers the passed in handler at an internal DefaultParametersManager instance. If none was set, a new instance is created now.
      Specified by:
      registerChildDefaultsHandler in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      Type Parameters:
      D - the type of the handler to be registered
      paramClass - the parameter class supported by the handler
      handler - the DefaultParametersHandler to be registered
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      See Also:
    • registerChildDefaultsHandler

      public <D> CombinedBuilderParametersImpl registerChildDefaultsHandler(Class<D> paramClass, DefaultParametersHandler<? super D> handler, Class<?> startClass)
      Registers a DefaultParametersHandler for child configuration sources derived from the given start class. This method works like the overloaded variant, but limits the application of the defaults handler to specific child configuration sources. This implementation registers the passed in handler at an internal DefaultParametersManager instance. If none was set, a new instance is created now.
      Specified by:
      registerChildDefaultsHandler in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      Type Parameters:
      D - the type of the handler to be registered
      paramClass - the parameter class supported by the handler
      handler - the DefaultParametersHandler to be registered
      startClass - an optional start class in the hierarchy of parameter objects for which this handler should be applied
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      See Also:
    • registerMissingProviders

      Registers all ConfigurationBuilderProviders in the given parameters object which have not yet been registered. This method works like the method with the same name, but the map with providers is obtained from the passed in parameters object.
      params - the parameters object from which to copy providers(must not be null)
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      IllegalArgumentException - if the source parameters object is null
    • registerMissingProviders

      Registers all ConfigurationBuilderProviders in the given map to this object which have not yet been registered. This method is mainly used for internal purposes: a CombinedConfigurationBuilder takes the providers contained in a parameters object and adds all standard providers. This way it is possible to override a standard provider by registering a provider object for the same tag name at the parameters object.
      providers - a map with tag names and corresponding providers (must not be null or contain null entries)
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      IllegalArgumentException - if the map with providers is null or contains null entries
    • registerProvider

      Registers the given ConfigurationBuilderProvider for the specified tag name. This means that whenever this tag is encountered in a configuration definition file, the corresponding builder provider is invoked.
      Specified by:
      registerProvider in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      tagName - the name of the tag (must not be null)
      provider - the ConfigurationBuilderProvider (must not be null)
      a reference to this object for method chaining
      IllegalArgumentException - if a required parameter is missing
    • setBasePath

      Sets the base path for this combined configuration builder. Normally it it not necessary to set the base path explicitly. Per default, relative file names of configuration sources are resolved based on the location of the definition file. If this is not desired or if the definition configuration is loaded by a different means, the base path for relative file names can be specified using this method.
      Specified by:
      setBasePath in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      path - the base path for resolving relative file names
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setChildDefaultParametersManager

      Sets a DefaultParametersManager object responsible for managing the default parameter handlers to be applied on child configuration sources. When creating builders for child configuration sources their parameters are initialized using this DefaultParametersManager instance. This way, meaningful defaults can be set. Note that calling this method overrides all DefaultParametersHandler objects previously set by one of the registerChildDefaultsHandler() methods! So either use this method if a pre-configured manager object is to be set or call the registerChildDefaultHandler() methods with the handlers to be registered (in the latter case, it is not necessary to set a DefaultParametersManager explicitly; a default one is created behind the scenes). This implementation stores the passed in manager object. An already existing manager object (either explicitly set or created on demand) is overridden. This also removes all default handlers registered before!
      Specified by:
      setChildDefaultParametersManager in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      manager - the DefaultParametersManager
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setDefinitionBuilder

      Sets the ConfigurationBuilder for the definition configuration. This is the configuration which contains the configuration sources that form the combined configuration.
      Specified by:
      setDefinitionBuilder in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      builder - the definition ConfigurationBuilder
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setDefinitionBuilderParameters

      Sets the parameters object for the definition configuration builder. This property is evaluated only if the definition configuration builder is not set explicitly (using the setDefinitionBuilder(ConfigurationBuilder) method). In this case, a builder for an XML configuration is created and configured with this parameters object.
      Specified by:
      setDefinitionBuilderParameters in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      params - the parameters object for the definition configuration builder
      a reference to this object for method chaining
    • setInheritSettings

      public CombinedBuilderParametersImpl setInheritSettings(boolean inheritSettings)
      Description copied from interface: CombinedBuilderProperties
      Sets a flag whether the child configurations created by a CombinedConfigurationBuilder should inherit the settings defined for the builder. This is typically useful because for configurations coming from homogeneous sources often similar conventions are used. Therefore, this flag is true per default.
      Specified by:
      setInheritSettings in interface CombinedBuilderProperties<CombinedBuilderParametersImpl>
      inheritSettings - the flag whether settings should be inherited by child configurations
      a reference to this object for method chaining